Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Lightning Meets Dragon ❯ The Choice is Made ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

An Escaflowne/Sailor Moon Crossover

Lightning meets Dragon

~Crystal Tokyo~

An audience was requested by the senshi of time. The queen, the king, the princess and all of the senshi were in attendance except for Jupiter. Jupiter was grieving over the loss of her husband two centuries previous and was searching the galaxy for his murderer. Neo-Queen Serenity looked at the senshi of time with a question in her eyes.

"Sailor Pluto, we are all in attendance. Why have you called this meeting?"

The maroon-eyed senshi looked at her queen and each of the senshi in attendance before answering.

"There is a world facing peril once again, and I believe it would be in our best interests to lend them some help and forge an alliance." She gestures with her staff and an image of a world appears. Sailor Mars gasps.

"I've seen that world in my dreams, I did not think it existed. It looks like earth, before Crystal Tokyo and modernization occurred. It's beautiful." Sailor Pluto smiles a small smile.

"This is Gaea, it's earth's twin planet. It was created by the people of Atlantis as a peaceful planet, pure of the poisons of war. But this peace was disrupted by the arrival of Dornkirk also known as Sir Issac Newton, just two years ago." She paused for a reaction from the senshi, her reaction came from the smallest senshi, Princess Serenity.

"But Sir Issac Newton died centuries ago how could he have traveled to Gaea?"

"He somehow transported to Gaea, and brought primitive technology with him." She seemed to spit out 'technology' as if disgusted with the word. "Fortunately, another came two years ago and was able to end the war that developed. Her name was Hitomi Kanzaki"

"You say was, did she die?" Sailor Mercury asked.

Sailor Pluto smiled slightly, "No. She did not die. Her name's Hitomi Fanel now, she's the queen of Fanelia, she married the hero of the war."

"What do you wish for me to do? Send one of my senshi to aid them?" Neo-Queen Serenity asked interrupting the history lesson.

"That is exactly what I am saying, the new threat that they will face will be too much for them to handle alone, but it is very important that we send Sailor Jupiter there."

"Why would I send Jupiter? She is powerful but she is still grieving and that fact makes her dangerous. She will not stop grieving until she has found the murderer of her husband." Sailor Pluto allowed herself a grin

"Exactly. The enemy won't know what hit them and she will be able to finally stop grieving." Neo-Queen Serenity allowed herself a smile.

"Send for Sailor Jupiter, Mako-chan needs to go on a mission of diplomacy."

I'm going to end it there to see if anyone is interested in reading this fic, Please R&R. No flames please this is my first fic.

(AN-I'm not changing any of the facts that happened in the show, so if you haven't seen the whole series please don't yell at me for making it vague -_-')

(AN2-I'm making it that she came back after a year of being away from Van, I'm also making it that the war lasted a year of Gaea but no time passed on Earth.)


I don't own Escaflowne or Sailor Moon, if I did … (gets dreamy look on her face)