Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Lightning Meets Dragon ❯ Conclusions ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

From the last chapter

"No it isn't we can make love up to his/her birth but it gets weird when I'm absolutely huge. Why don't we go celebrate." She nibbled on his ear and he swept her up into his arms and led her to the room with the Fanelian symbol on the door that Endymion had pointed out when they were walking and they celebrated.

Chapter 17


It had been an interesting week, with the announcement of Hitomi's pregnancy, three Fanelian advisors were almost in tears, FANELIA WAS GOING TO HAVE AN HEIR!!!!!! Setsuna and Michiru went to work on the Fanelian ballroom and by the reports rebuilding was going well. Of course Van and Hitomi weren't allowed to go and see it not that they would have had time anyway. They decided to go and visit Hitomi's parents and break them the good news; of course they should have called ahead…


"Hitomi do you really think this is a good idea? I've never met your parents before and we are going to tell them that not only are we married that I got you pregnant?"

"Oh Van don't worry so much! My parents shouldn't have a problem with it they are very understanding. They eloped at a young age just like we did." She placed her arms around his neck and stared straight into his eyes. "Don't you want to meet my parents? I really want them to have a place in our baby's life. Please?" Well that finished that argument the second she used the doe eyes and her innocent smile he was totaled. King of Fanelia he might be but able to say 'no' to his wife…never. They were strolling down the streets, surprisingly quiet and without traffic or pollution of any kind. It was just a little creepy for Hitomi who grew up here used to the never-ending traffic. "Look Van! It's my house. Well it looks like my house; the address is the same. I wonder if everything is the same as when I left…" Hitomi and Van stopped in front of the house just looking at it.

"Come on Hitomi. Waiting will only make it harder. Don't worry, no matter what happens I will always love you." Hitomi cleared her throat and placed her hand on her abdomen. "And our baby." They each took a deep breath and walked up to the house. Hitomi bent down and retrieved the key from under the plastic rock in the garden and tried to get up. It took Van's help to get her back on her feet.

"Whoa, maybe I should avoid bending. Now I'm really tired." Van just put his arms around her and kissed her temple.

"Let's go in, we'll need to get back to the castle before night fall." Hitomi put the key inside the lock and opened the door,

"Hello? Mom? Dad? Mamoru?" There was a weird sound on the couch kind of like two adults…making out. "MOM?! DAD?!" Hitomi stumbled into Van's arms and he held her stead as the two mortified parents got off the couch.

"Hitomi? My baby's back." Hitomi was quickly embraced by her mother and her father was standing behind her mother looking at Van. "After you left we didn't think we'd ever see you again. And when earth changed we gave up all hope of seeing our little girl ever again."

"Mother I'm fine, Van takes very good care of me." Hitomi untangled herself from her mother and Van placed his arms around her and hugged her to his chest while keeping a level stare at Hitomi's father.

"Sir do you have something you'd like to say to me? Or do you just not approve of me all together?"

"Van! Please try to get along with my parents, it would mean a lot to me." That look again, well it's not like he had a chance anyway.

"Please excuse my outburst I don't especially like being judged." The air rushed out of Van's lungs when Hitomi elbowed him in the solar plexus (AN1) Van let her go and held his stomach, "Love please don't do that, I was only being honest."

"I shouldn't let them have you in negotiations all day, you end up being too honest for the rest of the day." Hitomi pouted and crossed her arms, again Van was screwed, the pout and gesture mixed was basically a sign saying 'You WILL sleep on the couch tonight if you don't do what I want you to.'

"Ahem" Van looked over to his savior who was… Hitomi's father!!!! "Why did you just call my daughter love?"

"I called her love because I love her and I married her." Well that's definitely not the thing to say to your wife's father after you and his daughter eloped. He was turning redder and redder and redder,


"I love your daughter, and I would never let any harm come to her. And I don't see why you would have a problem with me marrying her, I don't want anything except for her to be happy. You are happy aren't you Hitomi?" Hitomi and her mother were chatting quietly and she looked up at Van when he spoke with her.

"Van would I willingly carry your child if I wasn't happy?" A vein popped out of her father's forehead, "I'm very happy, by the way daddy I'm pregnant. The child is six to eight weeks old and perfectly healthy. Can't you be happy for us? I mean you and mommy eloped…"

"That's different!"

"How is that different?"

"Your mother and I had our parent's approval and only eloped because we were in love and had enough money to start a life independent from our parents."

"So? Van and I are in love and daddy if you haven't noticed Van is a KING he doesn't have to worry about money problems. We wanted to get married we would have asked for your permission but you and mommy were fighting…you know I can't handle that!" Hitomi whimpered and Van took her into his arms,

"I still would have preferred to attend my daughter's wedding." His anger had evaporated with one look at Hitomi and her mother, her mother was glaring at him because Hitomi was right.

"Hitomi darling, your father and I would have put aside our differences for your wedding but that is in the past and we want to play an active role in our unborn grandchild's life and your lives as well. Son come here." Van reluctantly released Hitomi from his protective embrace and walked confidently towards his mother-in-law, he was slightly surprised to be enveloped in a hug, "Welcome to the family son. I hope you and my daughter will always be happy."

"Thank you Mrs. Kanzaki."

"Please call me mom."

"You and your husband are welcome in my castle anytime," his voice dropped to a whisper, "I think I'm in over my head with this pregnancy, I don't know what I can and can not do."

"You'll do fine son, thank you for the invitation. I don't wish to miss the birth of my first grandchild. Where are your parents?"

"My parents died when I was very young, I was raised by my sword master Balgus. He died in the Destiny War."

"Now you have us right dear?" The last word was slightly laced with venom considering that Hitomi's father was brooding over Hitomi getting married without his approval.

"If you ever EVER hurt my little girl I will hunt you down and kill you. Understand?!"

"Yes SIR, although I'd never intentionally hurt her, I know that the last couple weeks of her pregnancy haven't been too great but I don't really have control over that. Oh Hitomi I need you to pick colors for the nursery, we can have some architects working on the room with your guidance or we could make up the plans ourselves. I'd just prefer that you didn't remove any walls."

"I want some greens and purples, or maybe we could use reds like in the Fanelian flag, we could paint directly on the walls and have a crib in the center of the room covered with transparent cloth to keep dust away from him or her. We need to go back to Queen Ami to find out our baby's sex so we can properly coordinate." Wow this wasn't going to be an easy build was it? "Oh! And I want the baby to sleep in our room for the first few months, and then we have to have a passage so we can go directly from our bedroom to the nursery." Van groaned, there go the walls. "I know that particular option wasn't built into the castle but it's what I want." Van just hung his head.

"You know it's times like this when I wish I could put my foot down and say no, but you know for a fact that I can't." Hitomi smiled at her mother,

"Van you know I'd never take advantage of that. It's not like I want the Zaibach Empire or anything that extreme."

"I'd hope not, you hate Zaibach because its main commerce is mining and the land isn't green. Besides I would say no about hostile takeovers. I can at least do that."

"We should get back to the castle Van it's getting late, we don't want anyone to worry. Mommy why don't you start packing so you and daddy can come to Gaea with us? I mean we are going to leave as soon as the ballroom is rebuilt, Queen Setsuna and Queen Michiru would probably help design the nursery!" Poor Van poor poor Van not only were his in-laws moving into his castle but his wife was going to demolish whole areas in the castle to connect a nursery with their THEIR bedroom and have the baby sleep in their room for a few months after it was born. Suddenly his sex life seemed to be slowly dying, the only way this could get worse is if the Zaibachian dignitaries decided they needed to work out a new treaty and they had thankfully finished that weeks ago. They hopefully wouldn't revoke it and have to stay longer.

"Let's go darling, we don't know what time we are going to be leaving there is a matter of all the meetings we'll have to attend since we joined the new alliance. Besides can't we enjoy being away from my council? I thought they were going to start crying in happiness when we told them of your pregnancy." He took her back into his arms, hugged her back to his chest and whispered "Besides we need to enjoy our free time before the baby comes, we might not get much time alone after it's born." Hitomi just sighed,

"But we'll have a baby of our own, to hold and show off to everyone. The pain of labour will be worth it when we get to hold it in our arms." Well if Van got experience from losing verbal battles with his wife he would be more experienced then all the war generals in the world, too bad they would have more wins under their belts. "We'll come see you and daddy tomorrow mommy, I'm getting a little tired. Not to mention we need a good nights sleep or I'll be very sick tomorrow morning." She removed herself from Van's arms and embraced both her mother and father and kissed them both on the cheek, before she and Van left arm in arm to head back to the castle.

AN1-for those that don't know what the solar plexus is it's your stomach, and a hit to the solar plexus makes your diaphragm contract forcing all of the air out of your lungs momentarily stunning the person. It's hilarious to watch if it's done right, the person usually drops to the ground like a sack of potatoes another fun one is a move I learned that can momentarily stop a person's heart, I've never seen this one used though I've just heard that it works really well and the person drops to the ground and takes several minutes to recuperate.

AN2-Okay it may take more chapters than I thought to finish this story and I want some feedback! I'm thinking of starting a new story (not the one I've been promising and working on) It's going to be an Escaflowne/ Harry Potter crossover, I know it sounds difficult but I think I'll be able to pull it off, I've actually started a plot diagram (scary isn't it? I never use plot diagrams!)

AN3-There's a story that I'd like to recommend everyone to read, it's called "Destiny Changes for Better or For Worse" it's by Jay Scolic who inspired me to start writing better and you have him to thank for my writing being half decent. His story stars his own Character Scolic who… I would tell you but I wouldn't do it justice all you really need to know is that it's an original character added to the standard Sailor Moon staff and it's good GO READ IT! I MEAN IT! My muses really like keeping Scolic happy, they may get violent if you guys don't go read and review his story…

Ja Ne tout le monde!

Enzeru No Yami

Angel of Darkness

Keeper of Souls (inside joke)