Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Angel ❯ Haruka And Michiru ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ellie's head snapped upwards, sensing that something was wrong, or that something had happened.
"Demitri, do you mind if I call Mamoru? Just to see if he's okay?"
"Sure, Ell…" Demitri mumbled, half asleep. Ellie got up, being careful not to disturb Pheobe and Demitri as they slept, and carefully made their way to the phone. She dialed his number, and listened to the phone ring for what seemed an eternity. She sighed and hung up the phone after three minutes of steady ringing. She headed back out to the living room, and saw that Pheobe and Demitri were still asleep. She then tiptoed over to the closet, grabbed her jacket and shoes, then headed out and shut the door quietly. Once down the hall, she put on her shoes and her coat, and headed downstairs to the street. On her way down, she ran into Naru, whose mother had just rented the penthouse at the top of the building.
"What are you doing out so late, Naru?" Ellie asked.
"Oh, I couldn't sleep…why are you out?"
"I got a bad feeling that something might have happened to my brother…"
"Want me to go with you? It's not safe to wander the streets alone at this time of night."
"Y'know, that would be a good idea," Ellie said, remembering the buddy system they had set up and she had left the protection of. Well, she thought to herself, at least Naru's here, and maybe Dark Angel won't attack me if I'm with someone else, even if it's not another Senshi.
"He lives in the Crown Apartments, right?" Naru asked.
"Yeah, they're down the street a little ways." Ellie and Naru walked out the door and headed down the dark street.
"Sure is creepy out here at night," Naru said.
"Actually, I kinda like the night…when you're out away from the city, the stars are so beautiful…" Ellie smiled.
They walked in silence for a while, then as Crown Apartments loomed into view, Ellie felt sickening horror settle over her.
"Oh no…. Mamoru…" Ellie dashed inside, Naru following.
"What's wrong?" Naru yelled after Ellie, who was running up the stairs to the third floor.
"I don't know!" she shouted back. "But something is wrong, I can sense it!" She reached the third floor, and ran down the hall to his apartment. The door was unlocked and stood ajar.
"No Mamoru" She bit her lip and entered the apartment.
"Mamoru-kun Setsuna-kun. where are you?" She called into the empty apartment.
Only silence replied.
"Mamoru? Setsuna?" she called a little louder.
Again, nothing.
"Mamo-chaan!!" She wailed, now knowing the truth.
"Ellie, what's wrong?" Naru looked at her distraught friend.
"I have to get back home" Ellie wiped her eyes.
"I'll walk you back, okay?"
"Yes we need to hurry"
The two of them ran back to the apartments where they stayed, and as they opened the main entrance door Ellie bolted up the stairs to the apartment she and Demitri shared.
"Demitri! Pheobe!" Ellie cried. "Mamoru and Setsuna are.. they're gone" Ellie burst into tears and collapsed to the floor.
"Huh?" Demitri walked sleepily into the entryway to see Ellie collapsed on the floor.
"They're gone" Her teary eyes looked into Demitri's crimson ones, and he put an arm around her and pulled her to her feet.

There was a knock at the door; Demitri checked through the looking glass, confirming it was Rei and Minako. He opened the door allowing the girls entry. "Thanks for coming, Ellie is a mess. Where is Ami and Mako?"
Mina stepped in with Rei. "They'll be here soon."
"Mamoru and Setsuna at the same time?" questioned Rei. "I thought this Angel only attacked us one at a time."
"Maybe they were both in separate places."
They all turned as Makoto and Ami arrived.
"Ellie still upset?" Asked Makoto.
Demitri nodded.
Rei began to look around the room. "Where's Pheobe?"
"Asleep." Replied Demitri.
"Why didn't you wake her Demitri?" Asked Mako.
"I can't."
"What?" Cried Mako.
Mina sighed, trying to take control of the situation. "Alright Ami, you check on Pheobe-chan. We'll see how Ellie-chan is doing...Where are Haruka and Michiru?"
"I called them an hour ago, they still haven't gotten here." Replied Demitri.

Michiru gazed into her mirror as Haruka prepared to start the car. "We're late Haruka, they'll be worried."
"We're only late by a few minutes."
Haruka nodded. "Wait here Michiru." She opened the door, heading back to their house
Michiru looked at her companion. "Aren't you worried about leaving me alone Haruka?"
"The others were unprepared for a fight, we are."
With that she stepped into the house.
Dark Angel smiled as he watched Haruka enter the house, leaving Michiru alone in the car. He grinned smugly as the prison balls containing the Senshi floated around him. . "It's time to gather a few more guests."
With that he vanished out of site.

It wasn't a smart idea, but Pheobe had to find out more about this enemy, she could sense him stronger then any enemy she had encountered. So she had put herself into a trance, trying to find out what this Dark Angel actually wanted. She didn't expect it to be so dangerous, that she would be taken for such a ride as she traveled through the astral plane, and she could not leave to wake until she had gotten what she wanted, even though, outside she could sense something was wrong.