Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Lightning Meets Dragon ❯ Preparations and the dressmaker. ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 10

Preparations and the dressmaker.

From the last chapter

'At the Queen's birthday ball I will strike, she will be happy to see me. But if she isn't I'll hold the Queen hostage and force her to be mine. She will love me, whether she likes it or not.'

~Fanelian Palace, same night, front gate~

The sun was barely setting when Makoto walked in the door, the soldiers opened it, 'they must have heard of me.' I thought walking briskly to my rooms, I found Hitomi walking to Van's office, and she looked as if she had something on her mind. And she had a book of some sorts in her hands.

"Hey Hitomi, how are you today?" She looked at me as if just realize I was in front of her.

"Makoto, I'm fine, where have you been all day?" I sighed, lie time.

"I was called away, minor border disputes, you know the kind."

"Of course, greedy land owners trying to expand their territories. I personally have never had to go through one, I don't think that anyone would argue with Van, he DID save Gaea after all."

"But so did you, the war wouldn't have been won so quickly if you had not been here."

"I'm not sure about that, I think I cause more problems then I solved."

"You never know what would have happened if you had not been here, but I don't think you caused problems, Van doesn't, all of your friends think you didn't. Isn't that all that matters in the end?" She smiled at me.

"I guess you are right. There's no way to tell if I changed things by coming here, I did with my tarot card readings though. I wish I'd never started telling fortunes." She looked sad for a moment before cheering up again. "But we can't change the past can we? Only model the future by our decisions."

"I only wish that were true." I mumbled under my breath, Hitomi looked shocked.

"I didn't hear you what was that Makoto?" Realizing I said that out loud I quickly started laughing lightly.

"Nothing I was just thinking out loud. What's that book that you have in your hand Hitomi?" I asked her quickly changing the subject.

"Oh this?" She asked holding up the book. "It's my high school yearbook. You're in here you know." I couldn't mask the shock on my face.

"Am I? Is it a good picture of me?"

"The picture is pretty good, why didn't you tell me that you went to school in Japan?"

"Hitomi before I answer that, let me ask a question of my own. Would you have believed me if I had?" Hitomi paused before answering.

"I had an idea that you were from Japan, Lady Setsuna as well, but I didn't think you would have gone to school with me. I don't remember much from High School, were we friends?"

"We were friends but we didn't really have anything in common. I was quite overbearing when I was in high school."

"Was don't you mean am?"
"No I graduated early, three months ago actually. I had help from a friend of mine Mizuno Ami." (AN1-look at bottom) "She a genius and taught me everything I needed to know about my courses and I passed with flying colors. They even let me graduate without completing twelfth grade."

"In a way I wish I finished high school before marrying Van and then I remember that I love him with all my heart and couldn't stand to be away from him. Besides, the only class I liked was history. Here I'm basically living Earth's history and it's so beautiful here and Van's here. My life is so perfect."

"Are you happy?"

"I couldn't be happier, well…no I shouldn't tell you."

"Go ahead and tell me, I can keep a secret. Who's it about?" Hitomi looked around the hallway.

"We can't talk about it here. Let's go to one of my sitting rooms, quickly! I have to tell someone!" Hitomi gestured quickly before starting to walk to her sitting rooms. I followed her, I thought why not? Hitomi was still looking around the hallway when I arrived. She pulled me into the room, and locked the door.

"This must be some secret, you sure are nervous."

"I just don't want Van to find out yet. You see…I'm pregnant!"

"Oh my God! That's so great! Van will be ecstatic when he finds out, when will you tell him?"

"I haven't figured out when yet. But I don't know how long I can keep it a secret from him, he's bound to notice when the baby starts growing." I grabbed her hand and pulled her back towards the door, I paused before unlocking it.

"We need to get you some clothing for your pregnancy, I doubt that you'll still fit into those dresses in your second trimester!"

"Okay, but we can do that after I tell Van, I think he would notice something was up if I got a bigger wardrobe made."

"That's a good idea, Hitomi I just thought of something. What are you going to do for your birthday?"

"I forgot it was coming up, I really don't know. Why? Does Van have something planned?"

"You know that I can't tell you that, but I think that we should get you a nice dress, you're a Queen. You might need it, besides you won't be able to wear anything that fancy for a couple months, we need to indulge!"

"Why don't we go to the royal seamstress and look at some dresses right now?"

"Good idea, let's go!" They were about to run to the royal seamstress' office but remembered that they WERE grown up ladies and walked…quickly. I saw Van out of the corner of my eye and nodded, showing him that everything was going well. He smiled and nodded back. I didn't tell Hitomi that he was there, and she didn't notice him. After about five minutes of walking we reached the office. I started the conversation with the seamstress.

"Hi, we would like to look at some sketches of dresses." The seamstress was a plump woman, who's appearance screamed, caring mother. I knew we were in the right place.

"Of course, if you'll give me a moment I'll get my books." I nodded in response; she quickly walked into the other room. I turned to Hitomi,

"what kind of dress do you think we should get?"

"I think something simple but elegant, I hate those frilly dresses! They look awful on me." I was about to respond when the seamstress came back.

"I have the latest styles here! What do you think?" She handed Hitomi and I two scrapbooks, the pages were filled by lovely drawings some in full color. On the front page of Hitomi's scrapbook was the perfect dress for her, it was an aqua color, the straps were thin and the bodice was tight at the top and the skirt billowed out around her. It came with a matching scarf. It was perfect for her I even said so.

"You really think so?" I assured her and picked out an emerald green dress for my self it was the same style as Hitomi's but I wanted to make a few changes, mainly I wanted to replace it with my eternal transformation outfit. Who knows I might need it at the ball. We ordered the dresses and got measured for them, I told Hitomi that I would see her tomorrow morning I wanted to make some adjustments to the dress I picked. She's said that she would see me in the morning at breakfast and left the room. I told the seamstress that I would just need the emerald green scarf and that I already had the dress, she looked at me with a question in her eyes but didn't say anything about it. I asked her to have the dresses made by the next week. She assured me that the dresses would be made and bid me good night, I nodded in response and headed to Van's office. I knocked on the door and was bid to enter, Van was sitting behind his desk madly writing the invitation he wanted copied for Hitomi's birthday.
"I've got the dress ordered for her, I've got one that is perfect for the occasion."

"That was fast, what did you tell her?"

"That will be a little secret between her and me, she has an idea that you're planning something for her birthday but she has no idea what."

"Thanks Makoto. Did you contact your friend?"

"Yes I did, my precautions are almost in place they will be ready at the ball. Don't worry I won't let anything happen to Fanelia or Hitomi." Van looked relieved.

"I would die if anything happened to her, I love her so much."

"I know how you would feel but trust me you wouldn't die, she wouldn't like that."

"Do you really believe that?"

"I've spent a couple years living like that, my belief is almost all I have left." I turned on my heel and left the room. Leaving Van to think about what I had said before returning to his work.

AN1-If I spelt her name wrong I'm sorry if I spelt her name right I deserve a hand! *Looks around to the audience, hearing silence I glared at my muses. Makoto started clapping enthusiastically. My primary muse on the other hand was wearing ear phones with a BSB CD in it and was hanging somehow from the roof, singing along with the song in a hammock. I knocked her out of her hammock and she fell to the ground with a thud. I started laughing, Makoto jumped back and got popcorn and a soda. She waved a flag that said 'Cat Fight' on it. My primary muse decided not to attack me today and started fighting with Makoto. I was mesmerized as they went move for move before returning to my typing. OOPS! Forgot you guys were reading this.*

AN2- Ummm I couldn't fit in the battle in this chapter and I don't know what chapter it will be in but I can promise that it will be soon.

AN3- Thanks to all my reviewers, Merina, Silver Sea Star, Haruka (a good friend of mine from the rpg I play in.), Jupiter (Seifer's babe), and Myst_Lady.