Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Angel ❯ Senshi in Trouble, The Dark Angel Appears ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hotaru sat in her room, playing with her doll as the angel appeared behind her, wings folded around his body. Hotaru turned, frightened as she prepared to scream. The angel unfolded his wings, placing a finger to his lips. "It's too late to scream Saturn." With that said he advanced, the lamp next to Hotaru crashed to the floor, and everything went black.

Michiru and Haruka pulled up in front of the house they shared with Hotaru and Setsuna. As they stepped out of the car, they felt an evil aura around the house. They could sense that something evil had been there, if not there right now. Suddenly, Michiru's head snapped toward the house.
The two girls raced towards the house, Haruka fumbling at the lock with her keys. When the door finally complied and opened, the two raced inside, towards Hotaru's room, Haruka getting there first. She threw open the door to find Dark Angel standing there, a small glass ball in his hand, with Sailor Saturn in there.
"Hotaru!" Michiru screamed. Haruka lunged at Dark Angel, but he spread his wings and a force field enveloped him. She bounced off and slid along the floor.
"This is the first step in my plan to eliminate you and boost my powers to control the universe. My next target will be someone most important to you." And with that he disappeared.
"Someone most important to us" Michiru mused, as Haruka pulled herself off the ground.
"We have to tell the others."

"Finally! My first day without detention!" Usagi cheered as she, Ellie, and Pheobe walked out of school.
"I still can't believe you actually woke up early for once," Pheobe said.
"Well, I don't know how I did it, but I did!" Usagi smiled as she and the others were walking towards Ellie and Demitri's apartment. "Wait a sec, I just saw a soda machine down that street! I'm gonna go grab a soda, anyone else want one?"
"Sure!" the other two chimed in.
"Stay put, I'll be right back."

"She's near the one with the ultimate power, the one who holds the Senshi together" Dark Angel stood in an alleyway, not too far from the soda machine Usagi was skipping happily towards. He stepped out of the alley, wings folded around him. As Usagi fed her quarters into the soda machine, Dark Angel sent a blast of energy at her. She screamed in terror and fell backwards, arms flailing, quarters flying all over.

Ellie looked at Pheobe's terrified face. "What is it?"
"It's...Usagi, she's in trouble!"
The two of them dropped their books and ran as they heard a scream coming from Usagi's direction. As they turned the corner, they saw a bright flash and heard Usagi scream once again.
"NOO!" Ellie screamed and rushed towards the light, but Pheobe held her back.
"It's too late."
Dark Angel turned around, holding in his hand a small glass ball that contained Eternal Sailor Moon.
"What have you done to her?" Pheobe screamed.
"Oh, nothing much…" He flashed an evil grin at the two girls. "Just working towards my goal." And with that he spread his wings, and a full blast of Sailor Moon's Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss hit the girls. They flew across the street and hit the building on the other side with a crash.
"Pheobe…I think now would be a good time to transform…"
Pheobe nodded in agreement "Clios Star Power! Make Up!!"
"Earth Elements of Love! Make Up!!"

And there stood two of the pretty sailor suited soldiers of justice, Sailor Earth and Sailor Clios.
"We're not going to let you get away with this!" Sailor Earth cried.
"In the Name of Clios"
"In the name of Earth"
"We'll punish you!"
"Are you two going to give one of those long boring speeches like your leader?" Dark Angel said.
"No, we're going to fight! Clios blazing inferno!" Sailor Clios used her wand to send a fire of the Senshi colors at Dark Angel. Instead of causing damage, like intended, he absorbed it and laughed.
"It should be easy getting rid of you all now! I've captured your precious Sailor Moon, and soon the rest of you will follow!" Dark Angel laughed again, spread his ebony wings, and disappeared.

Ellie collapsed to the ground in frustration.
"I'm a failure," she sobbed, her fists pounding the ground. "I couldn't protect her…"
Pheobe put her arm around Ellie and helped her to a sitting position, her expression clearly upset. "You know what we have to do now, right?"
"Yeah…tell the others…" Ellie pulled herself to her feet, and she and Pheobe walked towards the apartment she and Demitri shared to call the others.

Ellie fumbled for her keys, tears still flooding her eyes. She pulled them out of her pocket, and tried to unlock the door. Pheobe gently took the keys from her and opened the door.
"Hey, girls." Demitri said from the kitchen. He walked out to meet the girls and saw Ellie in tears.
"Ell, what's wrong? Where's Usagi?"
"Oh, Demitri…" Ellie sobbed and fell into his arms. "Usagi was…she was…" Her tears kept her from continuing.
"Usagi was captured by our new enemy, Dark Angel." Tears rolled down Pheobe's cheek.
"We've gotta tell the others…" Demitri said as the phone rang. He reached for the phone and grabbed it, Ellie still in his arms.
"Demitri, this is Haruka. I've got some bad news."
"Yeah, well we got some bad news of our own, but you go first."
"Hotaru's been captured, by a new enemy called Dark Angel."
"Yeah, well Usagi's been captured by Dark Angel too."
"WHAT?" Haruka's scream could be heard across the apartment.
"Yeah, we're in some pretty deep shit now."
"I'll say. Who else was there when it happened?"
"Pheobe and Ellie, but Ellie's kinda incapacitated right now, and Pheobe doesn't look so great"
"Are they there with you?"
"Don't go anywhere. Me and Michiru will be there in a second." Haruka hung up abruptly, and Demitri turned the portable phone off and dropped it, quickly wrapping an arm around Ellie, who was now shaking.
"Pheobe, Mamoru's work number is by the phone in the kitchen. Call him and tell him to get his ass down here."
Pheobe nodded and went into the kitchen. She read the number off and dialed it, and listened for someone to pick up.
"Mamoru, it's me, Pheobe. There's trouble. We need you here at Demitri's apartment as soon as you can get here."
"What's wrong? Is it Ellie? Or Usagi?" Pheobe gulped as he said her name.
"I can't tell you now," she said shakily. "Just get here."
Pheobe put the phone back in its receiver. "He'll be here soon."
Demitri looked into Ellie's tear filled eyes. "Ell, Mamoru's gonna be here soon. And so are Haruka and Michiru." Pheobe stood at the end of the couch, looking at the two of them, wishing Damien was here; her heart ached as she felt Ellie's despair.
Just then, there was a knock on the door, and Pheobe ran to open it, knowing it was Haruka and Michiru.
"Thank the Goddess you're here…" Pheobe said as the two of them entered the apartment.
"Ellie! Are you okay?" Michiru asked.
"I'm doing a little better," she sniffled.
"Now what exactly did you see?" Haruka asked Ellie and Pheobe. "Tell us what happened from the beginning."
"Okay, after Usagi went to get sodas, I began to feel him there, his presence, and then we heard a scream" Pheobe started.
"And we went to go see what happened and we saw Eternal Sailor Moon trapped in a glass ball…"
"Just like Hotaru!" Haruka interrupted Ellie.
"…And then he attacked us…with Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss."
"He attacked you with one of Sailor Moon's attacks?!" Haruka was shocked at this new development.
"Yeah, he did…also he said something about 'working towards his goal'." Pheobe sighed.
"Oh, shit…" Haruka said. "He said that his plan was to eliminate us all and take over the universe."
"Oh shit is definitely right!" Demitri said.
"We'd better get the others here." Ellie had a look of sadness mixed with determination. At that moment, Mamoru entered the apartment.
"So, what's the bad news?" he said, putting down his briefcase.
"Usagi and Hotaru have been captured by Dark Angel, our new enemy." Pheobe's face was filled with sadness.
"Usa-ko…" Mamoru said.
"I'm so sorry, Mamo-chan," Ellie said and wrapped her arms around him. "Pheobe and I tried to save her, but he's too strong for us…he even used Sailor Moon's attacks."
"Hello?" Mako said from the door.
"We're all here!" Minako said.
"Good," Michiru said as Minako, Mako, Rei, Ami and Setsuna filed in through the door, chattering nervously.
"He knows who we our, our every move." Explained Pheobe, trying to control the flow of emotions that reached her from around the room.
"That means, he knows our families, he can come after us any time." Ellie cried.
Mamoru still appeared distraught over Usagi's disappearance. Setsuna spoke up.
"That won't happen"
Minako looked at Setsuna. "How can you say that?"
"He seems to attack when we're alone."
Ami nodded. "I understand what she's getting at, if we all stay together, if we're not alone there's a chance he won't attack."
Rei looked at Ami. "A chance?"
"Nothing is certain."
"This is, terrible, we don't even know who this guy is!" Shouted Haruka.
Michiru tried to comfort her companion. "We will stop him before he does harm to any more of us."
Ami looked at Rei. "Rei, could you do a fire reading on this dark angel?"
Rei nodded. "I think so."