Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ One Half a Wing and a Prayer: Fly me to the Moon ❯ Shut Up and Dance ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Notes: Ranma and Sailor Moon are property of true artists with more creativity (and money) than me. I am using them without permission, but trying to handle with care…sort of. There is violence, bad language, and adult themes and situations. You know…the fun stuff.
Still for Janice, who between her job and grad school somehow finds time to be my editor…What a gal.
Reader Note: If you haven't read One Half a Wing and a Prayer, go do that first. Otherwise you may be spinning your wheels here.
As the works gathered the fans looked upon them in joy.
But the fans fell to arguing, what universe held the greatest stories.
Some fans called upon great energies beyond their control.
But the Chaos was contained into new stories.
And lo, the Crossover Demon was born.
-Creation of the Multiverse, vol. 103
“Now that was fun,” Alexis laughed as she looked over at her prey. The brown haired youth she had been chasing for the last hour had tried dozens of attacks and ploys to foil her pursuit, but the demoness was relentless.
Now said youth was pinned to a wall in a back ally by a dozen switchblades that the pink haired succubus had thrown moments ago. His battle ax like weapon had been knocked to the side and lying on the ground and the bandoleer of throwing spatulas had been torn off and tossed away.
Stalking forward with a swing in her hips, the sex demon cooed, “You gave me quite the workout. But you're at your limit, and I'm at the end of my patience. But two things before I rip your heart out and show it to you. The first is, why are you so fired up to kill my big brother back there?”
The trapped fighter glared and shot back, “He ruined my life, that's why. I was disgraced because of him, and I will have my revenge.”
Alexis snorted, “Take a number, he gets that a lot. More then likely it was his freak father Genma that did something to you, and Ranma just had the blame shoved onto him. I may even let you talk to him before I kill you. But enough of that, time for the second thing I need. All that running around has led me to be a little peckish, and you look delicious to me.”
Moving forward, Alexis slid up tight into her victim's personal space and let her tongue slide out and lick along the brunette's jaw line while her hand slid into his pants.
Then she froze, her arm moving quickly deeper into the garment, rummaging around as her victim turned redder and redder.
“Something's missing here,” the succubus muttered. “Ah, there's something. Not what I was looking for, but it will do nicely!”
Wet sounds echoed in the ally along with a scream of pleasure that was decidedly female.
One Half a Wing and a Prayer: Fly Me to the Moon
Developed by dragon_man180 and tirsis
Written by Seth
Chapter 3: Shut Up and Dance
Ranma took in the newcomers who stood back to back across the clearing and groaned. Their confident smirks could rival her own, but held a taste of haughtiness that grated on her nerves.
“Two more of you? What did I do, piss in Kami's coffee this morning or something?”
“Don't worry, Lover Girl,” Nabiki said calmly as she stepped up next to the redhead demoness. “These two are no more a threat than the others. Just more bigots with too much power in their hands.”
The sandy blond looked confused for a moment, but covered it quickly as she shot back, “Don't compare us to the others. We are on a whole different level.” She quickly pulled a scimitar out of thin air and assumed a fighting pose.
Shampoo snorted, “My turn to fight now. Ranma already have her fun. I take weak sword girl.”
“Who's weak?” growled the blond as she charged forward, her blade going into a backswing.
Nabiki chuckled again and pulled a small flask out, throwing it to the Amazon, “Time to get wet and wild Shampoo!”
“Kinky,” Ranma added quietly as the blue haired girl upended the flask, dumping out cold water on herself and undergoing her transformation. White fur with pink edging appeared on enlarged forearms and lower legs as Shampoo kicked off her shoes. Ears and a tail sprouted as her eyes shifted to slits and teeth sharpened. Her blue hair became more mane like and the Amazon let out a low growl as she met the Senshi's charge with one of her own.
One clawed hand reached out and caught the overhand slice that was aimed at her shoulder, grabbing the sword arm at the wrist and spinning hard. Shampoo called on her Amazon trained strength and transformation granted agility and flipped, dragging the surprised attacker along with her and turning the maneuver into a throw.
The sandy blonde's body rocketed into the sky, and crouching on powerful legs, Shampoo jumped up to meet her on the way down where she once more caught the young woman and pulled her into another spin, propelling her towards the ground at twice the speed she had been falling before.
The Senshi landed hard, her sword flying away as her body twitched from the impact. She remained aware, a testament to the quality of the abbreviated fuku armor she wore, but she could not move.
Shampoo landed lightly next to her and gave a feral grin, showing her fangs, “Charging Amazon warrior like that just plain dumb. At least other skirt girls try harder before they get beat up.”
“Can't really blame them Shampoo,” Nabiki said as she moved forwards. “It's a typical criminal attitude to be arrogant.”
“We are not criminals,” the aqua haired Senshi countered as her eyes darted back and forth between her fallen partner and these new girls that had taken her out. “We are defending the world from monsters like you.”
Ranma shrugged, “Really, what is it with you people. I'm not Guild, they want to kill me too after all, and you still treat me like a soul sucking demon monster out to rule the world. Why the hell would I want to rule the world? Way too much paperwork and I've got no head for numbers like that.”
Nabiki giggled, “Well, you are a pussy sucking demoness sex monster out to rule our panties, would that count as evil?”
Ranma crossed her arms as her face turned thoughtful, “Well, I suppose I could stop if you really want…”
“NO!” Nabiki and Shampoo's exclamations brought a smile back to the redhead's face as her psychic girlfriend continued, “That's just not fighting fair.”
“Anything Goes,” Ranma commented lightly.
While they were distracted, the aqua haired Senshi made her move. Darting forward and charging her power up she was ready to take out the cat girl beast that had incapacitated her lover. Sailor Neptune knew she would only have one shot, and she had hope that the remaining Inner Senshi, Mercury, would back her up.
She had taken only three steps when she felt it. As she moved she had locked eyes with one of the enemy for a moment, but as their eyes met she felt a battering ram in her skull and fell to the ground with a scream, clutching her head.
Nabiki had sensed the Senshi's hostility and struck with a hard psychic spike. While they were training Ranma had described the jolt as an `ice cream headache the size of Canada'. Painful and debilitating.
“Stay down,” Nabiki ordered coldly, “the pain will pass and I don't want to hurt you…much. I think it's time we got answers. Don't you think so, Ms. Mizuno?”
Sailor Mercury gulped in shock, but realized that these people had only just shown the tip of the iceberg as far as power went. It made sense to her that a powerful psychic would be able to find her identity, but that it was done so quickly scared her.
Then again, all three of these people were starting to scare her quite a bit.
“I'll answer your questions if you leave my friends be,” she said quietly, hoping that they would all make it out of this alive. “But I do have questions of my own.”
“And you want to understand how this went so wrong so fast,” Nabiki countered. “All right, I can understand that.”
Ranma blinked, “Hold on, Nabs. They jump us, try to kill us, and let my old man escape, and you want to chat? You sure that's such a hot idea?”
“It's either convince them that we are not a threat or kill them now before they wind up accidentally helping the Guild. Your choice.”
Ranma nodded reluctantly, but kept a watchful eye on the last Senshi standing just in case. Shampoo also took no chances and gathered the knocked out Sailor girls into one place so she could keep an eye on them while they talked.
Nabiki started, “Why did you start following us earlier? Your red skirted friend was able to sense me, but another psychic shouldn't be that big of a deal.”
Mercury paused briefly, but answered, “Your friend gives off massive amounts of Dark Energy. We've fought many enemies, and none of them were quite like this. You may not be the strongest foe we've faced, but it's a difference of being hit by a bomb or a bigger bomb. Both are very dangerous. There is also the problem of the Dark Energy bonds that you and the…Amazon…Cat girl…have on you. The last time we encountered something like that it was a form of demonic possession.”
“Close, but not quite. But I must say your reasoning may not be as flawed as we feared,” Nabiki said. “You've been fighting for a while now, and you're used to reacting with force. I think I understand. Now we'll answer one of your questions.”
Shampoo cocked her head, “We will?”
Nabiki nodded, “Yes, we will.”
Sailor Mercury took a deep breath and thought for a moment. She replayed all the interactions she had with these people since seeing them in the café, analyzing what had happened and going over all that they had said. Looking for a question that would truly begin to fill in the gaps here.
Finally she asked, “What is the Guild?”
“A good question,” Nabiki said, “The Guild is…”
“The Guild is a demonic society that acts to protect demon kind from humanity as a whole,” spoke a new voice. Another Senshi walked calmly out of the woods. She had long dark green hair and tanned skin. Her uniform was trimmed in an almost black green and she held a long staff with a silver heart shaped tip, a large garnet resting inside it.
She continued, “For thousands of years the Guild has acted, rarely openly, to keep humanity in the dark. The current head of the Guild, a powerful demon named Baraguld, wants to take it a step further and begin a campaign against humans, but is held back by politics within his own order. Am I correct Ms. Tendo?”
There was a long silence as the martial artists took in the newcomer, and the small girl who was also in a Senshi uniform that stood nervously behind her carrying another pole arm, this one topped with a rather wicked blade.
Sailor Mercury reacted better, “Sailor Pluto! How did you know all that?”
The older woman smiled, “They have been in existence since even before my posting as the Guardian of Time.”
This declaration set off many alarm bells for Nabiki, “Guardian of Time you say? That's quite a position. I suppose then that you know we're telling the truth and you don't want to fight?”
“Oh, I know that you mean no harm and that you have no affiliation to the Guild,” Setsuna said with a smile that made Nabiki nervous. “But I do wish to fight. One on one with Ranma, no weapons and no powers. Just hand to hand skill. A challenge match if you will.”
Ranma appraised the newcomer and turned to Nabiki in silent communication, She's carrying herself like a trained fighter, no doubt. I don't feel she's lying, but there is something about her. She's holding back part of her power, I can tell.
All right then, Nabiki responded, play it close. The title of Guardian of Time has me worried. It could be self aggrandizing but we should play it safe anyway.
Shampoo nodded her agreement as she knelt down, her feline eyes moving between the collection of downed Senshi and the green haired fighter. The Amazon's nose twitched for a moment, but she remained silent, her frown evident.
“All right then,” Ranma said as her wings collapsed and vanished. She rolled her shoulders a few times and stepped forward, “let's get it on.”
Pluto planted her staff hard into the ground enabling it to stand on its own and also stepped forward. She bowed to Ranma, and the redhead returned the gesture. As they stood up again the clearing grew silent, not even a whisper of wind passing by.
Genma scowled in frustration.
The boy had put him on the ropes far too easily, and even using his Forbidden Schools he found that his foolish son could easily overpower him. On top of that the tag along he had pulled into this confrontation had never showed up. And the fight had been disrupted instead by a group of magical demon hunters.
Genma had attempted to turn the situation to his advantage, thinking that the group could overwhelm his cursed son with numbers, but that hope turned futile as they had no training and were taken out one by one.
The man's scowl deepened as he retreated further away from the confrontation, sure that the boy would kill those useless women quickly and come after him.
His tactical withdrawal was halted however when a blur shot out of nowhere and pinned him to a wall. The figure holding him growled out, “Genma Saotome, my Master has a proposition for you. You will listen and obey or you will die by my hand. Do you understand?”
Genma nodded slowly as he made out his assailant. Long legs, strong arms, a large bust, almost no clothing, orange hair and black as night wings.
“I am Enema,” the demoness said, “and I represent the Guild.”
Sailor Saturn held her breath, her face a picture of worry as she watched the oldest of the Senshi square off against the women that had stopped Sailor Uranus cold. She had always thought that her Papa was the strongest fighter in the team, seconded by Sailor Jupiter, but the way the feline one had bounced the tomboyish race driver around was frightening to the small girl.
Now the stoic Senshi of Time was going one on one against their leader, a redhead demon that had single-handedly taken out all of the Inner Senshi. Saturn was worried, and it showed on her face.
The two of them had been rock still for almost a minute, both in ready stances. After the minute passed, the redhead gave a small nod, an acknowledgement of some kind to Sailor Pluto, and to Saturn's surprise the elder Senshi nodded back, a smile on her face.
Then there was motion.
Both fighters shot forward, Pluto firing off a combination of straight punches, hooks and short uppercuts then met against wind milling arms that deflected each shot. The redhead spun suddenly and with a high kick swept both of Pluto's arms aside and followed up with another kick that was blocked with a high knee.
Boots met silk pants as a fury of kicks were exchanged, each strike blocked as the combatants tested each other. Pluto's hand shot out in a palm strike, but was pushed aside by an elbow block as the one called Ranma turned inwards. Pluto spun as well, attempting to catch a shin under the smaller girl's ribs.
The leg was caught, but the Time Guardian continued the spin, levering herself upwards and attempting to strike Ranma in the head with a second kick. The redhead released the first leg and brought up both forearms to stop the strike.
As Pluto landed, the demoness took the advantage and lashed out with a short punch followed by a high knee that reversed into an ax kick. Pluto faded back from the punch, bent to avoid the knee and continued into a flip that got her out of the way of the dropping kick.
Ranma followed and jumped up, spinning in air to accelerate a blindingly fast kick that Pluto almost could feel graze her hair as she ducked and rolled forward, coming up behind the now landing attacker. Ranma didn't even turn, she just dropped down to her hands and did a flip of her own, kicking backwards in the process. Pluto stepped forward, avoiding the kick and spun on one heel to see Ranma already facing her.
“You're good,” the redhead said calmly.
Pluto nodded, “I had excellent teachers.”
With that the taller woman shot forward, arm cocked back for a punch. Ranma got ready to block it but was almost caught off guard when the punch failed to come and instead had to quickly shift her defense to stop a side kick that was aimed at her stomach. Then the punch came in and Ranma slid to her knees to avoid getting hit.
Sailor Mars awoke slowly, head throbbing. She heard the sounds of a fight and opened her eyes slowly. What she saw was Sailor Pluto in a high speed hand to hand fight with the monster that had attacked them.
Groaning, she attempted to get to her feet to help and saw that the other Senshi were on the ground around her, all out cold. The only exceptions were Pluto herself, Sailor Saturn who was hanging back out of the way of the fight, and Sailor Mercury.
The smartest of the Senshi was sitting nearby, a look of shock on her face as her computer lay on the ground in front of her, lights dancing in a chaotic pattern on its screen.
“Got to help,” Mars whispered to herself as she made it to her knees.
“Don't, it will only make things worse for you.”
Mars looked up and saw the brown haired girl, the one that had shown telepathic abilities back in the café, standing over her. Behind her, crouched down and watching the fight, was the long blue haired girl. But this one had changed; she was now more beast-like, almost feline in appearance.
“This is duel,” the cat girl said solemnly. “If you interfere you would bring great dishonor to your comrade who fights so well.”
The shrine maiden growled, “What do demons know about honor?”
“More then you ever will, little girl. Ranma has pledged her life to the code of a Martial Artist, to use the Art in defense of the defenseless. Remember, even though you were spouting off about justice, you were the ones to attack us before you knew all the facts.” The brown haired girl sighed in frustration, “Putting that aside, you don't need to worry. You're free to go. Ms. Mizuno brokered a deal and you got the better of it. But be warned, we do not take threats lightly.”
The ferial woman added, “Obstacles are for killing.”
Ranma's blood was singing and she was on the verge of fighter's euphoria.
This was no battle; it was poetry, a work of art made by the Art as wielded by Masters.
She had no doubt that the woman she faced was a Master. It showed in the economy of movement, the grace of form and the ability to read movement ahead of time and weave it into a dance that was balanced and powerful.
And as Ranma exalted in the thrill of a challenge she saw her smile mirrored on the green haired woman in front of her. For Sailor Pluto as well, this was more then a fight.
This was an expression of love of the Art.
Then it began to dawn on Ranma as she once more countered a high speed combination with one of her own, this woman was fighting with a distinct style. To a Martial Artist of Ranma's level each fighter had a unique style, almost a fingerprint to their fighting, no two alike.
Sailor Pluto had a style that was so close to her own that it was somewhat frightening.
To test the theory Ranma stepped up the battle a notch, launching into a chestnut fist that was countered just as expertly by an equal barrage of punches. This woman had Amazon training.
Into the air, Ranma jumped, initiating a specialty of the Saotome School. And again Sailor Pluto was there to meet her. Ranma frowned, losing some of the thrill of the battle and focused more on her opponent.
Sailor Pluto met the frown with a Cheshire grin.
A dozen forms flew by even before they touched ground again, and when they did it was only to fly into a dozen more forms as each sought out elusive openings in the other's defense.
Then Ranma saw it, a slight afterimage of red as they moved. The self proclaimed Guardian of Time's eyes were faintly glowing.
Ranma jumped back, assuming a tight defensive stance and growled out, “What the hell? Is this some kind of trick?”
“No Ranma,” Pluto said as she dropped her stance, “there is no trick here. I am no foe, but I am what you think I am. I am like you, a paradox. In your case it is the demon that lives as a human, and human that lives as a demon. I on the other hand have seen the end and beginning of time itself.”
Nabiki asked, “You're a time traveler?”
“Yes and no. I do not travel through time; instead I am apart from it, existing outside of its influence.”
“So Ranma has…will have…stupid tenses…Ranma trained you in the future and you're drawing on that in the present.”
“Again, yes and no.”
“Huh,” Ranma answered intelligently. “What are you two talking about? Sure she has a similar style to me, but that's not what I was reacting to.”
Nabiki tilted her head slightly, “It wasn't?”
“No,” Pluto answered, “but my answer is to both questions. I was trained in the future by Ranma in all aspects of his Art, but the reason Ranma reacted is because of my eyes…”
“That glow,” whispered Shampoo.
Nabiki started to put it together even as Sailor Mercury and Sailor Mars started to shiver, “But that means that you're…”
Sailor Pluto finished, “A demoness born in the future and trained as the heir to the Founding School of Indiscriminate Grappling with a slant towards use by a succubus.”
Ranma blinked, and then blinked again, “Heir? Succubus? Future? But I wouldn't…unless…”
Sailor Pluto's Cheshire grin grew even wider. Then she brought her hands up under her chin as her eyes grew wide and watered as she ran forward unexpectedly and jumped awkwardly into Ranma's arms.
To be continued…
Endnote: BWAHAHAHA! I really have to blame that one on Dragon there. It was all his idea, don't blame me. Next time, repercussions as the Senshi find out that one of their own has been hiding secrets. And Hotaru may or may not learn the `Uber-Cute-Eyes-of-DOOM!' Until next time…BOW before MENTOK THE MINDTAKER…oh what, NO I DONT HAVE THE TIME! Well sure I could look, but seriously why would I need to? I just take it out of your mind, right? Now then, where was I? Oh never mind. Next chapter please.