Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Utena, Revolutionary Girl Fan Fiction ❯ Ohtori Moon ❯ Chapter 7 - School Daze ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wow, I'm still alive after all. The next few chapters might not be as good as I'd like them to be. I'm still recovering some skills, so bare with me. And thank you to all you reviewers. I would probably never write again if it weren't for you guys. And I've already got a bunch of the next chapter done, so it shouldn't be a year for the next chapter either. (Unless more horrible things happen to me, which let's hope doesn't for the sake of this story if nothing else.)
And don't forget, reviews really make me want to write, even when it's 5 AM and I should be sleeping. (which is how I actually managed to get going on this again)
I don't own either series. But I'm sure having some fun with them.
Chapter 7 - School Daze
“I'M LATE!!!!!” Came the cry from the blonde girl known as Usagi. And as could be expected, she was late for her first day of class.
Dodging students, the blonde fireball hurled herself in what she hoped was the direction of her first class. She bolted around corners and hurried into the building she believed was the right one.
“Oh no, where is my classroom?!?” Usagi whined.
“What class do you have, Usagi?” A calm voice asked from behind the blonde. Usagi jumped and turned around.
“Oh! Anthy, I didn't see you. I've got math first period, and I'm in class 1-B, and this place is so big!” Usagi rambled off.
Anthy laughed softly. “Don't worry, Usagi. That's my class too. We can go together.”
Usagi heaved a big sigh of relief, then grabbed Anthy's hand and began running, dragging the helpless girl behind her. “WE'RE LATE!!!!!!”
“I'm so sorry for making you late, Anthy!” Usagi apologized for the 10th time since class ended.
“Usagi, it's really alright. You must have been so nervous today. Besides, the teacher understood, and we didn't get in any trouble,” Anthy explained, as she sweat dropped.
“Anthy,” a deep male voice interrupted.
“Saionji-sama,” Anthy bowed her head as she acknowledged the man she was engaged to.
“I told you to meet me outside the rose garden this morning, and you didn't show,” Saionji glared and stepped towards the girl.
“I had to show Usagi to class, and the teacher wouldn't let me leave. I'm sorry,” Anthy bowed her head in shame. Saionji raised his hand to slap her, when Usagi stepped in front of her.
“I was the one who caused her to miss her meeting with you. If you're gonna blame anyone, blame me,” Usagi said, braver then she felt.
“How dare you…” Saionji growled, clenching and unclenching his fist.
“Is there a problem here, Usagi? Anthy?” a deep male voice interrupted.
“Iie, onii-san,” Anthy said quietly.
“Alright then. It's good to see you both. It's about time you hung out with your friends, Anthy. For a while I was beginning to worry you didn't have any,” Akio said with a soft laugh.
“Sir,” Saionji said respectfully. He bowed, and then began to turn. His eyes met with Anthy's briefly and they promised he'd make her regret ditching him.
“Well, I'm afraid I don't have much time to chat, but I'll see you this weekend, right Anthy?” Akio said, his voice lowering a little.
Anthy nodded respectfully, keeping her eyes carefully guarded. “Of course, onii-san.”
“And I hope to see you soon as well, Usagi. Thank you again for taking care of my sister,” Akio said with a handsome smile at the blond bunny. She smiled and shook her head.
“I think she's the one taking care of me here. I never would have found my class without her,” Usagi laughed and scratched the back of her head shyly.
Akio smiled at her and shook his head. “You certainly are something, Usagi. Take care, you two.” He waved as he continued off down the hallway.
After he was out of their sight, Usagi turned to Anthy.
“I know it's not my place to pry, but I'm worried about you Anthy. I don't think that Saionji guy is just gonna forget this. Are you going to be alright?” Usagi asked, worried.
Anthy shook her head. “I'll be alright, Usagi. Don't worry about me.”
“Anthy, I'm your friend. I see someone wants to hurt you. How could I NOT worry? I don't know how much I could do either. I'm not very strong,” Usagi admitted.
“Yes, you are Usagi,” Anthy insisted with a small encouraging smile. “Even being weaker, you stand up for what is right, even if it means you might get hurt. That is a great strength.”
Usagi blushed and shook her head. “Nah, I'm just foolish. But thank you. Maybe if I try, I can get really strong and even beat Saionji to a pulp. Then no one would mess with my friends! Sailor V kick!”
Usagi pretended to kick the air. Anthy laughed as she watched her friend beat up an imaginary Saionji. Usagi continued until she slipped and fell. She blinked and then burst out laughing.
“Oh my, Usagi, are you alright?” Anthy asked through her laughter.
“I'm fine, I do that a lot. Some super hero I'd make, huh? I guess I could always just fall on my enemies…” Usagi and Anthy giggled.
Suddenly Usagi's stomach made a loud proclamation of hunger.
“Why don't we go grab some lunch, Anthy?” Usagi suggested, as she stood up.
“Alright, Usagi. I know of a nice place to have lunch,” Anthy answered as the two started walking down the hall.
“Great! Let's hurry, I'm starved!” Usagi chirped.
“Hai!” Anthy said with a soft laugh.
“My, you eat almost as much as Chu-Chu,” Anthy noticed.
“Chu-chu?” Usagi mumbled through a mouthful of food.
Anthy nodded. “He's my friend. He never seems to get enough to eat,” Anthy laughed softly.
“I have to meet him sometime. Sounds like we'd get along great!” Usagi smiled brightly.
“Get along great with who?” Touga asked as he walked up to the two girls.
“My friend Chu-Chu,” Anthy answered, with a small smile.
“Ah, I agree. I think they would get along great,” Touga smiled at the blond. “I hate to interrupt, but I'm afraid I must steal Usagi for a moment.”
Usagi looked at him curiously for a moment.
“It's alright, Touga-sempai,” Anthy said. “We just finished anyway, and I must head to my next class. I'll see you tomorrow, Usagi.”
“Alright, bye Anthy!” Usagi chirped happily to the retreating girl.
“I heard Saionji was giving you and Anthy problems again,” Touga said softly.
“He was, but Akio came by and Saionji left. I'm still worried about Anthy, but she said it'll be alright,” Usagi explained. She looked up at Touga and saw a strange emotion flickering in his eyes.
“I see, well, I'll speak with him again. His behavior is unbecoming for a member of the student council,” Touga said.
“Thank you so much Touga. I can see why Nanami cares about you so much,” Usagi smiled.
“Oh?” Touga raised an eyebrow.
“You're thoughtful, and you're one of the few guys left with a sense of honor,” Usagi started to blush a little but looked at the ground to hide her face.
“It's more then that though. You see, we were adopted when we were young. I always looked after her, but lately I've been rather busy, and she wants to continue spending as much time as possible with me. It's been the cause of a few problems recently,” Touga sighed as he leaned against the tree.
“Wow, I never would have guessed. But I can't blame her, though. It's hard when the entire world, even your body is changing, and the one thing you've always counted on seems to be around less,” Usagi said thoughtfully.
“I never looked at it that way,” Touga shook his head. “You really understand people well, don't you?”
Usagi blushed and shook her head. “I dunno. I was there before. I always went to the arcade and Motoki would always listen to my problems and help me out. But then he got engaged, and he didn't have much time for me. It was hard, cause I didn't have anyone else to turn to. But, it's different with me cause I used to have a big crush on him as well…” Usagi blushed as she realized what she said.
Touga laughed softly. “It makes sense now. I wish I could be there for Nanami, but since I can't, could I ask that you watch over her?”
Usagi looked up at him, and saw the concern in his eyes. She smiled and nodded. “I'd love to. I just hope she could trust me.”
“I don't think there's anyone who wouldn't trust you. You're a good person, Usagi. It shows in everything you do,” Touga said, kneeling down next to her. He placed a hand on her shoulder, and met her eyes.
Usagi blushed and smiled at Touga. “I'll do whatever I can, I promise.”
“Thank you, it means a lot to me?” Touga suggested, as he stood again. He offered his hand to her.
Usagi nodded as she took his hand and pulled herself up. “I'm happy to help, Touga.”
Touga pulled her close as she stood. He captured her clear blue eyes with his dark ones. He smiled as she began to blush furiously. He wrapped an arm around her small waist and lifted her chin up. He leaned down to her, closing his deep blue eyes as his lips softly met hers.
Usagi's eyes widened as his lips touched hers, but she slowly closed them as his warmth overwhelmed her. She felt herself lean into him as he began to pull away. She blushed from head to toe. She stiffened visibly, and stepped back from him. She turned her head down.
“I gotta get to class…” Usagi mumbled weakly, and dashed off in the opposite direction.
Touga stood there, a slight blush on his face, as he lifted his fingers to touch his lips.
Usagi ran into a rather dark room and sighed. She noticed a piano near the window and decided to sit there. She looked at the keys and remembered her after school piano lessons she took in grade school. She began to play a few warm ups, and then begin playing an old melody she remembered loving when she was a child. She lost herself in the feel of the piano, as her memories calmed her shaking heart. Finally feeling like herself again, she stopped playing.
Soft clapping echoed through the large music room. Usagi blushed and turned to see a girl with blue hair at the entrance to the music room.
“Would you mind playing with me for a while?” The girl asked quietly.
Usagi shook her head and moved down the bench. The girl sat down next to her.
“It's not very often someone other then my brother uses this piano. And it's always the same song. It's quite refreshing to hear something new,” she said quietly, as she placed her fingers over the keys. “I'll warn you, I'm not very good though.”
“Neither am I. I haven't touched a piano since I was in elementary school,” Usagi said, blushing softly.
“Me neither,” the girl laughed softly.
The two girls began to play, attempted to read the music in front of them. However, what they played was far from what was on the music.
“Perhaps we should just play whatever we feel. I've never been good at reading music,” Usagi laughed softly.
“Sounds good to me. You start,” she smiled at the blond next to her.
Usagi began playing, just letting her hands travel across the piano. Soon, the other girl joined in. The song began to speed up, and the two girls smiled softly as they played together. Finally the song slowed to a soft finish. The blue haired girl turned to the blond and laughed softly.
“I don't think I've ever played so well in my life, thank you,” she said cheerfully. “By the way, my name is Kozue. Nice to meet you.”
“Tsukino Usagi. Nice to meet you too. Perhaps we can play again. It felt really nice to play again,” Usagi said cheerfully, extending her hand to the girl who accepted it.
“I would like that, but I'm afraid I've got a date to keep, and I'm already late. Take care, Usagi!” She said as she got up and quickly left the room.
“Take care!” Usagi called, before turning back to the sheet music in front of her. “All righty, let's try this again…”
Her eyes followed the notes scribbled onto the page as her hands graced the ivory keys again. She slowly played the beautiful song, and it became easier for her to play. She was so lost in concentration she didn't notice the entrance of another.
He walked in slowly, surprised to hear that song come from hands other then his or his sister's. He listened carefully, studying the girl at the piano. Her long golden hair shimmered as light flickered through the giant curtains. She seemed to have an aura of peace around her, as she lost herself in the music. Silently, he sat beside her and began to play.
Usagi briefly glanced at the blue haired boy next to her. He looked up at her and smiled in a friendly way. They turned back to the piano and ended the song.
“You play very well, Miss,” the boy said with a small smile.
“Thanks. I'm surprised I still remember how, after all these years,” Usagi said with a soft laugh.
“I never would have guessed. I'm Miki,” He offered his hand to the blond sitting next to him. She grasped his hand firmly, smiling cheerfully.
“Tsukino Usagi,” She chirped.
“So what brought you here today? You mentioned you haven't played in years,” Miki questioned.
Usagi's face darkened for a second, she still didn't know what to think about Touga.
“I-um… I needed to think for a while, and I just ended up in here. I just needed something to clear my mind, I suppose,” she said much less cheerfully.
“Is there something I could help with?” Miki asked concerned.
Usagi shook her head. “No, besides I should be more worried about passing math. It's so much harder here then at my old school,” she complained, sounding more like her cheerful self.
“Well, I could help with that. Math is one of my best subjects,” Miki offered shyly.
Usagi's eyes lit up as smiled brightly at the younger boy. “Really? You'd help me?!?”
Miki nodded, smiling gently. “Yay! You're the best, Miki!” Usagi said as she embraced the blushing boy.
“It's really nothing, Usagi-san,” Miki said quietly.
“Please, just call me Usagi,” she insisted, letting the poor boy go.
“Alright then, Usagi. When are you free?” Miki questioned.
“I'm free till pretty much anytime after school. I'm new here, so I don't have many friends, or much to do,” she explained.
“Alright, how about tomorrow at 3?” he suggested.
“That would be wonderful. I'm in the supposed `haunted' dorm, so it should be easy to find me. Thank you so much!” Usagi smiled brightly at him.
“You're welcome, Usagi.” He blushed slightly, studying her briefly.
The moment was interrupted as Usagi's stomach made it's anger at it's lack of food known. Usagi blushed and laughed innocently.
“I should probably go get dinner then. I'll see you tomorrow Miki. Take care!” Usagi said as she bounded away from the young genius.