Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A New Light ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A New Light
Lady Catherine
Rating: G

This is my FIRST completed fic. I have been reading
them for several months but this is my first attempt at
writing one. Unlike other first timers I would like any
and all suggestions and criticisms to improve my writing
(what can I say? I'm a glutton for punishment! heehee)
Please e-mail any advice to me at
P.S. This is (obviously) a romance between Usagi and
Mamoru. I will be using the Japanese names simply because
I like the nicknames derived from them better than the
American ones.

Summary: Usagi and Mamoru have been arguing for a while
now but what will happen when they suddenly see each other in a new light?

"Wow, I'm actually up early. Maybe now I won't run
into Mamoru-baka today." These were Tsukino Usagi's first
thoughts as she realized that she was fully awake and it
was only six o'clock in the morning. She usually woke up
at about 7:15 and had to make a mad dash to school, during
which she usually ran into Mamoru-baka and got teased
mercilessly for a few moments before continuing on her dash
to school. Her thoughts this morning went straight from
Mamoru-baka to breakfast. "I wonder if Ikuko-mama will
make me something special because I got up on time. I
actually finished my homework last night so I shouldn't
have any detention today. Yay!! This is going to be a good
day!" With that last remark Usagi raced to the bathroom
and got ready for school.
Usagi was downstairs in fifteen minutes and nearly
gave her mother a heart attack when she sat down at the table.
"Usagi! What are you doing up so early? Are you sick
sweetie? Let me see if you have a fever. Maybe you should
stay home today." Tsukino Ikuko was so surprised to see her
daughter that she was ready to call an ambulance to take her
daughter to the hospital.
"Mom I'm fine. I just woke up and couldn't fall back
asleep. Can I have pancakes for breakfast?" Usagi was
almost laughing at her reaction and couldn't wait to see her
father and brother.
"Of course sweetie. Pancakes and eggs coming right
up. Maybe you can make this more of a habit Usagi. If you
did you would get a good breakfast every morning. Did you
finish your homework last night? Ikuko highly doubted it
but she had some work time right now if she hadn't.
"Actually I did mom. It was actually fairly easy and
didn't take me too long."
"That's great honey. Here are your pancakes."
By the time Usagi's father and brother came
downstairs, Usagi had had several pancakes and lot's of
orange juice and was just about to leave for school.
"Usagi what are you doing up this early. Did you mess
up your alarm again sweetie" asked her father.
"Maybe this isn't the real Usagi-baka. Maybe she is
an alien robot that..."
"Shingo stop it. Your sister simply just woke up this
morning and didn't go back to sleep. Now sit down and eat
your breakfast before you are late. Usagi it's time for you
to go. Here's some extra money for the arcade this
afternoon in celebration of you not being late and having
your homework done. I will see you later." Ikuko handed
Usagi some money and kissed her daughter goodbye while
handing her a lunch and her schoolbooks.
"Bye mom, see you later. Bye dad, bye Shingo-baka."
With that Usagi raced out the door. As she reached the
street she realized that she didn't have to run and could
walk at a civilized pace for once. "I am actually glad that
I woke up early for once. Too bad Luna wasn't there to see
it. I hope that she and Artemis learned something about the
Negaverse last night. We really need some new information.
The youmas are getting harder and harder to beat. We need more help." With that last thought Usagi began skipping off
towards Juuban middle school.

"Today is going to be a really nice day. I left early
today so maybe I won't run into the Odango Atama. My body
needs a break. I have been bruised to within an inch of my
life. I need a break." Chiba Mamoru was walking down the
street towards Tokyo University. He was enjoying the early
morning spring air as he walked leisurely through the
streets. Suddenly he saw a familiar blonde walking at a
similar pace just ahead of him. "Odango!? What on earth is
she doing up. I have to find out what's wrong." With that
thought he was running to catch up with the small blonde,
odangoed girl. "Hey Odango, why are you up so early? Alarm
mix-up or something?" Mamoru gave her his usual heart-
stopping grin that made most girls swoon.
"Ugh, I thought I wouldn't have to see you this
morning Mamoru-baka. That was the one good thing that I
thought would be guaranteed because I got up early today.
Would you please just leave me alone? I really don't feel
like being teased today." Usagi gave him a pleading look
and kept walking.
"Wow. She didn't even tell me to not call her Odango.
I have to know what's up." With this last remark he once
again ran after the young girl without thinking about why he
was so concerned with what she was thinking.
"Usagi, please wait up!" Mamoru had just about caught
up with her and was reaching for her hand. "I just want to
talk with you. I won't tease you I promise. I don't even
have anything to tease you about. You haven't tripped near me in awhile, and I think that your grades have even
improved. Please wait." He saw Usagi freeze and he finally
managed to grab her hand.
"Did you really mean that you won't tease me any
more?" she asked quietly
"Yes. I'm sorry for all the teasing before." Mamoru
stopped her and looked at her face. He was feeling very
anxious about her sudden dismissal of him. 'Wow I wonder
where all these feelings about Odango are coming from. I
really do feel bad about all the times I've teased her. If
I feel bad I wonder why I did it in the first place?'
His second internal voice answered him, 'because she
looks cute when she's mad. You wanted to see her when
she was at her cutest which is why you made her mad.'
'Oh Shut UP. That is not why I teased her. I teased
her because she was easy to tease.'
'Riiighht. You just keep telling yourself that little
boy. You love her. Plain and simple.'
'WHAAAT! You have got to be kidding me. Me love
Odango Atama? Yeah right. That would be the day.' With
that last thought he refocused back onto Usagi, who was
standing in front of him giving him this incredibly
penetrating look. 'God she's beautiful. OH. NO. I do love
the Odango. Oh god. She hates me and I love her. This is
certainly poetic justice.' He looked at her again and then and there decided that he was going to make her love him.
With this determined he turned his attention back to the odangoed goddess standing in front of him.
"Can I walk you to school Usagi? I would like to talk
to you for a little while." Mamoru glanced nervously at
Usagi and wondered if she would say yes.
"Ok. You can walk me to school. I should take
advantage of your good mood. Let's go." Usagi had a very
curious look on her face as she turned and started walking
and Mamoru wondered what was so puzzling.
'Baka. Of course she's confused. You have spent the
last year teasing the life out of her and then all of a
sudden you realize you're in love with her and you act the
polar opposite of your usual self.' With that Mamoru took
Usagi's hand and began walking with her towards her school.
After a few minutes of silence Mamoru decided that he
would tell her why he always teased people and kept them
"Usagi I would like to apologize for every time I have
ever teased you. You didn't deserve it and I know that I am
a really bad person for making you lose your temper so
often. I know that it is not your usual self. I finally
decided that I want to be your friend if you'll have me.
That's why I decided that I am not going to tease you
anymore. So, will you be my friend?" Mamoru looked at her
hopefully, gauging her response to his request. 'Please say
yes. If you won't be my friend than there's no way I can
get you to love me.'
"I would love to be your friend Mamoru. That's all I
have ever wanted to be anyways. I never liked fighting with
you. I always hoped you'd come to your senses." Usagi gave
him her brightest grin and Mamoru's face lit with happiness.
"I am so glad Usagi. That's what I hoped you would
say." 'Now if you would only say that you loved me I would
be the happiest man on the planet.
They had reached Usagi's school and Mamoru decided to
ask her to meet him after school.
"Would you be willing to meet me after school? There
are some more things that I would like to tell you."
"Ok I think I can mange that. We can go to the park.
See you at 3:30. Bye!" With that Usagi ran off and Mamoru
walked off with a silly grin on his face, happier than he
had been in a long time.
That's all for now. More to come soon!!
Lady Catherine