Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Angel ❯ Reunited ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
This fic was a joint story written by me and Ellie Shields. So far we have not gotten any reviews so...<rolls up her sleeves and her eyes go swirly> You will must review....<cough>

I Do Not own Sailor Moon damnit! I know, I'm upset about it to, but don't worry! One day I will own the world <nod>

"Moon Cosmic Power!"
He watched as she transformed.
"Moon Tiara Action!"
He witnessed her attacks.
"I don't want to fight!"
He observed her fears. Now, he felt he was ready. The others were impatient fools; he would succeed where they had failed. He stretched his dark ebony wings, holding a small glass ball in his hand. "It's time to posses this power"

Dark Angel
By Beth Blakeslee and Julie Miller
(Ellie Shields and Minerva Blue)

Pheobe kneeled before her altar, lighting the candles. She folded her hands together and bowed her head when there was a knock at the door. Pheobe continued to bow her head as the door was opened. "It said do not disturb."
Damien smiled, standing in the doorway. "Forgive me Pheobe, I wanted to see you."
Pheobe smiled, her curly purple hair turning with her head to meet her boyfriend. "How was the day?"
Damien took a few steps forward, sitting on the bed. "What? You can't tell?"
"I wanted to hear it from your lips."
He smiled sweetly. "You miss the others don't you?"
"That's off the subject."
Damien nodded. "But do you?"
Pheobe lowered her eyes. "I'm planning to visit them."
Damien frowned. "You're not giving the whole truth."
"I sense something, a malicious spirit. It's something I can't ignore."
Damien nodded "Shall I buy the tickets?"
"Just one love. I could not bare you to be harmed."
"And I cannot bare our separation."
Pheobe smiled "I shouldn't be away too long."

"Juniors!" Usagi and Minako leapt into the air, giving each other high fives."
Ami looked at them "I'm surprised you two made it."
Rei grinned. "Don't you believe in miracles Ami?"
Ellie looked at Rei. "Why aren't you at school?"
Rei smiled. "My school hasn't started yet."
Everyone but Ami groaned. "Lucky."
Rei laughed nervously.
"So, you all made it."
They looked ahead at a young girl in the 10th street School uniform. Usagi squealed, stars in her eyes.
Pheobe smiled, bowing. Ellie appeared confused. "Who is Pheobe?"
Pheobe smiled. "An old friend"
"Where's Damien?" Asked Makoto.
"Taking care of matters at home, I'm only staying a few months. In the meantime, I can get to know your nervous friend."
Ellie jumped and cried out. "Will someone please tell me what's going on?"
Mako looked at Ellie sympathetically. "Ellie, Pheobe is empathic."
Minako smiled, eager to add on. "She's also a Sailor Senshi."
Both Pheobe and Ellie were caught completely off guard. Pheobe's mouth went wide open and it was difficult to believe anything could shock her.
"You, Told her?"
Rei stepped next to Pheobe. "Ellie is Sailor Earth."
Pheobe nodded, still feeling she had been taken by surprise. "So this is Sailor Earth?"
Ellie nodded and Pheobe began to smile, turning to look at the school. "Uh...Are we late?"
The girls looked at the clock and screamed, panicking as they scrambled to their classes.

It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and the girls sat outside 10th Street High School, waiting for Usagi to get out of detention.
"So, Pheobe, how's Damien?" Rei asked. Suddenly, Ellie went completely pale.
"Yeah, he's my boyfriend, why are you so frightened?" Pheobe watched as Ellie went an even whiter shade of pale.
"Ell, don't worry, it's not the same Damien." Mako reassuringly patted Ellie's shoulder.
"You sure?" Ellie's face regained some of the color.
"Want proof?" Pheobe handed Ellie a picture of a man with short very light brown hair. Ellie sighed in relief as she saw that it wasn't Damien, the evil one with long blonde hair, the Wiseman, the one who tried to kill her.
"Oh, thank goddess…" She handed the picture to Pheobe and smiled.
"Yo! Ell!" A voice called from across the street.
"Demitri!!" Ellie called. "Over here!" And from the crowd of people emerged a tall, black haired man wearing ripped black jeans, a grey tanktop, army boots, and his trademark black leather gauntlets with the little metal spikes on them. His long ebony hair swept over his shoulders, his bangs falling into his deep crimson eyes. He lifted one muscular arm to wave at Ellie, and she jumped up and waved back.
"Oh, Pheobe, you get to meet my Demitri!"
As Demitri neared, Ellie ran towards him and threw her arms around him. "Oh, how I missed you!!"
"But you only went to school…" Demitri smiled as Ellie giggled and kissed his smooth cheek. Demitri looked up and noticed Pheobe sitting with the girls.
"Who the hell are you?"
"I'm Pheobe. It's...nice to meet you " she said.
"You'll have to excuse Demitri, he can be an ass sometimes…" Ellie giggled, then gave Demitri a dirty look as he tugged on one of her odangos.
"Hey! I'm not an ass!"
"Yeah you are…and I love you…"
"Come on, let's not get all mushy here…" Mako said. Ellie blushed, and Demitri laughed.
"Finally! I'm out of detention!" Usagi called as she exited the school building. "Oh, hi Demitri!"
"Um, now that everyone's here, I have something to tell you all…" Pheobe started. "I feel that something evil is after us, something very evil…."
Usagi appeared worried. "Nothing bad I hope?"
Rei looked at Usagi. "Have you been listening? You know she said evil."
"Well don't yell at me!"
"Sometimes I wonder if there is really just air in that head of yours."
"I'm sick of you insulting me!"
"You deserve it!"
"This is serious everyone!" Pheobe yelled, trying to lift her voice over the argument, it worked and the others were silent, ready to listen.
"I'm curious how you can sense this all Pheobe." Ami said, looking at Pheobe.
Pheobe nodded. "Haven't you felt something strange in the air Rei? In your fire readings?"
Rei continued. "Like another set of eyes?"
Pheobe nodded.
"So someone is watching us?" Questioned Ellie.
"Candid Camera?" Offered Demitri.
Pheobe smirked while the others gave Demitri looks.
"Why are you laughing?" Asked Ellie.
"He has a very loud sense of humor, can't help it."
Ami interrupted. "We should tell the others about this."
They all nodded, beginning to leave the school.

Michiru looked in her mirror. "The sea is restless Haruka."
Haruka drove down the road, her arm around Michiru. "You continue to say that."
"Because we are all in trouble."
"Then we should tell Setsuna and Hotaru."
Michiru nodded and Haruka barely slowed as she turned the car around to move in the other direction.

The evil angel watched as the girls and Demitri began to walk towards the shrine, it didn't matter if they were together, he could wait an eternity. Besides, there was still one matter to attend to first as he began to look at the young Hotaru. She was alone, good; he'd have to hurry.