Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: The Return of the Black Moon Family ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 13

Chapter 13


"Huh?" Serenity said, sitting up. She looked around herself and saw that she was laying in a bed with white blankets. She was dressed as Princess Usagi. "Wh.. what happened?!?!" She asked herself, standing up. "Last I knew... I was fighting... with Mamoru? No... that can't be right why would I be fighting my husband? It doesn't make sense..."

"It will in time my dear." A voice behind her said. Usagi spun around to see her mother Queen Serenity, from the Silver Millennium, standing behind her.

"Mother?" She said, her eyes growing in size when she finally realized what happened.

"I... I'm dead?" She asked her mother, tears forming in her eyes.

"I'm afraid so." She said. "Don't worry... I'm sure your friends will be all right..." She said, a doubtful look in her eyes. Serenity closed her eyes, weeping softly.

"Vegeta..." She whispered, as the memories came flowing back to her. "I... I'm sorry ChibiUsa..." She said, as she fell into her mother's open arms, tears streaming down her face.

"Don't cry my dear." Her mother said. "I can't bear to see you cry... remember... the Dragon Balls they may be able to bring you back..." Her mother said.

"It.. it won't work I've already been wished back once..." She said, through her tears.

"Yes... with the Earth ones... but what about the Namic ones?" She asked, Usagi pulled away from her mother and looked her in the eye.

"That's a great idea!!" She practically yelled. "I'll tell them right now!"

"Wait a minute, dear child." Usagi's mother said. "I don't think you should go back until you are trained to control your power."

"What do you mean?" Usagi asked, looking confused.

"Maybe you should go train with this man named King Ki first." Usagi's mother said.

"You know King Ki?!?!" Usagi cried. "I didn't know that!!"

"Oh Usagi, you're still the same... getting all excited over nothing." Usagi's mother said, a single tear came to her eye. "I'm going to miss you my dear it's been over one thousand years since I've seen you my dear you'll leave and I won't see you for a thousand more"

"Don't cry, Mother." Usagi said, wiping her mother's tears away. "We will meet again one day I promise." Usagi said, kissing her mother on the cheek. Usagi pulled away and a white light came from her body. When the light cleared, Usagi was gone.

"I'll be waiting" Her mother said, tears streaming down her face.

-King Ki's-

When Usagi opened her eyes, she was standing on a small moon, wearing her white Princess dress. She saw a little man wearing a black suit with a white symbol on the front. It was the same symbol Goku had on his orange outfit. He had black glasses, a black hat, and antenna's coming out of his head. "Are you King Ki?" Usagi asked, as she approached the man.

"I'm King Ki. You must be Princess Usagi." He said, turning her direction. "I haven't seen you since you were a little girl." He said. "But you probably don't remember me, though."

"You know my mother?" Usagi asked, looking at the strange looking man. "I mean you knew her during the Silver Millennium?" Usagi asked.

"Of course. How did you think I knew your name?" He said, laughing. "I remember the first time I met you. You were still in diapers. You came up to me and asked me 'Why do you have antenna's?' Then you went over to your mother and said 'Who's the funny looking guy?'" He said, laughing to himself.

"I don't remember much from the Silver Millennium. I remember Beryl and Mamoru. And I remember a little about my childhood... but not when I was still a baby... I don't even remember my real father..." Usagi said, thinking back to her past.

"So... why did you come here? Did you come to train?" He asked, looking up at her.

"Huh?" She said as she was snapped out of her thoughts. "I'm sorry... yes, that's why I'm... here Mamoru is much stronger than I ever thought possible... he's the one that sent me here."

"Okay, we best get started then." He said. "Bubbles!" He yelled. Usagi gave him a funny look, until she saw the little monkey coming towards her. "Okay, the first thing you have to do is catch Bubbles."

"Catch Bubble? Okay, if that's what you want me to do." Usagi said. "But first, I think I should change my clothes." Usagi said, looking at the white dress.

"That might be a good idea." King Ki said, noticing the long white dress. "Hmm... let's see... I don't think I have anything"

"Don't worry." Usagi said, pulling out her transformation locket. "I'll just train as Sailor Cosmos. It'll be a lot easier." Usagi said, holding the locket up. "Cosmic Moon Crystal POWER!!" Usagi shouted, holding up the locket. Ribbons swirled around her body, forming her fuku, the long white cape with wings attached to the shoulders. A six point star appeared on her forehead and a on the front of her skirt, a piece of colorful material, held with a star that had wings as well, appeared on the front of the skirt. Long white ribbons hung down the front and instead of a bow on the front, the locket (also had a star on it) with wings appeared. White shoes appeared on her feet with wings attached to the back. Her long blond hair turned white and a took the shape of hearts. Feathers appeared in her hair and a long staff with a crystal on the top appeared in her hand. "I am Sailor Cosmos." Usagi said, in her new form.

"All right Sailor Cosmos, go on and catch Bubble." King Ki said, as the staff disappeared and she took the cape off.

"I'll do my best." Sailor Cosmos said, as she struggled to adjust to the gravity. She went chasing after Bubbles and didn't even see Tien and Chaotzu.

-The planet Venus-

"Do you think this is really going to work?" Vegeta demanded, his usual scowl on his face.

"I'm sure it will." Minako said as she put the final touches on her plan. "Mamoru won't be able to resist, trust me."

"First we should tell Goku to go use the Namic Dragon Balls to bring Serenity back." Makoto said, as she helped with the planning. "She should be here. You know we're going to need her."

"That sounds like a good plan." Ami agreed. "I say we make sure Queen Serenity is back, we'll need her help. She's never let us done in the end."

"Then it's agreed." Rei said, coming into their conversation. "She's a lot different from our scouting days, and even then, when she was unreliable and a major klutz, she never let us down. Plus, she's the Queen of the whole universe. She'd want to be here to save her home from this evil monster."


Mamoru walked into the palace holding a sleeping ChibiUsa in his arms. He walked to her room and laid her down in her bed. Then he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

"This place could use a little redecorating." Mamoru said, walking into his and Usagi's room. "It's too happy. I'll make it a little more like my old home on the Nega-Moon." He said, his evil energy began to spread throughout the room. The blanket turned black and the walls crystal glow turned black. Making the place look very dreary. "That's a little better." He said, looking through his new room. "Now for the rest of the palace and the city of Crystal Tokyo!" He cried, his evil power fell like a blanket over the entire city, causing mass chaos to break free. Men went looting and woman screamed in terror as guns were held to their heads. The crystal of the palace went from a beautiful clear white, to black. The Black Moon family had returned to take over the world.
