Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Saving Middle Earth ❯ Captured ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Lord of the Rings or Sailormoon, if I did, Mamoru would never existed and the elves would've never had to leave.

Flashbacks: will be in Italic.

States of unconsciousness will be in-between *

Thoughts: `Will be like this'

To let you know, I'm not going exactly by the book or movie but something's will be kept.

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Usagi and Frodo ran as more arrows came their way and the sound of snarls and growls filled their ears.

"Run Frodo!" Usagi shouted.

Frodo ran forward but then noticed Usagi wasn't by his side anymore or up ahead.

Legolas heard clashing swords and the growls of orcs.

"Find the halfings! Find those girls!" Uruk-hai shouted.

Usagi stood at the top of Amon Hen still fighting the orcs when Aragorn came and began fighting with the orcs.

Legolas, Gimli, Rei and Minako join next.

Whenever an orcs came to close to one of their backs Legolas and Minako would let their arrows sing through the air and through the orcs heart.

A distant scream is heard.

"Aragorn go!" Legolas shouted.

Aragorn began when some orcs came in front of him.

Gimli swung his axe hitting two and Minako shot one with an arrow.

Frodo ran down the hill as fast as he could and rolled into a ditch made by someone.

He looked around to see Merry and Pippin hiding across from him.

"Frodo, hide here, quick!" Pippin whispered loud enough for him to hear.

Frodo shakes his head.

"What's he doing?" Pippin asked.

"He's leaving," Merry said.

"What?! No!" Pippin shouted and got out of his hiding place but was spotted by some orcs.

Merry ran to Pippin's side to provide a distraction.

"Go Frodo," Merry said.

He waves his arms at the approaching orcs.

"Hey, you! This way!" Pippin shouted.

Merry and Pippin run with the orcs following, Frodo runs the other way.

"It's working," Pippin shouted.

"I know it's working, run!" Merry shouted.

They get trapped in-between two groups when Usagi shot a ki blast through one side of the orcs.

"GO!" she yelled and continued to fight the other orcs.

Merry and Pippin stared at her for a while then ran.

An orc picks them up when Boromir comes from behind slitting the orcs throat.

Merry and Pippin fall to the ground.

Orcs begin to surround the three members of the fellowship and Boromir blows his horn for help.

"The horn of Gondor!" Legolas said.

Uruk-hai draws back his bow and shoots Boromir once; Boromir stops for a while then blocks an orc sword and stab him in the stomach.

Uruk-hai shoots again, this time Boromir falls to his knees and it looks as though he was falling forward but he gets up and kills an orc before they get to Merry.

Uruk-hai shoots another arrow, Boromir falls to his knees drops his sword and his shield.

Merry and Pippin begin throwing rocks at the orcs but are caught before they could unsheathe their daggers.

The orcs run past Boromir with Merry and Pippin screaming for help.

He sees an orc walk past with Usagi thrown over his shoulder unconscious.

Uruk-hai come to finish Boromir off but Aragorn jumps from behind and kills him.

Minako, Rei, Legolas and Gimli, came up behind.

"They took the little ones," Boromir said.

"They got Usagi too," Minako said tearfully.

"Stay still," Aragorn said.

"Frodo? Where's Frodo?" Boromir asked.

"I let him go," Aragorn said.

"Then you did what I could not, I tried to take the ring from him," Boromir said.

"You fought bravely, you've kept your honor," Aragorn said.

Aragorn reach to pull out an arrow but Boromir stopped him.

"Leave it, even if I do live I will be nothing but a burden," Boromir said.

Rei picked up Usagi's pouch and pulled out a small sack.

"The light of the sliver moon," Rei said. "Boromir could live but."

"But what?" Aragorn asked.

"He's not a Lunarian, it only works for them," Minako said.

"It works if you have a small bit of goddess or god in you," Rei said and brought the bottle to his lips. "Pull out the arrows."

Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli each pulled out an arrow and Boromir winced in pain.

"Drink," Rei said.

Boromir drank as Rei poured a bit in his mouth.

His blood went back into his body and the cuts the arrows made sealed themselves, it looked as if nothing happened to him.

"Somewhere in your family line was a goddess," Rei said.

Minako took the bottle and capped it. "Not much remain, just enough for one more person," she said.


Frodo is at the boats, holding the ring in his hand.


"I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened," Frodo said.

"You must look on the lighter side of things, look around you," Gandalf said motioning at the others.

Minako and Legolas sat together, Minako redoing the braids that holds Legolas's hair from his face, Rei and Boromir talking about their battles, Aragorn and Usagi sitting silently together enjoying each other company silently.

"If none of this ever happened, there is no telling what could've happened," Gandalf said. "Ah, it's that way."

Flashback ends

Frodo tucks the ring into his pocket and jumps in a boat as Sam comes on shore.

"Frodo! No Frodo!Mr. Frodo!" Sam shouted.

"No, Sam," Frodo said

Sam begins to wade towards the boat.

"Go back, Sam. I'm going to Mordor alone!" Frodo shouted.

"Of course you are, and I'm coming with you!" Sam yelled.

Sam keeps going, well into the lake.

"You can't swim! Sam!" Frodo shouted.

Sam keeps going and sank in the river.

Frodo turns around and reach into the water and grabs Sam then pulls him in the boat.

"I made a promise, Mr. Frodo. A promise. Don't you leave him, Samwise Gamgee; and I don't mean to. I don't mean to," Sam said.

"Oh, Sam," Frodo said.

They hug and begin paddling across to the other side.

"Come on," Frodo said.

Legolas grabs a boat and begins across shore. "Hurry, Sam and Frodo have reached the eastern shore," he said.

Aragorn picks up his weapon and see both of Usagi's fans on the ground.

"You mean not to follow them," Legolas said.

"Frodo and Sam fate is no longer in our hands," Aragorn said.

"Then it has all been in vain, the fellowship has failed," Gimli said.

"Not if we hold true to each other. We will not abandon Merry, Usagi and Pippin to torment and death. Not while we have strength left. Leave all that can be spared behind, we travel light. Let us hunt some orc," Aragorn said.

The other remaining members agree and they set off in pursit of the lost members.

Frodo and Sam reach a height from which they can see the path ahead to Mordor.

"Mordor. I hope the others find a safer road," Frodo said.

"Strider will look after them," Sam said.

"I don't suppose we'll ever see them again," Frodo said.

"We may yet, Mr. Frodo. We may," Sam said.

"Sam, I'm glad you're with me," Frodo said.

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Ok, now things are going off course. I'll still have the battle of Helm's deep and other things but for the record I'm going completely off course.

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