Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Lightning Meets Dragon ❯ A meeting of the hearts and minds ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN- I have a new chapter for all of you guys because 1) I'm bored and 2) is down again! FYI-neither of my muses are awake yet so they won't be bothering for most of this chapter *does a little dance*. Here is chapter six of Lightning Meets Dragon!

Lightning meets Dragon

Chapter Six

A meeting of the hearts and minds

From the last chapter

Allen wasn't really paying attention to everything that was said between the two kings that didn't concern Makoto, 'what is the true story about her I know she's hiding something.'

~Makoto's room, royal visitors wing~

Hitomi knocked on Makoto's door, "Makoto it's me, Hitomi can I come in?"

The door opened and Hitomi gasped. The room had never been this clean!

"I needed to think so I decided to clean up I hope that's all right."

"Of course, I usually go and sit in on Van's council meetings, the advisors are so boring!" Makoto giggled

"I wish I could do that! My council is very boring, at least I have a council member to write out everything that is said in the council meetings, then I can look back to see what happened in the meeting!"

"Makoto there was a reason I came to talk with you, you seemed upset when you left the sparing room after talking about your deceased husband with Allen are you okay?"

"I'm okay Hitomi, it's just … I miss him so much and it's hard to think of him without getting emotional, I should apologize for my rude exit."

"That's okay, I told them that you were easily upset because you recently lost your husband in a battle, I didn't tell them about the whole battle or anything though. You should go speak with Allen also; he's lost someone he loved a while back as well, he could understand better than any of us could. Oh and Makoto, can this sword project lightning?"

"Okay I'll go talk with him and yes it can, it's a family heirloom and it's very powerful, but it will only react like that in times of great emotion. The story behind the making of this sword is that it was forged for the God of lightning and he was supposed to be my grandfather, kind of outrageous isn't it?"

"God of lightning? You mean Zeus?"

"Yes, I see you know quite a bit about roman mythology. It used to be my favorite subject in high school."

"Isn't that interesting me too. I didn't know you were from Earth."

"I was born there but my father lived here so I came to live with him, I've lived here for a couple years." (AN-this is a blatant lie Makoto just needs to gain Hitomi's trust and this is the best way to do it.)

"That's really interesting, I'm going to go talk with Celena and Millerna would you like to come?"

"Sure, it'd be nice to get to know them better. When's dinner going to be served?"

"It'll be served in two hours, are you going to change your outfit for dinner? The council members hate women wearing pants for some reason."

"Don't I know it I had to yell down my council so I could wear pants at the meetings every now and then. And I should change where are the baths?"

"There's a private bath in each guest room that you can use. Will you meet me in Millerna's quarters after you finish?"

"Of course which room is it?"

"It's two doors to the left if you can't find it look for the crest of Austuria, it's the golden sword, with green sea dragons upon a blue background. You can't miss it."

"Thanks Hitomi, I'll see you there." Hitomi smiled and left the room; Makoto took a quick bath and unpacked her dresses into the large closet. She grabbed a simple dress with few frills that had the sign of Jupiter embroidered on it with vines and leaves surrounding it. (AN-think when she's using Jupiter Oak Evolution that symbol.) She started walking down the hall to Millerna's room when she bumped into Allen literally.

"Hello Lady Makoto," she blushed as he kissed her hand "I wanted to speak with you after your sparing match with Van, are you busy?"

"Well I was planning on talking with Lady Celena, Queen Millerna and Hitomi until dinner but I would like to speak with you." She smiled at him and he smiled back.

"They have a lovely garden here in Fanelia have you had a look at it yet?"

"I'm afraid that I just arrived today and didn't get the opportunity, would you mind showing me around it?"

"I wouldn't mind at all." He held out his arm and she took it. She saw Millerna's door open and Hitomi saw them as they passed Makoto winked at Hitomi as she shut the door and turned to Celena and Millerna.

"I don't think we'll see Makoto until dinner, it looks like she's taken my advice and is going to talk with Allen."

~Fanelian Garden~

Makoto walked back and forth between the different flowers, especially the roses and lilies. Allen was walking behind her at a slightly less enthusiastic pace.

"It's absolutely beautiful! The flowers are still in bloom!"

"Yes it is beautiful." 'Not as beautiful as you are though, not even close.' Allen picked a white lily from one of the bushes and delicately placed in Makoto's hair. "Perfect."

"Thank you Allen. I wanted to talk to you about something. Hitomi told me that she explained about my husband and I personally wanted to say that I'm sorry for my rude exit before. It wasn't your fault that he died, I just miss him so much." She put her hand over her mouth and wept quietly and soon felt Allen's arms go around her.

"It's okay, you don't have to apologize, I understand how you must feel. I once had a lover die, it was horrible but I did get through it and if you would like I'll help you through this too." She wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Thank you Allen, Hitomi was right you were the right person to talk to. It's almost time for supper, I can't believe we spent an entire hour looking at the flowers."

"May I escort you to the dining hall?" He held out his arm to her.

"I would be honored." She took his arm and they walked to the dining hall. There was a figure in the shadows in the gardens that they failed to notice. He cursed quietly.

"I killed her husband and that flirt thinks he will win her heart? We'll see about that. We will see." He disappeared into the night not leaving a trace that he was there, except for the single white rose with drops of red blood on it.

AN-I've been reading your reviews, thank you for taking time out of your busy lives to write them, I'd really like some feedback on my story, and to tell you guys that I have been working my @$$ off to update, I just can't get inspired without your reviews! FYI-my updating schedule so far has been October 1,2,4,8,8. Personally I do not like how I have written this chapter, please review to tell me if I should rewrite it.