Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Lightning Meets Dragon ❯ A Queen's Appearance, arrival in Fanelia ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN-Thank you to Myst_Lady, denita, Matrix, and last but not least Silver sea star! Your reviews mean so much to me. *Muse rolls eye at Enzeru No Yami and taps her on the shoulder until she gets back to the point. * Right *mutters under breath* get rid of pushy muse. *Muse slaps her upside the head* Ouch! *Rubs back of head still muttering. * Well since my muse says so *delivers death glare to muse* I'll type the next chapter of my fic and GUESS WHAT! There will actually be Escaflowne in here! *Adds under breath* if my pushy muse will stop interrupting me. *Another slap* OUCH! *Secondary muse, Makoto Kino is laughing her @$$ off. She turns to the readers* They might be a while so I'll start this chapter. Enjoy!

Lightning Meets Dragon

Chapter Three

A Queens Appearance, arrival in Fanelia.

From the last chapter

"Makoto you'll find out in time."

~Back in the throne room of the Jovian Castle~

"Queen Makoto all of the belongings that you have requested have to been packed in this cube. Is there anything else that you wish for us to do?" The servant kneels before her respectively offering up the cube.

"You have all done well my wish is that you all take a vacation a month should be sufficient reward for your service this year, you all may take your families anywhere in the solar system. And make sure to enjoy yourselves." She winks at them good-naturedly. "That's a request. You may all leave now." The servants bow to her before leaving the room, whispering to each other about their queen's charity and where they were planning on going on their vacations.

"Makoto are you ready?" Setsuna asked from the portal she came out of in the middle of the throne room. Makoto turns sharply around at the sound of her voice and then visibly relaxes.

"I think so… Setsuna I have a few questions for you. Will you answer them?" The senshi of time seemed to consider this for a moment.

"Depends on the questions Makoto, but asks them anyway I may surprise you."

"Are they expecting me in Fanelia?"

"There is a prophecy that I carefully put in place telling of the 'warrior of powers arrival in the land of dragons, that is a friend of Fanelia's and a protector of the crown' I didn't say which crown and they will be expecting you. Of course it will be funny, I didn't say in the prophecy that the warrior would be male. You will have to prove your identity by showing the sign of Jupiter that is tattooed on your right arm. They will accept you when they see it."

"What will I face in Fanelia?"

"You will face resistance because of your sex and the rest will let itself be known to you in time. You will have allies though and they will protect you, the King and Queen of Fanelia will be your greatest friends upon the council."

"Why did you choose me? Ami and Minako are the best diplomats and Haruka and Michiru are the most powerful, I am the center senshi and I'm not usually chosen for diplomatic missions."

"That my dear Makoto will be revealed in time. Shall we go now?"

"Yes." Makoto said sounding slightly disappointed "No wait, I'll take Shinosaki's Sword it might be useful and a welcome remembrance of him for me." A tear slid slowly down her cheek before she wiped it away. She called the sword to her and it attached itself to her hip with the green and yellow (lightning pattern) scabbard around it. The Sheathe (AN-that is the right word right?) hung loosely around her waist. "Let's go to Fanelia, Setsuna." They disappeared in a flash of light and the gate closed behind them leaving the throne room empty.

~A field in Fanelia, a carriage awaits them bearing the symbol of Jupiter upon it~

As Setsuna and Makoto get comfortable in the carriage Makoto remarks, "I haven't used a carriage in years much less this one, it's too hard to defend a carriage like this when you're on the inside." The carriage started moving toward Fanelia roughly an hours ride to the east.

"I know but unfortunately we have to travel this way, oh some things you may wish to know, you shouldn't reveal the fact that you are Queen of Jupiter and also it would be best if your powers remained hidden until the time is right. I have included all the information that you will need in this cube, and you have a new transformation phrase 'Jupiter Eternal Power Make-up' it is a stronger transformation and the costume is different." Out of the cube a beam of light appears and an image of Makoto is seen, her sword is buckled at her waist and she is in a one piece body suit that is a forest green color that includes high heeled boots and a mask that covers her eyes. Her hair is in its usual style except the beads holding it in are green with lightning bolts on them. A long skirt goes down from her waist to her feet that can be removed easily for fighting situations.

"It's lovely and quite different from what I'm used to, it almost looks like a ball dress…"

"It can be used for a ball gown but as you can see it would be much more comfortable." The carriage stopped ending their conversation; a footman opened the door and handed Makoto and Setsuna out. Setsuna and Makoto had both changed into ball gowns before leaving the time gates. Makoto looked around they were in the court yard of the Fanelia castle, she could see a man and a woman walking slowly from the main doors hand in hand, and twelve men running down the stairs quickly passing the couple. The twelve men made two equal lines in front of the royal couple and stood at attention waiting for the couple to come down the stairs. Another group of six men were walking briskly to stay a step behind the royal couple. Makoto looked at the royal couple, the man had black hair and reddish brown eyes and was wearing the crest of Fanelia upon his red shirt, he was also wearing tan khaki pants and a sword upon his hip. The woman, who she assumed was Hitomi Fanel, was wearing a simple light green dress with a skirt that flared out around her as she walked. The couple finally reached the bottom of the stairs, the man started speaking. "Welcome to my kingdom, I am Van Slanzar de Fanel and this is my wife Hitomi. Will you join us inside for refreshments? It is quite hot out here and I'm sure you had a long carriage ride."

"I am Lady Makoto Kino and this is Lady Setsuna Meioh, we would be honored to accompany you in for refreshments, I think we have much to discuss." She and Setsuna curtseyed to the royal pair.

"Shall we go then?" Hitomi asked in a regal, but cheerful, voice.

Makoto smiled deciding at once that she did like Hitomi and she and Setsuna followed the royal couple up the stairs. Makoto whispered to Setsuna, "She was from Japan? At least the two of us have something in common." Hitomi heard this and turned her head slightly toward Van before saying,

"Van I think they are from the Mystic Moon, they both look distinctly Japanese."


"Yes, they both remind me of some people, I'm not quite sure who, from Japan." Van squeezed her hand reassuringly.

"We'll ask them when we get into my office okay?" He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

Well guess what I'm ending it there, this chapter is a lot longer than the others are and it had Escaflowne in it. *Readers look behind Enzeru and see her primary muse glaring at her back, Enzeru notices their attention behind her she smiles at them* I won.

Please R&R it makes me type faster. And Myst_Lady I'm not planning on moving this fic over to the crossover section, it has more to do with Escaflowne then it does with Sailor Moon. In fact if I write it right, the only senshi you will hear of in the rest of the fic will be Makoto, Setsuna and if my muse bugs me enough Serenity. *She isn't exactly my favorite senshi because she's too powerful and well weak that probably doesn't make much sense. * Oh in answer to your statement about when I came from this is my first fic and I have been around for several months but only recently got the guts to put up some of my writing.

Till the next chapter, Ja ne!

Enzeru No Yami


Angel of Darkness


Detari Silver