Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Completely Irresistible ❯ Wedding Bells Are Ringing ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Warning : This chapter is very long so prepare your self. If you want to know whose wedding you have to read. Yea i know i suck. Enjoy =)

Completely Irresistible

By Serenity Star *

Chapter 5-Wedding Bells Are Ringing

The next morning all wasn't well. The girls got up in the middle of the next afternoon, all with throbbing heads, upset stomachs and not very coordinated. Opening her eyes Serena could swear someone was shining lights directly in her eyes. As she tried to get up she could barely walk, stumbling over her own feet. She made her way down stairs towards the dining room. When she entered all she say was the back of four heads, they were all face down on the table, the shades were closed and you could hear low moans of pain every so often.

"I need coffee." the only thing that came out of Serena's mouth.

"Dont yell." Mina says still with her head laying on the table.

"You should take your own advice." Rei says while trying to hit her but missed. Serena walks to the kitchen and figured everyone could use some coffee so she brought them some. She put the mugs in front of them then sat down and put her head on the table as well. They all muttered a thank you and grabbed their cup, eventually.

"Do we have rehearsal today?" Serena asked trying to look up.

"Yes we do." Amy answered drinking her coffee.

"We cant go looking like this, the boys will be suspicious." Lita says getting up to get more coffee.

"What are you talking about we look fine. We just have bags under our eye and we're a bit pale and we can barely walk, Yea your right they will be suspicious." Mina says putting her head back down.

"Well i suggest we start now." Everyone just looked at Serena confused.

"Start what?" Amy asked.

"Getting ready. It will take us a while to get upstairs, get dressed and its going to take forever to put on make-up to hide the bags under our eyes." The girls just nodded their head and slowly one by one they got up and went to their rooms. A couple of hours later they were all on their way to the club. They decided to take the limo seeing that they obviously couldn't drive. As the girls stepped out of the lime, they all had sunglasses on to hide their eyes, put on fake smiles walking past everyone, and they all huddled together to guide eachother to the auditorim. Darien saw them walk in and could have burst into a fit of laughter. He was the only one who could tell that the girls had a hangover.

As soon as they walked into the auditorium each of them went to the stage and fell. They just laid there motionless till the boys walk over and started to wonder "Are you girls alright? You guys look beat." Greg said worriedly.

"O yea we're fine. Say can you guys do us a really big favor?" Mina asked innocently.

"Sure what is it?" Andrew says already putty in her hands.

"Would you mind getting us all a cup of coffee?"

"Ok ." All the guys leave as Darien walks in laughing at the sight of scattered girls across the stage.

"Well it looks like you had a little to much fun yesterday."

"Yea well how come your not all you know hangover like." Lita asked not even getting up.

"Unlike you girls, i know how to handle my alcohol." he says smugly.

Serena gets up and looks him dead in the eyes. He couldnt explain it but it made him nervous to be so close to her. Yet he liked it that way.

She smiles "You are such a liar. You have a hangover you just know how to hide it."

Mina looks at him "How do you do it?"

"Well you know a couple cups of coffee, a couple of pills." He says looking away from the girls.

Rei starts to laugh "Ooo darien is a pill popper."All the girls start to giggle.

"No not like that it's just a couple of really strong asprine thats all."

"Do you happen to have any of that really strong asprine on you." Amy asked while trying to get up.

" Yes i do."

" Will you give us some?"

" Well it depends--What will you give me?" Darien says holding the bottle behind his back.

" Why dont you say its another present from the day at the beach." Serena says smiling at him.

" You will never let go of that will you?" he say as he hands her the bottle. All the girls manage to get up to get the pills. As soon as they swallowed, an eccentric girl comes running into the auditorium.

"O MY GOD YOU GUYS!" a very excited Stacey screams.

"Stacy please." Rei says rubbing her temples.

"o sorry." She says lowering her voice to a whisper. She hands all of them an envelope including Darien. " Liz and Max are getting married! Can you believe it?"

Darien looked confused "Do you mean Elizabeth Jenkins and Maxim Richardson?"

Stacey smiles and shakes her head.

They all open the envelope. It was an invitation to a their wedding. "So Max finally popped the question huh." Serena says reading the invitaion.

"I know. Two year, its about time." Mina adds.

Darien reads the date on the invitaion and looked up "Hey this is this weekend. Why so soon."

Serena looked up "Well he made her wait two years i think she is entitled to make it as soon as possible."

Darien nods and continues to reads the invitaion as a devilish smile spreads across his face. "All right do they know how to pick the spot."

"What are you talking about this place is in the middle of nowhere." Lita says looking up from the paper.

"Yes thats true but this place is only half an hour away from Las Vegas."

They all look up and in unison said "No way"

"Its true. They wanted their honey moon to be in Las Vegas so they chose this place for the wedding." Stacey adds.

"Alright we get to gamble." Mina says joyfully.

"Why are you so excited Darien?" Serena says looking at him suspiciously.

"Well i have a couple of friends their."

"You mean show girls?"

"Ha ha very funny. Yes but thats not who im thnking of."

"So your all going? I can tell Liz that your coming?" They all nod and Stacey leaves the room excitedly.

"Wow we have to go shopping like now." Mina says looking at the invitaion.

Lita looks at her "Why?"

"Well since the wedding is this weekend maybe we should get ready now."

"Oh my god we have to so much to do. We have to get a pilot for the jet, go shopping, and do all of that kind of stuff." Rei says nervously.

Darien looks at them and smiles "You know my pilot is always ready to go. If you dont feel like looking for a pilot i can take you all in my jet."

Serena just looked at him surprised. "Seriously?"

"What about the boys? Wont they have to go?" Amy asked.

"Yea cant go to a wedding without a date." Mina says insightfully.

"We'll take them to and your right Mina it is horrible to go to a wedding without a date." He turns to Serena "So will you be my date?"

All the girls start to giggle. Serena knew there was a catch. " Just as we work down all these rumors about us u wanna go and arrive at a huge wedding together?"

"Well of course. " He says with his big smile

"Well if that the price i have to pay for a ride then...." The girls all start to poke Serena telling her to do it.

Darien smiles and says "Call it a present for the ride home last night."

Serena sighs and smiles "Alright." All the girls jumped.

Serena kept thinking to herself what she just said. She agreed to go on a date with Darien. After all the rumor were gone, she had to go and start them up again. Life was crazy.

By then their hangover was gone. The pills really did help. They grabbed Serena's arm and start to lead her to the door. "Come on we have shopping to do."

Serena stops and looks at them "What about rehearsal?"

"No one is going to come today. I'm sure everyone else is in excitement for the wedding too, so it doesn't matter." Mina says anxious to go shopping. They all grab ahold of Serena arm again and pulled her toward the door.

As they are leaving the room Darien yells to Serena "I'll call you and tell you the time to leave."

All the girls just look at her. Rei then spoke out "Since when does he have your number?"

" I dont know he got it some how." She says shrugging her shoulders.

"O so thats who you were talking to on the phone the other day." Lita says with a smile on her face.

"Next thing you'll be telling me you have his number." Rei says looking away from her then looking back when Serena didn't say anything. "Oh my god you have his number dont you?"

"It was with one of the little stuffed animals he sent." she says looking away from them.

Amy smiles at Serena "Now come on guys lets leave her alone. We shouldn't make fun of her even if she is scandalous." They laughed as they got into the limo. The rest of the day was shopping, shopping, shopping. They looked for all sorts of things dress to wear to the wedding, clothes to wear when they go out for dinner, and clothes to wear when they were in the casinos. They ended up getting home pretty late. As soon as they walked through the door they all rush to their rooms to look at what they bought. As soon as Serena stepped into her room the phone rang. She picks it up and answers it "Hello"

"Hey did you girls get enough shopping done."

"Please we practically bought out the whole city. We wont need to shop for the next three years. So when are we leaving?"

"Well i set it all up an we are leaving friday night at eight. We will arrive in Vegas at eleven."

"Why are we going so late? "

"Well it was the only time i could get my pilot."

"O so your staying in Vegas?"

"Of course. Where are you girls staying."

" Vegas.We decided the Venitian or the Bellagio. I still have to make some calls."

" What if you cant get a room. You are making reservations only a couple of days before you go and usually for those hotels you make them months in advance."

"Yes well like you i have my sources."

"Ok i'll see you then."

"Ok bye."


Serena hangs up the phone and grabs her suitcases. She had to stuff all of the things she bought into suit cases some how. The rest of the night she started to pack but didn't pack everything after all it was a couple of days before they had to go anyways.

The rest of the week was killing them. They were so excited. They have been to so many countries and yet they have never been to far within their own. The only reason they had a connection in Vegas was because Serena's parents were friends with the manager of the hotels.

Finally friday came and the girls were rushing the whole day. They had so much to do, well not really they just made it seem like alot. Everything was a big deal. Serena just stood out of their way whenever one of the other girls came by. They were busy packing, making phone calls,and running all over the place looking for something that was always right in front of their faces. The phone rings and Serena picks it up with all the yelling in the background. "Hello"

"Hey. Whats going on there."

"O nothing. Everyones just loosing their minds."

"Well are they still in their right minds to be ready? The plane boards in thirty minutes."

"Yea just hold on one second." Serena puts her hand over the phone then walks up to the intercom. "HEY! The plane is leaving with or with out you guys in thirty minutes." That announcement was followed by a couple of screams. She takes her hand away from the phone." Dont worry they'll be there."

Darien laughs and they both mutter a goodbye. Serena then finds herself upstairs with all her suitcases in her room. So she takes the lights ones first of course. Then she was left with two big cases. As she dragging them out of her room, she was strggling to get them down the stairs without them falling. Finally, she didn't know how she did it, but she did. Standing at the bottom of the stairs she was tired. As soon as the boys walk in Serena motion to all the suitcases and told them to hurry. They all jumped into the limo and told the driver to floor it since they didn't have much time. They were practically tossed around in in the back. When they told the driver to floor it, they didn't know that he acually would take it so seriously. They fell on top of each other and were falling off their seats. Darien saw this limo just speed up the way. It pulls up with one final brake. Darien opens the door and laughs. Mina, lita, and Greg were on the floor. Rei was on top of Serena and all the other guys were just scattered through out car. Trying to get out of the car Serena moved making rei fall and when the other door was opened all the guys fell out but they managed to get up.

Darien just looked at them smiling "You know the plane doesn't acually take off now, they just want you here." All the girls looked at him incredibly pist. He turns around to break the glears and leads them to the plane. They girls walk in and they were amazed. It was huge. When they traveld it was usually in a small nine person jet but this one was fit for thirty. They got seated and were glad to finally rest. Twenty minutes later they were in the air. Serena sat near a window just staring at the stars. Amy wasn't doing to good though. She always got sick when they flew but it passed with time. Darien walked up and sat next to her. "So are you enjoying the flight?"

"You know surprisingly i am."

"Why is that so surprising."

"Well i usually dont like planes."

"O why is that?"

"I guess i have this incredible fear of crashing."

Darien laughs and decides to change the subject " So where did you girls decide to stay?"

" The Bellagio. What about you?"

"Same. What a coincidence." Serena then looked at him suspiciously.


"I thought you would be staying with one of your "friends" or something like that."

"Well i can have them over."

" Yes of course. Why get personal and stay with them when you can just have them leave afterwards."

"Right." He said with a beaming smile. Serena just laughs at his arrogentness.

"I'm shocked."

Serena looked at him confused "Why?"

"We are getting along. Could it be that you like me?"

"Just because i'm not biting your head off anymore doesn't mean that my opinions of you have changed. I still think you are conceited elitist."

"Well it's a start ." He smiles at her

"Start of??"

"You used to hate me and couldn't stand the sight of me. Now we get along and i'm thinking that we may even grow to be friends."

"Don't get your hopes up."

Darien smiles and stands up. "Im going to get a drink do you want anything?"

"No thanks." He gets up and Serena rests her head agains the chair and falls asleep. Dragging all those suitcases can be tiring. Darien comes back and sees Serena asleep. He grabs a blanket and puts it over her tucking her in. He couldn't understand how she could look so sweet sleeping and be so reserved when she's awake.

They finally get to Vegas and Serena woke up a little before they landed. Stepping off the plane they could see the Vegas lights. There were a bunch of girls standing near the gate of the air strip just like when he arrived in Spring Hopes. Serena looked them and didn't even glance at Darien. There were two limo's waiting. One for Darien and the other for the them. Serena then looks at Darien while he gives a wave to his many adorers and as he was about to get into the limo she said "Must you have your fan club where ever you go?"

Darien smiled at her. "I cant help it if im wanted."

Serena just shakes her head and gets into the limo. The two limos followed one another after all they were going to the same place. Pulling up in front of the hotel the manager was standing in front waiting for them. Serena and Darien were the first to step out of the limo's.

"O Miss. Parker , Mr. Shield we have been expecting you. We have your rooms all ready and if you need anything please don't hesitate to ask."

"Joseph you dont have to be so formal." Serena says smiling.

"Yes well its policy." He then leads Serena into the hotel totally ignoring Darien."So how are your parents?"

"They're good. They are in Austalia right now." As soon as they walk in they were amazed. The place was beautiful. The high ceiling and the elegance of the place. He leads them to their rooms. They were all on the same floor including Darien.They broke into groups for the rooms. Lita, Rei and Amy were in one room. Serena and Mina were in another, seeing as they were the ones who brought the most things. Darien was across the hall from Serena and Mina. The boys were split up into two rooms as well.

Before he walks into his room Darien turns to Serena "I will see you tomorrow at 4 p.m."

" Ok why so early?"

"Well if you are going to be my date it think we shoud arrive together and the wedding ceremony starts at 5. Its takes us some time to drive there."

"O ok well then i'll see you at 4. Good night."

"Good night."

Mina makes fun of Serena as they enter their room. They were all so tired and fell asleep immediatly.

The next day the girls woke up at noon. They had four hours to get ready.Well at least Serena did. It may seem like alot of time but not when you have to get your dress wrinkle free, do your hair, make-up and get things all taken care of. It was two and Serena sent her dress out and it still hasn't come back yet, also on top of that she had to go to the salon to have her hair done. She told Mina to get her dress when it comes. She then left for the salon. Serena comes back an hour later and found her dress on her bed. She put it on and ran out of her room to Mina and asked her to zip her up. She then ran to the bathroom to do her make-up. She just finishished just in time as Darien knocked on the door and Mina answered. She was in shorts and a tank. She didn't have her dress on yet, she didn't want to wrinkle it. Serena entered the room as radiant as a star. She was beautiful. She had on a light pink dress that touched the ground slightly, tt had thin straps with a slit in the front that went up to ther knees exposing her legs, the neckling dropped and fell in the back. Her blonde hair was up in curls and had little flowers in it. Darien didn't notice that she was standing there. "Geez is it hot in here or is it just me?" He said tugging on his collar.

"You are so conceited." She says walking up to him. He was taken by how good she looked. All the girls pile into the room with dresses in hand and all were talking to each other.

"Serena you look great." Amy says while walking over to see her.

"You guys arent ready yet. When are you leaving?"

"In a little while but we'll see you there ok." Lita answers.

Serena nods and walks up to Darien who offered his arm. They walk out of the hotel with all eyes on them. They get into the limo and were off. A whole night with him. Serena didn't think of that till they started to drive away. She then turns to him "Ok if this is going to work you need to keep you ego in check alright?"

"I'll try." The rest of the way was fairly good. They talked about anything that came up. He was actually bearable. They arrive at a huge mansion in the middle of the desert. It was beautiful and they saw a couple of their friends arriving. When Serena arrived with Darien so many girls were jealous. They walked around together talking to all the people they knew. Then ten minutes before the ceremony started the other girls arrived. They all went to the back yard where the ceremony was being held and took their seats. The alter was beautiful and big. Darien turns to Serena "Wow they went all out for this huh."

"Yea i would never do this."

"Do what?"

"Have a big wedding. I just want something simple with close friends and family."

"Me too." he said looing around.

Serena looked at him surprised."You would actually get married?"

"Hey cant spend my whole life traveling and besided i want a little Darien to pass all my wealth and good looks on to."

"O goodness a little you. One of you is enough." He smiles at her and as soon as they sat, the ceremony started.

It was a beautiful ceremony afterwards all the guest moved to the hall for the reception. It was so nice with all the flowers and the candles. They all sat and had a good time. The bride and groom walked in and they looked so cute together. They walked around greeting the guest. Then they came to the girls.

"Liz i cant believe it you look beautiful." Serena says hugging her.

"O im soo glad you guys came."

"I'm still getting used to it. Your married." Mina says hugging her.

"Yea im so happy for you." they then all hug and Liz was about to cry.

"Thank you guys.I'll see you later ok." She then wipes her tears and walks to her husband. The rest of the night was crazy. The dancing, the drinking it was just as bad as going clubbing. Darien was so possessive of Serena. He hardly dances with any other girl but her. It was a date, so he took advantage of that fact. The night went arguement and insult free. Serena and Darien got along fine and amasingly they were actually liking each others company. The garder was being thrown and all the guys went onto the dance floor to catch it. They were all pretty drunk so they were stunbling over each other. The best man caught it. Then it was the brides turn to throw the bouquet.

The guy who made the annoucement was extremely drunk. "Ok you sindle ladies its time to frow flower thingy. Come on dont be scared." He pauses and looks at all the girls as they walked up "Hey all you purtty girls can i haf your number." The best man gets on stage and lead the guys off . All the girls pull Serena from her seat and lead her to the floor. Liz made her way on the stage and turns around letting her back face all the frantic girls. They were all jumping around but Serena just stood there being pushed around. Then Liz throws the bouquet and as though in slow motion it landed in Serena's arms. All the girls were so mad. Serena just stood there stunned. She never meant to catch it. Liz turns around and is so happy. Serena put on a smile just for her. Walking back to her seat Mina grabs Serena's arm and walks with her .

"Acording to the legend or tradition or what not. You'll be the next to be married." They both laugh.

"Right me get married." They spent the rest of the night just dancing. It was two in the morning and everyone was dead drunk. The girls took off. Serena was going to go home with them but they figured that she came with Darien and would want to leave with him to so they left without her. . She gets into the limo but the party wasn't over for her and Darien. They were drunk and intended to get even more intoxicated. They were drinking the whole way home. Laughing they arrive in Vegas again.

"You know what i dont want to sleep yet." Darien says stuttering.

"Me neither lets go gamble or what ever." Serena says taking yet another glass of champagne.

They were out the whole night. To other people, two drunks in Vegas isn't so shocking.

The next morning. Serena woke up startled. She wasn't in her room and she had a bad hangover. Where was she? What happened? Then Darien walks through the door and Serena was scared. What did she do last night?


Oooo What happened? Whats gonna happen. You can probably guess but you'll have to wait for the next chapter to find out. I'll make you guys a deal if you want to guess you can e-mail me and if one of you gets close i'll put up the next chapter quickly so you don't have to wait but if u dont then i'll put it up in my own good time hehe. Thank you for bearing with me through this long chapter. Please Review. ^_~

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