Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Burning ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Title: Burning
Author: Maetel
Rating: M 15+
Couple: Mars/Jadeite
What List?: Mars_and_Jadeite
Chapters: 3/?
Status: Incomplete
Year Of Completion: N/A
Challenge(s) #: 9 (finally), and 39

Burning Chapter 3

~~~~~~~~~~~Three days after the senshi meeting concerning Jadeite~~~~~~~~~~~
"Rei-chan, are you alright?" questioned Ami as she strolled beside the raven haired miko away from the Hikawa Jinja.

"Hai, Ami-chan. I guess I am still thinking about what we discussed a few days ago," sighed Rei. "For the past two years as a senshi, I have been thinking one way when it concerns most of the people we fought."

"What do you mean?" questioned Ami as she pushed a stray lock of blue hair out of her face.

"I know that this is going to sound stupid but I have believed, 'Once an evil guy bent on world domination, ALWAYS an evil guy bent on world domination.' The weird thing is that now that Jadeite has returned, I have been thinking about how true that belief is. He didn't seem to want to take over the world the last time we met, and since then I have had a dream," said Rei.

"What kind of dream?" inquired Ami.

"I think is was about the Silver Millennium, because in the dream, I was in my princess form," Rei replied. "In the dream, I saw Jadeite, and the dream me was in love with him. He was visiting Mars, and we spent most of the time together, away from everyone else. There was something about part of the dream though. I made a sort of promise, that we would be together in this and every life time."

"Are you sure that the dream wasn't due to you just seeing him again, then reading all those romance manga that you borrowed from Mako-chan?" questioned Ami.

"Yes, I'm sure. How could you ask-" said Rei, before she fell into a portal while shrieking at the top of her lungs.

"REI-CHAN!" exclaimed Ami as the portal closed. She then pulled out her communicator and contacted the other senshi.

~~~~~~~~~~~Somewhere about thirty miles outside of Tokyo~~~~~~~~~~~
"Where am I?!" exclaimed Rei as she spun looking at her surroundings, a dense grove of trees in each and every direction.

"Calm down, Mars," said Jadeite's voice softly. "I brought you here, in hopes that you would listen to me while I talk to you."

"Jadeite! You are going to regret bringing me here!" exclaimed Rei as she allowed her henshin wand to materialize in her hand. "MARS CRYSTAL POWER, MAKE UP!"

In a flash of firey light, Hino Rei was transformed into the senshi of spirit and fire, Super Sailor Mars.

"I am surprised, Mars," said Jadeite as he materialized as if out of thin air. "You would never transform in a forest before. You risk millions of lives by doing such a thing."

"You are one to talk!" exclaimed the fuku clad girl. "You have tried to take millions of lives, while in the service of Beryl."

"I am not the same person I was when I fought for that wretched bitch! I would kill her now, if it would prove that I am not a threat to you," said Jadeite pleadingly.

"Yeah right. You would probably kill her to take her throne," said Mars whose contempt for the blonde general was reignited by her sudden capture. "Please, Jadeite I am not that stupid. I know that you are power hungry as well as an manipulative."

"Look, will you please just stop yelling and listen to me?" exclaimed Jadeite.

"Why so you can tell me about how you plan to kill each and eve-" griped Mars until Jadeite shut her up with a kiss so soft that it made Mars feel as though she were completely wrong for treating him the way she had.

She felt Jadeite's tongue gently run along her bottom lip, and the fiery senshi's lips parted almost immediatelty in a soft gasp, allowing Jadeite entrance to her mouth.

Jadeite's arms wrapped around her waist, one of his hands staying gently rubbing up and down her backwhile another stayed at the small of her back, holding her to him should she try to pull away as he allowed his lips to leave her own and travel along her neck. He heard a small moan escape her lips as he found the one spot at the base of her neck that always made her melt in his arms, no matter how she had been feeling previously.

He then heard her gasp in something akin to both pleasure in pain as he noticed her body go limp in his arms.

"Mars," he whispered softly as he looked at his love's face. He then saw a soft glow coming from behind Mars' tiara. 'Why is her symbol shining?' he thought as he removed the small metal band from the unconscious fire senshi's head. "Mars, my love, wake up."

"J...Jadeite..." she muttered quietly.

"I'm here, love," he said as he kneeled down holding Mars' close to him. He didn't know what had happened but he prayed that she would be all right.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sailor Mars' Dream~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Hello, Sailor Mars," spoke a soft voice from behind the now red haired senshi.

"Who's there?" questioned Mars. "Where am I? Jadeite if this is one of your tricks I am going to make you regret it."

She knew that she would not be able to keep her word about making him regret it. Not after the kiss they had just shared.

"Calm Princess of Mars," said the voice. From the shadows surrounding the fiery tempered girl, a figure emerged.

"Selenity-sama," exclaimed Mars as she dropped kneeling to one knee.

"Rise, Mars," said the silver haired queen. "I have come to release unto you that which only my daughter has received so far."

"What do you mean?"

"The memories of your love," stated Selenity. "I never knew that you would find each other again, but you have and the pain radiating from him is excruciating. His heart breaks whenever he sees you. You do not know how much he desires you still."

"Then he..." said Mars as she realized who the queen was speaking of.

"Yes child. Now remember what he does," said Selenity as she placed a hand on Mars' forehead in a transfer of memories.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Dream~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After what seemed like an eternity, Jadeite felt his love begin to shift in his arms.

"Jadeite, There's something I want to tell you," she said quietly before bringing his head down for another kiss. "You're mine! And no one and NOTHING is going to come between us."