Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Lightning Meets Dragon ❯ Suspicions and Glimses ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 9.


From the last chapter

"Sounds good, now I just need the rest of the plan to be put in place." They arrived at Crystal Tokyo in a matter of minutes and the next few minutes was a whirlwind of greetings and hugs. Mako-chan was finally getting back onto her feet again; soon she'd be totally back to who she was before Shinosaki's murder.

~Crystal Tokyo, unknown place~

"You said you wished to speak with me, Makoto?" a dark figure asked.

"Yes I did, I need your help, the ones that I am now protecting will soon be attacked and I don't think I can handle this without your help."

"You know I always have the time to help a friend Makoto. Especially my best friend. What do you need for me to bring?"

"All you really need is a white ball gown and the disguise pen, I'll do the rest." I smiled at her.

"Are you going to fill me in on the plan?"

"Of course…" (AN1-see bottom of chapter.)

~Fanelia, Van's Office~

"There is something about Makoto that I don't trust. She's hiding something important." Van started out.

"I know what you mean, she and I were talking while our soldiers sparred and she said that she trained fourth and fifth year students…"

"How could there be fourth and fifth year students with the war two years ago?" Van interrupted.

"That's what I asked, she said that her soldiers started training very early in life and we too young to fight in guymelifs." Allen answered a bit irritated at being interrupted.

"It sounds like you caught her in a lie. All available soldiers' young and old were fighting in the war. What do you think we should do? Confront her?"

"I don't think that we should do anything just yet, at least not towards her. She hasn't done anything to harm or threaten anyone in the castle. I do think that we should double the patrols around and in the palace. I don't think that Makoto is our main threat, if any threat to us. Our main threat appears to be after Makoto, but she has proven that she can take care of herself. What we don't know unfortunately is why."

"I don't doubt that we will find out until she reveals it to us. Until then we need to be prepared for whatever is thrown at us, hopefully we will be able to call upon our allies to aid us. I can depend on you and Asturia can't I?"

"Asturia will always aid you and Hitomi, and so will I. Without the two of you we would be under Zaibach rule."

"I was hoping you'd say that, I wouldn't like to have to kick you all out of Fanelia because you couldn't be trusted. Hitomi would hate being separated from her friends." The tone he used suggested that he was joking, but it had a serious undertone, also suggesting that he would kick them out if he had to. Allen remained silent, he knew that the young king wasn't kidding. He would do anything to protect his queen and country; Allen himself would do the same thing. Millerna meant a lot to him, it wasn't love but he still knew that he would always protect her.

~Fanelian Palace, Hitomi's main sitting room~

Hitomi sat alone in her sitting room, just thinking out loud. She had heard the name Makoto Kino and Setsuna Meioh before she KNEW it. Then it finally came to her; she rushed over to the closet that held the bag she brought from earth. The one that contained her tarot cards, some pictures of her family and friends, an old yearbook from her second year of high school, but most importantly it contained a fashion magazine. She quickly pulled it out and started flipping through the pages, there on page 93 a message from the designer and a photo of her. Her hands were shaking slightly in anticipation when she read the name and looked at the corresponding picture. 'It's always been my dream to be a fashion designer. I'm so happy that my designs and outfits make other people happy as well. Always remember to follow your dreams, you will never be disappointed. Setsuna Meioh. ' 'I knew I knew that name.' Hitomi thought, 'she looks just like Lady Setsuna, could they be the same person?' Feeling lucky she got out her yearbook and looked for a Kino, Makoto. And there she was! She was on the same page as Hitomi herself (AN2-look at bottom). She quickly looked at the small caption under the picture. 'Always believe in yourself and never forgot who you are, you never know how it may come in handy someday. Thunder Goddess out!'

'Thunder Goddess? A weird way to sign a yearbook unless… the story she told me was true! Is she a descendent of a God? This is so confusing. At least I know why I thought I knew them.' Suddenly she put her hand over her mouth and ran to the bathroom. 'Not again.'

~Villans Castle, Undisclosed Location (AN3-look at bottom of the page)~

Ko looked through an orb that was floating atop a pedestal in front of him; the image inside was of Makoto hugging her friends. She looked so happy, 'I could make her that happy, and I will. She'll understand my reasons for killing her husband; he wasn't good enough for her. Couldn't even protect a kingdom with her help.' He smirked evilly "You will be mine my lady love, only mine." His mind returned to that fateful day, when he ordered the attack on the Jovian Empire. It was a most glorious day, it was dark and gloomy, the perfect day for a battle…and to be crowned King. Only his troops had not been able to take the castle, the Queen had fought and won with her husband's sword, his troops outnumbered her by the thousands. She had ordered her own soldiers to leave, they returned after their Queen had finished fighting. She was lead away by the captain of her husband's royal guard; she had tears in her eyes. She was unhappy? But he had rid her of a worthless husband, one not even worthy of her skills. But she knew he was coming she would be happy again, with him at her side. A warrior worthy of her and her empire. He reclined back in his chair and smiled, the smile was twisted, cruel. The smile of someone not totally sane. 'At the Queen's birthday ball I will strike, she will be happy to see me. But if she isn't I'll hold the Queen hostage and force her to be mine. She will love me, whether she likes it or not.'

AN1-No I'm not going to tell you the plan, that would be way too easy.

AN2-I'm using my yearbook as a model, the students are organized by grade and by last name.

AN3- the reason the location is undisclosed is because I haven't thought of a name for the place yet, I'm thinking somewhere in the negaverse. Whoever gives me the most creative name for a place in the negaverse gets their name used in my story and will also get mentioned in my thank you notes.

AN4-The part you all have been waiting for my thank you to my reviewers! *Waits for cheering but hearing none continues anyway. *

ShadowKat, mystic wolf (ch.1, 6, 7, 8), Chaos-chan, Jupiter (Seifer's Babe), Mrs. Kenshin Himura, and last but not least my favorite reviewer…Myst_Lady!

The next chapter should come out soon. I'm inspired! And for those who are wondering my primary muse went on a little vacation, for some reason she's been really stressed out lately. I almost forgot, Myst_Lady I am honored to be mentioned in your bio, it means a lot to me. And I'm also planning to rewrite this story, with better grammar less mistakes and fewer plot holes. Ja Ne!