Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Lightning Meets Dragon ❯ Epilogue, and the pregnancy ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN-It is what you have all been waiting for, the final chapter (I hope) you'll notice a change in my writing because I'm quite sick of this story. And I really want to start my new crossover, which I got a single review on thundersenshi17 although I am hoping that you will give my new story a chance. I'm actually doing research for it I'm going to watch the Harry Potter DVD until my eyes fall out …starting next week -_-' or at least started when I feel like it.

Chapter 18 Epilogue AKA Van's Dilemma

Hitomi's mother and father came to Fanelia a few days after our initial meeting and my life is now officially h*ll. I'm sitting in my office listening to the hammering and sawing echoing down the hall; I can see the dust floating down the halls if I care to open my door. I know that Hitomi is in our temporary rooms because the dust could be harmful to her and the baby. The room that took ten minutes to run to from my office or just five if I climbed out my window, down the balcony, cut through the garden and scaled the other balcony. I can only come to one conclusion…in laws suck. Of course it could be all the stress of having my castle totally redesigned while I have to stay in my office and my darling wife's constant cravings and mood swings leaving me with tight nerves and very little sleep. Not to mention very little sex. But that isn't the worst part no not at all according to the healer I have seven to eight months to go that's 28 to 32 weeks or 192-224 days or 4608-5376 hours. I don't know how long I can last, I can't even go see how Hitomi is feeling about this because I'm not supposed to interrupt Hitomi's nap and these documents need to be signed before supper so that they can be sent to…Cesario. Then this evening I need to go over what trips and parties have been planned and figure out which ones I can skip so I can stay with Hitomi for emotional support. Hn emotional support…where's my emotional support? I have a pregnant wife and her parents are ruling my castle. And done wow I'm done. The final paper has been signed now all I have to do is place a chair in front of the door, open the window to the balcony, damn second story office. Ground, dash up the other balcony and knock on the window. Hitomi appeared almost immediately and quickly opened it.

"I missed you so much darling. I haven't seen you since breakfast."

"I know, my mother is a little obsessive I mean it is her first grandchild and the fact that your parents aren't alive worries her. I think she wants to interview nannies and tutors after dinner. Oh Van I hope that everything will turn out okay." I held her tightly to my chest.

"Everything will be just fine Hitomi, in a few more mothers we'll have our baby to look after, I'm sure we'll do just fine." I kissed her forehead and thought about what she had just said. "TUTORS?! That's always been the job of the Fanelian council to decide on tutors, Hitomi you know that I appreciate everything your mother is doing for us but this is my castle, my kingdom and my wife and child that she is making decisions on. What does she think gives her the right to make these decisions without my consent?"

"You did appoint her to the council as an advisor."

"She is only there to advise, all the decisions are mine to finalize. And yours of course darling." I kissed her nose lightly.

"She has been coming to me for the decisions to be finalized but I've been so tired lately that I can't sign the papers and you are too busy that I suppose she finalizes them herself being the Queen's mother."

"She still have no right. I will make a point to tell her that all decisions must be brought to me to be finalized. She may run the part of the castle that has to do with preparing for our baby but she has no right to run my *cough* sorry our country." Hitomi cuddled in his arms and said nothing. "Hitomi? Darling?" She had just fallen asleep in my arms, I didn't think pregnancy would take this much energy out of her. I picked her up gently and placed her on the bed. I laid down beside her and held her while she slept. She was so beautiful and I love her with my entire heart and soul, she cuddled further into my arms and I fell asleep with my wife in my arms after kissing her. We both deserved some rest and relaxation.

3 months.

Well if I thought that the second month of pregnancy was bad it had nothing on the third month. Hitomi was feeling slightly depressed since she had gained ten pounds in the past month and she felt fat. It got so extreme that I moved a desk into our temporary quarters so I could keep an eye on her at all times. I knew that she wouldn't do anything drastic like attempt to hurt herself or the baby but it helped for her to know that I was there and she could talk to me anytime about her concerns. It really depressed her when she had to get maternity robes made with room to spare because we had no idea how big she would get. At least the morning sickness stopped so we could both get a little more sleep, she also had more energy so we could start the day with a walk around the gardens or a carriage ride around the marketplace, shopping seemed to cheer her up a lot. Especially when our people offered their congratulations and started making and selling girls and boys baby blankets and clothing. Hitomi's eyes would just light up when she saw the fleecy blankets and adorable white receiving blankets. We also bought some bedding for the newly finished rooms and some wall hangings of unicorns and dragons for the young prince or princess to look at to remind him/her of their heritage. (AN1) The baby's room looked marvelous when we were finished, and it had the connecting hallway to our bedroom, not to mention that we had a bassinet ready for the baby to spend the first few months sleeping in our room. I don't think I've seen Hitomi this happy since I proposed to her. I guess things had to get worse before they could get better. And I did manage to have that little 'talk' with all of my advisors, Hitomi's mother tried to put me in my place but it was my say because of my royal blood and the fact that it would upset Hitomi if we were arguing. She almost left crying a few times because she hates it when there's yelling in the council room, she feels that it isn't a good atmosphere for the baby to be in not to mention she is sensitive about yelling. I gave her a nice massage after to make it up to her; I also learned this month that she usually had a sore back from carrying herself and the baby around, massages and hot baths helped a lot.

6 months commonly known as the second trimester.

One word could describe this series of months…bliss. Hitomi was sleeping more and we took naps together in the afternoon, she was very cheerful and Millerna came to visit often keeping Hitomi's spirits high and you can probably guess what they did practically the whole time…they shopped and toured around Fanelia. But as long as Hitomi is happy I don't care how much money they spend, oh and I almost forgot. We were getting gifts from other nobles every other two or three weeks and they were having a blast opening them. I still worked from my office in our rooms in our old rooms we finally get to move back since all the dust had been cleared out and the walls had once again been covered with the usual paintings and portraits. We would have to get some new portraits made after the baby was born to include him/her. Our child was going to be very important to us and I haven't mentioned this to Hitomi but I'd like to have several more children after this one. I think I'll wait until this baby is a) born and b) two or three years old before we seriously try to have another baby. I'm sure that Hitomi will agree she's always wanted a big family.

9 months, third and final trimester.

Again I only I have one thing to say AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Hitomi went into labor about two hours ago and I'm sitting beside her on the best providing leverage when she has a contraction and then settling her back down when it's over. My secondary job is to towel off her forehead with a cool cloth after each contraction, normally I would be her coach but Makoto has taken that responsibility off my hands. Hitomi's mother, father, and brother are all sitting outside the room waiting for news, Millerna with the help of two other doctor's including Queen Ami of Mercury is delivering our baby, they say everything is going well and Hitomi should be out of labor within the next hour or so. I was running out of things to tell her about how the baby was doing, every servant in the castle were working to keep from worrying about the baby and Hitomi. The people of Fanelia had all taken the day off to gather in the courtyard of the castle to wait for news of our baby's birth. Hitomi screamed every time she had a contraction and I could tell that she was getting tired luckily she had rested up in the last few months and we had already figured out a schedule for naps. Hitomi would sleep in the afternoon so she could get up in the middle of the night for feedings and I would stay up during the day to take care of our baby's needs. Not to mention we had four nannies and way too many helpers to help us take care of our baby. Another contraction, this time however we were rewarded with Millerna yelling, "we can see the baby's head!" and "it's full head of black hair" I would have gone to look but Hitomi wanted me to stay holding her hand and holding her upright. I realized that she needed me for strength, some time after the birth. Twenty minutes later Christopher Lancour de Fanel was born healthy and screaming into our lives, Hitomi collapsed into my arms and little Christopher was placed into my arms after I had placed Hitomi on the pillows to get her breath back. He had my black hair and brown/red eyes, but I could tell that he had Hitomi's trusting nature and temperament. He stopped crying shortly after I started rocking him, I placed him in Hitomi's arms when she reached for him and I put my arm around her shoulders. I turned to one of my advisors "Make the announcement that Christopher Lancour de Fanel has been born, Fanelia has it's heir." He nodded his head and quickly left to make the announcement we could hear our people's cheers from inside our rooms. It made me smile to think that our people loved us as much as we loved them. Hitomi's mother, father and brother said their congratulations and left to let us rest. We had finally had our baby, our happy, healthy, beautiful baby. Makoto smiled as she explained to us that all the countries of Gaea had signed the treaty and upon Christopher's birth a golden age of peace had descended on Gaea. Our son wouldn't have to fight any wars, I had upheld my vow to bring peace to Gaea. Everyone else left the room as we were left alone, the monarchs of Fanelia.

"I love you Hitomi."

"I love you too Van." And we kissed under the stars and Christopher smiled at us before yawning and falling asleep.

10 years later.

The Fanel clan has greatly expanded we had four more children since Christopher's birth. We had Angela and April our eight year old twin trouble makers and Erik and Elise our five year old twins. I don't know how Hitomi did it, twin pregnancies are even harder than single birth pregnancies. All I know that the love that Hitomi and I share is still as strong now as it was ten years ago. And most of it is because the Queen of lightning met the King of the Dragons. Thank you Makoto, you have truly enriched our lives. I almost forgot to mention Makoto and Allen married four years ago and already are expecting a baby, Drydan and Millerna have two children ages six and four and Celena and Merle are getting married at a joint ceremony next summer. Our whole lives have finally come together and we are all incredibly happy. Oh and one more thing, somehow Folken has been brought back, apparently he and Setsuna were lovers many years ago and she was able to bring him from a time just moments before he died so he could be with us. THEY are expecting a child in mid-July they only got married last year but are ready and willing to start their new lives as parents. I guess that wraps up everything.


AN1-hmm one thousand words already, if I went with my usual style I would quit by now but since I want to finish this story I think I will continue.

AN2- I hope you all liked the ending I'm hoping for lots of positive reviews! And just in case you are wondering I finished up this story on October 28, 2002 one year and 28 days after I started it.

You all have been wonderful. Please check out my new story it's an Escaflowne Harry Potter crossover, I know there are some on the site already but this is totally different and I hope you all like it, it will be continuation/AU because I'm using parts from the movie and the series.

Thank you,

Enzeru No Yami