Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ which is more important? ❯ the fight against pegasus and new arrivles ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Yes, I am sick of writing them, but, hey, what can I say? They must be done. So, once again, I do not own Sailor Moon or Yu-Gi-oh. I wish I did, but, alas, I don't. So, sorry, you all.

A/N: Ok, now this is the part that will seem like a crossover, but, I assure you, it certainly is not one. Only this chapter is . Maybe other chapters will be as well. But, I am not sure… I haven't thought that far ahead; might be might not be. Who knows? References will be made in other chapters, I ensure you on that one. If any other crosses come into the mix, I will be sure to mention them. Also, references to other anime series may also come into the mix as fair warning. Also, to Seto's Angel, I am sorry, but I hadn't written chapter one when I posted the prologue. Me so sorry if it didn't make sense, I really am. I meant it to lead into something that would make sense when I wrote the chapter I am currently writing now. Sorry for the confusion and everything. I hope this chapter makes more sense and explains a little more. I am sorry for confusion once again. Also, I don't own Jenifer Kino, she belongs to Dreamcatcher, whom I have gotten permission to use her character in. Thank you all very much for putting up with my ramblings. Now, onto the long awaited chapter.

Sightless, brown eyes scanned the area as their owner climbed on the ledge above the dueling area. The person slipped and sat down on the ledge after someone behind it grabbed her and stopped her from falling. "You're not going to get away with what you have done!" Another person yelled, getting up from where she had fallen.

"Who is going to try and make me?! A girl like you?! I am much stronger then you think!" Pegasus boasted, facing the speaker.

"Want to try me?!" the female yelled.

"It will be my pleasure, but let me start with your little friend." Pegasus smirked as he aimed his eye at Kayla, who was sitting above them, on the ledge railing.

"Look out!!" Jenna yelled and Kayla lost her balance and feel back, causing Pegasus to miss her. Jenna then looked in her pocket and found her kunshin stick. :: I wonder… :: she thought as she held it up in the air. "Mars Crystal Power!!!!" she shouted and in a matter of seconds, she stood before Pegasus as the Fire Senshi, Mars. :: Cool!! :: she thought to herself.

Kayla, on the other hand, sighed, :: Well, if my hair is long again and in pigtails, maybe I can transform too. Man, it would be so cool if I did… :: she thought as she stood and pulled out a broach. She felt it for several seconds before she chose which transformation call to try. "Super Moon Crisis Power!!!" Kayla screamed as loud as she could, causing people around her to wince and cover their ears.

"Man, she has a loud mouth…" one person complained as he fell to his knees, covering his ears.

"Don't be to hard on her Joey." Another person said, listening without flinching. Or moving to cover their ears.

"How can you put up with that?" the one known as Joey asked, standing once the transformation was complete and he stared, drooling at the sight now before him.

"I don't know, I feel like I know her from someplace, its kind of hard to explain." The other boy in question stated softly to himself.

"No matter… let's check out the action. Pegasus has met his match!" Joey yelled as he and another boy ran to the rail and looked down.

"Who are you to and what do you think your doing here?!" Pegasus yelled.

"I am Sailor Mars, and I say in the name of Mars, I will chew you up and spit you out! Now release the souls you have trapped !" Jenna stated.

"How dare you toy with peoples lives and their souls?! I am Sailor Moon and in the name of the Moon, along with my best friend Mars, I will punish you for what you have done!" Kayla stated, not as loudly as she had been when she transformed.

"Aw, how cute, two girls in mini-skirts think they can beat me? Well let's find out, shall we?" Pegasus said before adding, "I challenge you to to a duel."

"Oh No!" the boy next to Kayla gasped in his child-like sounding voice as he watched what was going on through his lavender eyes.

"Gladly!" Mars yelled as she aimed a fire attack at Pegasus.

"Not that kind of duel, you foolish girl. I meant a game of duel monsters, but if you want to play it that way, then so be it." Pegasus laughed as he lunged at Jenna.

"Jupiter Thunder Claps, Zap!" Another female voice shouted, taking the white-haired man by surprise, scoring a hit for her.

"Why you little…" Pegasus started as he turned to face the new speaker.

"Venous Love Chain Encircle!!" Yet another girl added, restraining Pegasus with a golden chain of hearts.

"Mars Fire Flash!!!" Jenna yelled, sending one of her own fiery attacks at the man in question as he once again tried to remove someone's soul with the strange golden eye he owned that replaced one of his own reddish brown ones.

"Where is Mercury?" Kayla asked, hearing the voices of her other three friends.

"Shine Aqua Illusion!!!" a fourth voice added. "All present and accounted for, Sailor Moon." The new speaker added as Pegasus was incased in a wall of ice.

"Hurry now, Sailor Moon!!! Finish him off!!! Now, while you can!" Jenna yelled.

"Gotcha covered, girls!" Kayla yelled as she leapt down from the railing and landed almost perfectly beside Sailor Mars, the people that were watching, also rushing down to make sure everyone was all right. Kayla closed her eyes and concentrated. In a few seconds, a wand like thing appeared in her hand and began to gather energy.

Once it gathered enough, she aimed her stick at the ice statue. It took the help of her sighted friends, to direct her aim, but that wasn't a problem really. "Moon Gorgeous Meditation!!!" she shouted, a white light shooting from the tip, shattering the ice and destroying the person within.

Pegasus screamed as the beam came into contact with him and everything seemed to shatter like a glass statue that had been knocked over. Soon, nothing was left except for the golden eye that caused so much pain.

Jenna picked up the cards and handed them to Sailor Moon. "You can set them free." Jenna explained to her friend who nodded and once again called upon her powers to do the task at hand. This time her broach opened up, revealing a Silver Crystal. It glowed with a white light and the cards Kayla held did as well. In a bright flash of illumination, the cards glowed for a minute more before everything in sight became bathed in the white radiance. Everyone had to close his or her eyes from the sure force of its brightness.

When the light finally vanished, the people that had lost a soul, began to come to life again slowly. Sailor Moon, on the other hand fainted, and Yugi ran to her side. Mercury also came to see how her fallen friend was while she reassured Yugi, that she would be fine and using the Silver Crystal sometimes did this to her. Yugi nodded and sighed. :: This means Grandpa is doing ok… and soon I can return home to him. :: he thought.

After a few minutes, Sailor Moon came too and rubbed her pounding head. "Are you alright?" Jenna asked her friend, both of them still in fuku.

"Yeah, I hate my headaches though…" Kayla complained.