Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Angel ❯ Use of Talismans, The Chosen Ones ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"No!" The two remaining Senshi slammed into the wall. Slowly the dragged themselves back on their feet.
"Clios blazing…"
"Earth Elements…"
Before either of them could call on their attacks he shifted to Sailor Mars, using her burning mandala to scortch their hands, Clios dropped her wand and it slid across the floor. Dark Angel laughed darkly. "You are so weak. Guardian of the Sailor Gem? Pathetic."
Clios looked at Dark Angel as he began to shift into Pluto. Earth looked horrified. "Clios! He's going to use Dead Scream!"
"Too late."
Pluto's dead scream surged from her staff, sending Earth flying into the ground. "Your even worse. Weak little guardian of Earth, Can't even protect yourself."
"Psychic Star!."
Clios' attack seared into Dark Angel's arm, slowly he turned, glaring at her. His dangerous eyes never left her as she brushed off his arm. "A minor attack. You have no idea how obsolete you are."
He began to shift to Venus as she slowly began to back towards her wand. Dark Angel grinned, throwing a rose at her feet. "Venus Love and Beauty Shock!"
"Clios!" Earth screamed as Sailor Venus' attack hit clios in full force, slamming her into the ground like a doll, screaming her eyes fell upon Demitri's gauntlets a few feet away.
Dark Angel shifted back and began to approach Clios she inched away, Neptune's mirror just an arm's reach from her. "Little brat, you have no idea how foolish it was to think you could stop me."
Earth began to drag herself toward the gauntlets as Dark Angel continued to approach Clios. The wand of Clios floated into his hand and he grinned smugly. "Not even worth the trouble, it's the end for you girl."
He examined her wand. "The ultimate irony isn't it? Dieing by your own weapon."
Dark Angel held the wand in front of him. "Clios…."
The wand began to glow darkly. Sailor Clios looked up at Dark Angel, helpless as she watched. Earth grabbed the gauntlets slipping them on. She rolled over, using the gauntlets to send a blast of dark energy at Dark Angel.
The gem began to gather energy. Earth's blast was stopped by silence wall that surrounded Dark Angel. Clios watched terrified, preparing for the worst when her eyes fell upon the sacred mirror. Earth cried out as her blast hit the shield, glancing at the space sword a few feet from Dark Angel. Quickly she rose to jump for it. Clios' rolled to grab the mirror.
The dark senshi colors spread forth from the sailor gem towards Clios. Clios grabbed the mirror, facing Dark Angel and holding it in front of her as a shield. Earth grasped the space sword just as Clios held the mirror before her. The mirror drew in the attack, reflecting it as Earth moved to attack with the space sword. Both the wand and mirror began to glow with a new shining aura. Sailor Earth's hands radiated with energy as the gauntlets began to react to the space sword. Dark angel looked at the two new auras. "No! It can't be."
The auras began to wash over Earth and Clios, their bodies glowing as they began to transform.
Clios lifted into the air standing elegantly as the white of her fuku extended down her skirt and onto the scarf, blending with the magenta colors on the end. . Her bow and ribbons extended around her waste, blending the purple with white as her boots shrunk to delicate heels. The mirror floated in the air and sent out a beam of white energy into the gem of Pheobe's wand which began to illuminate.
Dark angel quickly released his grip on the wand, letting it float towards the mirror as together they sailed higher, generating an amazing white glow as the two formed a long staff, the frame of the mirror turned white and perched atop the staff and gem, descending into Sailor Clios' hand as the staff glowed the gem sending it's own beam into the space sword.
The sword began to illuminate with a bright golden glow, washing over the gauntlets that held the weapon. The golden aura continued to wash over Sailor Earth's arms and body as she floated above the floor. Her hands raised the sword and gauntlets as they became pure gold, gems on the back hands, from her boots extended new gold leggings that washed over her skirt, splitting it into four pointed flaps each with it's own gem. Her bow and scarf vanished as a jeweled gold breast plate and shoulder blades appeared in their place. Her boots glowed golden as well as jewels appeared on the toes, turning the rest of the boot gold. Her face looked to the sky as a golden light extended up from her nose over her head and around her odongos to stop at her cheeks, the jewels appearing on each end.
Both soldiers then descended downward, standing ready to face their opponent. Dark Angel glared darkly at the two. "You may be the chosen Senshi, but that does not mean I cannot kill you!
Quickly his body shifted into Sailor Saturn. "Silence Glaive Surprise!."
Ribbons formed on the glaive gathering energy as he brought the weapon into the ground. The attack surged forward. Clios seemed unphased as she held her staff before her with both hands, twirling it before her as Saturn's attack plowed forward. The light from the staff's gem began to form a tornado around the mirror, forcing out a violet light that drew the lethal attack inside. Dark Angel froze, returning to his own form. Earth took a fighting stance as she raised her sword and brought it down into the ground. A wave of energy tore the ground up, heading for dark angel. Dark Angel leapt nimbly away, out the window and into the street. Earth leapt out after him as Clios held her staff, teleporting beside her companion.
Dark Angel glared darkly. "This is not over, I will have you yet!"
Angrily he vanished in an aura of black energy.
When it was over Clios and Earth both de-transformed. Clios' staff split back into the mirror and wand while Earth's gauntlets returned to their black color.
"We are the chosen ones Ellie."
Ellie nodded, looking at her gauntlets and Space Sword. "I know, I felt it, I knew what to do."
Pheobe looked up at the ruined apartment, the sirens had already begun to sound. She looked back at Ellie. "We have to stop him."