Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Burning ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Title: Burning
Chapter: 5/?
Author: Maetel
Rating: M 15+
Summary: Based on the anime and manga, after Jadeite sees Sailor Mars for the first time, he becomes intent on making her his.
Couple: Mars and Jadeite
What List?: Mars and Jadeite
Series: Yes
Multi-Part: yes
One Hour Challenge #?: 60
"Would you like to come over and find out?"

~Burning Chapter 5~

After having dinner at a romantic restaurant, Jadeite and Rei walked slowly down the street toward the park, and he walked up to a small shop with a soft message of "I'll be right back."

She nodded and waited patiently for him. A minute later, he reemerged, walking up behind her, holding something behind his back, placing the other hand over her eyes.

"I was wondering how long you were going to stay in there," she joked. "I thought you had-" His other hand had moved in front of her, holding a bouquet of white flowers which she couldn't see. Their scent filled her nostrils and she sighed softly. "Are those casablancas?"

"Only the best in the shop for you," he replied as he lifted his hand revealing the bouquet to her.

"They're my favorites," she said as she turned and hugged him tightly. "How did you know?"

"They were your favorite flower in the past, so I hoped that it was the same in this time. I am so glad that I was right," he told her as he handed her the flowers.

"I love them."

"And I love you," he said as he gently brushed a lock of her black hair out of her face. "I have loved you for so long."

"I feel as though I have waited an eternity to hear those words come from your lips," she told him softly. "I just can't believe that the first time I ever saw you in this life, we were out to kill each other."

"I wish you didn't have to remember that," he said as he placed a feathersoft kiss on her forehead. "I wish your grandfather didn't remember that part of my past that I don't remember. I feel really bad taking his money."

"But at least now you can make up for what you did," Rei suggested.


"Konban wa. I am here for Rei-chan," Jadeite said.

The bald man's head fell to the side as a ghost of a memory ran through his mind. He shhook it off for a moment before inviting the blonde man in. Rei's grandfather leisurely walked towards the door to her room and knocked softly. "Your date is here Rei-chan."

"Arigato, Granpa," she said as she stuck her head out of her room. "Can you tell him that I'll be right out?"

"All right." The elderly man walked back into the room with the blonde and almost immediately another more vivid memory erupted in his mind. "Don't I know you from somewhere?"

"I don't think so," the blonde replied. "My name is-"

"Jadeite," he said. "Yes, my grandaughter told me, but that name sounds very- I know who you are now!"

"Really? Just who do you think I am?" the younger man questioned nervously.

"Would you like to come over and find out?" Rei's grandfather questioned in a tone that made Jadeite both curious and scared.

"No-No, Sir."

"Then allow me to enlighten you. I am not sure why you thought you could pull the wool over this old man's eyes, but I remember you now," he said.

"Grandpa?" Rei said as she walked into the room.

"Rei-chan. why didn't you tell me you were seeing that young man who used to work here. I never had the chance to pay him," the old man stated as he walked towards the door. "If you'll wait a moment, I'll get the money for you in a moment."

"What is he talking about?" the blonde man asked as he looked to his love.

"You remember how I told you about how you worked at the temple. Well, you acted like you worked here as a hired hand. He never got to pay you, and right now I am wondering how he remembered you. No one remembered the Dark Kingdom. The attacks were believed to have started with Ann and Ail."

"Perhaps the spiritual abilities he has is causing some of the memories to emerge?" he suggested.

"Maybe," she said as her grandfather walked back into the room and handed him 36,000 yen.

"This should cover a week's work. Gomen nasai for taking so long in paying you," the old man said.

"Oh, no, sir, I couldn't take this from you. It's not right."

"It's fine. I just wish you still worked here. This place has been a little empty since Yuuichiro left," the bald man sighed wistfully.

"If you don't mind, sir, I was hoping that you would allow me to continue to be an aide," Jadeite said shocking both himself and Rei. "I mean, I left so abruptly that I want to make it up to you for leaving you without any sort of help for that time."

"That would be all right. It would save me the time of having to show someone the ropes," he said. "When can you start?"

~*~*~*~*~End Flashback~*~*~*~*~

"I still cannot believe that I am now working for your grandfather," the blonde said with a slight chuckle as they started walking. "At least he didn't want my head for whatever I did."

"True," she said as she spotted Usagi and Mamoru. "I think there might be a little trouble."

"What do you mean?"

"Usagi knows that you are alive, but I haven't had the chance to tell her about my memories. That and you once tried to kill Mamoru," she said.

"Mamoru being . . ."

"Usagi's boyfriend and your former prince," she told him.

"Oh no . . ." he groaned. "You mean I tried to kill my prince."

"Unfortunately, yes, you did," Rei admitted softly. "Hopefully, he doesn't hold a grudge . . ."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~

Yes I know that this chapter isn't as good as the others, but I haven't been writing about these characters in a while. I am trying to get back in the groove, and it is taking me a while.
Hopefully I'll be able to use more of the later challenges but I am just trying to work my way through the list.