Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Angel ❯ Too Late? ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Pheobe pushed the button on the soda machine, taking the soda in her hands that had been released. She remembered Usagi, how she had been taken while only wanting a drink, then she turned to Rei. "Have you sensed anything about the prophecy Rei? How to defeat the enemy?"
Rei shook her head. "I don't know Pheobe, I'm as lost as you."
Pheobe nodded sadly and Rei smiled. "Hey cheer up, I'm sure Ami will have something."
Pheobe nodded as Rei dropped her coins in the machine. As Rei began to make her decision, Pheobe looked down the hall, there was something there, she knew it…but no, it couldn't be. She glanced at Rei, making sure she was still there, then proceeded to wander down the hall, she wouldn't go far, and Rei was close.
As she turned the corner her eyes fell upon the key staff, that was it. Her eyes went up to notice the hands grasping the staff, the skirt and long green hair. "Setsuna?"
Setsuna nodded. "It's me Pheobe."
"I managed to escape, I've been hiding in time to avoid capture."
"The others will be glad your safe."
"No, Pheobe you must not tell them, I only came back to get you"
Pheobe stopped. "Why?"

Rei began to look for Pheobe when she discovered she wasn't beside her. She walked down the halls, hearing as her companion spoke with a familiar voice.

Setsuna smiled. "We can come back for the others later."
Pheobe shook her head, taking a step back. "No, something's wrong, your not Setsuna."
Setsuna glared at Pheobe as her body began to shift. "I'll take you one way or another Clios, nobody spies on me!"
Pheobe screamed as Rei turned the corner. "Pheobe! Mars Star power make-up!."
The other girls had heard Pheobe's cries, running to her aid.
Dark Angel looked at Mars, glaring darkly. "Don't waste my time."
Down came Uranus' world shaking on Sailor Mars, she flew back into the wall. Dark Angel grinned, then turning to Pheobe, who had taken out her transformation pen, preparing to fight. Dark Angel immediately knocked it away. "Your too meddlesome."
He took a small glass ball as light began to filter through. Rei rushed to Pheobe's aid. "Look out!"
She jumped in front of Pheobe as there was a bright flash of light. Rei vanished and Pheobe stood there, looking at the now occupied glass ball. Dark Angel narrowed his eyes at the other Senshi turning the corner. He looked down at Pheobe. "We'll do this later."
With that said he vanished in black energy. Pheobe began to shake as the others tried to make sure she was okay. "We have to stop him."
Ellie nodded.

"Ellie…my beautiful princess…come join me in my world of darkness."
"Who are you?" Ellie cried, wondering who the mysterious voice belonged to.
"I'm the one who will fulfill your dreams…You've always wanted to rule…ever since Mamoru killed you in a past life…"
'I have…but how does he know this?'
"Yes… I have."
"With me, you'll rule an entire universe." And with that, the owner of the voice revealed themselves- it was Dark Angel.
"Come join me, Ellie. You'll have your own group of Senshi to control. You'll have an entire universe."
"I don't want it if it means being with you!" Ellie shrank back from Dark Angel as he advanced.
"I'll love you more than anyone has ever loved you…just take my hand."
And isn't that all she ever wanted? To be loved?
Her hand reached for his cautiously, then she yanked it back.
"Bitch! How dare you!" Dark Angel lunged at her, and she dodged him as he went flying over her head.
"I don't want to love you! I already love Demitri! And you'll pay for taking him!"
"We'll finish this soon….very soon…."

"Any word yet on which Senshi will fulfill the prophecy?" Ellie asked Ami. For a change today, Ellie's hair that wasn't in odangos was pulled back into a ponytail and braided. Something told her she might want it out of the way today.
"According to the data, it shows that they've already been taken…" Ami sighed.
"So there's no hope?" Ellie began to tremble.
"Unless my data was wrong, yes."
"Oh, shit…" Ellie had to sit down.
"What's wrong?" Mina asked as she, Mako, and Pheobe walked into the room.
"According to my data, the two Senshi that can fulfill the prophecy have already been taken."
"Oh, no…" Pheobe gasped.
"We're screwed," Mako said bluntly.
"If I don't get Demitri back…" Ellie began to sob and ran for the bathroom. Pheobe chased after her, leaving the others alone in the living room.
"I can't blame her for being so upset…" Mina said.
"We've all lost so many…" Ami said.
"And you'll be losing more, computer girl."
The three whirled around to see Dark Angel.
"Ahh, a three for one special. Who wants to be first?" He waved his hand, and three prison balls appeared.
"Get the hell out of here!" Mako said, lunging at him. Suddenly, there was a bright flash of light, and Sailor Jupiter occupied one of the glass balls.
"Shall we make it easier and have you two come willingly?"
"I'll never go willingly to you!" Mina screamed. She picked up the nearest object, a lamp, and hurled it at Dark Angel. Another flash of light filled the room, and now Sailor Venus occupied a prison ball alongside Sailor Jupiter. Dark angel then turned to look at Ami, who had taken a few steps back with her computer.
"I suppose I should thank you for making this easier on me."
The two glass balls vanished as he began to approach Ami. Ami took one more step back against the wall, she knew she had no chance if she tried to transform, the others had tried that and failed. As a last minute decision she grabbed her communicator to contact Ellie and Pheobe. "Get out! He's here!"
Dark angel scowled, knocking the communicator out of her hands, her computer falling out of her hands with it. "Little bitch."
Venus's love chain binded Ami as he drew from his cloak an empty glass ball. "Nothing will stand in my way."
From the ball there came a bright flash of light which filled the room, pulling Ami into the prison like her companions. He looked at the bathroom door as the knob began to turn. "This should be easier then I thought."
The bathroom door swung open. Sailor Clios and Earth stood before Dark Angel as Ami's prison ball vanished. He grinned. "It's too late for you, there is no hope."
His body shifted to Uranus. "World Shaking!"