Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Balloonazation! Poor Pooko-chan's Bad Day ❯ Chapter Nine: The Candy Lemur Peropero-chan! Friend or Foe? ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Pooko-chan finished searching the damaged buildings and she couldn't use a single scrape of clothing! It would have been much easier if she could walk through town wearing clothes, but of course, nothing could go right for her this day.
She decided to go with plan B and walked outside.
For the umpteenth time that day Pooko had to revert to her bloated balloon shape and up into the air she went. It was now four o’clock and Pooko was feeling like almost a whole day was wasted. She decided that an evening meal with Drake would be nice and romantic.
The balloon Lemur thought back on how they had first met. It was in their high school cooking class. For several weeks Pooko had noticed a nice shy guy ,Drake, kept glancing at her while they worked. It wasn’t until one day, when their teacher needed two students to stay after to make some extra cookies, Pooko and Drake were picked. While they worked Drake finally began talking to Pooko and the two became fast friends. It was during their senior year that Drake first asked Pooko out and it was then that she discovered her feelings for him. The two teenagers enjoyed their first date together immensely and soon went on more dates.
Pooko thought about his looks, Drake was six feet tall, had dark brown hair and brown eyes. He had a proud face and a slightly large forehead. In high school he was cute but now that he had muscles he was HOT! Drake was sweet, kind and had a sense of humor, a trait that Pooko thought was essential for every man to have. Whenever the two of them went out it always seemed like she had the time of her life. However, Pooko wasn’t a big fan of horror movies unlike Drake who had a good stock of them on his shelves. Fortunately horror wasn’t the only thing he liked, and the two often sat down and enjoyed a good comedy or drama. She just wished he didn’t try talking her into watching “The Evil Dead” or “The Deadly Spawn”.
The Lemur was relaxing and having such deep thoughts about her lover that she didn’t notice trouble flying right towards her. It was in the form of a storm of little blueish green balls with faces on them. The little balls were about the size of gum balls and they all kept chanting in unison “Pero! Pero! Pero!”
If it were not for the little balls chanting Pooko would have had no warning. At the sound of the little voices, she quickly expelled a gust of air and dodged the charging balls.
Pooko said out loud, “What the heck were those!?”
The balls were flying out away from the Balloon Lemur, but they quickly turned around at once and dove toward her again.
Pooko expelled another burst of air and flew away from the balls in high speed. The lemur thought, ‘These things seem familiar. I thought I once heard about a lemur that could shoot out little balls of candy like this. And that word they’re saying, “Pero”, I think that was her name.... Great don’t tell me I have to get into another fight today!’ The woman has had enough fights for one day plus she couldn’t believe she was dodging candy.
The balls of candy continued to chase the Balloon Lemur over the city. Whatever aerial trick the lemur tried she couldn’t shake them. Quick turns, spirals, sudden stops, or any hiding places only seemed to slow down the candy’s pursuit.
Pooko was trying to think of a way to beat the candy when she saw her idea. A few buildings away, there was a factory that spewed smoke out into the air. Pooko made a charge to it and thought ‘I wonder how they’ll handle a little smoke?’ Pooko held her breath and entered the smoke cloud. She wasn’t the least bit surprised when the little balls of candy followed her in. The Balloon Lemur did not pass through the smoke. Instead She flew upwards, as if the smoke had latched on to her, dragging her along its path. After about a minute Pooko decided to pull out and let out a breath. Another nice feature of being a balloon woman was that, through all your training, you acquired plenty of practice in holding your breath. She could hold her breath for up to ten minutes with ease.
The blue and red balloon woman turned to see how her pursuers were doing. After looking back for five seconds, the little candies finally came out of the smoke. All of them were coughing while trying to keep up their, Pero...Pero, chant. The little balls were dirty and seemed to roll back and forth in a drunken state. At last, they couldn’t stay air born and all of them fell to the ground.
‘Nice one!’ Pooko-chan thought. She could have flown off to her apartment now. However ,like her father, she was naturally curious about things. Plus she wanted to beat the lemur that created all these little candies. She didn’t want them coming after her again. ‘Certainly not during my date.’ she thought. Pooko-chan made a slow decedent to ground. Her sneaker clad shoes then landed on the ground. She then rolled her body forward to look at the little balls that were still coughing.
“I wonder what these are?” she asked.
“I created them!” a woman’s cheerful voice exclaimed from out of no where.
Pooko rolled her body around to try and find whose voice it was. “Who said that? Why did you send these bugs after me,” she said.
From the other side of a building a ‘huge wrapped candy the size of a bowling ball’ , as Pooko called it, came flying towards her. The lemur got ready to take flight again, but she stopped herself when she noted the wrapped candy was slowing down. Soon it stopped in front of her.
Pooko stared at the candy until it spun around up until she could see the candy’s flap. The flap opened and inside of the wrapper was a feminine face. The skin color of the face was the same blueish green as the candy balls. It had two large pink hearts on it’s checks, a normal mouth and two eyes that were closed, a tuft of bright yellow hair sprouting out of the candy wrapper, and two white bunny ears that sprouted out of the top of the candy.
The Candy Lemur gave a happy high-pitched cheer “Peropero!” she said.
The two seemed to stand still in silence for several seconds until Pooko broke it.
“I am Pooko, again I ask, why did you attack me with those spheres?”
The Candy Lemur started to rotate around the large balloon woman.
“I know all about you Pooko-chan. I’ve heard all about your beauty. I didn’t mean to alarm you. I was just sending off some of my little helpers to try and catch you. so that the two of us could have a girl-to-girl chat for a bit”
Pooko furred her red brow and asked, “Is that what they were saying? I assumed they were saying ‘Pero, pero, pero!’ I think they need a few more years of school until they can string together words to make an actual sentence.”
The candy continued to rotate around Pooko-chan. “I’m so sorry, they get easily excited sometimes. Especially when they are in the presence of a beautiful woman.”
Pooko-chan glanced down at her fat air-filled body and looked back at her fellow Lemur. “I’m not exactly looking my best at the moment-“ she began but Peropero cut her off.
“They know that you’re a balloon girl, but they’ve seen pictures of your gorgeous lady like form. I was hoping you could deflate yourself and show them how such a beauty can exist.”
Pooko-chan’s face flushed a little, this time the red in her face mixed with her blue skin. It formed odd patches of purple on her cheeks, normally this happens when she’s feeling emotional or affectionate toward Drake when he tells her she’s beautiful.
“Well,” she began “Maybe another time. I really need to get home and clean up a bit and I really want to set up a date with my boyfriend and-“
”Oooh! You have a boyfriend! I’m not at all surprised!” interrupted Peropero. “He’s a lucky guy to know such beauty like yours.”
The blush on Pooko’s face darkened a little more. “I’m very sorry Peropero, but I must get going I need to remain inflated so I can fly home”
For a second, the Balloon Lemur thought she saw a shadow of annoyance pass over Peropero's face but it quickly vanished away.
Peropero laughed, “Hahahahahah! Yes I know what it’s like to be in a rush. I think I’d rather not float but walk home myself.”
It seemed that the Lemur had begun to melt. The chin and checks of her face started to quickly ooze out and stretch. The candy wrapper seemed to shift and grow down the long blue green length. The Lemur’s face had grown upwards, forming a neck and a complete head. The long stretch of blue green candy skin divided itself into two sprouts, which turned out to be legs. Arms and hands had also sprung out of the new forming body. Some clothes seemed to appear out of nowhere onto the body and within a few seconds the Candy Lemur’s transformation was complete.
Peropero-chan was no longer a huge wrapped gumball. She was now a shapely woman. She had long blonde hair that reached to her waist. Her head still had those bunny ears on. Her eyes were still closed, but now dark make up had appeared on her eyelids and they now had long sexy eyelashes. Out of nowhere, pink lipstick had been applied to her lips. The candy wrapper was dark red and orange, this was now Peropero’s main piece of attire. It was now more like an open jacket that had the bottoms tied together. The jacket only half covered the Lemur’s large breasts since the jacket had a huge V-cut to it. She was also wearing a pair of purple bikini like shorts. On her wrists and ankles were white cuffs and on her feet were red high heels.
Pooko-chan was stunned by the transformation; it was similar to what she went through for her missions.
Peropero threw back her beautiful blonde hair. “I know that it’s such a hassle, both of us being beautiful women and having to give up our good looks for a mission. But I know what you’re going through. Come deflate and I can give you some clothes that I know will fit you. I don’t mind walking you home and giving you some company for a little bit.”
Pooko-chan thought about this, she was in deep thought. She had met a fellow female Lemur that seemed to understand how she felt. She wanted to go back to her thin form, wear clothes, and talk to her. Pooko-chan seemed to be hypnotized by the Peropero’s words. She nearly began to deflate herself, she loved the idea of talking to Peropero. Not many people understood her problem. Her parents understood her especially her mom but they were back home. She was here with Drake but he didn't understand what she went through.
But Drake did always laugh and tell her that she truly was beautiful to him, inside and out. He never seemed to mind picturing the love of his life as a fattened balloon. If he was ever at her house in the morning while she was getting ready to go into a mission, he could always see her distress. He’d always put his arm around her, give her a kiss and tell her that he loved her. When he wished her luck he’d sometimes remind her that he was quite fat as well when he was in middle school and freshman year of high school. His comments always made Pooko-chan smile and giggle.
She wanted to see Drake.
The sooner the better…
She loved him.
They’ve known each other for two years and she had just met Peropero two mintues ago.
Pooko-chan brought herself back to reality. “I’m sorry Peropero but I really want to get back to my boyfriend. I really need to be with him tonight after this stressful day.”
The Peropero's friendly appearance quickly disappeared. “FINE!” she yelled out. “I was trying to get you to deflate yourself so it would be easier for me to beat you! I guess I’ll just have to work harder at that!”
Pooko-chan snapped herself into attention, ready for flight. She noticed that she had regained all the air that she had used to dodge the candies earlier and even a little extra had been added. She had refilled herself, without even noticing or giving thought, by instinct as a fighter. Even though her mind was clouded by Peropero’s friendliness, her heart had not only thought about Drake, but about some lurking danger. If the Balloon Lemur ever thought about her friends, family or lover were in some danger her determination to win was increased greatly. She was determined to win and rush home to the man she loved and to love him.
Pooko-chan was ready.
She curved her purple lips into a grin. “I hope those brainless candies are not your only weapon.”
Peropero seemed to be just as ready for a fight as Pooko-chan was. “Oh, I wouldn’t underestimate them if I were you. But don’t worry I got a trick or two more to show you.”
With that Peropero’s stomach ballooned out in similar fashion to Pooko-chan when she began her transformation.
“What the heck-“ started Pooko, when Peropero attacked.
The Candy Lemur gave a little giggle. Her jacket and shorts were stretched out by the fat stomach.
“This is how I create my little candied henchmen,” she said. She leaned back and then shot her torso forward towards Pooko-chan with her mouth wide open and spewed out a new batch of blue green candy spheres.
Pooko-chan gave a little groan before getting herself air born and flying away to her right, away from the cloud of enemies.
Peropero gave a little smirk. “I’m afraid not,” she said. “I still have a few left to give out,” she said while patting her still large stomach. Peropero then gave it a quick swirling rub; the shaking caused the little sphere in her stomach to grow in excitement. It started to move around in frenzy. They bounced around and crashed into the inside walls of the lemur’s stomach. It often stretched the skin and clothes out to form little bumps. Peropero gave a little giggle.
Pooko-chan was still flying away from her chargers and could see what Peropero-chan was doing. A little freaked out was an understatement. ‘I hope if I have children, they won’t bounce around my stomach like that.’ she thought and made a mental note to call her mom as soon as possible and asked her what she was like when she was pregnant with her.
Peropero was ready to unleash another wave she then shot out the next wave of little spheres. With the deployment of these, Peropero’s stomach shrank back to it’s thin look. She had turned so that the sphere would cut off Pooko-chan’s escape route and get her stuck in-between the two swarms of approaching enemies.
However, Pooko-chan knew a maneuver that would help her out. She slowed down enough that within a second the two bodies of the enemies were nearly upon her. She turned herself upside down and pressed the lower half of her body against the ground. Her large red covered butt was up facing the sky when she let out a burst of air from the nozzle on her head. She shot up straight into the sky like a rocket. Thus, leaving the two swarms to collide into each other.
“Oh no!” yelled out Peropero.
Pooko-chan just gave a little laugh as she watched the chaos below her.
The little sphere of candy seemed to be fighting amongst each other. They kept butting and crashing into each other and that seemed to be educing enraged filled hits.
But several of the slightly smarter candies stopped fighting and flew up to Pooko-chan very quickly. Pooko was caught off guard when one hit her in the face and flew off.
“Ouch!” said the Balloon Lemur.
A second candy was charging towards her but Pooko-chan was able to catch it with her armless hand. She tossed it back into the still fighting crowd below her. A third one came up from behind her, stuck into her back and pressed into her. Pooko-chan was surprised as she saw a lump coming out of her stomach. The candies didn’t seem to have too much strength one-on-one she took noted. However weak the little candy was, it was determined to try and hurt Pooko-cahn. It continued to try and tear itself through her body. But Pooko-chan just clenched herself and shot the little gumball like a slingshot back into the fighting crowd.
Peropero’s rage was growing. “You idiots! You’re too weak to fight her alone! You can win if you gang up on her!” at that the crowd of candies stopped fighting and glanced up at the Balloon Lemur above them, who was smirking down upon them.
With a loud cry of “PERO!” they charged at her. Pooko-chan took over again and started zigzagging around buildings. She wasn’t sure how she would beat all the little candies, but she wasn’t worried at all. She knew she’d find a way to win this one. For two minutes, she continued to elude her pursuers by dodging and twisting around obstacles. Pooko then heard Peropero’s voice call out,
“Hey Pooko! You asked me if I knew any other tricks, well I’ll show you one!”
Pooko-chan only found out where Peropero was before it was too late. Peropero was standing on the ground one moment when her torso suddenly shot out in a long line of blue green length, leaving her legs and shorts on the ground. The upper half was flying towards Pooko and she then collided into her fat body knocking her back.
Pooko-chan mocked the Lemur, “That didn’t hurt one bit! Some attack that was” But when she heard the many voices of “Pero! Pero!” she found out what Peropero’s intention was.
“Uh-oh,” she said as the swarm enclosed around her. Pooko was engulfed into the forest of little Pero’s and they were striking her left and right! Up and down! They beat at her with their little “bodies” non stop. Pooko-chan gave little grunts now and then. The attacks didn’t hurt much, but she was worried that one might get lucky and tear a hole in her. If Pooko-chan went back to her human form then she couldn’t dodge them at all and get creamed even more.
After a minute of the beatings, Peropero called out “That’s good my little Peros, now hit her all at once!”
Pooko-chan watched as the little gumballs got into position and formed a huge circle wall around, above and below her. There was no escape from this, so she clenched herself up ready with a defensive plan.
At once, all of the candies charged towards her and struck her with all of their might combined. Pooko-chan felt a powerful bang of pain, but only for a second. The little gumballs were now seemingly trying to push the air out of her. ‘Too bad’ thought the Balloon Lemur, ‘The only way air can escape me is if I get cut or I release it by my will alone.’ At that she used all of her strength and with a yell she quickly took in more air, expelled force from her body and pushed the little gumballs away from her.
“Ha ha!” the balloon woman cheered out loud.
A blood vessel outlined itself on Peropero’s forehead. With a commanding voice she called out, “Regroup! Use trick D!” At once all of the scattered candies came together right next to Peropero and reformed into a swarm.
Peropero-chan said, “Try and handle this, fat one!” At that the candy woman’s waist stretched out and charged at Pooko-chan. Pooko simply jumped to the side but Peropero quickly made a rebound and made a quick whip maneuver, trying to strike Pooko with her torso. But again Pooko made a quick delicate burst of flight and seemed to hover above her attack for less than a second.
Peropero started to advance on Pooko-chan. Her legs were walking towards while the upper half of Peropero’s body continued to move like a whip or a morning star, trying to strike Pooko-chan. But Pooko’s mother had taught her how to use air wisely; by using air perfectly she could use the bare minimum and still dodge the attack. Pooko moved back and jumped back delicately while Peropero kept making wild and fast swings at her opponent.
The Balloon Lemur knew she couldn’t win with just defense so she started thinking. After dodging of Peropero’s attack, she instead flipped backwards and could see behind her. What was behind them was a construction area. Nobody was around except for various tools, vehicles and the huge skeleton of a partially constructed skyscraper. The blue woman took note of a broken chunk of cement that was being stood up as though it were trying to be a wall. By now Pooko had landed on her feet and got ready to dodge the next attack.
Peropero continued trying to hit Pooko but she couldn’t land a hit. Pooko kept dodging and jumping backwards.
Pooko-chan then called out, “Okay, I really feel sorry for you now! I’ll let you have a free hit!”
Peropero just gave a snort and flung her body straight towards the balloon woman. Pooko didn’t hold still, instead she simply rolled to the side and Peropero couldn’t stop herself from striking the cement “wall”.
Peropero’s forehead had struck the wall. The Lemur didn’t do anything; her head was still pressed against the wall, when she started to slowly slide down. Pooko-chan noticed that her rival’s forehead wasn’t solid anymore. Now her skin was a gooey substance and was running down the cement wall and down her face.
Pooko said, “Okay, maybe that was a little harsh but you’re the idiot for believing something that your enemy told you.”
Peropero quickly pulled herself off the cement. “That hurt! Jerk!” and she started to spoon back the bluish green sticky substance back onto her forehead and patted it down.
“By the way,” said the candy woman as she gave her reforming forehead another pat. “You kept your word.”
“Wha-“ began Pooko, but Peropero’s newly stretched out arm shot out and stuck Pooko-chan above her mouth.
Pooko held the area where she was struck. “Ow my nose! You hit my nose!” Then she thought, ‘Wait, like this I don’t have a nose, just a small hump that was once my pretty nose. It still hurt a little’ she concluded while pulling her hands away.
But then the little candies took action.
They flew straight towards Pooko-chan; all of them clumped together into one huge body and rammed her like a train. The Balloon Lemur went sailing due to the force of the assault. She landed in a small warehouse full of dusty soil bags. When Pooko crash-landed she had kicked up quite a bit of the dust all ready. She looked up and could see the candies getting ready to strike her again. Pooko needed a quick fallback plan and she got it. She rolled forward onto her front and released a torrent of wind, thus kicking up tons and tons of dust. The dust formed into a huge cloud engulfing Pooko-chan and the fleet of candies.
The candies halted their attack and began coughing while Pooko flew away without any of them noticing.
She knew she only had a few seconds before anymore of the candies or Peropero spotted her, so she hid around the corner of another building. She thought, ‘Funny how nobody seems to be around when we Lemures cause all this noise.’
She risked a glance around the corner. She could see Peropero had her body stretched out high in the sky and was looking around in every direction. The little candies were flying around her like bees in a hive. Pooko moved so that she was completely hidden again.
She started taking quiet breaths and listened for any sounds. It sounded like a majority of the candies were moving away but she was sure that with so many, Peropero would post guards and make search parties. Pooko continued to listen and think.
Then Pooko felt a small tightening pressure on her waist. She tried to ignore but when it got too annoying she glance down to see what the problem was. Her beautiful violet eyes snapped open as she watched. Her underwear seemed to actually shake and shrink down and tighten, WHILE she was wearing them!
“Hey!” she whispered as she tucked her left thumb into the waistband of her panties and tried to pull them out. But the underwear seemed to refuse to stretch out. “Hey!” Pooko whispered again and gave the cloth another tug. This time it behaved and stretched out when she pulled on it. ‘Phew’ thought the lemur woman as she pulled up her underwear back it’s original position. ‘That’s a first with this pair,’ she thought.
By now Pooko’s instincts were telling her to begin moving away from her hiding spot. If you stayed in one spot for too long, you’re not as save as you were a minute ago. That was something she learned. So she floated up silently in order to get a better scope of the situation when several voices instantly cried out “Pero! Pero!” Peropero had set up watchers, she was right. The group that found her was only half a dozen, but nonetheless they were alerting the rest in the area.
The half a dozen candies charged Pooko-chan, but she made a simple move and dodged them. She then took off at a faster speed away from them. As luck would have it, Pooko-chan was heading right towards Peropero! Peropero was no longer stretched out, but it looked like she was about to create more of the little balls. Peropero’s stomach got fat in an instant, but then she doubled her girth within two seconds.
‘It looks like she’s going for a double batch this time,’ thought Pooko, but she thought of something.
Peropero began to rub her even fatter stomach with both her hands, again whipping the little candies into a frenzy.
“Get ready my little helpers,” she said in a sing song voice. “You’re enemy is nearly here and waiting.”
With her other hand, Peropero pulled up her purple short shorts over her stomach. She wanted to make sure she was ready.
Pooko-chan was heading right towards Peropero, which was fine with her because that would give her helpers less work to do. But then Pooko did a roll to her right and called out loudly, “Hey little helpers in her stomach! You’re enemy is right here! Follow my voice!”
Peropero was wondering what the balloon woman was doing. The little candies that were in her stomach seemed to pause in silence for a second, but then they were back to their hyper active selves. All of them were pushed against Peropero’s stomach and they tried to attack Pooko-chan.
Peropero called out, “Wha-Wait! Stop!” But the sheer numbers and strength of the little candies, in her stomach, quickly pulled her off her feet as they flew towards Pooko-chan. She then continued to yell at them,” STOP YOU IDIOTS!” Peropero cried out as her helpers were pulling her. The little balls chased after the low flying Pooko-chan. Suddenly, Pooko-chan went straight up and revealed that she was flying towards the front of black parked truck.
Peropero gave a small cry before her stomach crashed in front of the car. The candy now flew upwards and up into her head. Peropero’s head swelled up. Peropero was stuck to the truck because her stomach had been smashed into a gooey liquid. The candies were eager to attack and they were stretching Peropero's body out. Peropero then gave up and opened her mouth wide to let out the group of candies. They flowed out of her mouth like a swarm of happy bees.
Pooko-chan was laughing while flying around dodging the small balls attacks. While she was doing that, Peropero was trying to pull the goo that was her stomach and rearrange it back into her thin torso. She was embarrassed because her shorts had slipped down to her knees while she was frantically trying to fix her stomach.
“Idiots!” she yelled out to her helpers.
Pooko-chan continued to laugh, but out of the corner of her eye she saw a huge form coming right towards her.
Pooko had been hit by the huge swarm again and she was sailing straight towards the street at an incredible rate. Her head was pointing towards the ground and she began to give off a weak burst of air so that she would be able to slow down enough and turn. If she made a complete stop then the huge train-like swarm would be upon her in a second. Pooko was able to slow down and change course just in time because she felt the huge form made up of candies graze her side. Pooko was shocked when the mass slammed into the ground with enough impact to cause cracks in the pavement! Pooko took off down the street with a huge burst of air and mass in pursuit.
The mass would quickly catch up to Pooko, divide in two, and then one half of it would come down and try to smash Pooko-chan. Pooko kept turning or speeding up each time a part of the mass tried to smash her. Once the mass missed, it would quickly rejoin with it’s counterpart and then it would get ready to smash her again. Pooko could hear the loud *BAMS*, behind her, of the crushers smashing into the ground. They were hitting behind her like two fists trying to smash an elusive bug.
The Balloon Lemur continued to dodge the fists. She passed a hand over her face and gave a small gasp. The fingers on her hand were not short and stubby they were long and thin. Her hand was also regaining its thin feminine shape. Not only that, her arms was starting to come back. Pooko glanced down at her lower body and saw that she was quickly regaining her legs, though fat and thick, she was still regaining them. With a *pop* Pooko-chan’s purple hair had also returned. Pooko felt her face and noticed her nose has also returned.
“Uh-oh,” she said while dodging another assault from the bluish green mass. Pooko was losing air and she didn’t have too much left. She wished she had refilled when she was hiding from Peropero and she doubted that she would get a chance to. Pooko saw a large brick wall ahead of her and thought, ‘Perhaps I can make this mass hit that wall and delay them, that could buy some time for me to get away and hide for a minute.’
But then her enemy, Peropero, jumped into Pooko’s path and laughed, “Ha ha ha! You’re trapped and you’re low on air! I’ll knock you right back at those candies of mine and then you’ll be crushed! Ha ha ha ha!”
“Damn,” Pooko-chan said under breath. Maybe there was a way she could finish this right now. She didn’t know if it would work but it was her only choice now. Pooko-chan quickly turned around and caught the candies off guard. She pointed her nozzle at the oncoming mass of candies and let out a blast of air. The candies were unprepared for this so they couldn’t brace themselves for the powerful wind, which scattered them apart. The wind carried them far and they crashed into cars, windows, buildings, walls and trees with a high velocity impact. All of the candies were too injured to continue their pursuit, but they still had the strength to say “Pero” a few times while rolling weakly on the ground.
From the power of the wind Pooko shot backwards towards Peropero. Peropero gave a small cry before Pooko-chan’s large back smashed her against the brick wall. Pooko had lost a lot of air but she wasn’t in her human form. Her body wasn’t a huge sphere but more like a long fat curving body. Her hands and forearms were slender but higher up on her arms they were fat. Her legs were still fat and thick. Pooko still didn’t have a neck or head exactly, but she did have a nose and her hair stuck out of her odd body. She certainly looked better than Peropero right now.
Peropero has been flattened against the wall and was now just a glob of blue green goo running down. Her clothes were covered in the goo as they slid down the wall with her.
“Oh-oh no!” she said. Her face was in the middle of the glob. When all of her was on the ground she was able to form hands that had only a thumb and a one wide finger. She began to try and glob her body back together.
“Oh no!” she said again. “I have a date later with Tsunawataro-kun, the staff man! And it’s going to take me a good forty minutes to put myself back together! I’m going to be late now!”
Pooko-chan had a small smirk on her face .She crossed her arms and said “Well? Do you surrender?”
Peropero kept trying to form her body while answering with a, “Yes, yes! You win! I don’t want to see you for another month! Oh, Come on this is so annoying!”
Pooko said, “Look I know it’s bad when you have to delay a date. I’ve been meaning to get back to my boyfriend all day.”
Peropero just grumbled and kept trying to fix herself.
Pooko asked, “Hey, why did you attack me anyway?”
“My boss Pallapalla was going to give me a bonus if I got in a fight with you and entertain her. She is watching it from her office right now. Plus, I wanted some exercise.”
Pooko rolled her eyes ‘Of course!’ she thought. ‘Those four stupid children! Zirconia hardly never lectures them and because of that they’re total brats!” Pooko, and a lot of the Lemures , including the bosses of the Amazon Trio, hated the Amazon Quartets. Those teens got away with just about everything! ‘I can’t believe Zirconia put those four in charge as our Triplet equals!’ thought Pooko. She doubted Pallapalla would get anything bad out of doing this even if Pooko and Tigers-eye went to Zirconia and told her about this personally.
The army of candies had gathered around their leader by now. A portal opened up above Peropero, Pallapalla realized that the fight was over. Peropero was carried into it by a band of her candies and the rest followed into the portal, which closed when the last of the balls entered it.
Pooko sighed, “That was another twenty of my minutes wasted.” Suddenly she felt her underwear tightening against her again. She looked down and saw it shrinking.
“Not again!” she yelled out and then tried to pull the fabric back to its original size. She grunted while trying to stretch the red cloth back to her size. Within a split second, it shrank back down to its original size, tightening and squishing Pooko’s waste. All of the air in her lower half either went up to her upper torso or down her legs. Pooko-chan stood there for a second in total shock then she said, “Behave!” She clenched her body so tight that she focused all the air back to her lower torso. This intake of air forced the underwear to stretch back to her size do to all the air suddenly exiting out of her upper body for a split second. Pooko had her head, face and breasts back to normal but when the panties were stretched out all of the air had to be distributed equally through out her body so she lost her looks again a second later.
Pooko-chan said, “Okay, something is really weird with my panties!” She didn’t know why they were doing this. Perhaps she should tell Tigers-eye about this and he would send her to the Dark Moon Circus lab and have them study the material and fix it. She started to think about blowing herself back up and floating home when she spotted a pay phone.
“Yes!” she said out loud and went over to the pay phone. She had to deflate herself back to normal, not that she was complaining, in order to feet into the booth. She admired her shapely form in the refection of the glass before picking up the phone. She was going to call Drake at work and ask him if he could pick her up when he got off which would be only about ten minutes away.
She was about to dial the number when she realized she didn’t have her purse with her. She desperately jammed her finger into the change giving and felt around. She nearly cried out in joy when she pulled out enough change for a phone call. ‘Thank you, kind person that forget to get your change!’ she thought while dialing the number to the fire station that Drake worked at.
Pooko got the station and asked for Drake Tuerk, pronounced Turk, but as Drake said he must have had a weird ancestor that felt he must add an “e” to Turk, and with in ten seconds she got him.
“Hello?” came Drake’s deep but friendly voice.
Pooko-chan nearly squealed in delight at the sound of his voice. “Hi handsome, it’s me.”
“Pooko? Hi, how are you doing? I was expecting you to call me sooner. What’s happening?”
Pooko gave a little sigh “Not very well, it’s been a really bad day since I canceled our lunch date. Anyway a ton of bad stuff has been slowing me down, a lot of it thanks to my boss.”
“Aww, I’m so sorry Pooko. I hate your boss with a passion y’know.”
A small smile formed on her lips “I know you hate him also.”
Drake asked, “Is there anything I can do to help you or make you feel better?”
“Yes. Could you come pick me up when you get off? I’ve been fat all day and I don’t feel like doing it one more time and floating home.”
“I’ll be glad to, where are you?”
Pooko glanced around. She was near the construction site, it was only across the street from her. “Do you know about this construction site? They’re building a skyscraper here.”
“Oh yeah, that place. I know where it is. I’ll come get you.”
“Thanks,” she said “Drake is it possible we could have dinner together at our favorite place? I’d need to get home to shower and get ready, but is it possible?” she asked hopefully.
“Hey, I kept my after work schedule free just in case you wanted to set something up.”
Again, Pooko nearly cried out in joy. “Thanks Drake, you’re really going to make my day.”
“I live to please you, pretty lady,”
Pooko giggled “Drake.”
“Hey, why are you near the construction site anyway? What happened?”
She groaned “I’ll tell you later. I need to be with you first, sweetie.”
“Alright,I don’t want you to relive you bad day because of me.”
“So I guess I’ll be seeing you in a little bit, pretty lady.”
“Yep. See you then handsome.”
“Bye, love you.”
“Love you too,” she said before hanging up. Pooko pulled her clenched fist down and yelled out, “YES!” She was going to see Drake tonight! Pooko strolled across the street and entered the construction site. She found an I-beam on the ground and took a seat on it. It wasn’t really comfortable but she didn’t care at all now.
Pooko sat there waiting for her lover to show up. After a few minutes, she started to tap her finger on the I-beam.
“Pooko-chan!” a man’s voice yelled out.
Pooko turned her head to the voice. ‘It doesn’t sound like Drake’ she thought. She then saw who it was.
It wasn’t Drake it was ANOTHER Lemur. It was the merry-go-round unicorn horseman Mawashitaro-kun!
Pooko-chan nearly fell off the I-beam at the sight of another lemur. She quickly got up and faced him. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?” she yelled at him.
Mawashitaro brought his hoof-covered hands together like a peaceful gesture and said, “Forgive me miss Pooko, but I was sent her to fight you against my wishes.”
Pooko slapped her forehead. ‘Why are all the fights today!? It was just suppose to be Sailor Moon TODAY!! Why why why why why!?'