Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Burning ❯ Burning Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Title: Burning 4/? Maetel M 15+ Based on the anime and manga, after Jadeite sees Sailor Mars for the first time, he becomes intent on making her his. Mars and Jadeite List?: Mars and Jadeite Yes yes Hour Challenge #?: 46, 48, 50, 52 few moments after Mars regained consciousness, she clung to Jadeite fearing that she would lose him if she dared to let him go. love, I think you should dehenshin if you plan on going back home. Transporting you to my location takes a great deal of energy. Energy which I do not have to transport us both back to the shrine in which you live," said Jadeite. sighed, "All right." She then closed her eyes and focused as a sudden loss of power washed over her, causing her to stumble forward. are you all right?" questioned the blonde as he placed a hand on her shoulder. just when I power down, I feel a major drop in power. It's not that bad, just little disorienting," said the raven haired girl. "By the way, I am called Rei in this life." well, Rei," said Jadeite as he lightly kissed her cheek before moving to her lips for a passionate kiss which left them both breathless. think I should be heading home," said Rei. I agree," said Jadeite. "I just wish I could be with you after I walked you home." but after your last encounter with Grandfather, I doubt you would get one foot into the shrine," said Rei, laughing softtly as she saw a look of confusion cross her love's handsome face. you worked for Beryl, you used the shrine as a base of operation." no..." muttered Jadeite. "I used a shrine as a..." He groaned in disgust when he saw Rei nod slowly. all right," said the raven haired miko. "It wasn't you, it was Beryl's influence. Now it is getting late, and I need to be getting home." well," said Jadeite still silently cursing himself. He then shook his head and held out his arm for Rei to take. walking for about ten minutes, Rei and Jadeite finally entered an urban area of Tokyo. Jadeite looked down when he felt Rei place her head on his shoulder and smiled. He then looked back up to see a young man with short, spiky, green hair staring at Rei's chest, which was revealed by a low cut shirt. Removing his arm from Rei's hold, he said, "One minute, love. I'll be right back." said Rei with a slight look of amusement on her face as she watched Jadeite walk over to the teenager and pick him up by the shirt he was wearing. you don't get your eyes off the lady's cleavage, you're not going to live to enjoy it," said Jadeite. "Is that clear?" Instead of saying anything, the young man nodded quickly, before being dropped, and running off. jealous. Were you this jealous during the Silver Millennium?" questioned Rei as she and the former general linked arms and resumed walking back towards the shrine. don't know what you are talking about," said Jadeite. "I am not jealous." you are," said Rei. "Now admit it, or else I won't kiss you for a week." jealous, I admit it. Now, the question is-after making me this way-are you willing to deal with the consequences?" said Jadeite, before he kissed her slipping his tongue through her lips. I am going to ask you the same thing I did in the Silver Millennium, when you did that," said Rei. "Can I consider your tongue down my throat as a proposal? Because I warn you now, I don't let just anyone kiss me that way." you remember correctly, my love, we were engaged in the Silver Millennium," stated the blonde. we were, but since it is strange for most girls my age to be engaged, that had better be a different sort of proposal," said Rei. about a dinner proposal, then?" suggested Jadeite. sounds great," said Rei before the two walked up to the steps leading to the temple she called home. about tomorrow night?" questioned Jadeite. "Around eight o'clock?" said Rei softly. "Until tomorrow night then?" be counting the minutes," said Jadeite as he took her hand and gently kissed it lingeringly. "Good evening, my fiery princess." princess? Jadeite, love, you know flattery will get you nowhere...however, a kiss and I'm all yours," said Rei before Jadeite gently kissed her lips. "Good evening, my love." She then walked up the many steps to the temple with Jadeite looking at her as she walked. Once she was out of sight, Jadeite started walking towards his home. Once he stepped in the door, the blonde released a loud whoop. old friend?" questioned the voice of Zoicite as he appeared in midair. going out to dinner with me," said Jadeite. you finally won her heart?" questioned the general as he pushed his ponytail over his shoulder. "And just how did you accomplish this feat?" don't know," said Jadeite. "She fell unconscious one moment and when she regained consciousness, she remembered how we were together in the Silver Millennium." do I have a feeling the Silver queen had something to do with this?" questioned Zoicite. "Anyways, have fun. Good night, old friend." night, Zoicite," said Jadeite