Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Dangerous Seduction ❯ Dangerous Seduction Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Dangerous Seduction
By TriGemini
Standard Disclaimer:I do not own Sailor Moon, or any of its characters.
Only Naoko Takeuchi does.
"Seduction was only the beginning"
It has been two years since that terrible night. On my wedding day it was supposed to be the happiest day of my life. Instead it turned out to be a complete nightmare. I always knew that Darien Walsh always had a grudge against Diamond. However, I suppose I always chose to ignore it.
But I never thought he would stoop low enough that he would endanger others just for the sake of revenge. I was wrong.
Not only did he ruin my life, he ruined my future. There was no way things could go back to being the same. I couldn't go back to being the same person I was even if I tried.
The memories kept on haunting me. I wanted to hate him but I couldn't. I tried to forget him. It wasn't possible.
Even after everything that happened. I still think about him. It's insane to even think about it. For some reason I can't stop thinking about him. However, that wasn't reason enough. Because I can't understand what is going on with how I'm feeling right now?
Especially about him I think I lost my mind thinking he was different. I believe that is why I can't think straight anymore. Despite everything that happened. I somehow willing fell in love with him. All that time I was with him he was different. But to me he always appeared to be a different person. However, as I had said before, I can't love him.
Not after everything that has happened. It's insane to think I could still love him. Even after all the bad things that have happened.
Nevertheless, as always I was wrong. He wasn't any different. He was just like the others dangerous, ruthless, violent, indifferent, arrogant, and reckless. Regrettably there are things in life. One can't forgive, or forget.