Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Abby and Karen's Weird Adventure ❯ The Plan To Go Home ( Chapter 3 )
Okie! I mean it! Review this fic if you want another chapter! Review it or you'll never know what happens next! Got it? Because I'm not saying it again! Either you review, or you'll get another chapter!!!!! So please review!
Our Episode begins with our main charcter--
"Oh, shut up!"
Karen was reading the Instruction Manual and Script trying to find a way to get home. "Ah ha! I did it!" Karen suddenly screamed, Reenie came running over to where Karen was sitting. "In order to get home I need Suger, Spice, and everything nice, plus two lines from Army Of Darkness, and one orb of somethig-or-other."
"Who wrote this? "
"Oh, wait! This is a punch line to a joke Abby will make a couple Episodes from now! Great! Atleast I can avoid it."
"So how do we send you home?"
"Isn't there an index in the front or whatever it's called?"
Karen turned to the begining of the book looking for the Table Of Contents, or, as our brilliant genuis put it, --
"I hate you! You know that right! Now stop making fun of me, or I'll quit!"
"Oh, here it is! I'll need some liquid called Rose Water, an ancient incantation located on page 76, and a symbal located on page 1,982,870 of this Manual. All you have to do is say the incantation, and pour the liquid on the symbal which should have the FireLight Cyrstal placed exactly in the middle." Karen turned the pages and wrote down all the information she needed. "I can get the Rose Water from a plant that I can grow from a seed inside the Cyrstal, all I have to say is "something-or-other" with the Cyrstal in the palm of my hand."
Karen put the Cyrstal in her hand and got the seed, then she got some dirt and planted it. "The Manual says it'll take a few days to grow."
"Karen? Where are you? We don't have to do a sSailorMoon FanFic if you don't want to. Karen?"
(Narrater Scoffs.) "It is a SailorMoon FanFic!"
********BACK TO KAREN********
"Did you just hear something?"
"No. "
"Okay. Should we see what else there is to do, Reenie?"
********In Another Dark Place, At The Same Time********
"HA! They think they got rid of me! Just wait! The script says I reveal myself in Episode-- WHAT?!? I'M SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD?!? I WON'T STAND FOR THAT! THEY CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!"
(Narrater interuptes)"Oh, yes we can! I'm writing this FanFic! Your Dead! Permenently!"
"I'll reveal myself an Episode from now! But to stop that BRAT from returning I'll cass a counter spell and plant a spell in the book that'll bring her sister into this world! Take that! "
"Serves you right for trying to kill me off! Who were you going to replace me with-- A NEWT! AN EVIL NEWT!"
(Narrater scoffs) "Not just any newt! He was your boyfriend, that is, before YOU turned him into a NEWT!"
"Well, you are dispensible! Why do you think we killed you off!?!"
"That's it! I'll turn you into a Newt, if you don't shut up!"
********BACK TO--
"What's your hurry?!? I'm not done ranting and raving!"
********BACK TO (Mistress Screaming in the back round. HEHEHE! ^_-) Karen!
Karen read to inscription enough times for a bird to memorize it, and, amazingly enough, she couldn't remember a word of it! "I hate this FanFic!"
Narrater: "Doesn't everyone!" ^_-
As our heroine crams for her Mid Term Witchery exam trying to get home, our other main character Abby(who will be mentioned much more often starting next episode), is chattering trying to find out where Karen dissapeared to, totally unsuspecting as to what dangers lie ahead and the plan to bring her to the weird show of SailorMoon.
And what of (slowly, droolingly, in a couch vegitable type of way) Mistress,(speech speads up, and sounds very, very, VERY angrey) who directly defied the auther of this FanFic! (calms down) Find out in the next--
(Karen, Abby, and Mistress interupte at the exact same time saying) "YOUR ENDING THE EPISODE NOW!?! ARE YOU CARZY?!?"
Due to tecnical issues we have decided to extend the Episode for a little longer. We hope you enjoy yourselves.
*******************Back To The Documentery on Birds*******************
"WHAT!?!" Abby, Karen, and Mistress all start arguing
("I'm just kidding!)
*******************Back To The Asylum!********************
Karen was just opening the Manual, when suddenly there was a bunch of black smoke, and everyone was coughing.
When the smake cleared the source of the smoke was a NEWT! "HA! I'll destroy you all!" (Mistress Treatening and screaming in the background) But all of the sudden the evil Mistress's counter and destruction spells destroyed the NEWT! And accidently broke the FireLight Cyrstal into two peices and destroyed the small seed.
"Hmmm! At last some sucess! (Narrater: "Well we are talking about Mistress!")
JOIN US IN THE NEXT EPISODE!!! (Episode ends with threats, screaming and arguing between Mistress, Abby, Karen, The SailorScouts, And Darien. HEHEHE! ^_- )