Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon Shippuden Tales ❯ Wedding Madness ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Okay, everyone, we’re back for another installment of the various tales from the Sailor Moon Shippuden universe and you must be wondering what I’m doing, right? Well, I’m working on ‘other projects’, but progress has been slow since ‘real life’ has been pressing me hard and ‘real life matters’ come first before fanfiction. Anyway, I hope that I can get my ‘new projects’ posted in the summer. Now, before I start, I would like to give credit to Belletiger and Kanius and his YuYuGiDigiMoon series, especially his The Invasion of the Rajita story, for the idea of Valkyrie Sailor Soldiers.

I DON’T own Naruto, Sailor Moon, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, all of the Digimon seasons, Sword Art Online, Yu-Gi-Oh R/GX/5Ds/Zexal/Arc-V, Pretty Cure, Dragonball Z/GT, Code Lyoko, Tron/Tron: Legacy, Accel World, Sekirei, Bleach, Sonic the Hedgehog series, Kingdom Hearts, Power Rangers, Ninjago, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Sailor Moon is owned/licensed by Naoko Takeuchi and its various studios and publishers, Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot, Dead or Alive is owned/licensed by Team Ninja, Temco, and Tomonobu Itagaki, Ninja Gaiden is owned/licensed by owned/licensed by Team Ninja, Temco, and Tomonobu Itagaki, Digimon is owned/licensed by Toei Animation and its various directors, including Hiroyuki Kakudo, Yu-Gi-Oh is owned/licensed by Kazuki Takahashi, Toei Animation, and Studio Gallop, Yu-Gi-Oh GX is owned/licensed by Naoyuki Kageyama, Studio Gallop and its various directors, Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds is owned/licensed by Katsumi Ono and Studio Gallop, and Sword Art Online is owned/licensed by ASCII Media Works, A-1 Pictures Inc., and its various directors/publishers including Reki Kawahara and Tomohiko Itô!

Warning: This story contains intense violence, blood, gore, and death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including mind-control and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and X-rated limes, lemons, and other adult themes/situations!

Second Warning: Some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) actions and mannerisms in this whole story!

Sailor Moon Shippuden Tales

Age of characters during this one-shot story:
Hotaru Tomoe: Age 21-22
Serena, Ami, Raye, Mina, Lita, and Naruto: Age 23-24
Michelle and Amara: Age 25-26
Trista: Physically, around late twenties, but actual age is being around one millennia
Hinata Hyuga: Age 23-24
Sakura Haruno: Age 23-24
Shion: Age 23-24
Galaxia/Sailor Galaxia: Age Twenties
Tsunade: Physically, mid-twenties, but fifties as actual age
Minato Namikaze: Age Twenties

Story 4: Wedding Madness

Note: This chapter takes place during and in-between Chapter 39 and the Epilogue of Grand Tour.

Within the huge and super-advanced city that the Leaf Village has become, we are inside of the mansion of Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, the seventh and current Hokage of the massive city that Leaf Village was, where we find him with one of his wives, Hotaru Tomoe Uzumaki Namikaze, who is in her early thirties, but looks around twenty years old in which she has the same haircut, however, she has deep violet colored lips and only a pair of high-heeled violet shoes on her feet. She is locked in a deep, passionate, and loving as well as intense wet kiss with her husband while Naruto has his manhood deep within her womb. However, they are surrounded by Naruto’s other wives, Serena, Ami, Mina, Lita, Raye, Amara, Michelle, Trista, Shion, Sakura, and Hinata, who have Naruto clone surrounding them in their own form of ‘intimate time’.

When they break off the kiss, Hotaru moans out, “Naruto-kun…!!”

Naruto tells Hotaru, “Hotaru-chan, don’t you know that you still look as cute as you did years ago.”

Hotaru moans out, with a big blush on her cheeks, “Naruto-kun…stop it…you are embarrassing me…!!”

Naruto responds, lovingly and seductively, “Sorry, Hotaru-chan. You are just like that.” Naruto kisses Hotaru on the lips again and it suppresses her sounds of ecstasy as she experiences her orgasm while Naruto pumps his hot sticky seed into Hotaru’s womb. However, Naruto isn’t done yet as he continues to make hot love to her causing her to experience multiple orgasms while Naruto pumps a lot of his hot seed into Hotaru’s womb two more times. When they were done, Hotaru, her body covered in sweat and a look of complete bliss of her expression, collapses onto Naruto.

Hotaru says, in a blissful tone, “Mmm, Naruto-kun, I love you.”

Naruto tells Hotaru, with a loving tone, “I love you, too, Hotaru-chan. I love you and all of my lovely vixens.” Naruto kisses Hotaru on the lips and Naruto says, with a foxy smile, “Now, Hotaru-chan, I want you to get Amara-chan ‘into the mood’ even more.” Naruto then takes out a large strap-on and Hotaru gives a giggle at this.

Hotaru tells Naruto, “Naruto-kun, you are such a pervert.”

Naruto responds, with a foxy sly tone, “But I’m your pervert, Hotaru-chan. And you are my naughty little vixen. Now, after Amara-chan, you should share Michelle-chan too.”

Hotaru responds, with a loving tone, “Your wish is my command, my king.” Naruto then removes his manhood from Hotaru’s pussy and she takes on the strap-on in which she immediately attaches it in-between her legs causing her to go over to Amara, who is being ‘restrained’ by Naruto’s clones. Before Amara could say or do anything, Hotaru gently tackles her to the ground and inserts the strap-on into her womb.

Amara moans out, “Firefly…”

Hotaru responds, with a loving smile, “Sorry, Amara-papa, Naruto-kun’s orders.” Hotaru kisses her ‘sister wife’ and starts to thrust the strap-on in and out of her womb causing her to moan in pleasure in which Michelle, being ‘pleasured’ by more Naruto clones, can’t help to giggle at the sight. On the meanwhile, Naruto is having a ‘hot time’ with Hinata, who is only wearing a pair of dark violet almost black high-heeled shoes on her feet, and Hinata moans out, erotically.

Hinata moans out, “Naruto-kun…!!”

Naruto tells Hinata, with seductive lustful tone, “Who is my moon flower?”

Hinata moans out, erotically, “I’m your moon flower…your flower…and yours alone…my Hokage-kun…!!”

As Sakura is pleasured by other clones, she thinks, “Wow…Hinata-chan has become…so ‘vigorous’…after our adventures against Kaguya…but then again…it was nothing like during the period around and after our wedding…!!”

Flashback; Some years ago

Somewhere within the Elemental Countries, we find Naruto, looking around 23 to 24 years of age, Valkyrie Sailor Moon, Valkyrie Sailor Sun, Valkyrie Sailor Star, and the Moon Kingdom Sailor Scouts, in their Eternal Shinobi forms, with a group of tied up and knocked out group of rogue ninja.

Sailor Venus says, “Well, that’s another one.”

Sailor Mars says, “This is getting annoying.”

Naruto says, “Well, there are plenty that listened to the Teme’s words before we beat his ass.”

Valkyrie Sailor Sun says, “And what happened with Toneri didn’t help much.”

Just then another male voice says, “Another other things, Sakura.” The group looks to see Sasuke Uchiha, also looking 23-24 years of age, walking up to them. He has a navy blue slash across his forehead and he is covered by a brown poncho looking cloak (A/N: Sasuke’s outfit in ‘The Last: Naruto the Movie’.).

Naruto tells him, annoyed, “It is about time that you showed your ass, Sasuke.”

Sasuke says, plainly, “Can it, Dobe. We have more important things to do than just do our typical back and forth squabbling.”

Naruto gives an annoyed look and responds, “Yeah, you’re right.”

Sasuke says, “Anyway, your princess has a throne to take.”

Valkyrie Sailor Moon says, “I know that.”

Valkyrie Sailor Sun asks, “How are things back on Earth?”

Sasuke responds, “How do you think Sakura?” Sasuke says, strolling over, “It is the end of the ‘Digital Wars’ and the Earth, both ‘real’ and Digital, are in bad shape.”

Sailor Uranus says, “Not surprising after what happened.”

Sasuke tells Sailor Sun, “Your family is going to have a lot of work and the Kamiya girl is going to be hard pressed taking the throne that Naruto gave her.”

Naruto says, “Hey! I’m a great kick ass ninja, but I’m no king, Teme.”

Sasuke says, pointing to Valkyrie Sailor Moon, “She was as much of a goofball as you were, Dobe, and she is going to be a queen.”

Valkyrie Sailor Moon yells out, annoyed, “Hey!”

Sailor Mars says, “He has a point, Meatball Head!”

Valkyrie Sailor Moon roars out, angrily, “Who’s side are you on, Pyro?”
Sailor Mars responds, pointing to Naruto, “I’m on his side since we are sharing our future husband, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t accept the truth Sailor Moon.”

Sailor Moon yells out, annoyed, “You are such a pain, Mars!”

Sasuke asks, “Speaking of your future family, don’t you have a wedding to prepare for?”

The others look at each other and Naruto says, “Oh, yeah! We have to meet Shion-chan in her homeland!”

Valkyrie Sailor Sun says, “Let’s get this trash put away and get going already!”

As they start to gather up the rogues, Sasuke asks, “It has been around five years and now, you are getting married?”

Naruto says, annoyed, “Stuff it, Sasuke! I don’t see a wedding ring on your finger and you know darn well that we a lot more crap to deal with after Kaguya!”

Sasuke says, with a nod, “Yeah. Not to mention Toneri and the Digital Wars on Earth, there was that headache beforehand.”

Valkyrie Sailor Sun says, “Well, I’m surprised to find out about another version of you that became level-headed.”

Sailor Venus says, with a smirk, “Yeah, after getting his head bashed in.”

Sasuke gives an annoyed look and Valkyrie Sailor Sun tells Sasuke, “Don’t give us that look Sasuke! Or did you forget the two-on-one ‘final match’ that made the battle between Madara Uchiha and the First Hokage look like a joke?”

Sasuke retorts, with a huff, “Whatever.”

Sailor Venus says, with a smirk, “Well, at least you have your names in your world’s history now. They are deciding to rename that place the ‘Valley of Legends’.”

Sailor Jupiter says, “That’s an appropriate name since two sets of legends of this world fought here.”

Naruto says, with a smirk, “With the one having the Sharingan eyes ending up getting his butt kicked.”

Sasuke responds, with a glare, “While I still think that he is a poor excuse for an Uchiha and an insane madman who really lost his marbles, Dobe, Madara lost on purpose to get the First Hokage’s cells for his evil plot after all.”

Naruto says, with a smirk, “While true, he still got his butt kicked by my predecessor holding Asura’s chakra.”

Sasuke replies, with a smile, “Don’t you mean your chakra, Naruto? Remember, Hashirama and Madara were just ‘incarnations’, holders of their chakra and spirit, but we are true and pure reincarnations of Asura and Indra.”

Naruto asks, annoyed, “You have to get the last word, don’t you?”

Sasuke responds, “I always do.”

Naruto glares at Sasuke and Valkyrie Sailor Sun says, annoyed, “You two.”

Sailor Uranus tells Sailor Sun, “After doing this kind of thing since they were little kids, you think that they are going to stop now?”

Valkyrie Sailor Sun responds, with a sigh, “Nope.” The other Sailor Scouts gives smile and/or giggles at this as they prepare to gather up the rogue ninja for transport to prison.

Flashback; Within Demon Country

Inside of what is known as the Land of Demons, the homeland of Shion, and speaking is said priestess, Shion, age 23-24, is with Naruto, completely named save a pair of white high-heeled shoes on her feet, engaged in hot lovemaking with Sakura, Hinata, and the Sailor Scouts, in their civilian forms and nude save for different colored high-heeled shoes on their feet, all around them and being ‘pleasured’ by Naruto clones.

Shion moans out, “Naruto-kun…!!”

Naruto asks Shion, “How are the kids, Shion-chan?”

Shion responds, erotically, “They are…just wonderful…they are just like…their father… unfortunately…!!”

Naruto responds, “Hey! I’m not that bad!”

Shion says, with a giggle, “They are just…like little foxes…Naruto-kun…!!”

Kurama says, “Not surprising considering who their ‘fathers’ are.”

Naruto yells out, “Hey, Kurama! They are my kids!”

Kurama retorts, “Well, who gave their whiskers that you are known for? Remember, it was due to me being in your mother that you got yours! It is time for you to give credit where it is due kit!”

Naruto shouts out, mentally, “Anyway, what the fuck are you doing?”

Kurama responds, “Enough talking and more fucking, kit!” Kurama then uses his chakra and the chakra of the other Biju within him to pump up his hormones and despite Naruto’s attempts to resist, his eyes become slit-like along with his clones and Naruto and his clones start to ravage all of Naruto’s future wives like animals in the heat. However, the women don’t mind it in the least with their expression showing pure joy and bliss mostly. With Sakura, wearing a pair of pink high-heeled shoes, and Mina, wearing a pair of orange-yellow high-heeled shoes, are actually performing a pole dance while each of them had a Naruto clone pleasuring them.

Sakura grunts out, “Oh, man…Kurama…again…?!”

Mina says, with a giggle, “You know how it is…with kitsunes…Sakura-chan…!!”

Sakura moans out, “I just think…that fox…is just a plain pervert…!!”

Mina responds, with a lustful sly smirk, “You would be…calling the kettle black…Sakura-chan…!!”

Before Sakura could glare at Mina, Naruto’s clone ‘pleasuring’ her, his eyes like slits showing pure desire and lust in them, responds, in a husky tone, “She has a point, Sakura-chan. You became such a naughty girl and asking my original to ‘punish’ you like the vixen that you are.” Sakura blushes like mad and was about to yell at the clone before the Naruto clones kisses her passionately on the lips and fondles her breasts in which Sakura moans in the clone’s mouth.

Inner Sakura tells Sakura, “Cha! Stop trying to act like the snob that you are! Naruto-kun’s fucking clone is right! You were really like it when he dominated you like a cheap wench! Face it! You are completely perverted and you love it! Just shut up, get fucked, and dance like the naughty vixen that you are!”

Sakura want to scream at her inner self, despite her inner persona having a MAJOR point, and Naruto’s clone releases her from the kiss in which he commands her, in a loving and lusty tone, “Mmm, keep dancing for us, Sakura-chan.”

Sakura can’t help to shiver from the sound of Naruto’s voice and she responds, with a sly tone, “Whatever you say, Master Naruto-kun.” Sakura then starts to shake and wiggle her hips as she continues to try to dance a highly suggestive dance while Naruto’s clone continues to pound his hard manhood in which she can’t help to love it as she and the clone share another passionate and loving kiss through Sakura would want to be kissing the real Naruto, however, she knows that she will be soon enough.

End Flashback; Back in the Present

Returning to the present, Sakura, her sexy body showing in which she is only wearing a pair of high-heeled shoes on her feet, is engaged in hot lovemaking with her husband and loving every erotic moment of it as Naruto suckles her breasts and drinks the milk coming from it.

When he is done, Naruto says, seductively, “Sweet like strawberries as usual, Sakura-chan.”

Sakura says, with a smirk, “Geez, Naruto-kun…again…?”

Naruto tells Sakura, with a foxy lustful smile, “Don’t give me that Sakura-chan. You love it.”

Sakura responds, “I know…We can’t help it…I love it…when you ravage me like a cheat whore…our last experience…sent our libidos…right through the roof...and don’t give me that look…we’re perverted nymphos…we love it…and you know it, you sweet baka…”

As Sakura and Naruto engage in a passionate and intense loving wet kiss, Kurama tells him, with a sly tone, “She has got you there and don’t give me any crap! When was the last time that you went a day without any sex?”

Naruto mentally growls and he responds, “You didn’t exactly help and in fact, you turned all of us into perverts!”

Kurama responds, slyly, “I’m a kitsune and I like ‘pleasure’.” Kurama hears thoughts about ‘perverted corrupting kitsune’ and he giggles as he goes back to the time of the wedding.

Flashback; Some years ago

Within the bedroom inside of Shion’s home, Naruto and Serena are together, both of them are naked save for the silver high-heeled shoes on Serena’s feet, and Serena is sitting on Naruto’s lap, his hard manhood deep within her womb, and her back towards facing Naruto’s front where we find him fondling Serena’s very well developed and busty breasts and engaged in a passionate and intense loving wet kiss, mating their tongues and tasting each other’s saliva. On the meanwhile, the other women in the room are lying around with blissful and lustful smiles on their faces.

When Naruto and Serena break from the kiss, Serena moans out, “Oh, Naruto-kun…!!”

Just then they hear a phone ringing and Shion moans out, lightly, “What’s that?” Soon enough, there is a high-tech orange cell phone that they can see among the clothing and items all over the floor of the room that they are in.

Serena moans out, “Don’t answer it, Naruto-kun…please don’t…”

Naruto responds, “I don’t want to answer it either.” However, when Naruto reaches for the phone as he continues to pound into Serena’s womb, the phone is snatched up by Raye and gives it to Sakura, who crushes it flat.

Raye tells Naruto, “Now, shut up and keeping fucking that Meatball Head sister of mine!”

Naruto responds, nervously, “Yes, ma’am.”

Lita responds, with a sly smile, “Really, Raye?”

Sakura tells Lita, “I’m not seeing you complain about Naruto-kun missing the call.”

Hinata says, with a warm smile, “You and Raye-chan could have just taken the phone away.”

Raye asks, with a smirk, “Where is the fun in that?”

Flashback; On the meanwhile in the Hidden Leaf Village

Deep inside of the Hidden Leaf Village, Valkyrie Sailor Celestial has a rainbow colored cell phone which has a screen that says ‘Signal lost’ before she closes it up and looks at Tsunade, Minato, and Kakashi, the current Hokage of the Leaf Village.

Kakashi asks, “Couldn’t get him?”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial responds, “Nope.”

Tsunade says, “Well, we already have what’s needed for the wedding prepared anyway.”

Minato says, with a smile, “It is going to be quite a show.”

Kakashi says, “Well, we are talking about three of the ‘saviors of the universe’ getting married in which two of them are marrying the same person with the added fact that one of them is now the ruler of our world after we managed to put it back together with the last direct descendant of the Six Path Sage’s clan.”

Tsunade says, “No kidding, Kakashi. He really made our world a mess with that ‘stunt’.”

Minato says, “I don’t think that we can say what he did was just a mere ‘stunt’, Tsunade.”

Tsunade says, with a smile, “Well, what we went through in the Fourth Great Ninja War, the war against Kaguya, the ‘grand adventure’ after that war, and the Digital Wars, I think you can call it a ‘stunt’ compared to them.”

Minato says, with a nod, “Good point, Tsunade.”

Kakashi asks Valkyrie Sailor Celestial, “Anyway, it is good to see you again, Lady Suguha.”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial says, with a smile, “Please don’t call me that. I’ve had enough of that, Hokage-dono.”

Minato says, “Well, you are royalty and one of the guardian warriors of the universe.”

Tsunade says, “In which you proved to be a vital warrior in our next adventure after Kaguya’s demise.”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial says, with a smile, “No joke that was some adventures. My big brother is still recovering from it.”

Kakashi asks, “How is your brother doing anyway?”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial says, “Okay. He is at the center of the construction of our new virtual network that will replace the old internet and world wide web. Once that’s combined with the fifth generation Full-Dive, the Neuro-Linker, people are going to be more ‘connected’ than ever before, but there is controversy over it.”

Tsunade says, “I’m sorry to bring back memories, but it isn’t surprising due to ‘him’.”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial says, with a snort, “Don’t remind me, Lady Tsunade. I think that this stuff would have been stuff controversial, but ‘he’ made it worse thanks to Sword Art Online, however, with my victory over him those years ago, the survivors including my brother are getting over it.” However, she then says, with a sigh, “However, it doesn’t mean that the dark legacy of SAO doesn’t haunt both worlds to this day.”

Kakashi says, “I can assume that’s why you are here.”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial responds, with a nod, “We believe that members of Laughing Coffin are here.”

There are gasps and Minato asks, “You mean that group of murderers from that ‘death game’ that become the worst terrorist organization?”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial says, with a nod, “Yep.”

Kakashi says, “After the war, their organization was devastated.”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial says, “And Kazuto told me that they thought the same after the raid that the lead group of players in SAO took to stop them thought so, but Kuradeel nearly killing my brother said otherwise.”

Minato says, “And during the war, their leader got free from the virtual prison and created a brand new Laughing Coffin.”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial says, “And his rage wasn’t against Japanese and Asian people anymore. He was against the world. He just wanted to kill everyone.”

Tsunade says, “And while he is gone now, his insanity still continues.”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial says, “What happened with Shion and my brother in GGO before our adventures after Kaguya start proves that much.”

Kakashi asks, “Shion?”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial says, “Oh, yeah. That’s the real name of Sailor Orion, the legendary huntress of the Sailor Scouts.”

Minato says, with a nod, “I remember her. She proved to be as capable as or more capable than any ninja tracking team.”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial says, “Well, she is a sniper and when a United States Marine becomes a sniper, they are a ‘hunter of gunmen’. Anyway, Shion is an excellent addition to the team since the original Sailor Scouts are going to be living here from now on. The ‘next generation’ including me and the Data Squad are the main defense especially with the chaos on Earth after the war.”

Tsunade says, “No kidding. Your world was a mess.”

Kakashi tells Tsunade, “Well, Lady Tsunade, ours was in no better shape thanks to Toneri and the ‘other events’ after the war with Kaguya ended.”

Tsunade says, with a nod, “No joke, Kakashi.”

Minato asks Valkyrie Sailor Celestial, “How did they get to our world?”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial says, “We believe that the remnants of the Black Spider clan are responsible.”

Kakashi says, “They have proven to be real troublemakers in whom the Mugen Tenshin and Hayabusa clans have proven to be good allies against them.”

Minato says, with a nod, “Indeed, Kakashi. There is also MIST to think about.”

Tsunade says, “After Sasuke had the assassin Christie kill Donovan, his son, Rig, took over and caused nothing, but problems especially with his ‘Project Omega’, the next step combining the powers of the Kasumi and the other ‘Dead or Alive Fighters’ along with the powers of chakra and ninja of our world.”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial says, drolly, “No kidding, Lady Tsunade.”

Kakashi asks, “Do you think that they will be trouble here?”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial says, with a shrug, “They are going to be trouble for everyone.”

Minato asks, “Are any of the others coming?”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial responds, “Not a chance. There is just too much to do back home on Earth.”

Tsunade asks, surprised, “Just you?”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial says, with a smile, “Big brother insisted to come, but he has to stay behind with Asuna in order to help with what’s needed to be done back at home since the ‘new Tokyo’ is going to be the center of the world as it would have been if Crystal Tokyo went up.”

Kakashi asks Valkyrie Sailor Celestial, “That bad, huh?”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial responds, “We’re rebuilding after a massive war, Hokage-dono.”

Kakashi says, “Of which, you are one of the many ‘heroes’ of that war.”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial says, with a sigh, “Like big brother says when he is told that he is a hero of SAO: ‘I’m not a hero, I’m just a survivor.’ I learned a lot, but there is plenty that I would rather not have known.”

Minato responds, “Don’t we all, Celestial.”

Kakashi asks, “So, what do you plan to do?”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial responds, “What do you think Hokage-dono?”

Tsunade says, “Well, I hope that you keep the mess to a bare minimum. Earth and our world, Gaea, are on good terms, but there is some ‘stress’ between our worlds after all.”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial says, “Not surprising.”

Kakashi says, “Good luck, Celestial.”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial says, “Wish that I could stay for my cousins’ wedding.”

Minato says, “Something tells me that you might make it.”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial says, with a nod, “Same here.”

Flashback; Day of the Wedding

Within the ever growing Hidden Leaf Village, there is a massive reception as Naruto, dressed in a male wedding kimono, is surrounded by Sakura, in a pink wedding kimono, Hinata, in a violet wedding kimono, Shion, in a white and red wedding kimono, and the Sailor Scouts, all of whom are dressed in white Western style strapless wedding gowns, are surrounding Naruto and they are walking up to meet the Hokage, Kakashi Hatake, and someone that looks like a Shinto priest where in the audience, there are a lot of people including Minato, Tsunade, Shikamaru, Ino Yamanaka, Choji, Neji Hyuga, Tenten, Rock Lee, Kurenai Yuhi, Kiba Inuzuka with Akamaru, Shino, Hiashi Hyuga and the ninja council, the Tsukino family, and many others in the audience where they don’t seem to know that someone is watching from the shadows.

Naruto and his wives to be assembles in front of Kakashi and Mina whispers to Serena, “Dream come true, huh?”

Serena nods her head and Ami says, in a whisper, “It isn’t exactly what Serena imagined.”

Lita whispers, with a loving and sly smile, “No, it’s better.”

But just as the priest begins, Naruto holds up his hand and he says, with a sigh, “Sorry to interrupt, but we have an unwanted guest.” There are looks of surprise and Naruto says, “We have an intruder hidden around here.”

There are gasps in which the ninja in the audience are on guard and Kakashi asks, “Are you sure, Naruto?”

Naruto makes a motion with his eyes in which Sakura says, looking in that direction, “Naruto-kun is right and they are…right here!” Sakura then uses her super-strength to create a massive hole in front of her in which Mimete, wearing a massive armor similar to Iron Man’s Hulk Buster armor minus the helmet showing her head, emerges in which immediately everyone gets the non-ninja members of the audience to safety.

Mimete yells out, “How did you know? I designed this to negate your sensing abilities.”

Amara responds, “You really think that Naruto has been on his ass for all these years, Mimete?”

Raye says, “And we have been dealing with threats after Kaguya that forced us to ‘evolve’.”

Sakura says, “Seriously, I keep wondering why this Meatball Head and her guardians considered you a threat.”

Lita says, annoyed, “She is a sorceress for one thing and we had to take care of her stupid Heart Snatchers first!”

Mimete says, with an evil smile, “Well, I won’t need them with this baby!”

Just then a female voice yells out, “We’ll see about that Mimete!” When Mimete turns to face the voice, she is blasted by a powerful energy beam that sends her flying to the other side of the village where she makes a loud ‘thud’ that could be heard for miles when she crashes back down into the ground in which everyone can see Valkyrie Sailor Celestial walking up.

Serena says, with a smile, “Celestial!”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial says, with a smile, “Hey, cuz! Kazuto and the others say hello and give their congratulations.”

Sakura says, annoyed, “Wish that it didn’t have to be like this.”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial says, with a sigh, “Just another day in our lives.”

Amara says, annoyed, “Tell us about it.”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial says, “However, Mimete isn’t the reason that I’m here.” Valkyrie Sailor Celestial then turns to one member of the audience and she says, “Hold it!” When the audience member turns towards Valkyrie Sailor Celestial, she uses some kind of psychic power to fling off some kind of mask dropping a holographic projection all around him to reveal a dark brown hooded cloaked figure with a face covered in a metallic-grey skull-like mask with glowing red eyes.

Ami says, “A holographic mask!”
Valkyrie Sailor Celestial says, with a smirk, “Hello, Death Gun! Or do you prefer ‘Red-Eyed XaXa’? You are a real piece of work to interrupt such an event.” Valkyrie Sailor Celestial says, with a serious tone, “The war is over, pal!” The intruder, who is Shouichi Shinkawa, one of the ten thousand players trapped on Sword Art Online, who went by the avatar name of Red-Eyed XaXa, and part of Laughing Coffin, the SAO ‘murder guild’, who had killed other players in the death game thus killing them in real life, draws a metal estoc.

Shouichi shouts out, “It is never over, Celestial! You and your beater brother should know that! Now, it’s show time!” With super-human speed, he attacks Valkyrie Sailor Celestial, who draws a sword that looks like Dark Repulser out, and using kendo skills mixed with a lot of other sword techniques and the two of them fight in an intense sword fight while Naruto transforms into his Six Path Astral Sage Mode.

Serena says, annoyed, “Oh, man! I wanted a regular wedding!”

Raye says, “We know, Meatball Head. All of us wanted as regular one as possible!”

Mina says, with a sigh and smile, “You know how it is for us super-heroines and protectors of the universe and multiverse!”

Sakura says, with a plain tone, “Well, I have to agree with my fellow princess and ruler of our planet when I say that it is a pain in the ass.”

Amara says, with a nod, “No kidding, Sakura.”

Michelle says, with a smile, “Well, this shows that our lives are quite interesting.”

Hinata says, “I would have to say that’s putting it lightly, Michelle-chan.”

Trista says, “Agreed, Hinata-hime.” Soon after, Mimete, still wearing her massive armor, returns and lands on the podium with a massive ‘thump’ in which her armor is dented, but not too seriously damaged.

Mimete yells out, angrily, “I’ve had it with you! I’m going to…!!” However, before Mimete could finish, Naruto unleashes his Truth Seeker Balls on Mimete and her armor in which they hit her armor with loud ‘bangs’ before they return to normal. For a moment, nothing seems to happen, but then Mimete’s armor collapses, in cartoon comical fashion, into pieces leaving only Mimete causing her to shout out, flabbergasted, “What?! No way!”

Sakura responds, with a smirk and cracking her knuckles, “Yes, way! And goodbye!” Sakura then zips over, bashes Mimete in the nose, and sending her flying into a nearby tree in which the tree collapses from the impact of Mimete’s form as well as causing Mimete to go into unconsciousness.

Naruto tells the priest, “Sorry about this.”

The priest responds, nervously, “O-Of course, Naruto-dono.”

Naruto says, “Anyway, we should continue.”

The priest asks, shocked, “Continue? After this?”

Mina says, with a smile, “This is kind of normal for us.”

Serena says, with a sigh, “Unfortunately.”

Kakashi tells the priest, “I’m going to have to agree with them.”

Shion says, with a smile, “It isn’t too surprising.” Everyone then looks at Valkyrie Sailor Celestial’s fight with Shouichi when another figure cloaked similar to Shouichi comes out and prepares to attack Valkyrie Sailor Celestial from behind, but someone taps his shoulder in which the figure turns to face the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan eyes of Sasuke Uchiha.

Sasuke says, plainly, “I don’t think so.” Soon after, the figure cringes and gasps as well as violently twitches before collapsing in a heap in front of Sasuke.

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial shouts out, as she is fighting Shouichi, “Hey, I had him!”

Sasuke responds, “Don’t care. I was just in the neighborhood and did what I had to do. Don’t think that I saved you from the goodness of my heart, Celestial.”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial shouts out, annoyed, “Oh, piss off!” Valkyrie Sailor Celestial blocks an assault from Shouichi that looks like the Linear Reaper Sword Skill combo from SAO, but she easily blocks the attack and unleashes a wave of wind that knocks Shouichi off his feet in which when he leaps to his feet, he yelps out in pain as he gets shocked from an electrical attack from Valkyrie Sailor Celestial and knocked unconscious.

Sasuke asks, plainly, “Why didn’t you do that in the first place?”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial retorts, annoyed, “Keep your fucking comments to yourself. Do I tell you how to be a ninja? No? Then let me do my thing as a Sailor Scout!”

Sasuke says, with a shrug, “Whatever.”

As Sasuke starts to walk away, Naruto yells out, “Hey, Teme! You aren’t going to stick around?”

Sasuke responds, “Not my thing, Dobe. Anyway, Karin is going to get pissed off if I don’t come in.”

Sakura says, drolly, “That’s saying it lightly Sasuke.”

Sasuke says, with a nod, “Right. Gotcha. Later.”

Sasuke then takes off for another part of the village and Valkyrie Sailor Celestial asks, plainly, “Why do you tolerate this guy?”

Amara says, pointing to Naruto and Sakura, “That’s a question that I keep asking these two every single day.”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial says, “Anyway, sorry about that.”

Hinata says, with a plain tone and kind smile, “It isn’t your fault, Celestial.”

Lita says, with a nervous smile, “We’re kind of use to this kind of thing.”

Hotaru asks, “What are we going to do about Mimete?”

Trista says, looking at her unconscious form, “I don’t think that she will be going anyway for a while.”

Sakura says, with a sly smirk, “I made sure of that, you can trust me on that one, girlfriend. No one crashes our wedding and gets away with it…At least without getting their jaw broken.”

Ami says, nervously, “I’m not sure you broke just her jaw, Sakura.”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial says, “Anyway, I’ll clean up the mess and you can get back.”

Hinata asks, “Can you stay for a while?”

Serena says, with a smile, “It would be nice to have a few more members of the ‘family’ here.”

Valkyrie Sailor Celestial says, with a grin, “Sure! I’ve got the time!”

Serena says, with a smile, “That’s great, Celestial!” After order had been restored, the audience returns to their seats to restart the wedding which was like a modern day Japanese wedding which combined western and Japanese traditions.

The priest asks Naruto, “Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, do you take Serena Tsukino, Ami Mizuno, Mina Aino, Raye Hino, Lita Kino, Hotaru Tomoe, Amara Ten’ou, Michelle Kaiou, Trista Meiou, Sakura Haruno, Hinata Hyuga, and Lady Shion as your wives?”

Naruto responds, with a nod, “I do, believe it?”

The priest then asks the women, “And my ladies, do you take this man as your shared husband?”

All of the girls reply in unison, excitedly, “We do!”

The priest says, “Well, I pronounce you, man and wives. So, you may kiss the brides.” Soon after, all of the young women tackle Naruto and he falls down in comical fashion as they kiss him all over his face in which plenty in the audience laugh and giggles at this.

End Flashback; Return to the Present

Returning to the present, there is a picture of the mass wedding with Naruto surrounded by his wives in their wedding outfits where we find Naruto and his wives within his household with them wearing only different colored aprons and high-heeled shoes.

Shion says, “I have to say that it was an exciting wedding for one thing.”

Serena says, with a smile, “That’s one way of putting it, Shion-chan.”

Raye asks, “Do you guys remember Sasuke’s wedding?”

Naruto asks, with a foxy smirk, “Do we have to Raye-chan?”

All of them share a laugh and Amara says, “That was pretty something to remember.”

Raye says, “Well, we can thank Donovan for that one. I’m not surprised that he did the same with Orochimaru like he did with Danzo.”

Serena says, with a winch, “Don’t remind me of that snake, Pyro.”

Sakura says, with a nod, “We can agree on that Serena. He dead and dead for good. Let’s leave him that way.”

Michelle says, with a warm smile, “Let’s remember our honeymoon.”

Mina says, excitedly, “Yeah, it was great!’

Raye retorts, with a smirk, “With the way that you were, you act like you weren’t married, Mina-chan.”

Mina replies, with a seductive smile, “You know that I’ll only give this ass to my ‘sisters’ and my Naruto-kun.”

Serena yells out, annoyed, “Your Naruto-kun, Mina-chan?”

Mina responds, nervously, “You know what I mean, Serena!”

Sakura retorts, with a smirk, “Oh, really? Do we have to remind of your attempts to monopolize Naruto-kun during our honeymoon including using that rare herb that not even Kurama could counteract?”

Mina replies, nervously, “My memory is a bit fuzzy on that.”

Raye says, plainly, “Need I remind you that we couldn’t sit right for days, Mina-chan.”

Michelle says, looking at Hinata, “Well, our ‘Star Moon Princess’ didn’t mind at all. She showed that she isn’t a ‘wall flower’ anymore.”

Hinata blushes like mad and Naruto says, “I’ve also got that say that Kurama didn’t help.”

Serena says, with a nod, “No kidding.”

Kurama’s voice retorts through Naruto’s and his wives’ minds, “I didn’t see any of you protesting.”

Naruto and his wives shout at Kurama, telepathically in unison, “Shut it, fox!” Soon after, Kurama is then hit in a cartoon comical fashion with an anvil and he growls in annoyance before backing down at the killer intent from his ‘host’ and Naruto’s wives are pouring down on him telepathically in which he knows that combined, they can restrain him more in Naruto’s mindscape than the old seal could in which he grumbled about ‘stupid kit’ and ‘rotten kinky vixens’.

Hinata asks, “And that wasn’t the end, was it?”

Naruto says, with a grin, “Nope. It is just the beginning Hinata-chan.”

Sakura tells Naruto, “Well, I hope that you are ready to deal with us since our life-spans are going to be greater than the expanded life-spans of the people of Earth and our home world, Naruto.”

Naruto asks, with a foxy smirk, “Are you, Sakura-chan?”

The wives of Naruto look at each other and Serena responds, “To eternity and beyond, our foxy-kun.”

Just then a female voice shouts out, “Are you forgetting someone?” The group then looks to see Galaxia, wearing only a golden pair of high-heeled shoes, seductively walk into the room.

Naruto says, with a warm smile, “We wouldn’t think of it, Galaxia-chan.”

Galaxia says, with a warm smile, “I’m sorry that I’m late. I had to deal with the kids.”

Serena says, with a warm smile, “Sorry about that Galaxia-sempai.”

Hotaru asks Galaxia, “Galaxia, why did you have a secret marriage session separate from our wedding?”

Galaxia responds, with a warm smile, “Let’s just say that I have my reasons.”

Michelle says, with a sly smile, “It does make wonder about those ‘reasons’, Galaxia.”

Galaxia says, with a sly grin, “Anyway, by keeping Naruto-kun to yourselves, I think that I should be allowed to join in.” They have a ‘snuggle session’ together as Naruto enjoys his ‘private time’ with his wives, in which, Galaxia gives a lustful smirk in which Naruto can’t help to be a bit nervous to make one wonder if his stamina will hold out while Kurama licks his lips hoping to figure out a way to ‘get in on the action’ without Naruto noticing.

End of Story 4

That’s the end of the fourth story everyone. To be honest, I’m not too sure about weddings, so, I did my best to make it a bit more ‘exciting’ because you think that they could have a ‘normal wedding’? Personally, I don’t think so with ‘big names’ like them despite what they did in anime/manga. And remember, these one-shots could be foreshadowing future events that will take place in this ‘fanfiction-verse’, folks! Anyway, read and review and tell me what you think! Later and best wishes, Crossover Fans!