Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Saving Middle Earth ❯ Going to middle earth ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Lord of the Rings or Sailormoon, if I did, Mamoru would never existed and the elves would've never had to leave.

Flashbacks: will be in Italic.

States of unconsciousness will be in-between *

Thoughts: `Will be like this'

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The inner senshi sat in Rei's temple doing a fire reading.

An image of an eye appeared and Usagi whimpered. "That's the eye I've been seeing in my dreams," she said.

"I've seen it too," Makoto said.

"It's Sauron," Rei said.

"Where does he come from?" Usagi asked.

"He comes from another dimension," Ami said.

"Demo," Makoto said. "How do we get rid of him?"

"A ring," Rei said. "The ring on his finger. In the dimension he comes from there is a ring, his ring of power, if we can get to a past dimension and help destroy it then we'll save them from becoming like us."

"Let's go then," Minako said. "It is getting worse in past dimension every second. If we can save a past dimension, then I will be able to rest in peace."

Setsuna came in with the rest of the outers.

"We completely agree with you," Michiru said.

"You do?" Usagi asked.

"Hai, if we can spare this from happening to another dimension, then it would be worth it," Haruka said.

"Don't worry, you won't run into yourselves. Just be careful," Setsuna said.

"We'll keep up protecting what little we have left," Hotaru said.

"I have a question to ask you Setsuna," Usagi said. "Outside."

The two senshi walked outside the temple and saw the protective barrier around all the houses.

"If we defeat Sauron in their dimension, is there a chance we can transport the people from our dimension to theirs?" Usagi asked.

Setsuna looked shocked then smiled softly at her princess.

Everyone knew who Sailormoon and the sailor scouts were now. There was a population of 50 people left.

The orcs and goblins were taking over. Everyone lived in the safety barrier that they made but by making it they became weaker and using magic became a last resource.

Everyone had to be trained to use ordinary weapons.

"Hai we will," Setsuna said. "In the other dimension your powers will be at the maximum demo just to be safe try not to use magic."

"Hai, we'll make sure not to use too much magic," Usagi said smiling.

"Your okaasan would be proud to see how well you're handling this," Setsuna said.

Usagi smiled then both went back inside.

They stood in formation and each began to glow their colors.

"Good luck!" Michiru shouted.

"Be careful!" Hotaru said.

"Watch out for each other!" Haruka shouted.

"Be safe my hime," Setsuna said.

They all nodded then teleported away.


"It can only be destroy in the fires of Mordor," Elrond began when five colors glowed around the ring, ice blue, yellow-orange, red, green and sliver.

In place of the ice blue a girl with blue hair appeared, orange a blonde with a red bow, red a girl with raven hair, green a brunette with a ponytail and sliver a girl with sliver/blonde hair.

They stopped glowing and looked around.

"We made it," the girl with blue hair said.

"Wow," the girl with raven hair said.

"Lovely," the brunette said.

"So this is what the earth used to be like," slivery/blonde haired girl said.

"It's so beautiful," the blonde said.

"Who are you?" Gandalf asked. The men tensed up ready to grab their swords.

"We come from another dimension where the ring was not destroyed, a future dimension if you will," the blue haired girl said. "Anyway, Sauron has taken over where we are from and there are no more dwarves or hobbits, only men and elves and we are dying out."

"How many are left?" Boromir asked.

"50 of men and ten from elves, the people are afraid to have children and we all live in an area where we attacked constantly," the blonde said.

"We came here to save you from that fate and if possible move the little of our people that remain to this place when the ring is destroyed," the slivery/blonde said.

"How did Sauron get the ring?" Gandalf asked.

"We don't know," the raven-haired girl said. "It happened long before we were born, we've always been inside the barriers."

"This is the first time I've ever seen whatever that thing is," the brunette said pointing at a tree.

"That's a tree," Elrond said.

"I heard about these from Wiseman!" the blonde said.

"Hai, they give off oxygen like the plants," the blue haired girl said.

"Wiseman?" Legolas asked.

"He looks a lot like him," the slivery/blonde said while pointing Gandalf. "He helps keep the barrier up and fight off orcs."

"He's in love with Sets demo he won't admit it though," the blonde said.

"Listen women," Boromir began.

"What did you call us?!" the raven haired girl shouted angrily.

"Calm down Rei," the blue haired girl said.

"What are your names?" Gandalf asked.

"I'm Rei, she's Ami, Minako, Makoto and Usagi," Rei said.

"Nice to meet you all," Gandalf said with a soft smile. "Now did you girls hit your head on your way here?"

"They don't believe us," Makoto said.

"I'm so hurt," Minako said and began fake crying, of course the men at the meeting didn't know that.

"Now calm down, we believe you," Legolas said. He hated seeing girls cry.

"Not me I need proof!" Glimi shouted.

"Ok," Usagi said.

They each took out their sword and pointed them together upward.

"This is our world," she said. The swords projected a screen showing a barren wasteland. "Nothing grows outside the barriers and inside we struggle to keep things alive."

The screen moved to a multi-color barrier. "The barrier was created by us and Wiseman. Those of us able to fight, fight, others are kept safely within the walls of the temple," Ami said.

It went to a image of them fighting, Rei threw her sword through three orcs.

Ami ran to Minako and Minako dodged a hit. Ami flipped over Minako and brought her foot down hard on the orc, it fell it down then Minako killed it with a spear.

Usagi shooting arrows then dropping her bow bringing out her sword and began slashing the orcs in half.

Makoto was fighting them with her spear then with her razor fans.

Then it showed people in the temple preparing food and weapons, an elf healing some wounded people, a women getting water from a well and some men hunting.

"Sauron rules all the land except where we live," Minako said.

The image showed Sauron's orcs running over the barren lands.

They moved their swords then looked at the ring. "Is that the one ring?" Minako asked in disbelief.

"Yes," Gandalf said.

"Well only one way to be sure," Usagi said and rolled up her sleeves.

"Iie!" Rei shouted. "You'll get hurt."

"Don't worry," Usagi said reaching for it.

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Ok, now I'm willing to pair Usagi with anyone except Legolas. I'm sick in tired of her being with Legolas all the time! Rei can be with anyone and Minako can be with anyone! Makoto and Ami will be together.

I swear if no one votes, the couples will be: Usagi/Aragorn, Rei/Boromir and Ami/Legolas

Love it? Like it? Hate it? Loathe it?

Let me know!
