Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Ancient Lies ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ancient Lies

Chapter 11

By: Celeste Jacobs

Rated: PG-R

Disclaimer: SM, TombRaider, and Lara Croft do not belong to me. Many of the made up characters do


Author Notes: Email me if you want to be notified about any updates on my story. Just sent the title of the story you want to be notified about.

"Diamond let go of me!!" shouted Siena. Diamond quickly placed his hand over her mouth. "Not only will I get that amulet from you but I will also get a good fuck before I leave" whispered Diamond in her ear. He roughly pushed Siena on to the bed and ripped her shirt off. "What?!!" exclaimed Diamond. "Where in the hell is the amulet!!" demanded Diamond. "I'll never tell you" growled Siena as she struggled to get up. "Well then I'll just fuck it out of you" said Diamond as he proceeded to unzip Siena's shorts. With a yell Siena overpowered him and Diamond fell off the bed and on to the floor. Siena jumped out of the bed and began to run out the door. "I don't think so" said Diamond as he grabbed her foot. Siena crashed to the floor with a yelp.

Diamond got on top of her and once again tried to take Siena's shorts off. "I have to get away from this asshole" thought Siena when she had an idea. Diamond noticed Siena stop struggling and grinned to himself. "What is it my pet?" asked Diamond. Siena turned around so that she could face him. She positioned her legs so that Diamond would be in between them. "I just decided to let you have me besides it will be like old times" said Siena with a smile. Diamond grinned. He began kissing Siena's neck and Siena moaned his name. "Diamond, I want you now" she moaned. Diamond quickly took off his pants and threw them to the nearest corner. Before he could take off his boxers Siena stopped him. "I want to touch it" said Siena innocently. Diamond smirked. Siena took that as ok and began to stroke his manhood. Diamond moaned in ecstasy which then turned into a painful expression. Siena had grabbed his dick and was crushing it with all the strength she had. Diamond was trying not to scream in pain and Siena smirked.

"Did you really think that I was going to give the goods up that easily?" asked Siena as she applied more pressure. Diamond let out a whimper in response. "I should kill you for even thinking so, you know if I shoot off your dick I wouldn't have to worry about this" said Siena. Diamond looked at Siena with fear in his eyes. "Yeah, that's exactly what I'll do, I'll shoot the little thing off" said Siena. She applied more pressure to his dick and dragged him to the dresser. Diamond had no choice but to go because if he didn't the pain would only hurt more. Siena took a gun out the dresser and aimed it at Diamond's dick. "Please, I'll leave, just don't shoot" pleaded Diamond. "Say pretty please with a cherry on top" said Siena with a smirk. "NO!" replied Diamond. Siena cocked the gun. "Ok! Ok!! Pretty please with a cherry on top!" exclaimed Diamond. Siena let go and Diamond cradled his hurting manhood. "Leave" said Siena forcefully. Diamond picked up his pants and scrambled out of the room. Siena smirked with satisfaction.

Author: I bet you didn't see that coming..I'm so evil.

Seiya's Hotel Room:

Seiya was taking a shower when he heard a knock on the door. He turned the shower off, and grabbed his gun. He walked over to the door, quickly opened it, and aimed the gun at the person on the other side of the door. The maid began to scream and Seiya began to apologize profusely. He was too busy apologizing that he didn't realize that his towel had fell off his waist and the maid was getting an eye full. The maid screamed even louder and raced down the hall. Seiya grinned sheepishly and placed the towel back around his waist as he closed the door. Sieya went back to his bathroom only to find the word TRAITOR written on the shower door. He walked to living room where he found Serena sitting at the table. "What an entrance" said Seiya. "Me or your little incident with the maid" said Serena. Seiya laughed. "What brings you here Bunny?" asked Seiya. "I want to know why you're working with Diamond" said Serena. "The money" said Seiya as he walked towards her. "It's always money with you" said Serena with disgust. Serena stood up and was about to leave when Seiya stepped in front of her. "Money and you" said Seiya. Serena rolled her eyes. "It sure didn't seem like it" said Serena. Seiya sighed. "I did and I still do" said Seiya. "Save the sympathy for someone who cares" said Serena. "I know you care" said Seiya as he leaned in to kiss her.

Moonasha Hotel:

"Where is that damn amulet?" growled Lita in frustration. Ami typed a couple of codes in her computer and it began to beep. "Follow me" said Ami. The group followed Ami to the bathroom. The computer beeps became rapid when she placed the computer near the showerhead. "I believe we found it" said Mina. "And that's where it is going to stay" said Siena as she cocked her gun. "You wouldn't shoot us" said Darien. "Are you so sure?" asked Siena. No one answered. "It's five against one! Let's get her!" exclaimed Rei. "Correction, two" said Rini. Rei began to laugh. "She's going to hurt her with her little moon wand" she exclaimed as she roared with laughter. Darien began to laugh and the scouts soon followed. "Moon Wand Bubble Encase!" yelled Rini. Darien and the scouts found themselves trapped in some kind of bubble. "Let us out of here!" yelled Ami. Rini just laughed. "My little moon wand is not so pathetic, now is it?" said Rini. Siena let out a laugh. "Um, Siena where is your shirt?" asked Rini. "It's a long story" said Siena with a sigh. Siena walked around the bubble and unscrewed the shower. She let out a gasp when she saw what was inside. Not only was it the amulet but a necklace with two hieroglyphic symbols. "What does it say?" asked Rini. "Serena and Siena" whispered Siena.