Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Simple Christmas Wish ❯ Christmas? Not for me, it isn't! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Notes:

Hi, there! Thanks for checking out my forth story! I really appreciate it. If you read any other stories of mine, then you already know this is a Usagi and Mamoru fic. I got inspired to write this, when I was listening to "My December" by Linkin Park. In my opinion, the song has deep meanings. Anyways, I really hope you enjoy this. The story, as of right now, is not completed. I was typing up chapters for my other story, "The Lord", when I felt like starting this. If there are any editing problems, please excuse it. Don't forget: If you have any suggestions about my story, I'm more than happy to hear them... comments, they're more than welcome!...complaints, sure I'll hear them too. Ok, I'm done now. So on with the story…

***Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Sailormoon characters in this story. I also don't own the song "My December" or the group who sang it, Linkin Park.***

"A Simple Christmas Wish"

Mamoru's View:

It was snowing again. As I walked down the busy streets of Tokyo, people all around are joyful., but me you ask? I'm bitter and disheartened. Why wouldn't they be happy? It was near Christmas time. In about 2 weeks, almost everyone in Tokyo would be gathered together with their families and enjoying the holidays. I, on the other hand would probably be back home. Home… the word sounds so inviting,…To me, the word would refer to my cold and solitary apartment.

I, Mamoru Chiba, would probably be spending my time during Christmas morning watching whatever that as going on TV. Like others, I won't be able to spend my holidays with the ones I love and the ones who love me back. Why, you ask? I don't have much of a choice. I'm what people call an orphan. A lonely cold hearted orphan. Even at the orphanage I didn't enjoy this time of year. Children older or younger than me, would completely ignore me. I received nothing on Christmas morning. Maybe that's the reason I never believed in Santa Claus? Who knows, I certainly don't and probably won't. No one loved me in such a long time, that I'm being to forget what it feels like. Actually, I've already forgotten. I wonder… would I feel warm knowing someone loves me? Or something else? Will I ever find out?…

I asked myself way too many questions like those. They're not important. That's what I have been telling myself for most of my existence on this planet. Alone. The word basically describes me more than anything else. I should have blamed my parents for leaving me alone in this world at the young age of 6. I did, but now… I really don't care. After all the nights of crying as a child and receiving nothing to aid my pain, I frankly gave up hope. Not remembering who they are doesn't really help me either.

Right now, I'm heading towards the Arcade. My best friend Andrew works there. Friend, you ask? He's my one and only buddy. Living at the orphanage did a lot to my fragile heart. As I grew older, I tend to turn my heart into ice when someone attempts to become more than a stranger, classmate and what not. You're wondering how Andrew became my friend then, right? To this day, I'm not quite sure how it actually happened and it doesn't matter to me now. He's been through thick and thin for me, as I have for him. Our friendship cannot be doubted by anyone who knows us. I finally made it to my destination. The Crown Arcade.

'Ahhh' I thought to myself as I entered the arcade. I gazed over the place once I was fully regained my normal body temperature. Andrew, being the typical holiday enjoying guy, decorated the entire place with decorations. Inside and out. I spotted my blonde haired friend at the counters (as usually) serving people. I sat myself down into one of the empty booths near the back, after waving hi to Andrew. Once I was seated comfortably, I pulled out my lap - top. This was my new one. The best money can buy, may I add. Oh, did I forget to mention? My parents happened to be wealthy before they passed away and left me alone in this world. I still would trade all the money in the world for a loved one anytime, in a heartbeat. Just as I began working on some extra school work, the arcade bell can be heard. Thanks to my curiosity, I looked up and met the gaze of my angel…

- To be continued…

"My December" by Linkin Park

This is my December
This is my time of the year
This is my December

This is all so clear

This is my December
This is my snow covered home
This is my December
This is me alone

And I
Just wish that I didn't feel
Like there was something I missed

And I
Take back all the things I said
To make you feel like that

And I
Just wish that I didn't feel
Like there was something I missed

And I
Take back all the things I said to you

And I give it all away

Just to have somewhere to go to

Give it all away
To have someone to come home to

This is my December
These are my snow covered dreams
This is me pretending
This is all I need

And I
Just wish that I didn't feel
Like there was something I missed

And I
Take back all the things I said
To make you feel like that

And I
Just wish that I didn't feel
Like there was something I missed

And I
Take back all the things I said to you

And I give it all away
Just to have somewhere to go to

Give it all away
To have someone to come home to

This is my December
This is my time of the year
This is my December
This is all so clear

And I give it all away
Just to have somewhere to go to
Give it all away
To have someone to come home to

Author's Notes:

Hi again! Glad you decided to finish reading chapter I. How was it? This is my first time writing in a person's point of view. Please feel free to e - mail me ( your thoughts on this. If you don't mind please leave a review. I'll post the next chapters up soon as I can. Thanks for reading!