Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Lightning Meets Dragon ❯ A Royal Meeting ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN- Thank you to Carrie and JadeGoddess for reviewing chapter three. I wanted to wait for one more review but my muse isn't very patient *rolls eyes at muse, muse smirks and sticks tongue out* The last chapter was mainly a question and answer session with Setsuna and I had Van and Hitomi just at the end of it. This chapter hopefully if my muse behaves will be longer than the last few and will bring in the prophecy that I have yet to write so please don't flame me if it sucks! And Mako-chan will you do the honors of starting the chapter? *Secondary muse Makoto Kino nods head enthusiastically and sticks her tongue out at primary muse before starting the chapter* *Primary muse is seen fuming in the back round*

Lightning Meets Dragon

Chapter Four

A royal meeting

From the last chapter

"We'll ask them when we get to my office okay?" He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

~In Van's office, Fanelian castle~

"Please take a seat the refreshments will be served soon." Van gestured to two seats in front of his desk. He and Hitomi sat behind the desk on a love seat (AN-chances are this would never happen in Fanelia but…it does because I said so! He he!). "Lady Makoto Kino, you said before that we have much to discuss, would you like to elaborate?"

"Of course, my father was a Gaean lord and he studied prophecies as his hobby and he came upon one when I was very young that spoke of a warrior of power with the marking of a four, on their right arm. Like this one that I was born with." She rolled up the sleeve of her right arm and showed the mark of Jupiter to Van and Hitomi, Van gasped.

"Would you wait one minute? I believe that we have that prophecy in our library, one of my council members loves to read the old prophecies and constantly brings them to my attention."

"Of course." Makoto and Setsuna communicated telepathically while they waited for the council member to arrive. *Setsuna do they have the same prophecy that I studied on the way over here? *

*Yes don't worry, I seldom make mistakes and when I do I can quickly correct them, besides they wouldn't notice if one prophecy went missing every now and again. *

*Finally! The prophecy has arrived. Why is it that Hitomi seems so familiar? *

*It's because you went to school with her before you came to Tokyo. *

*Hitomi, Hitomi, Hitomi Kanzaki? *

*Yes that would be her, we must pay attention now Makoto. * They directed their attention back to Hitomi and Van and the council member (AN-who was named Palos but he isn't an important character so…)

Palos exclaimed, "This prophecy has been in the Fanelia libraries since Fanelia's founding no one knows where it came from or who predicted it. If you had asked me about last week I wouldn't have known it existed, it's odd I thought I knew all the prophecies that involved Fanelia and I guess somewhere in my studies I missed one."

Makoto eyed Setsuna who shrugged, "That is odd I've had a copy of it for years" she takes out an old piece of paper and places it on the desk, "My father studied this copy and actually read it to me as a story when I was growing up. I didn't know it had anything to do with this mark on my arm." She showed the mark of Jupiter to Palos and his eyes bugged out and it looked like he was going to pass out.

He started to read the prophecy out loud " 'The warrior of power will arrive in the land of dragons, that is a friend of Fanelia's and a protector of the crown. The warrior will bear the 'sword of lightning' and strength of many men. The warrior will also bear the sign of thunder 'shown below' on the right upper arm.' " At the bottom of the page was the sign of Jupiter in faded green ink. "She is the one, but can you fight?"

"Can I fight?" Makoto broke out laughing "That's the funniest thing I've heard all week! Why would I carry around this sword if I couldn't fight?" She unbuckled the sword and placed it gently on the desk. Hitomi ran her hand along the sheath and stopped suddenly enveloped in a vision. 'She was suddenly surrounded by warriors and were savagely attacking the soldiers in green armor around her and the sword she was holding was dropped and she followed it. She was suddenly pulled out of the body she inhabited and noticed it was the body of a man with brown hair and jade eyes. She saw a woman run out toward him and start weeping as she realized he was dead. The woman took up the sword and pointed it at the soldiers coming towards her, lightning was shot out of the sword and all the opposing soldiers fell before the order to retreat was given. The woman fell beside the man again and kissed his forehead, soldiers in green armor surrounded her and carried the man's body away and another soldier walked her away.' The vision stopped leaving her gasping for breath as Van was holding her gently in his arms and rubbing the small of her back

"I'm fine Van, I just saw something when I touched the sword. A battle I saw through the eyes of a man with brown hair and jade eyes. Who was it?"

Makoto bit her lip to keep it from quivering and placed the sword on her lap and ran her fingers down the lightning and vine design on the sheath. "The last owner of this sword was my husband, he died in battle." Setsuna put her arms around Makoto and whispered calm soothing words to her.

"I'm so sorry to have mentioned it." Hitomi silently vowed not to bring up the rest of the vision until they were alone.

"It's okay, I'm fine it was two years ago. Did you want my fighting ability to be tested?" Makoto asked Palos.

"Well it says in the prophecy that you are a warrior but … many women do not know the ways of the sword and it's totally up to Lord Van."

"Would you mind if I tested your fighting ability?"

"Of course not. I would just need to change into some pants. I wouldn't want to ruin this dress."

"I'll get some servants to clean up some rooms for you and Lady Setsuna."

"Lord Van that's okay I'm afraid that I have some pressing business to attend to and must return to my estate quickly. Please accept my humblest apologies." Setsuna stated politely.

"Of course, I wouldn't want to hinder the matters of your estate. Maybe you could visit some other time?"

"We'll have to see, you know how difficult it is to run a country and I'll oversee Lady Makoto's estate until her return."

"You don't have to, I've spent years making a good council and I personally trained and tested my soldiers. But thank you for the offer, my council knows that if they run into problems that they should contact you."

"If you'll excuse me I will now take my leave."

"Of course. Thank you for coming Lady Setsuna. We shall walk you to your carriage."

"I wouldn't dream of inconveniencing you I'll see my own way out. Lady Makoto I will send you word if anything that needs your immediate attention happens."

"Thank you, wish the others well for me." She hugs Setsuna "Don't work too hard, even you can take a vacation every once and a while."

Setsuna winks at Makoto, "I always take a vacation, you all just don't remember when I last took one."

Setsuna left the study and as soon as she was out of site summoned her time key and opened a portal to the time gates. "Good luck young one, I hope you will not require it."

I'm ending it there today and I would like four good reviews before I write and post the next chapter, which if given the proper reviews will be available for the good ppl of by Wednesday the 10th. Please R&R!

Ja Ne!

Oh and I noticed that I've forgotten my disclaimer for the last three chapters so here it is.

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or Vision of Escaflowne if I did … *gets dreamy look upon face* *Primary muse looks on in disgust, turns to the readers* Well at least she stopped writing the disclaimer at the beginning now I don't have to wake her up. Ja Ne!