Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Wish upon a falling star ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Kenshin and company is not mine.

A/N: I now have 3 chapters to this story!!!! I'm so proud of myself. ::Beams:: ok, enough of that now. I hope you all are enjoying this fic. Now the four of them are about to meet the others. This should prove to be interesting (well, not really, but big deal.) I forgot to mention earlier. This has future lemon, but not…I repeat…NOT UNDERAGE LEMON OR STATITORY RAPE!!! (Someone on gave me a flame on that) And there is major OOCness here. Don't approve of…well get the hell outta here then. And finally…. Remember, please, please PLEASE REVIEW!!!!! I love getting comments from people! Ok, that is all.

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Saito kept trying to put his dangling hand somewhere he shouldn't have been, but I managed to step away far enough. Finally, he stopped. Mizu was once again trying to cling to Sano, who kept shrugging her off. Kishi did nothing as she walked along side the silent Aoshi and Hotaru tried to steal Kenshin's sword, but he was too smart and turned around, stopping her in her tracks, "Ah ah ah. I don't think so." He told her, waving his finger back and forth at her.

Hotaru sighed and obeyed his request. I must have spaced out while we were walking or something, cuz before I knew it, we were standing right in front of Miss Karou's dojo. Kenshin opened the wooden door leading to the house, "Here we are."

He walked inside, Sano following closely behind as an attempt to escape the constantly flirting Mizu, with Aoshi and Saito, who lingered the longest, keeping his distance close towards me. I jumped back and hid behind Kishi. He chuckled at me and walked in. "Come on in. We'll introduce you to everyone." Sano said once the four were inside. Hotaru and Mizu hurried in, Kishi taking her sweet old time. I stepped in very slowly, and a bit hesitatingly.

"Come on, don't be shy. Everyone's very nice, that they are." Kenshin assured me, waving his hand toward everyone. I lifted my gaze up slightly and hurried over to them. Aoshi looked around and then turned to Kenshin, "It doesn't seem they're around here. Maybe they're in the back." "Most likely." Saito insisted as he took out a cigarette and lit it.

I thought he looked rather sexy as he took a long drag on his tobacco stick but shook my head and cleared the thought away from my mind. "We better go check the back, just to be sure." Kenshin said and proceeded to walk around. Hotaru stayed close by him, as did Mizu with Sano.

I had to admit it was rather funny seeing someone as tough and macho as Sano cowering and getting embarrassed by a girl younger than him. Kishi was talking softly about something with Aoshi.

I remained far behind, staring off to the side. Saito, who was a couple feet ahead of me, stopped and turned around, "Come on Syumie. You're slower than my ex mother-in-law." He ordered. I looked up, surprised he had stopped to wait. I walked up faster to him and kept at his pace right by him as we followed the others to the backyard.

Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity, we made it. When we scanned around, we saw Ayame and Suzumi playing with a semi-deflated beach ball, Doctor Genzi standing off and watching them. Yahiko was on the porch, eating some kind of snack. We walked up the porch. He turned and looked at the guys, "It's about time you got back. What took you …so …long...?" His voice trailed off as he noticed us standing there by them. Yahiko looked at them, "What the heck's going on? Where'd these girls come from?"

Kenshin was about to answer when Karou opened the paper thin doors and stepped out, wiping her hands on a starch white apron tied around her waist. "Kenshin! You're back finally. What's going on?" She looked at the four of us, confused.

"Who are these girls?" She asked, surprisingly not angry like I had expected. "These four young ladies walked into us on the street. We decided to bring them back here and introduce them." Kenshin replied, his eyes closed.

"Oh. I see." She said. "Are you sure that's all you brought them back for?" We heard from the doors. We looked to see Megumi standing there, the sleeves of her kimono pulled up and held together with strings at her shoulders.

"Of course that's all we brought them here for. Honestly, Megumi, you have a sicker mind than a drunken playboy's sometimes." Sano told her, shaking his head.

She glared at him, "That's quite a comment coming from a sake addicted ruffian who cant keep his pupils to where they should be." Sanosuke parted his lips to say something back.

But Aoshi clasped his hand over his mouth before he could form the words. "Don't even think about it Sagara. Now's not the time for arguments, plus, I don't feel like listening to you. Finish it later." He let go of Sanos mouth after he finished. Sano growled, but gave up continuing.

Kenshin turned to the four of us, "Allow me to introduce these young ladies. This is Katsushika Hotaru." He started. Hotaru bowed, "Nice to meet you." She said politely. "This is Magami Mizu." "Hey, what's up?" She said, waving. "The blond is Ye Kishi." "Hi." She said, nodding her head slightly. "And this is Ryuujin Syumie." He concluded, looking at me. I looked at her, "Hi. Nice to meet you." I said quietly, trying my best not to look away.

She smiled, "Nice to meet you all. Can I get you a drink or something?" We all looked at each other, "Some tea would be nice, thank you." Kat answered for all of us. "I'll go start making some right now." Megumi offered and walked back inside. "Were you cooking or something Karou?" Saito asked, nodding at the apron. "Hai. Or, at least I was trying to. Megumi-dono was teaching me how to make Ohaki." She replied.

Yahiko took a big bite of the snack in his hand and laughed after he swallowed it, "Face reality Karou, you couldn't learn how to cook well even if the world's best chef taught you." Miss Karou ran forward and put Yahiko in a tight headlock, "You little brat!! How dare you say such things to me! If it weren't for me, you'd be on the streets right now begging with an empty stomach." She snapped, not showing him any mercy. He struggled and groaned, "Let me go ugly." "I am not ugly!!" She said, squeezing his head tighter.

"Don't deny it. If you think you're not ugly, then I'm the greatest sword fighter in Tokyo." He said. She growled, as her eyes grew big and white. After observing their argument in silence, I stepped forward and calmly, and casually, spoke up, "Well, Yahiko, if you really think Miss Karou's ugly, then I guess that means I am too, on a count of I look quite a bit like her. So unless that's the way you feel, then I would suggest lightening up a little. As for the cooking, I used to be a terrible cook and now everyone loves me for it." I looked at him calmly still.

Yahiko looked shocked for a moment, "Well, I-I didn't mean to insult you. I never meant to say YOU were ugly." He sighed, "All right Karou, I give up. You win." Satisfied and gloating, she released him and stood back smiling, "That's what you get for messing with girls, Yahiko." She turned to me,"And thank you, Syumie, for sticking up for me. It's good to know I have someone on my side." I closed my eyes, as I smiled, "No problem. Just being truthful." I said. "I think I better go see if Miss Megumi needs any help." She decided.

As she turned to walk back inside, she grabbed Yahiko by the shirt and tagged him along, "YOU can help clean up for having such an attitude and disrespecting your sensai." She commanded, kicking off her shoes. Yahiko groaned again and slipped his off reluctantly as he was dragged inside, the door hastily shut behind him. When I stepped back and looked behind me, I noticed everyone was staring at me, "What?" I asked, turning around.

"We were just surprised at how you stood up for Miss Karou, that is all. Usually it's impossible for anyone to get anything through Yahiko's head, I hate to say." Kenshin answered. "Yeah, plus it was just kinda strange that someone quiet and shy like you would have the guts to do that." Sano added. Mizu and Hotaru stepped beside me and threw an arm around my shoulders, "That's our Syumie. She can be rather unpredictable." Mizu said.

Hotaru nodded in agreement. "We're all a bit strange." Kishi added. "A bit?" Hotaru asked sarcastically, "It's more like a ton if you ask me! After all, we all must be strange for being friends with a person like Mizu!" she added jokingly. Mizu's eyes went anime style as she glared coldly at Hotaru, "If you honestly think I'm the strangest out of this group, then you need a damn good therapist. Unless you just failed to notice the way you act 24/7."

Hotaru stuck her tongue out at Mizu. We all laughed at the two. Suddenly we heard some cheerful laughter. Ayame and Suzumi had come up to Kenshin and Sano, Doctor Genzi close, but distant behind them. "Uncle Kenny, when did you get back?" Ayame asked, holding the ball in her hands. He knelt down and rubbed her head, "Just a few minutes ago." He replied. Suzumi looked up at us with her big, childish blue eyes.

"Who are they Uncle Kenny?" She asked, looking up at him. Kenshin introduced us again to the two little girls and Doctor Genzi. "Yay! We got more people to play with us!" Ayame cried, clapping her hands together. "We got more people to play with us." Suzumi mimicked, clapping her hands as well.

They were awfully adorable, but I could also tell that they were genki just about 24/7 as well. Well, at least Hotaru would be able to deal with that.

"The tea's ready." Karou called from the door. We all headed inside and kneeled down on the cushions that had been laid out for us. Megumi handed us each a cup of tea. "Thank you." I told her when I received mine. They sat down as well and we began to talk. "So, what were you girls doing wandering around if you mind my asking?" Karou asked. Hotaru took a sip of her tea before answering, "We were simply killing time. Pretty soon we have to start looking for jobs." "Don't your parents support you?" Megumi asked, surprised. We all grew quiet for a moment, trying to think of something to say.

"Hotaru and Kishi's parents were killed a long time ago. Mizu's and mine went missing and were never found when we were infants, but I guess that's the same thing." I responded. They all looked sad for us. "Who killed your parents?" Kenshin asked Hotaru and Kishi. "We're not really sure. We were really young when ours were killed. I think it was accidental." Kishi said, taking a sip of her drink. "So, what kind of jobs are you going to take?" Saito asked, his arms folded across his chest.

"Well, I'd like to be in charge of shop that sells just about everybody's needs, Mizu wants to be a doctor, Kishi wants to be a shop owner if she can find a place, and Syumie wants to be a cook." Saito raised his eyebrows, "Really? Cooking huh? I think you mentioned something about that earlier. How good are you?" He asked me. "Fairly good for my age I guess." I replied.

"Once you've tasted Syumie's cooking, you'll feel like you're in heaven." Mizu added, grinning. "Hmm. Maybe someday you can give us a taste test." Kenshin suggested, looking curious to try it. "I wouldn't mind." I said.

I was actually rather happy with the idea someone was anxious to try my cooking. Not those many were reluctant, but it still felt good. "So, why don't you girls tell us more about yourselves, if you don't mind." Megumi asked, undoing the strings that held the sleeves of her kimono together. Hotaru started first, "Well, first I'll make the main fact clear; We're all totally strange."

"Yeah, crazy, off the charts teenagers." Mizu supported. "We noticed that almost as soon as we met you." Sano said. The duo grinned widely. "What exactly do you want to know about us?" I asked, curious. "Well, how old you all are would be a good start." Yahiko responded. "Hotaru and I are both 15. Mizu and Syumie are 14."

"Do any of you girls by any chance happen to be interested in fighting?" Sano asked, looking like he was hoping for a yes. "As a matter of fact, we all have an interest in fighting." Sanos eyebrows dipped together as he thought, ((Hmmm. I haven't gambled in a while. Now might be a good chance to try and score some cash. Heh, I'm so evil…)) A wicked grin spread across Sanos handsome face, "Well, anyone up for a game of dice?" Mizu grinned, "Sure, sounds fun." Hotaru and Kishi agreed as well. I shook my head though, "I think I'll try another time. Gambling isn't exactly my thing."

Saito put his hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry about it. It's actually very simple, plus this ahou never wins, so don't feel bad." Sanos eyes rose past their normal size and shrunk down again, his brown eyes still cold, "Like you can do any better you pansy ass wolf." Saitos eyes flared with fire, "Fine then, we'll just see who happens to be better, I'll join on the game."

Sanosuke smirked, "Sure, why not? More cash for me." Karou came up, "Sanosuke, how many times do I have to tell you…NO GAMBLING IN MY HOUSE ALLOWED!!!!!" Her image grew big against Sanos. I had the feeling all of us were sweat dropping at that very moment.

A/N: Chapter 3 is done ::wipes the sweat off her forehead:: things are really starting to get interesting, huh? Well, there's more yet to come. I don't have much to say except this. I got one review suggesting I should make Syumie less tense, and I will do so, just not much. That's the way her character's supposed to be. And for the thousandth time, please review! Thank you and good night.