Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mythical Senshi ❯ Chapter 2 “Discovered” ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2 “Discovered”
~~Keiko's POV~~
I finished my pasta on my hoverboard just before I got to Memory Park. Memory Park is dedicated to Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts along with Tuxedo Mask, Mini Moon, Pegasus, The Asteroids, and the Starlights. I sometimes come to the park to pay my respects to those before me. But I also come here because…well because I am a miko since I live at a shrine with my folks and grandparents plus little sister. I pray for they're lost souls and others who have lost they're way. I zoomed towards the statute that was set up to remember Sailor Moon and the others and once off I felt someone watching me in the shadows. I didn't like this feeling but I kept myself calm and ready to move into action if needed. As I got closer to the statute I suddenly heard someone call out, “Look out!” I found myself shoved to the ground as something zapped past me.
“What the?” I asked glancing up to find none other than Yusei Taisho draped over me. “Yusei? What the hell is going on?”
“Never mind just get behind the statute unless you want to get zapped,” he told me as another zap whizzed by us.
I didn't argue with him and I ducked behind the statute. When I peeked out I saw Yusei going after an alien with a ray gun it's hands, but what surprised me was that Yusei was going after him with slashes like he had claws on his hands or something. I recognized the alien right away from all the times that I have fought similar ones. It was a Tabuz. They are always coming to earth and stirring up trouble for the SGA and us Senshi. They are green beings that are the size of a Werewolf, but more human like except with 3 red eyes. `I better call this in to the Chief,' I though and then I saw Yusei go flying. I would take no more of this. I sent a signal back to the SGA and marched out from behind the statute. “That's enough Tabuz. You and your kind are always attacking innocent people and I'll have no more of it! Mars Mythical Power!” I called out. I held a broach above my head that on the front of it had the symbol of Mars. From the symbol surged fire and then the fire swirled around me giving me my fuku. (It looks like this, but all red and she has on red boots too -> i-Phoenix-6895098) Balls of fire began to glow in my hands. “Let's try this on for size. Phoenix Pyro Barrage!” I called. The balls in my hands launched themselves towards the Tabuz and more followed right behind them. As it was burned I raced over to Yusei just to check on him. “Yusei are you ok?” I asked him.
“I'm fine Keiko,” he said and I was extremely surprised by this. How could he know it was me?
“I'm not Keiko. I'm Sailor Phoenix the Mythical Senshi on Mars. I make it my business to know when the Earth needs me,” I said trying to sound like I was unaffected by him saying my real name.
“Quit lying Keiko. I know it's you by your smell and I saw you transform,” he told me.
`Oh shit!' I was going to hear it from the Chief when I get back to the base. Suddenly I felt pain shot through my back as something zapped past me. I cringed.
“Keiko! What happened?” Yusei demanded/asked me.
“I think that Tabuz skinned my back. It hurts like a bitch,” I told him, as the pain seemed to be shooting through my entire body. That's when I realized what was going on. “Shit! He's paralyzed me. I won't be able to fight.” `Let alone call for back up.' That's when I looked at Yusei to see him glaring at the Tabuz. “Listen Yusei I need you to do something for me.”
“On my waist is a white box at the top are two buttons one blue the other red. Push the red one,” I told him. He did what I said and I let out a sigh of relief. That button would send a distress signal to the SGA alerting them that I was in trouble plus it would send vitals which I hopped would alert them to the help that I needed. Until then I had to rely on Yusei to protect me. Speaking of Yusei he was now back to fighting the Tabuz again, but this time Yusei seemed extremely pissed about something.
“You will not harm her again!” Yusei said angerly at the Tabuz swiping at it like he had claws on his hands.
Those words and that tone of voice he used reminded me of the friend who gave me my necklace that I always fidgeted with. I was around 5 when some bigger kids came by and started pushing me around. That was when my best friend although he wasn't at that time came to my rescue and said those same words in that exact same tone. He turned to me after the boys retreated. “Thanks,” I told him as I held my arm in pain.
“Your hurt,” he said and then he took me by my unhurt arm to his house and got his mom to help check out my arm. When it looked like it was just a bruise the boy escorted me back to my house. “They won't hurt you again,” he told when I was at my door.
“They always do,” I said.
“Not with me around,” he said and then my mom had opened the door and I told what had happened. The next day I had gone out to play and I saw the same boys from yesterday approaching me, but they stopped and raced away. I glanced behind me to see the same boy from yesterday standing there. “I told you they won't come with me around,” he told me. From that point on he and I were good friends until a month after I turned 6 that was when I had to move with my family for some strange reason. Before I got in my car to leave with my family my friend had grabbed my arm lightly and handed the necklace to me. “I was going to give it to you at your next party, but I figured this would be best so you can remember me,” he said then I was gone.
I came out of my reprieve to hear someone calling out my codename. I glanced around to see Angel, Drow, and Peryton coming to my aid. The others were probably busy. “Are you all right Phoenix?” Angel asked me. Each of them had the same outfit as me, but in a different color. Angel's was white, Drow's was purple, and Peryton's was a dark red.
“What do you think?” I said glaring at her. That was when I noticed something silver came floating and landed in front of me. I glanced up and saw to my surprise 2 puppy dog-ears on Yusei's head. That's when it hit me. No wonder Yusei was always looking at me. He was the friend I had back when those boys had been picking on me. That was also when I noticed that the effects of the Tabuz's gun were beginning to wear off. I slowly got to my feet and then I turned to my friends. “Let's knock out that Tabuz once and for all,” I said. They nodded and I decided to go first. “Yusei!” He turned and saw what I was doing and backed off leaping away from the alien. “Phoenix Cross Fire!” I called. In the shape of a cross fire zoomed towards the Tabuz.
“Drow Ebony Blast!” She unleashed a violet colored blast from her glaive, which was sent at the alien as well.
“Peryton Death Spreader!” From Peryton's giant black key came a dark red ball shaped attack.
“Angel Light Star!” Angel created a star made of light before her and then it zoomed towards the Tabuz. Our attacks combined and knocked the Tabuz right out. “We got him!” Angel exclaimed.
“Whose that?” Drow asked pointing to Yusei.
“Oh shit that's Yusei Taisho! What's he doing here?” Angel asked.
“Saving my ass,” I told Angel then I explained what happened during the fight.
“I'll call in for pick up,” Peryton said as she took out a communicator.
“I'm gonna go talk to Yusei,” I told Drow and Angel, “You two keep an eye on the Tabuz just in case it decides to wake up.” They nodded and I walked over to Yusei. “Thanks for the save.”
“I told you back when we were kids nothing would hurt you while I was around,” he said. Right then I began to become shy right near him. This felt extremely weird to me since I was never shy about anything.
“Phoenix!” I heard an angry male voice call. I cringed. I knew who it was right away and I was prepared for the worst. “What the hell happened out here?!” Norinaga demanded.
Yusei placed himself between Norinaga and me. “It's all right Yusei. He's my boss,” I told him. Then I explained to the chief what had happened.
“So this boy protected you?” Norinaga asked me and I nodded. Norinaga looked at Yusei. “Why don't you join the SGA?” he asked Yusei and my jaw dropped. He wanted Yusei to join?
“The SGA?” Yusei asked.
“The SGA is short for Space Guard Alliance. It's an organization which helps protect the Earth from space invaders like that Tabuz you saw me and my friends knock out,” I explained hopefully in a way Yusei could understand.
Yusei looked at me. “You fight aliens?” he asked me.
“Yeah along with 8 other girls I do. You saw Angel, Drow, and Peryton. There are 5 others who work with us and also a bunch of people back at the SGA base who work along side us,” I answered.
Yusei stared at me for a few seconds more then turned to Norinaga. “I'll join,” he said and I almost jumped for joy. I have no idea why I wanted to, but I didn't and remained calm only smiling.
“Good then we'll head back to base and run a few scans on the weapon and you Keiko then you can go home,” Norinaga said as he went over to give instructions to the people picking up the Tabuz. I nodded and then lead Yusei towards a van, which would take us back to the base.
Too be continued…