Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Long Lost Love ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )
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A Long, Lost Love
Ahem!!! Hey minna! This is my very first fanfic, for ANYTHING, so
please be nice...and if you are going to send criticism, please make
it constructive, not just flames.
Disclaimers: I don't own Sailor Moon or any of the characters from it
( i.e. Serenity, Endymion, Makoto, etc.). I DO own the one character
named...Damoryus...don't laugh!!! That's his name!!
I own Damoryus, so please don't steal him...errrr...thanks, that's
Oh yeah!
*blah blah blah* => denotes thought
"blah blah blah" => denotes speaking
blah blah blah blah => denotes a memory, or a flashback
<<blah blah>> => denotes major stting change, like a planet change
<blah blah blah> => denotes minor setting change
(AN: blah blah blah) => denotes author's notes
A Long Lost love
By- ratty210
<<On the MOON!!>>
"Tys? Tys?!"
"Whaa...? Oh, sorry Romy, I blanked out for a bit there."
"You sure did!!! What were you thinking about?"
" know..."
"Oooooohhhhhhhh...don't worry, everything will turn out all right."
"Romy, I'm just so scared, what will he think of me? Will he think I'm
"Stop it Tys!!! Right now! No one could ever think that you are ugly!
Especially not my brother."
"But Romy, I just don't know, I don't like not having ever seen the
person I'm supposed to marry."
"It'll be fine Tys, I promise...."
Just then a maid came rushing out to the courtyard. She yelled to the
"Princess! He's here! Prince Endymion is finally here!"
"Well here goes nothing Romy."
<In the throne room>
Prince Endymion was nervous. All he could think about how he was
probably ruining this girl's life. Of course, she WAS the princess, it
was her duty to marry him, but still...what if she thought he was ugly
or something? Or maybe thought his personality was the pits. Where is
the princess?
A movement caught his eye and he turned to see what had moved. His
breath caught, then a feeling overcame him, as if his whole body was
going to shake until it fell apart, in a pleasant sort of way.
WHO IS THAT? Maybe she is the princess. She is the most beautiful
person I have ever seen in my entire life! And her smile, it could
probably light the entire universe until the end of eternity. She must
be the princess from all the stories i have heard. They say her
laughter could make even my brother smile... He sighed. (AN: His
brother happens to be a very serious dude when he is around Endymion.)
Princess Serenity walked in to the throne room to meet her mother,
Queen Serenity, and the Prince of the Earth, Heir to the Throne of the
Earth, His Higness, Prince Endymion. She had just spent 30 minutes
preparing to meet them. She was wearing a pure white dress with pearls
and diamonds embedded in the fabric. A satin lace bordered the hem of
her dress. As she walked, the light swish of the air flowing around
the dress was heard. She was the perfect picture of a princess, on the
outside. On the inside, she was a quivering ball of liquid. She
desperately wanted to get this over with.
Serenity sighed, I guess there is only one way to find out if he likes
me or not.
As the princess concentrated on walking up to her mother, a wave of
peacefulness washed over her. She focused her eyes again and looked
up. There was a man standing there. His dark blue eyes locked with
hers for a moment. She broke away from the gaze feeling dazed. She
decided that if she didn't want to look into his eyes, she would check
out the rest of his body.
OH MY GOD! That must be the prince. He is so handsome. I guess I
didn't have anything to worry about HIM being ugly...but what about
me? She sighed once again.
Prince Endymion's hair was as dark as the eye of a falcon. He wore a
dark blue tuxedo. It was dark enough to be mistaken for black if you
didn't look close enough. Under careful examination Serenity could see
intricate designs of intertwining vines imprinted in dark purple. The
cape on his back was a definitely dark color. She couldn't really tell
as it WAS on his back.
Queen Serenity smiled, this was looking very good. They were staring
at eachother as if the world would stop just for them. She felt rather
bad for the young Prince Damoryus, but Serenity had just always been
destined for Prince Endymion. Just to make sure that this was the
right thing to do, she had consulted her advisors Luna and Artemis.
They had told her to go ahead with the pre-destined marriage. It had
already been planned for years before Serenity met Damoryus. Serenity
and Damoryus's marriage would have caused a huge scandal...and they
weren't sure even if Serenity loved Damoryus. The only thing that they
were sure of was Damoryus's love for Serenity.
By the looks of it, the queen had made the right choice, to let Prince
Endymion and Serenity meet. Besides, she had just been informed that
Prince Damoryus would be leaving for the Sun Kingdom, to continue his
training in all arts of magic and combat, in two days. That's what he
was here for anyway's. He was here going to start traveling over all
of the galaxy to specialize his training techniques. He had come first
to the Moon, from Earth, to meet everyone here. Then it was to train
his fighting skills. His next destination was the mysterious Sun
Kingdom. Their troops were highly respected for their techniques and
skills. Although, how they learned these great fighting skills was a
mystery. That was what Damoryus was going to be finding out, with a
hands-on look at things.
Of course, Damoryus wouldn't be informed of his departure for the Sun
until tomorrow. That would mean less time for him to mope around,
bringing down the kingdom's happiness at the thought that the prince
and princess would finally be married.
Damoryus stood quietly in the courtyard. He wore a forest green top
with black pants. His shirt was casually worn, as if it was thrown on
quickly. His pants were dressy, the type a person would wear with a
tuxedo. They were a bit rumpled, but otherwise they looked as if he
had just come from a party. He had actually just come from a walk
around the city. He had to look good wherever he went because of his
being a prince. The people on the moon were very pleasant and nice to
him, but they still acknowledged the fact that he was a prince of the
earth...where his brother, Prince Endymion, was from also. And his
brother was going to marry Princess Serenity, so he got lots of
respect from being his brother.
When he got back to the palace a servant told him that Serenity was in
the courtyard waiting for him. So he had thrown on a green shirt, and
run to her side.
He knew that his time was coming, though. He could feel it in his soul
and could hear it in his mind, he would be leaving for the Sun Kingdom
soon. The thought depressed him, but he had to go. It was his DUTY as
prince. THAT particular thought made Damoryus want to hit something,
or kick, or kill...his phoenix black eyes turned red for a moment.
'My DUTY? HA! What a bunch of crap. They just don't want me to be
around Tys. Of course, those idiots don't know the half of what's
really going on. I could come back to her just as easily as
if...nevermind. What am I saying? She's not mine. Tys doesn't even
love me. Oh well, no matter. She will be mine.'
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""
Well that's all for now! What will happen now? How does Damorius know
everything? Who are Tys and Romy (actually, you probably have figured
it out by now, in which case, the next chapter will be an explanation
of the names)? Stay tuned for the next episode of DragonBall Z!!!
errr...sorry, i mean: stay tuned for the next chapter of "a long lost
thanks for reading this! if you didnt like it, let me know. if you did
like it, let me know. if you're gonna flame me, send one now!!
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