Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Burning ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Burning

Chapter: 6/?

Author: Maetel

Rating: M 15+

Summary: Based on the anime and manga, after Jadeite sees Sailor Mars for the first time, he becomes intent on making her his.

Couple: Mars and Jadeite

What List?: Mars and Jadeite

Series: Yes

Multi-Part: yes

One Hour Challenge #?: 124: Strangely enough, whatever I was thinking of just went right out the window.

#242: "They don't look so tough"

- 3:15

~Burning Chapter 6~

"Usako, have I ev-" Mamoru suddenly stopped mid-sentence when he saw Rei and someone he knew had somehow returned from the dead, but never expected to see in public.

"What were you going to say, Mamo-chan?" the blonde asked.

"I can't remember, because strangely enough, whatever I was thinking of just went right out the window," he replied as he remembered the last time he had seen the blonde haired general. "Look over there."

"So he really is good?" Usagi murmured with a small smile on her face.

"Nani?" the dark haired man said as he looked down at his love.

"Rei-chan said that Jadeite was really good now. She also never would have been caught out in public with him if he wasn't," Usagi stated.

"So over the past two years, he's turned?" Mamoru questioned as the Rei and Jadeite walked up to them.

"Konban wa, Mamoru-san, Usagi-chan," said Rei. "I'm sure you both know Jadeite."

Just as Mamoru was about to remark, Jadeite cleared his throat and spoke. "Milord, before you say anything, I wish to extend my most sincere apology for my past actions. Even though being under Beryl's control is not an excuse, I pray that you can find it in your great mercy to forgive me for what I have done."

Mamoru nodded in a sign that the blonde man's actions were forgiven before two very loud beeping sounds went off.

"What in the world was that?" questioned Jadeite.

"Trouble," Rei sighed as she pulled out her communicator and whispered, "Mars here. What's going on?"

"There seems to be a troupe of youma attacking near Juuban high school. The outer senshi are there, but they aren't fairing so well. They need Sailor Moon."

"Right," said Usagi before the two senshi raced away into an alley. Bright flashes of pink and red illuminated the darkened path before Eternal Sailor Moon and Super Sailor Mars raced out. Before Jadeite's eyes, his prince henshined, a tuxedo top hat and a mask taking place of the outfit he had been wearing previously."

"Jadeite, I want you to stay here," Mars said. "This could be dangerous."

"I'm not letting you go and face that thing without me," he told her. "I'm going with you."

"Jadeite, no-"

"I'm going with you and that is final!" he snapped. "I have fought before, and I can take care of myself."

"Then be careful," the raven haired senshi said before she grabbed his hand and all she, Mamoru, and Sailor Moon jumped up to a rooftop. The group raced along until they finally reached the high school that all but Rei attended. In the courtyard stood a large group flower type youma that made Jadeite almost burst out laughing.

"They don't look so tough" Jadeite commented.

"We've seen creatures that have looked weak, but have turned out to be the most dangerous creatures of them all," Tuxedo Kamen told him. "Don't judge these things by their appearance."

Jadeite remembered hearing the same comment earlier, but couldn't place where. He tried to remember but stopped when he heard a cry come from Sailor Mars.

"EEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" the raven haired senshi of Mars exclaimed as a sticky substance was expelled from a youma's mouth and onto her and Sailor Mercury. Her cry of disgust suddenly turned pained when the substance began to burn her wherever it made contact with her skin. She tried to wipe the substance off as fast s she possibly could, but the goo burned through her gloves and burned her hands.

"Mars!" Jadeite exclaimed as he raced over to his love, to find her beautiful face marred by pain. He could smell the substance as it burned her skin, and the smell made the bile rise in his throat. "Hold on, my love."

She clenched her teeth as she saw a pale light form in the former general's hands. He slowly moved his hands along her body wherever the substance touched, and in moments the pain faded and was replaced by a fiery sensation that empowered the senshi. When he was done, a red glow enveloped the Martian senshi and a wave of power crashed into her. Seconds later, as Jadeite attempted to do the same to Mercury, Mars called out.

As Jadeite finished healing her, Mercury looked at her friend and gasped when she saw Mars' outfit change from the super senshi fuku to one resembling Eternal Sailor Moon's.

"What in the world?" Jadeite murmured as he turned his head to see his love's appearance change, and gasped when her hair and eyes changed to the deep red they were during the Silver Millennium.

"Sailor Mars, daijobou?" questioned Jupiter and Venus simultaneously.

"H-Hai, demo, I feel different," she replied softly.

"That is because you are now on the same level of power as Eternal Sailor Moon," Saturn stated.

"You mean…" the red haired senshi trailed off as she looked down at her fuku and finally noticed her hair change.

"You are as strong now as you were during the Silver Millennium," Jadeite finished for her.

"Then I guess that this should make my attack a little stronger," she said as she prepared the flame sniper attack. Calling out the command, she fired an arrow at the youma who had dared to attack her earlier, and watched as fire engulfed the creature, leaving nothing but ashes in its wake.

"That was amazing…" Rei murmured before she launched more arrows, combining her powers with that of Eternal Sailor Moon to defeat the remaining creatures.

When all of the creatures were gone, Jadeite walked up behind the fiery senshi as she raised a hand to her forehead.

"Mars, are you all right?"

"H-Hai, demo, I'm just a little tired…" she replied as she fell back into his arms, her henshin fading, and hair and eyes returning to their normal color. The blonde general looked up to each of the other senshi, silently questioning what had happened.

"She's fine. Just using so many attacks drained her. What I am wondering is what caused her to move to the next level?" Mercury stated.

"The cause is Jadeite," Pluto replied. "The reason why none of the inner senshi has reached the next level is because up to this point, none of you had been combined with your past loves.

"You mean the generals don't you?" questioned Venus.

Pluto nodded solemnly. "They were the key to your powers evolving."

"So we were that important?" questioned a wise sounding voice as three figures began to form before the warriors.

"You?!" exclaimed Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus simultaneously.

- 4:12