Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Angel ❯ Divide and Conquer? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"What are you going to do?" Cried Sailor Moon, within the glass ball.
Dark Angel lifted Sailor Moon up near his face. "You talk too much, why can't you be like Saturn?"
He indicated Hotaru in another glass ball, sitting down, defeated.
"They'll defeat you, the others."
"Ah yes, the unquestionable faith of friends. You do live up to reputation Usagi. But this time, it's misplaced. I know every move; I have your powers, your nothing. Oh, and by the time they discover all my capabilities, it will be too late. You must be lonely with only Hotaru and four cats as company; she's not being much of a talker is she? Too bad I had to silence their glass." He indicated Luna and Artemis in one ball and Smoke and Aphrodite in another, whatever their cries were, they could not be heard, for the glass had been soundproofed to reduce the noise. He continued, " Maybe you would prefer the companionship of your beloved Mamoru."
Sailor moon banged her hand against the glass. "No, don't hurt him!"
"Oh my dear, he's already been hurt. His girlfriend and future wife has been taken prisoner by a dark angel who has plans for universal domination. There really isn't much further I can go from there."

"I can't read him, it's as if he doesn't exist."
"Could he be from the future?" Asked Makoto
Rei shook her head. "I don't know."
Haruka frowned. "We should double up for the night, it's getting late."
They nodded.

"Mina-chan, what are you doing?" Rei watched as Minako began to brush her hair for the third time.
"I'm worried Rei-chan, about Usagi, I wish the cats hadn't decide to go on vacation."
Rei smiled slightly. "We'll find Usagi and Hotaru."
Rei nodded. "Count on it, now get some rest, we have to save our strength."
Minako nodded and climbed into bed.

"You've been training for hours Makoto, I think you should take a break."
"Your not taking a break from that computer."
Ami nodded. "I'm just trying to figure out why he systematically is taking us out one by one, he can clearly take us on without any trouble, Pheobe and Ellie have seen that."
"You're not sounding too comforting Ami."
"If he's attacking us one by one though, he probably fears what we might do together."
"So it's divide and conquer?"
"Yes, and he's taking out what he perceives as the larger threats and is moving down."
"So what can we all do together that he might be afraid of?" Asked Mako.
"Sailor Planet Attack?"
"Is that right?"
"Could be, but then he wouldn't have bothered to get Usagi alone, if he knows our moves he also knows it doesn't work very well with only three Senshi."

"Your restless Haruka."
"This new enemy makes me uneasy."
"Because he is stronger then the others?"
"It's so much more then that."

Pheobe sat huddled on the couch in Demitri and Ellie's apartment, trying to hold back the tears that were forcing their way out. "I can still feel them, they're alive."
Ellie sat down next to Pheobe. "So there's still hope then?"
Pheobe nodded, then looked at Ellie's face. "Your very close to Mamoru."
"How do you...never mind. Yeah, Mamoru is my brother."
Pheobe smiled slightly. "Really? In the past or present?"
"Both." Replied Demitri, retrieving three waters from the kitchen.
"Did you know you had a second brother?"
"There's only one brother I know of, that's Mamoru." Explained Ellie.
Pheobe nodded and retrieved the photo of Damien from her pocket, showing Ellie once more. "That's Mamoru's older brother."
Ellie nearly fell over hearing the news, while Demitri demonstrated some random cusswords.
"How?" Questioned Ellie.
Demitri nodded "That's what I'd like to know too."
Pheobe smiled again. "Haven't you ever wondered why Mamoru was just a prince in the past?"
"So how in hell did this happen?" Asked Demitri.
"Well, when a man and women..."
"No no, I know how that shit works."
"He means why is Damien not my brother in the present," explained Ellie.
Pheobe put the picture away. "It's a long story…and I'm not sure your ready to hear it."
"We're not going anywhere." Said Demitri.
Pheobe nodded. "Alright, I'll tell you."

Setsuna sat on the couch in Mamoru's apartment. Mamoru had his head buried in his hands, still distraught over losing Usagi when the phone rang. "Hello?"
"Mamoru? Is Usagi there? She didn't come home." It was Usagi's mother.
"Yes, she fell asleep, I didn't want to wake her."
"When she wakes up, could you tell her to come home? We're all very worried."
Mamoru nodded. "I will." He hung up the phone.
"You told them a lie." Remarked Setsuna.
"Would they have believed the truth?"
"If the princess is not rescued, it could have consequences for the future."
Mamoru nodded. "Don't you think I know that?" He paused, immediately apologetic for being so harsh. "...I'm sorry. I'll be back in a moment." He turned, walking into the restroom and closing the door.
Mamoru began to wash his face in the running water, he could not ignore the sleep he felt, but how could he rest when his Usagi was captured? As he looked up into the mirror his eye caught a glimpse of someone behind him, Eternal Sailor Moon, standing in the mirror. He turned around "Usa-ko."
Sailor Moon smiled slightly. "Not really, but If you miss her that much..."

Setsuna looked up as she saw Mamoru walk out of the bathroom. "You don't look right my prince."
Mamoru nodded, smiling as his form began to change, black wings began to sprout from his back, as he became Dark Angel, holding in his hand, Mamoru in a glass ball. "Oh your a smart one."
Pluto quickly began to transform, holding her wand. Dark angel threw a rose at the wand, knocking it from her hand. "We can't have that now, can we?"
From Mamoru's apartment that night, there was a bright flash of light from the windows, and then nothing.