Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ which is more important? ❯ how it all started.. ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Ok new story, new disclaimer. Not really new on the disclaimer part, but here it goes. I don't own Sailor Moon or Yu-Gi-Oh!

A/N: This isn't really a crossover. Though in Chapter 1 it may appear that way. Also, in other chapter's, it is more of a self-insert. An alternate universe if you will. The idea came to me while watching Yu-Gi-Oh! and talking on the phone.

Two girls sat in front of their TV's watching Yu-Gi-Oh! The girls were best friends, but they lived in two different states. One of them, with brown hair that was shoulder length by request of her sisters, and matching brown eyes, that had no sight what so ever in them. Never the less, she enjoyed Yu-Gi-Oh! just as much as her sighted friend in another state.

"Your move… your move…" she repeated along with the opening theme song. Her computer sat beside of her on and waiting for her to get on.

Just as the theme ended, the sound of a cash ridigister along with "AngeliqueKaiba" is now available reached her ears, along with an ok button. The girl in question turned her light tan body to the computer as two hands skillfully pressed a number of keyboard commands and pulled up the instant message window.

In Maryland, the same thing was going on. A girl, different from the first, was sitting in front of her own computer, typing an instant message to her friend. This girl was different from her friend. She was 5 feet 8 inches tall, broad shouldered, muscular in the arms and legs sorta kind of, dark brown hair that comes down to her collar bones and bangs that are down to her nose, which she is growing out. She has a tan complexion, dimples, high cheekbones and green cat eyes. Not to mention a farmers tan.

The two conversed for a few minutes when Yu-Gi-Oh! came back from its commercial break. It was towards the end of the episode when both girls turned to their TV screens. Kayla, the one with the sightless brown eyes, screamed as loud as she could at the end of it.

"It's the final fate of your soul… Seto Kaiba." Pegasus stated as he extracted Kaiba's soul and trapped it within a duel monsters card.

At this, both Jenna, Kayla's friend from Maryland, and Kayla screamed and made a leap for the TV. To their shock, they both made it and landed in rather uncomfortable sisutuations. Each girl also under went a transformation of sorts.

For Kayla her hair became long again, but she still retained her full height of 5.2, but her hair split into two perfectly straight pigtails and atop her head were two faultless buns. Her eyes remained brown and her clothing didn't change. In her pocket, two objects appeared in it. One being a broach that resembled a heart, which was pink and gold in color. It also felt like two wings were coming out of it. Kayla reached in and felt it more closely. On the front she thought she felt the carving of a sideways crescent moon. To that, she was not sure. The other object in her pocket was a simple pink pen that one wrote with a hard gem like thing on top. One might of thought you press to get the led to come out, but this pen had magical properties; ones that allowed for her to disguise herself if the need for it ever came about.

For Jenna, it was a different story. For her, her hair changed color as well as grew in length. It became raven-hued in color and a tent of cyan came into her lovely green cat-like eyes. In her pocket, was a pen like object as well. On top of it was a circle crystal-like that was red in color with the Mars symbol inside of it in gold. Where the pen part that had the crystal on it, ended the bottom and the top started. White wings jetted out from the side and a small circle with the same Moon symbol the handle was red in color.

"Give him back! Return his soul or face us Pegasus!" Both girls shouted from where they were. One of them landed directly on Pegasus and the other on a ledge above where Kaiba and Pegasus had just dueled.