Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Lightning Meets Dragon ❯ Preparations and Slip-ups ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN- this is going to be a VERY short chapter, I just learned that a friend of mine is very sick and I can't stay focused.

AN2- Thank you to all of my reviewers, I haven't thanked you all for a bit (since ch.5) so I'll list the reviewers names along with what chapter they reviewed.

Ch.5- Silver Sea Star, Orange Cream Soda, Jupiter (Seifer's babe), Jade Goddess, Myst_Lady

Ch.6-Shadow Cat, Merina, Silver Sea Star, Jupiter (Seifer's babe), Myst_Lady

Ch.7-Myst_Lady, Myst_Lady, And Jay Scolic (better known as Scolly!)

And Scolly I don't like it that you are putting down your writing, you are a good author and an inspiration to me, when I first joined the RPG I SUCKED so much. So I want you to take back your put down because I don't believe it and never will.

AN3- On to the story!

Chapter 8

Preparations and Slip-ups.

From the last chapter…

"Of course, good night Makoto." He kissed her hand and walked to his room. I stared dreamily out of the door for a moment and then got ready for bed. Maybe getting ordered to protect the Royals of Fanelia wasn't such a bad thing after all…

~The Next Morning, Makoto's room~

I woke up to the sunlight fluttering through the shades I forgot to close. By my guess it was about four am. According to my data cube the castle nobles would still be sleeping but the servants and soldiers would just be starting their duties. I quietly got dressed in an ordinary gown with a helpful feature, the skirt detached to reveal a tight pair of fencing pants, the dress was a dark blue and included white kid gloves. A matching sun hat and umbrella completed the outfit. I left my room passing a few sleepy servants and guards that stood at attention as I passed. 'These soldiers aren't too badly trained… too bad my first year students could beat them. Of course my first year students trained with my royal guard and only the best or most dedicated get to become second year students.' I paused to look out the window and noticed some Fanelian soldiers sparring with the Austaurian soldiers; their abilities were about equal. I also noticed that Allen; the heavenly knight was going around giving pointers to the struggling students. I decided to go help him out so I took my sword out of my dimension pocket, strapped it around my waist and walked in to the court yard, immediately everyone stopped what they were doing, Allen walked up to me, kissed my hand in greeting.

"Makoto I thank you for gracing us with your presence." I smiled politely at him and said,

"As you were." To the soldiers, they stood shocked for a moment until Allen nodded his head curtly and then finally continued where they had left off.

"What brings you out here this lovely morning?"

"Habit, I guess, I train best in the mornings and evenings, there are less distractions."

"I feel the same way, I'll bet that you train your own soldiers in the morning as well." I blushed.

"I don't train the first or second year students, I like training third, forth, and fifth year. I give them private lessons at dawn but they would always try to impress me by coming at three or four and doing a thousand push-ups I found it quite cute, when I walked in at two hundred and fifty."

"The war was two years ago, how can you have fourth and fifth year students?" I knew I had made a mistake so I quickly covered it up.

"Students are sent to me when they are twelve or thirteen years of age, they were not old enough or were trained to fight with guymelifs to fight in the war." Allen only raised an eyebrow and dropped the subject, I knew that he didn't believe my story. We watched the troops and I silently returned my sword to the dimensional pocket. 'That was a close call I must be more careful I can't slip up again.' About an hour later a servant came and told us that Van wished to see us in his office. When I asked if Hitomi was with him, the servant replied that the Queen usually slept until seven, breakfast was served at eight. Allen had some of the generals continue the troops training exercises. The walk to Van's office was quiet I spent my time looking at the paintings on the walls, a painting of Van's family excluding Hitomi was hanging up on a wall that was opposite the council room. A painting of Van and Hitomi on their wedding day was hanging opposite the door from Van's office so it could be seen every time the door was opened. Allen and I just walked in when they arrived, even though they expected Van to be working on something he was just standing at the window, he looked quite impatient. He spun around when he heard us enter.

"Good thing you guys are finally here."

"Van what's going on?" Allen asked cautiously, "Is something wrong?"

"Nothings really wrong it's just I had to talk with you two before Hitomi woke up, her birthday is coming up in a few weeks and I wanted to throw her a ball to celebrate, but in order to pull it off I need your guys' help."

"Of course we'll be glad to help. What do you want us to do?" I asked.

"Well Makoto, I need you to find Hitomi a dress to wear at the ball and make sure she doesn't suspect anything. I'm making sure that all the royalty come on the day of the ball. Allen your job is a little more difficult I want you to take over security, I don't like the idea of some guy being able to sneak into the castle gardens and to sneak away without anyone seeing him."

"I might be able to do something about that Van, Allen you take care of arranging the soldiers ect I'll have a back up plan just in case. This creep that entered the gardens is very tricky and deceitful."

"Are you going to share this plan Makoto?" Allen asked.

"I'm afraid that I can't he could be listening in as we speak. All that I will need for this to work is to contact a friend of mine. Is that all? I need to contact this friend of mine immediately to plan this out. I'll probably be away all day, if anyone asks I had to return to my estates for the day and will return later."

"Okay Makoto, Allen and I will work on planning the rest you are dismissed to contact your friend."

"Thanks Van." I turned on my heel and walked out of the room and to my own room. I looked into my drawers until I found it, my senshi communicator.

"Setsuna? It's Makoto will you pick me up? I need to travel to Crystal Tokyo."

"Okay Makoto, meet me outside Fanelia, I'll pick you up a quarter of a mile outside of the city walls."

"I'll be there in a matter of minutes Setsuna." I picked up my umbrella again and walked out of the castle, the advisors looked like they were going to question where I was going and then reconsidered. It took me about ten minutes at a brisk pace to make it out of the city walls, I then closed my umbrella, slipped off the detachable skirt and took off my hat and put them all in my dimensional pocket. I ran the rest of the way and Setsuna was waiting for me when I arrived.

"Are you ready Makoto?"

"Yes I'm very ready, do you know what I'm planning?"

"Well…" she started as we blurred into the time gates. "I think that you are going to have a decoy and some reinforcements at the ball, just in case."

"You know me too well, Setsuna. Is the idea workable?"

"Of course it is, I can have several dozen of your best soldiers delivered to you in a matter of seconds."

"Sounds good, now I just need the rest of the plan to be put into place." They arrived at Crystal Tokyo in a matter of minutes and the next few minutes was a whirlwind of greetings and hugs. Mako-chan was finally getting back onto her feet again; soon she'd be totally back to who she was before Shinosaki's murder.

AN4- Well I guess I broke my promise on cliffhangers, I would have told you the plan but I'd like to get five reviews on this chapter before I START writing the next chapter. Pure evil? I know it is. Please R&R I could have the next chapter written and up by Wednesday. And next chapter I'm planning a huge incredible cool battle, so you really should review.

Ja Ne!

Enzeru No Yami