Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Lightning Meets Dragon ❯ A Senshi is Summoned ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN-Thank you to silver sea star, D, and umi for reviewing! You guys make my day! And because I got such positive reviews I'm writing and posting another chapter today instead of next week! See what reviews can do? *Yes I'm hyper*

Disclaimer: I don't own Escaflowne or Sailor Moon, if I did… (Gets dreamy look on face until muse pokes her back to life) *jumps up* right the story I forgot! Oops!

Lightning meets Dragon Chapter 2

From last chapter

"Send for Sailor Jupiter, Mako-chan needs to go on a mission of diplomacy."

~On the planet Jupiter~

Makoto Kino was sitting in her throne on Jupiter, her castle was busy around her but she paid them no heed, she was too busy thinking of Shinosaki, her late husband, and the memories they shared. Makoto usually did not need to go to Jupiter unless she wished to be left alone and think, her advisors took care of her people and all her assets. (AN-she could take care of everything if she wanted to but she didn't.) Suddenly a page burst through the main door to the throne room.

"Queen Makoto, Queen Makoto!" the young boy yelled before kneeling before her throne. She motioned for him to get up,

"What is it? You all knew I do not wish to be disturbed."

"It's an urgent message from Crystal Tokyo, from the Queen!" he set a small cube down on the floor before her and an image of Neo-Queen Serenity appeared, everyone in the throne room bowed and swiftly left the room to leave Makoto and the image alone. Makoto stood up and gave a slight bow to her Queen.

"What was so important to disturb my peace and quiet, Usagi-chan?" she said quietly.

"I want you to go on a diplomatic mission, to a world called Gaea. It's in dire need of assistance."

"Why don't you send one of the others? Minako-chan is best with diplomacy and she's your second in command. Or Ami-chan. Or Rei-chan. Why would you wish me to go?"

"I need them here and we are worried about you Mako-chan, you haven't been yourself since Shinosaki died." Makoto held back tears making her eyes shine brightly.

"Can I not grieve for him? I loved him so much."

"Makoto please do not make me order you to go, besides Setsuna said that you were the best senshi for the job and I trust her judgment."

"I…" Makoto seems to consider her options, "will go on the mission. What is it that you wish for me to accomplish and where on Gaea do you wish me to go?"

"There is a country called Fanelia, ruled by Van and Hitomi Fanel. Hitomi is from Japan and I believe that you will get along with her famously. And I want you to protect them both. They will face dangers that they are not prepared for. Besides" Neo-Queen Serenity adds with a grin "They have a small army that I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you trained them, since your soldiers and so much more powerful then any I have seen. You could show them your style and kick their asses with it." Makoto smiled slightly

"I haven't trained soldiers in years… I hope my skills aren't rusty. When do I leave and are you providing me with the necessary back round information?"

"You leave immediately Setsuna will give you the information to read when she comes to pick you up. Pack lightly Mako-chan, oh you'll need to wear dresses all the time except when you're training of course. Gaea is still primitive and modest. Sailor Pluto is on her way, Good luck Makoto. Don't forget to report how you're doing!" Neo-Queen Serenity's image disappears. Makoto calls some servants into the room to grab everything she needs for her trip. Left alone while the servants get all the supplies Makoto says to thin air.

"Why did Setsuna choose me? Is it because I'm the most powerful inner senshi? Or is there an ulterior motive behind choosing me." Unseen to Makoto, Sailor Pluto smiles in the time gate she touches the mirror gently,

"Makoto you'll find out in time."

Another chapter out for you all! I just wanted to tell you that I made a mistake in my last chapter and Van and Hitomi have been married one year and spent one year apart after her return to earth, they don't have any children … yet.

Please R&R reviews make me feel very inspired and make me type faster.

Ja Ne!