Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Completely Irresistible ❯ The First Day Back ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: Sorry bout that long pause there i kinda forgot i had a story up hehe. Life has been kinda crazy u kno school n all. So ne wayz here is the next chapter, It's one of those chapters that help the story along but really has no real excitement Please Review n i'll get the rest of the story up soon.

Completely Irresistible

By Serenity Star *

Chapter 8- The First Day Back

Waking up in the morning Serena felt ok, surprisingly. (Even if she was now living with Darien.) Serena spends the morning unpacking, opening all the boxes and getting everything situated and she finally got done after a few hours. She cleaned herself up and carried the empty boxes to the elevator. No need to strain herself walking down the stairs. When the elevator reached the bottom and the door opened she carried the boxes to the hall and an elderly man ran up to her. "O madam you shouldn't be doing this. You could have called for my help." He took the boxes from her and put them on the front steps. "Dont worry about them, Jamie the caretaker, will get them." The man was kind and curtious. He had a british accent. Darien must have hired him as a reminder of his youth.

Serena smiles "You must be Thomas. I'm Serena."

"O we know madam, Mr. Parker told us that he brought his wife with him."

"Speaking of Mr. Parker. I mean my husband. Where is he?"

"Mr.Parker had business to attend to but he will be back later. The cook made breakfast for you but i dont think you would want it now seeing as how it is about time for lunch. I can get you something if you wish."

"O dont worry about it i will get it myself."

"But madam you need not strain yourself. Its my job to do as you ask."

"I guess i'm gonna have to get used to this. Well if you insist, would you mind getting me some coffee?"

"Gladly. Where would you like to take your coffee?"

"Its a nice day out, i'll take it out on the terrace." He nods his head and walks towards the kitchen. Serena was never really waited on before. This was all so new to her. The only time she was served was at the club. Serena walks out onto the terrace and looks out over the back yard. It was so beautiful. The warm breeze, the light smell of flowers and the sound of the fountain was very calming. She sat down and felt the warm rays of the sun on her face. It was so peaceful here. No girls making noise in the background, no Rei to yell at her and no guys constantly pestering her about the girls.

Thomas walks out with a tray and puts it on the table. "Madam this came for you." He hands her a small bag with a bow at the top.

"Thank you Thomas but do you have to be so formal with me?" Thomas looked at her confused "I mean you dont have to call me madam you make me feel so old calling me that."

"What would you prefer?"

"How about Serena that is my name."

"Well i dont think it's proper."

"Ok i'll make a deal. How about Mrs. Serena?"

"That will be adequate. Alright Mrs. Serena if you need anything dont hesitate to ask." Serena nods and takes her coffee. She then picks up the bag and unties the string. Opening it, there was a little velvet box inside. She was afraid to open it but she couldn't resist.Opening the box nearly blinded her. There was a beautiful diamond ring inside. It was a two karat solitaire diamond in the center of the ring with one karat solitaire and triangle cut diamonds on each side. All of that set in white gold. The clarity was exquisite and the brilliance of the ring was blinding her. It looked like a diamond with wings. All she could do was stare at it. From out of the blue, Darien walks on to the terrace and sees Serena amazed by the ring.

"Why dont you put it on?" She looks up at him speachless.

Finally finding the words to speak "I cant believe it. Darien it's beautiful. I cant take this."

"Like i said before no wife of mine is going to go diamondless." He takes the box from her hands and takes the ring out. He grabs her hand and puts the ring on her finger. Serena just looked at her hand in au, it was absolutely gorgeous." It suits you perfectly. It was made for you."

"It was made for me?"

"Yes. I had a friend in Italy make it for you. Do you like it?"

"I love it, i just think you went a little over board."

"Nothing is to good for you." Serena looks up.

"Where did you go this morning?"

"I went out to take care of some business with the whole marriage thing."

"Oh." Serena then looked at her wrist. She forgot to put her watch on so she turned to Darien. "What time is it?"

"Almost two-tewnty why?"

"I got to be at the club in ten minutes."

"I gotta go to i have to meet one of my investor friends there. We'll take my car."

"Ok." They get up and walk to the car. Darien was a gentleman and opened her door. He closes it then crosses over to his side, gets in and they were off.

They arrive at the club and all eyes were on them. He gets out and opens the door for her. Wow twice in a row he had manners she was impressed. Everyone was wondering why Serena was getting out of Dariens car. Unfortunately for them, the queen of the bitches (Amanda) walks up "Hi Darien do you want to join me for lunch?"

"Not today im busy." He then offers Serena his arm and walks with her into the club. They walked right past Amanda so smugly and it drove her insane.

Everyone was looking. Darien then turns to her smiling "Smile we have to put on a show now." Serena puts on her fake smile and walks in with him. She was hiding her hand behind her purse and was trying to hide the tremendous rock on her finger. They arrive in front of the auditorium door and Darien leans in "How about a kiss for show?"

"In your dreams." She smiles one last time then opens the auditorium door.

"You know i'm driving you home right? I would be nice."Darien says as he headed toward the lounge.

Walking in the girls all saw Serena sigh. "You guys you wont believe what its like out there." While Serena was waving her hands in the air the caught a beam of light from her finger and immediately jumped up.

"Whoa Serena what is on your finger." Lita says as they all run up to her.

She put her hand behind her back."Nothing."

"Serena your a bad liar." Amy says as they all crowd around her. Serena then puts her hand out and blinds the girls with her ring. They all take a step back from the sudden flash of light.

"Oh my god Serena where did you get that rock?"

"Darien gave it to me. Its you know my wedding ring."

Mina holds her hand up and looks at it "Good clarity, very nice color and it is magnificently cut. Darien has good taste."

"So how was the first night?" Lita says sitting down.

"It was ok. Darien gave me a tour of his house it is really nice you guys."

"Dont you mean your house?" Amy says mocking Serena. Serena then gives her a look and walks to the stage.

"Ok enough about me we need to rehearse." All the other cast members came in moments later. They rehearsed for hours. Anthony, the leading male in the play, was on stage goinf over his dance moves when suddenly he fell to the ground. Serena runs up beside him "Oh my god Anthony are you ok? What happened?"

"I was showing Jenna what to do for the scene and i think i pulled a muscle." he says grabbing his leg in pain. It wasn't long before he was taken to the hospital. They all sat waiting for the news of what happened. Everyone was about to go crazy when Serena's phone rings. Darien walks in and sees everyone in a state of worry.

"Hello. Yea. Oh no thats terrible. Well is he ok ? Ok well give him my wishes. Bye " She turns to look at all the people "It turns out Anthony did pull a muscle and it is more serious then we thought. I'm afraid he wont be able to be in the show." Everyone was upset. What were they going to do the show was in a few weeks and they had no lead and no one knew the part or could sing it for that matter.

Darien walks up beside Amy "Hey whats going on?"

"The lead guy in the play just pulled a muscle and now we have no one who can ...." Amy just stopped in mid-sentence. She got this look that Darien never saw her have before. "You sing right Darien?"

"Yea but... No no Amy i wont." He tries to leave when Amy decided to yell out to everyone.

"Hey i have an idea. Darien sings and im sure Serena can help him with all his lines when they are at home." Everyone started to perk up.

"Oh no im not doing the show with him." Serena said in protest. It was bad enough she lived with him. Now she has to be in the show with him.

"Yea I dont act. Im a bad actor." Everyone in the room looked at him in disbelief. Then everyone pleaded with him to join the show. All of them started to crowd around him and begged him to be in the show. He was their last hope. They worked to hard to let it all go now. While they were all crowding around Darien, a messenger came in and gave Serena a letter. Serena's face went blank. She had no expression on at all. Darien saw the look on her face and had no choice "Alright i'll do it." he then immediately brushed everyone away and ran to her side. "What is it?"

"My parents heard from Joseph recently." She says still with a blank look oh her face.

"Yea whats wrong with that."

"They are coming home." she paused . She puts on a fake smile "And they want to meet my husband."

Darien sighs."Well when are they coming?"

"In a day and a half. Not counting today."

"Whats wrong with that?"

"I know they are going to be furious with me. I got married without them there and they didn't even meet you first."

He puts his arm around her "Dont worry your not doing this alone. I know what well do. We will throw a big party at the house and say its a homecoming/ newly wed party. They won't do much in front of other people. Everything is going to be ok. " Serena giggles and smiles. It was weird but she believed him. Yet there was an eerie silence that fell over the room. They both look up with everyone staring at them shocked. All of them stood so still from what they heard Serena say. The news was so big.

Then one girl spoke "Serena and Darien are married." Everyone jumped with happiness. They couldn't believe it. Everyone ran out of the auditorium yelling the news. Serena puts her head into her hands. You could hear all the commotion from the news. So many screams of happiness and of sadness. Darien grabs Serena's hand. "We should get out of her before their is a mob." They ran to the car and the girls followed. They got into the car as fast as they could and drove off just in time for the people to miss them. The girls followed behind in their car. Arriving at the house they all walk in tired. "We'll let the news sink in then tomorrow we'll see what happens." Darien says sighing in relief. "Well i have calls to make." Darien says walking to the office.

"Why?" Serena say sitting down,tired from running away from the crowd.

"We have a party to throw."

"No we dont. I am the woman of the house and this is a job for me. I will make all the preps, you will learn your lines and your music. The girls will help you." She hands him a script and the music and she lead the girls to the piano. "I dont want you to let him go unitl he knows one song and one scene. If we are going to make it in time for the show he has to learns one song and one scene every other day." Then Serena was off to Darien's office to make calls and arrangements. Thomas walked into the room as soon as she sat down.

"Mrs. Serena their are people at the gate. They say they know you should i let them in?"

"Who is it?" She said with the phone up to ther ear and pen in hand.

"They said they were people from the club." Serena's head pops up in fear.

"What ever you do dont let these people in. I dont care if its the mayor no one gets in. If one comes in then all will come in." He nods and picks up the house phone, makes a call and left.

Serena couldn't track her parents down but she got Mina's, who is always somewhere near her parents. She told them that she was throwing a welcome home/ newly wed party the night that they came home and to tell her parents as well as the parents of the rest of the girls. It was hours later before Serena left the office to see what was going on. Rei was at he piano playing the song while Darien sang. He wasn't bad. Maybe it wast he music the first time.( Nah.) She walks in looking stressed. " Hows it coming?"

"Its good he has the scene. We are just working on the song. What about you?"

"I just spent that time tracking down my parents and didn't have any luck but i got your parents Mina and they said they would pass the message on. I came to take a break before i start arranging the party."

"So wait all of our parents are coming home?" Mina says looking sick.

"Well do they ever go any where without each other?"

"Right." They all try to hide their fear. They havent seen their parents for so long. Seeing them again made them scared. They soon faced facts and moved on. Serena was back in the office making calls. The rest of the night was peaceful then.

It was late now and Serena did all she could. She walks to the service phone. "Thomas."

"Yes Mrs."

"Have all the people gone from the gate?"

"Yes Mrs."

"Ok thank you." She walked into the play room and everyone was dead except Darien. He was playing the piano trying to learn the music. Serena then wakes up all the girls and tells them its safe to go home and they all get up and walk toward the door. There were hugs and thanks before the girls left. Serena walks back into the play room and Darien was stuggling with one line. It was cute to see him so angry but she decides to help him. She sits next to him on the bench and plays the line while singing it. Darien watched her as she sang and she looked so beautiful. Serena looks up at Darien and they share one of those weird awkward moments when they couldn't decide if they should kiss or not. Their heads were close, their hands were touching and they staring into each others eyes but then at the same time they both look away and scoot apart. After that they felt a little uneasy but the rest of the night was moment free. She just helped him with his music and she was having fun. They joked, talked, you might have thought that they connected. One thing was sure, they looked good together.

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Yea this chapter is not exactly one of my favorites. I don't like to write chapters that don't have much excitement to them. I know it could have been better but dont worry their will be some excitement soon. I've also decided that i'm going to put more songs in the story so look for those. I hope you like the story so far and please review. Next chapter Meet the Parents and i'll try to get that chapter out as soon as possible. ^_~

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