Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Angel ❯ Prophecies ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"Yeah, Ell?"
"I gotta go to the bathroom."
"So go!" Demitri sighed at her slight stupidity.
"I don't wanna go alone…" She looked at him with wide eyes.
"So take Pheobe with you! She's a girl, she won't mind!"
Ellie looked at Demitri, and sighed. She got up and went to the living room, where the remaining Senshi were gathered, trying to ease the tensions of the day by playing Truth or Dare.
"Pheobe?" Ellie said.
"Yeah?" Pheobe smiled at Ellie, suddenly knowing why she was needed. "I'll be back in a second, you guys."
"'Kay, Pheobe," Mako said. "Okay Ami, truth or dare…"
"Thanks for going with me, Pheobe…" Ellie blushed slightly and the two of them went into the bathroom.
"No problem. Ell…Truthfully I'd have you do the same thing for me." She sat on the edge of the tub while Ellie used the toilet.
"I'm too worried to do anything alone lately…" Ellie sighed. "First Usagi, then Mamo-chan and Setsuna, now Michiru and Haruka…those two were like my older sisters…"
"You don't want to lose anyone else either, do you," Pheobe said.
Ellie flushed the toilet and then put the lid down and sat on it.
"About the talismans…if Dark Angel learns about their power, I'm sure he'll be after them."
"I'll keep an eye out for anything strange in the mirror." Pheobe looked at Ellie and they smiled at each other.
"Ready to go back out?"
And the two of them walked out the door, Ellie taking her place with Demitri and Pheobe joining in the game of Truth or Dare.
"You actually kissed him, Ami?!" Mina squealed.
"It-it's nothing, really…" Ami stuttered. Ellie could tell her face was growing red by the way she sounded.

Later that night, Ellie and Pheobe sat on the couch, holding the talismans.
"We're going to have to use these sometime…" Ellie mused to herself.
"But when? And how will we know how to use them?" Pheobe looked slightly nervous for the first time that Ellie had seen.
"I think we'll feel when it's right…and our hearts will guide us in how to use them," Ellie said reassuringly, quite a role switch for the two of them. More often than not, Pheobe was the strong and reassuring one. Ellie was usually the shy, unsure and reserved one.
Pheobe looked at the mirror. She was slightly puzzled by what she saw. It was like there was a dark shadow lurking about the house. 'It may be all the fear that's been generated here,' she thought to herself.
"Girls, you coming to bed?" Demitri called from the bedroom.
"In a minute!" Ellie called back.
"I've gotta thank him for setting up another bed in there…I've been getting worried about sleeping alone in the living room…what happens if he attacks?"
Ellie got up, and Pheobe followed suit. "I don't want to think about that…" The two girls went to the bedroom Ellie and Demitri usually shared. Ellie stopped short when she saw Demitri. Something was different about him, something she couldn't place.
"Ready for bed, Ellie?" He smiled a smile that was foreign to her. He never smiled openly happy like that. She looked him up and down, trying to get a sense of what was wrong with him. Then it hit her, as she looked at his hands- he wasn't wearing his gauntlets! He never took them off, except for when he was sleeping with Ellie. Not to mention he never called her Ellie. He always called her Ell. The reality sunk in, she now knew what happened.
"You're not my Demitri."
"Quick learner, little one." Pheobe shrieked as Demitri's form morphed into that of Dark Angel.
Ellie looked at him.
"Why, Dark Angel?" Why did you do this to me? You want to kill me with sorrow?"
"Y'know, I never thought of that before…I think that's a wonderful plan, my dear." He grinned, a smile that froze Ellie's heart.
"You won't get away with this." Ellie's eyes filled with rage, while Pheobe ran to the other room to get the Talismans.
"I won't? And how do you figure that, little one?" He reached into the folds of his cloak and brought out his newest prisoner- Demitri, minus the gauntlets.
"Demitri!!" Ellie shrieked. She rushed towards Dark Angel, her intent to grab Demitri's prison ball. It appeared she'd get it, but with his other hand Dark Angel blasted her with dark lightning. She screamed as she rocketed back to the wall and hit it with a crash.
"Ellie!" Pheobe rushed to her side, and helped her to a sitting position. She slipped the space sword into her hand inconspicuously, so Dark Angel wouldn't notice.
"I cannot forgive you…"she growled. She brought herself to her feet, and suddenly lunged at him, Space Sword in hand. She crashed through the force field and slashed at him, cutting into his side. He screamed in agony, and swung at Ellie.
"You little bitch! You've been hiding the talismans!" He lunged at her, and grabbed her by the throat.
"Give it to me. Now."
Ellie looked at him with fear, hatred and determination in her eyes as his hands closed around her throat.
"Stop it! Now!!" Pheobe screamed, searching for her henshin stick. Inside the prisoner ball, Demitri cursed like crazy.
"I'll kill you, you motherfucking bastard, when I get the hell out of here you're gonna be sorry you were ever born! You'll be sorry you ever laid hands on my Ellie!" Tears were streaming down his face, he was so frustrated and pissed. He couldn't do anything to help his soulmate…or could he? He was just about to crawl into bed when Dark Angel had gotten to him. He had just taken off his gauntlets…If Ellie could see them…if she could just get to them, she'd have a chance.
"Let….me…go…" Ellie rasped, gasping for breath. Her face was losing color, and she began to get dizzy. The room was spinning, spinning…and she couldn't do anything about it…She had to get these hands off her neck…but he had some force holding them at her sides…
"Clios Blazing Inferno!" The blaze of the Senshi colors hit Dark Angel at full blast, and it knocked him over and Ellie was free.
"Get out of here!" Clios cried. Ellie began to dash out the door, but her eyes fell on something lying on the bedside table. Demitri's gauntlets! She made a mad dash for them, and as she grabbed them, Dark Angel loomed over her. She slipped the gauntlets on, feeling the familiar rush of dark energy sweep over her, as it had the time she tried them on what seemed like lifetimes ago.
"Take this!" Ellie screamed and sent a blast of her own dark energy at Dark angel, sending him across the room. He hit the wall and screamed.
"You stupid bitch! How did you get so much power?" He screamed, pulling himself up quickly.
"That's for me to know and you to never find out! Now get the hell out of here! Now!" Ellie screamed, lunging for Demitri's prison ball. It vanished before her eyes and so did Dark Angel. All was quite for a moment, then Ellie collapsed onto the floor and screamed.
"I hate you! You're the scum of the earth! When I get my hands on you you're gonna die! I will kill you!!" She then began to sob. Pheobe ran across the room to Ellie's battered form, wrapping her arms around her.
"I'm so sorry, Ellie…" Pheobe then began to cry. "I know how much he means to you."

Nobody slept that night, all were afraid if they closed their eyes they would awake prisoners like the others. So they sat together, in Ellie and Demitri's apartment. Ellie didn't speak, no one did, they all knew what was going on and stating the facts didn't seem to be appropriate at the time.
"I'm scared." Stated Minako.
Makoto agreed. "We all are."
"What are you doing Ami?" Rei was watching Ami as she began to input information on her computer.
"I'm doing research into that prophecy. From what we have learned two senshi are destined to destroy him, there remains the matter of which ones though."
"But what if he already took the senshi that could beat him? We'd be helpless then." Ellie had finally spoken, taking control of her pain.
Pheobe shook her head. "No, I don't think he has, it's one of us."
"But which ones Pheobe?" Sobbed Ellie.
"I'm currently trying to find that out." Interrupted Ami.
"Is there anything we can do?" Asked Makoto.
"Hope." Answered Ami.

Dark Angel snatched the floating ball of Michiru. "You will suffer for this."
Michiru smiled slightly. "Your reign shall end soon."
"Bitch!" He hurled the ball into his void; it stopped in the air and floated back a few feet.
"Let me out of here asshole!" Demitri pounded angrily on the glass prison.
Dark angel collapsed in his chair, holding his head. "Do not make me silence you."
"I dare you Asshole"
Dark angel sighed and with a wave of his hand, Demitri's cries were silenced. "Do not make idle threats guardian, they do little good. And you." He took Usagi in his hands, gesturing to a vision of Ami and her computer. "What do you think her chances are?"
"No chance, she could never solve your prophecy!"
Dark Angel nodded, amused. "We shall see won't we?"
He waves his hand on the vision, bringing an image of Pheobe. "In the meantime.."