Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Lightning Meets Dragon ❯ Revelations! Van is finally told! ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

From the last chapter

"I don't think that Hitomi was telling the truth about seeing the city, besides I suspect that she has something important to tell me. Merle tells me that after I leave in the morning for council meetings that Hitomi is frequently sick. I'm not sure what that means but I will find out." He was so busy looking at the door that he didn't see the knowing looks passed between the ladies sitting around the table.

Chapter 15


~In Ami's office~

"Well the child looks perfectly healthy and appears to be six to eight weeks old, although I'd recommend to lay off the spicy foods and cold beverages. The baby will keep you up all night if you have either."

"That may explain why I haven't been sleeping well lately, it shifts about every twenty seconds until it falls asleep. Can I know the sex of the baby now? I don't want him or her to always be known as it for the next seven to eight months." Ami just smiled.

"Why don't we talk with Van first? I'm sure he'd want to know the happy news." Hitomi fiddled with the hem of her dress.

"I'm not sure how to tell him. I mean I have an idea that he'll be happy but I don't know if we are ready for a baby yet. I mean it's a huge responsibility. What if we screw up somehow?" It was my turn,

"Hitomi you won't screw up, parenting is an art. There isn't a direct manual because each child is different and react differently to different stimuli. Don't worry you can always come and ask for advice, every member of Neo-Queen Serenity's inner and outer court has some parenting experience. I could even come to Fanelia when the baby is born to help out if you wish." She impulsively hugged me,

"Thank you Makoto I don't know what I would do without friends like you."

"You would do just fine, you're a strong person Hitomi. Just sometimes you need a little push in the right direction. So what are you going to tell Van?"

"I don't know! I mean what if he doesn't want to have a baby?!"

~The Council Meeting~

"Michiru-Mama why doesn't he understand, I mean I'm still a teenager and I know what's going on." Van looked over at Hotaru.

"What's going on?! Why won't anyone tell me?!"

"King Van you'll know soon enough." Setsuna said mysteriously. "And Hotaru, guys and girls think differently on average guys are more reckless and girls are more thoughtful although there are many exceptions right Haruka?"

"Hey you guys had nothing to say when I started racing, Michiru and I wouldn't have met and I wouldn't have accepted my destiny as a Sailor Senshi if I hadn't seen a youma attacking a motorist at a race while I was tuning up my bike. Besides I've never been in a major accident and I don't plan on starting now. Now Hotaru you need to understand not all people are as intuitive as you are, now why don't you go find Aunt Ami and see what you can do to help while we discuss matters, even I can tell that you're bored. Maybe one of the soldiers will tell you a story." Hotaru just made a face,

"Haruka-Papa I'm too old for stories, I'm almost grown up."

"Almost isn't quite close enough now why don't you go see if you can help? And" her voice dropped to a whisper "You can go find out what the sex of the baby is for us and then report back, you'll find them talking in Ami's office."

"I guess I could go Haruka-Papa, but won't Saturn's interests be ignored while I'm not here?"

"Nice try squirt, these are fellow politicians not vultures…at least most of them aren't vultures."

"But you said…" She was cut off when Haruka's hand went over her mouth.

"I didn't say a word squirt now go help Aunt Ami."

"Okay." She gave a graceful curtsey at the door before her skirts morphed into a mini skirt and she ran down the hall to Ami's office.

"She's getting way too smart for her own good, we need to get her around children her own mental age. She had to grow up way too fast."

"I know it seems like a few years ago she was a little baby after the fight with Mistress Nine." (AN1)

"She was a little baby remember? About four months after she was reborn she was at the physical age sixteen again, now you have to admit that was a little weird."

"Saturn needed to be physically mature enough to utilise her powers. We couldn't risk sending a five year old with the Power of Death and Destruction into the battle with Galaxia."

"The power of Death and Destruction?! But she's just a child she could destroy us all." And that was of course the same Zaibachian lord.

"She won't use those powers without direct orders and she hasn't used them in several centuries, the second last time saved over three billion people and cost her her life. And a word of advice, we all raised her she is like a daughter or niece to everyone at this table you might want to curb the instinct to doubt her abilities or we won't be very pleased."

"Please Setsuna no threats. As I recall you three tried to destroy her as well before you all raised her."

"That was different Mistress Nine was in control of little Hotaru's body, she was trying to destroy the galaxy." Neo-Queen Serenity dropped the argument with a sigh.

"So what do you all think of the idea of joining our alliance? Are there any questions?"

"Will we have to pay to get in or stay in this alliance?" King Drydan asked this question always thinking like a merchant.

"No all you have to do is come to meetings discussing the future of the alliance, there are many advantages and no disadvantages to joining, it is entirely your choice though."

"Will we get soldiers like the ones that were used against the attackers today?"

"You may request some but you must have good reason, the soldiers would never follow any plans to expand territory and would only fight if attacked. They would also report any plans to expand territory or wage war. Which would automatically cancel your countries involvement in the alliance and be an act of war against it. We don't suggest waging war against us, we don't lose very often."

"If we don't join will you kill our people? Or overthrow the governments in our countries?"

"Of course not, we all have plenty of territory and don't have a wish for more. There would be no reason to overthrow your governments and if you don't join you don't get all the advantages to joining."

"Like what?"

"Peace for millions of years, no hunger, no sickness, protection against invaders from outside the solar system. And one more that I'm not going to mention because if you hear it you may wish to join for the wrong reason. Fanelia has already joined us, would you all care to look over the terms and sign? You may all stay in the castle for as long as you wish until you decide or you may return to discuss it with your councils."

"Fanelia was approached first and probably was bullied into joining."

"Lord Zaran(AN2) Queen Makoto is a personal friend of my wife, I don't suggest you insult her or my intelligence. If you recall Zaibach lost the Destiny War."

"Is that a threat King Fanelia?"

"No it's a warning, I don't threaten people. My wife doesn't approve."

"Your 'wife' probably makes more decisions then you do. Do you always bend to her will?" His voice was filled with loathing,

"I trust my wife's opinion, unlike most women she uses her head. We rule equally as my father and mother did before me."

"And where are they now? They are both DEAD!" This was getting ugly, Van was getting up out of his seat and Lord Zaran was openly challenging him.

"Gentlemen" Neo-Queen Serenity's melodious voice echoed through the chamber, "I don't approve of fighting in my castle, it is very hard to remove blood from these carpets. And I don't like my daughter being exposed to violence at such a young age, If you want to fight you will do so in the courtyard after the meeting any attempt to fight now will put stress on our offer to join our alliance."

"What gives you the right to order me around?! I'm a high ranking lord of Zaibach!" Neo-Queen Serenity removed the brooch from her dress and opened the case letting everyone see the crystal in it.

"This is the Imperium Silver Crystal passed down through the Queen's of my past. The Queen's of the Moon Kingdom where I was born, from Gaea it can be seen hanging beside the mystic moon." She waited for the gasps of shock, "My mother ruled that world before the attack, it was over many many centuries ago. Remember Endymion? We always met on my balcony, and you gave me that star locket? You were so romantic then, my mother hated your presence. And to answer your question this crystal is very powerful, it's destroyed things you wouldn't believe existed, Along with the Gold crystal it could purify the entire solar system. It can only be controlled by women of my bloodline. And all the women of my inner and outer courts could destroy you with a thought if I deemed it necessary." Lord Zaran visibly paled and returned to his seat. Chibi-Usa started to squirm in Neo-Queen Serenity's arms and whine quietly, "Endymion would you mind taking her out to play a little? She doesn't want to sit still." He took his squirming daughter from his wife's arms,

"She just wanted to have someone's full attention isn't that right darling?" Chibi-Usa started to suck her thumb and went to sleep in Endymion's arms after kissing his cheek. "How did we end up with such a graceful daughter? Her every movement amazes me, I remember when we met after we were reborn you were a complete klutz…" The breath rushed out of his lungs after she hit him in the stomach carefully avoiding her baby.

"We could discuss that later DARLING. When you're sleeping on the couch for the next few weeks." She ended that sentence with a whisper and Endymion paled visibly,

"Why don't we discuss it in about five minutes and call this meeting completed? We can get our guests settled and maybe take a walk through the gardens?"

"What does everyone else think?" Seeing no objections she said, "Then Rae will show you all to your rooms, feel free to explore and ask the servants if you need anything. I'll meet you in the garden Endymion after I change Chibi-Usa's clothes she's too warm." Everyone except Van and Endymion left the room, giving Van to have a one on one chat with Endymion.

"Is it just women from the Earth threaten to do that? Hitomi has used that tactic a few times but then realises that she can't sleep with out me."

"Well Van, can I call you just Van?" Van nodded in the affirmative, "Women from Earth are more educated and have achieved equal rights so they aren't afraid to deliver ultimatums to achieve what they want, I learned this the hard way. And I grew up here so it was a little easier for me."

"Do you know how much longer Hitomi will be? I miss her. Surely it can't take this long to see the city without me."

"Van as a guy I'll let you in on a little secret, they aren't looking at the view. Hitomi, Makoto and Ami have a secret that you'll be let in on in five to ten minutes. They are all sitting in Ami's office talking. I'll show you where that is and then they'll probably tell you what's going on."

"Oh kay that isn't exactly comforting. Is this secret a threat to my marriage?"

"No no, it should make you happy, I know from the look in Hitomi's eyes that she's incredible happy but nervous. I have a feeling that you will be happy as well, Ami's office is this way if you'll follow me." They started walking down the halls in silence, "You don't have anything to worry about, from what I've heard of Hitomi she'd never intentionally hurt anyone, especially not you." They arrived at a door marked with the symbol of Mercury, he knocked on the door, "Ami, Makoto, Queen Hitomi are you in there?"

~In Ami's office~

Everyone froze,

"It's just Endymion and Van, it looks like it's now or never to tell him Hitomi. Don't worry he'll take the news just fine you'll do just great." Makoto squeezed her hands and opened the door, "Is the meeting over already?"

"Yeah and we need to talk about casualty reports from the attack and remaking the Fanelian ball room. I have a feeling that Michiru and Setsuna want to totally redesign it." At Van's shocked look he added, "Replacing your ballroom is the least we can do since it's our fault it was destroyed, Michiru and Setsuna are very good with designs."

"Uh thank you. Hitomi can we talk?" She nodded yes and watched as everyone left the room and Van closed the door, "Hitomi please tell me what's been going on, I feel like I'm the only one on the planet that doesn't know what's going on." He took her in his arms.

"Van I uh well we will I'm … I don't know how to tell you this… I don't know how you will react."

"Whatever it is we'll go through it together because I love you and you love me."

"Van we're going to have a baby…I'm pregnant."

"That's wonderful! We'll have a little one to call our own. I can't wait. I love you." He felt her warm tears on his shoulder, "Why don't we go tell everyone? Or we could go and celebrate.(AN3) If you still can that is, is it bad for the baby?"

"No it isn't we can make love up to his/her birth but it gets weird when I'm absolutely huge. Why don't we go celebrate." She nibbled on his ear and he swept her up into his arms and led her to the room with the Fanelian symbol on the door that Endymion had pointed out when they were walking and they celebrated.

AN1- So my time line is screwed up so sue me (not really!) it's really really hot out and Canadians like me can't stand the heat and my brain is almost ready to melt. It's plus 35 C! Meaning very very hot! AKA plus 100 degrees F for all you Americans.

AN2-Zaran sounds familiar I may have read it in a story once, if you know who wrote that story could you put the author's name in your review and I'll give him/her proper credit next chapter.

AN3-He means 'celebrate' hint hint.

AN4- I thought that would be a good place to end the chapter I'm not feeling very evil today even though it's incredibly hot. Well a plus is my muscles don't hurt! I did the impossible for a teenager that's out of shape, I hiked over 32 km in three days. I thought I was going to die…and I learned more then I would have liked about what adults talk about when they are drunk…I should have gotten drunk myself so I didn't remember instead of a little tipsy, but they were drinking wine *gag* it was really weird my parents were offering me alcohol. I'm still creeped out.

Ja Ne! Don't forget to review!

BTW- this chapter was a whole SIX PAGES AND 2,693 words just because I felt guilty for leaving you guys without writing for a couple of months but I have been busy and on summer break.