Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Other Earth: An anime tale ❯ The story before the story ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclamer: I don't own any of the anime that appear in this story nor any of the characters except for Mazaki. If i did, I'd be rich, have a yacht, a machine that can send you into your favorite anime, and be world famous.

Prolouge: The legend of our planet and it's protectors.

In our world, we all have our own homes. At least, thats what the people say. But I, William Mazaki, can say otherwise. What the people say is that there is
only one city out there, but I and my family know differently. Before I go further, let me introduce them: My first sister, Ami Mizuno, also known as Sailor Mercury, lives
among the other Sailor Scouts in the Juban district of Tokyo; my first brother, Sora, lives on Destiny Islands with his best friends Riku, Kairi, Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie; my
second sister, May, makes her home in the Hoenn region of somewhere, I'm not too good with geography; my second brother Lazarus Jones, who works and lives in Detroit,
also has the ability to see ghosts and therefore hunts them down; and my third sister Yuffie Kisaragi, who as everyone knows from one too many video games, lives in Wutai.
Okay, now that I'm done with that, and before any fanboys or girls out there want to kill me, I'll return to my explanation of the world. You see, there isn't one city, there are many other parts to it. There is, of course, Juban, Tokyo, where Sailor Moon a.k.a Serena Usagi lives, then theres the Leaf Village that is home to Naruto Uzumaki. But, those two places cannot coexist in the same general area, so they are seperated by borders to keep each different power from mixing, and a balance of power in place. The border though, needs it's protectors, and thats where I or my family come into play. I know, it seems boring to you, so I'll quit now, and let you have a feel of each of our hidden powers. Mine of course, is control over demonic energies, and because of my weapon choice, banishment of evil. Amy's, of course, is already known. Sora's is pure magic, and with his weapon, well, you know the drill. Now May on the other hand, her power is machine manipulation, so if anyone wanted a Zoid for example, she'd be the one to go to, just make sure you have the cash. Lazarus, as his discription was, can see ghosts, hunt them down, and capture them, and he makes for a pretty good gunslinger to boot. Yuffie, I'm not to sure. She tends to keep away from us as much as possible. If your bored with that, well then I can quit my yapping and move on with the story, if not, let me know at another point, I need to kill Sephiroth again to blow off some steam.

And the prolouge is finished! I think I did ok, but I'm open to any critism, good, bad, and the like. Oh, and contact me if you have any anime you'd like put in, but give me a basic discription of it so I don't have to search all over Youtube and Veoh. And I hope somebody reviews, it's not fun for me to write it and it just sit there without new ideas for it. Anyways, for a random qoute from my own brother: Boredom Reigns!