Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: The Return of the Black Moon Family ❯ Chapter 25 ( Chapter 25 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 25

Chapter 25

-Usagi and Vegeta-

"That's the door." Usagi said, walking up to the door.

"Good, I'll fight him, you get out of here." Vegeta said, pulling his sword back out of the sheaf.

"No," Usagi said, taking the sword from his hand. "I have to face him... alone."

"You can't, you're hurt." Vegeta said, pointing to the wound.

"I'll be fine," Usagi said. "Wish me luck." She said, flashing him a V. Usagi walked up to the doors just as they flew open. She walked through the doors, hearing them slam behind her.

"Serenity, so you've finally made it here," Mamoru said. "I expected you here sooner."

"Why are you doing this?!?!" Serenity demanded, her face hardening as she thought of all the terrible things he had done.

"It's simple," Mamoru said. "I want you dead. You killed my brothers and you stole my daughter from me."

"That's a lie!" Serenity screamed. "I didn't kill either of your brothers!! Wiseman did it!! He murdered Sapphire and then Diamond as well!! You should remember it, or has Wiseman brainwashed you too?!?!"

"You're the one that killed my brothers. Wiseman had nothing to do with it." Mamoru said calmly rising from his throne.

"I didn't kill your brothers!! I tried to save them!!" Serenity cried, remembering when Prince Diamond died in her arms years before. "There was nothing I could do for them!!" Tears began to form in her eyes after Mamoru's accusations.

"You'll pay for all that you have done!!" Mamoru yelled, rising into the air.

"I will defeat you, Mamoru!!" Serenity screamed, her blood no longer soaking the cloth that covered it. The Saiyan armor disappeared, leaving her surrounded by a white light. She closed her eyes and felt a deep peace deep inside of her. "I will save you." She whispered, her soft voice not heard by the evil Mamoru. Ribbons surrounded her body, forming the dress that she wore as Queen Serenity. Real wings appeared on her back, spreading to their full length. The moon reappeared on her forehead and crown appeared on her head. Her long white hair turned blond as it was as Queen Serenity. A small crystal appeared in her hand, floating in the light given off by it.

"What?!?!" Mamoru cried, seeing the woman that stood before him. The wound in her side had been healed and she floated before him as his wife, Queen Serenity. "That can't be!! You can't be strong enough to heal yourself!!"

"It wasn't me." Serenity said, her tear filled eyes looking around. "It was my friends, they offered strength to me. If they believe in me, then there is no way I can be beaten."

"That's a lie!!" Mamoru yelled. "I'll prove it!!" Mamoru pulled out a dark crystal and held it out in front of him. "It's the Dark Crystal that you thought had been destroyed so long ago. I stole it at the final battle. I knew it would come in handy when I planned to overthrow the Queen."

"I cannot let you win!!" Serenity cried, holding the crystal above her. "Moon Cosmic Crystal POWER!!" She cried out the same phase she used to transform. White energy shot from the crystal heading for Mamoru.

"Dark Crystal EliMinakotion!!" Mamoru cried, aiming the Dark Crystal at the Silver Imperium Crystal in Serenity's hands. "You die here!!"

"I will not be defeated!!" Serenity cried, putting more energy into the crystal. "I will do this for my friends!!" The power met in the middle sending explosions out around where the two powers touched. It was even for a minute but Serenity saw that she couldn't hold it for long and called out. "Kaioken times two!!" The beam of energy from her became much stronger, pushing Mamoru back. "Mamoru, you don't have to let this evil eat away at your soul. You can go back to being the good person you once were."

"Good person?!?!" He said. "When we I ever a good person?!?!"

"You were," Serenity whispered. "I remember... before Vegeta came to the Moon Kingdom... you loved me... you were kind and caring..."

"That was all a lie!!" He cried, trying to push the memories back.

"You know deep down that I wasn't the one that killed your brothers," Serenity said, her big blue eyes closed. "Think of Rei... how will she react to find out you are gone... that would break her heart..."

"Rei," Mamoru whispered, a picture of the Queen of Mars popped into his head. "I can't hurt her... I've always loved her..." The power of Serenity's crystal reached Mamoru, making him drop his crystal. It fell in slow motion nearer and nearer the floor. When they thought it would hit the floor, it disappeared through a portal.

"No!!" Serenity cried when she saw a pair of red eyes staring at her. Mamoru fell to the ground, unconscious. "The crystal!!"

"Serenity?" Mamoru said, picking up his head. "Thank you... for setting me free..." He said, a portal opened under him, taking him to where ever Serenity's friends were.

"Mamoru!!" She cried, seeing him disappear through the portal. "Let him go!!" She screamed, seeing Wiseman before her. "Let all of my friends go!!"

"I can't do that," Wiseman said, holding the Dark Crystal out. "Now, you will die."

"I defeated you once, Wiseman!" Serenity said, holding up the crystal. "I can do it again!!"

"You're not as strong as you think you are." Wiseman said.

"I will destroy you!!" Serenity cried, tears in her eyes.

"If you destroy me, then you destroy any hope of saving your precious Sailor Scout friends as well as the rest of them!"

"You're lying!!" Serenity yelled, her body beginning to glow from her anger. "I don't believe you!!"

"You'll see," He said calmly. "Wicked Lady, come forth."

"Yes, Wiseman?" Wicked Lady asked, appearing behind him.

"Dispose of this nuisance." Wiseman said, motioning towards Serenity.

"ChibiUsa!!" Serenity cried, seeing her daughter standing behind Wiseman. "Please, listen to me!!"

"You're not my mother anymore," Wicked Lady said, calmly looking at her mother. "My mother died when that man came along."

"You're not making sense, ChibiUsa!" Serenity cried, tears in her eyes. "Mamoru... he... he's not your father!"

"You're a liar!!" Wicked Lady screamed. "My mother would never lie to me!!"

"You're right, my dear, I would never lie to you," Serenity said, feeling a sense of peace come over her. "I love you, my child."

"Mommy?" A little voice said, she looked at the girl. She remembered the little girl with pink hair that had come to her years before. The girl she had always called a little brat. She would wake up and the girl would be asleep in her bed. She looked into the red eyes and saw a little girl, not the evil woman that stood before her.
