Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Angel ❯ Talismans ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Michiru waited patiently in the car when Haruka began to walk towards her. "That was fast."
Haruka nodded. " You have no idea "
Michiru nodded, looking into her mirror as Haruka approached the vehicle. As she looked into the reflection she caught a glimpse of Haruka as she approached. Her form soon became a shadow in the reflection as the image of the Dark Angel soon appeared. She turned quickly to see the dark form of the fallen angel, it was too late, on the seat where she had been, and only a mirror remained.
Michiru stepped out of the car, walking towards Haruka, grinning. She placed her hand gently on Haruka's cheek. "I'm not who you think I am."
Haruka took Michiru's hand. "What do you mean?"
Michiru grinned darkly as she stepped back. "Dead scream."
Haruka fell back, unprepared for the attack. Michiru grinned, changing back into the Dark Angel. "You are so gullible."
Another bright flash of light and Haruka was no more. All that was left was her space sword. Suddenly Dark Angel stopped, looking around. "Someone is watching me..."

"No!" Pheobe sat up quickly, her heart thundering against her chest.
Ami tried to comfort her. "Everyone! She's awake!"
"I saw him, I know why he's afraid."
The others stepped into the room, watching Pheobe.
Pheobe took a slow breath. "The Angel of Darkness shall meet his end in the frontier planets. His destruction brought about when the two soldiers join with the power of all."
"What the hell does that mean?" Questioned Demitri.
"It's a prophecy" Replied Rei.
"I'll be damned if I know what the hell it means…" Demitri sighed.
"I wonder where Haruka and Michiru are…" Mako said.
"Demitri…" Ellie walked out of the bedroom she shared with Demitri. Her tear-streaked face brought sadness into Demitri's heart, unable to truly know the losses Ellie had experienced. He had never lost anyone close to him before…
"Yeah, hon?" He left the others and went to her side.
"Something's happened to Haruka and Michiru. I can feel it."
"No…" Demitri began to curse. "That asshole better not have done anything to them…they're two of our most powerful fighters…" His crimson eyes hardened.
"Let's go."

The two of them sped down the road towards the house that the Outer Senshi shared.
"Dark Angel got Mamo-chan and Setsuna-san when they were in separate rooms of the house…" Ellie sighed. "I'm afraid to go to the bathroom alone anymore…"
"Ell, no matter what it takes, I'll always protect you. I'm your prince…your soulmate." He put his hand over hers and squeezed it gently.
"I love you…" Ellie said. She looked up and then screamed.
"Shit! What the hell was that - Oh FUCK!" He looked up and saw the same frightening sight that Ellie saw- Dark Angel.
"Don't bother looking for your friends…" He opened his hands and two glass balls appeared, one with Sailor Neptune inside, one with Sailor Uranus as prisoner.
Demitri slammed on the brakes, screeching the car to a halt.
"You bastard! You're not gonna get away with this!" Demitri threw open the door to the car.
"Demitri! No! He'll take you too!" Ellie cried as he leapt out the door. She grabbed onto his shirt, and was dragged halfway out the car.
"Jet Armor Up!" Demitri's fighting armor materialized around him.
"Like you puny human can actually do anything against me…" Dark Angel laughed.
"I am no human." He looked at Dark Angel, the hatred in his eyes brewing and the dark energy building in his gauntlets.
"Jet Energy Axe Summon!" he screamed, and his axe materialized in his hands. It too became engulfed in dark lightning, like his gauntlets.
"Like that little thing can really beat me!" Dark Angel's voice roared with anger.
Jet leapt into the air, his axe held high over his head.
As he came down, Dark Angel disappeared and rematerialized behind Ellie. Jet crashed into the ground, the axe burying itself in the road.
"Ellie! RUN!" Jet screamed when he saw where Dark Angel was. Ellie turned around and was struck full force by the haunting and evil presence of this fallen angel.
"Frightening, aren't I," he said after a moment's silence.
"Earth Elements of Lo-" As she tried to henshin, Dark Angel knocked her away.
"I want you to know something, little girl," he hissed, his face right up against Ellie's. "You will never beat me. I am the most powerful. Not even your little boytoy over there can harness the evil that I have. One false move and you'll be mine. Forever."
With that he disappeared.

"Ellie!" Demitri cried. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine…" She then began to wail.
"They're gone…First Mamo-chan…now Haruka and Michiru…"
Demitri took her in his arms and carried her to the car.
"I know how close they were to you…" Demitri looked into his love's tear filled eyes.
Ellie sat for a minute, thinking.
"The Talismans! If he has those…"
"Let's go." Demitri started the car and sped off, again heading towards Haruka and Michiru's. Ellie rested her head on Demitri's shoulder as he drove, trying to recover from what she just saw. It felt as if her mind had been probed, her memories used for some evil purpose.
"We're here," he said after a few minutes of driving in silence.
The two of them got out of the car to see Haruka's yellow car parked in the driveway, one of the doors open. Ellie ran to see if there was anything in there, and she gasped as she saw the Space Sword and the Aqua Mirage Mirror, lying there on the seats.
"Demitri, we might have a chance against him," she said, holding up the two talismans as he walked up the driveway.
"If we can find someone who can use them, that is."
"Let's go home, Demitri…I suddenly feel a little better." She smiled and held the two talismans close to her chest.

"The talismans were left behind?" Ami said as Ellie laid the sword and the mirror on the table.
"Yeah… I don't think he knows the power of these objects…" Ellie smiled. "Is Pheobe up?"
"I think so, she's probably in the living room," Ami said.
"Okay." Ellie picked up the talismans and walked towards the living room, and saw Pheobe on the couch.
"Ellie!" Pheobe gasped as she saw what the girl was holding. "How did you get those!?"
"Unfortunately, Michiru and Haruka were captured…but Dark Angel left these behind." She handed Pheobe the Aqua Mirage Mirror. "I think you could get more use out of this than I could." She smiled. Pheobe looked into the mirror, and saw her reflection smiling wistfully back at her.
"Y'know, I think you're right…I just might get more use out of this than anyone else."

"It's been rumored that the Outer Senshi have objects of immense power…the talismans…" Dark Angel mused to himself as he looked at his collection of Sailor Senshi. In addition to Eternal Sailor Moon, Sailor Saturn, and the guardian cats, he now had Tuxedo Kamen, Sailor Pluto, Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus.
"I wonder where they could be hiding them…" he said as he reached for the glass balls holding Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
"Any ideas, girls?"
"You'll never get them," Uranus said.
"They're in a safe place, where no-one can reach them." Neptune smiled coolly.
"Oh, I can and will get them. And once I do get them, I will take over the entire universe."
"As we've said, you'll never get the Talismans. They have now been entrusted to those who can use them."
"Damn you!" he roared, throwing the Outer Senshi away from him, nearly smashing their prisons. "I will find them! And when I do, you'll be sorry you ever were born."