Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Angel ❯ Fulfillment of Prophecy? ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Dark Angel threw an empty glass ball against the wall, screaming. "Bitch!"
He over turned a table upsetting whatever he had layed on it. "Troublesome brats!"
He threw another glass ball against the wall and then snatched the one containing Sailor Mercury, preparing to send her into the wall before he noticed her figure trapped inside.
"You…your crawling fungus of Earth. You bitch of the universe. You Did This."
"What are you talking about?"
He fumed with anger. "Insolence! You falsified your data! Your calculations were wrong!"
"They can't be wrong if the factors had not been entered!"
Dark Angel peered at her. "What?"
"I never calculated Earth and Clios into my data. You were depending on incomplete calculations!"
Dark Angel roared, preparing the fling Mercury onto the wall when he paused, remembering himself.
"It Makes no difference. I still have the upper hand. They do not know my true power."
He allowed Mercury to float back to the others. "I must prepare for guests."

Ellie and Pheobe stood the the Cherry Hill Temple, a desolate place since Rei had been captured.
"Do you think we can defeat him Pheobe."
"Possibly, I don't know."
Ellie smiled. "We'll have to try won't we?"
Pheobe nodded and raised her mirror and wand, bringing them together. "Clios Combat Power!"
Ellie nodded and raised the space sword, holding it with her gauntlets. "Earth Combat Power."
In unison they called upon their cosen abilities. "Make-Up!"
First they began to transform into their previous fukus but soon they were washed over by an aura of light. Pheobe's delicate white fuku replaced her usual outfit, the mirror and wand coming together to form the reflecting staff. Ellie's fuku turned to gold as her helmet and armor appeared on her body, jewels decorating the attire. Her gauntlets became golden as the space sword turned to gold as well.
Both Earth and Clios now stood ready, facing eachother.
Earth nodded. "It's time to save our friends."
Clios nodded in agreement and held her staff with both hands. "Gateway Appearance!"
The gem swirled with energy as the mirror began to reflect a portal before them.
Earth stepped forward calmly with her sword. "Key of Passage!"
She held the sword out as a shock of gold energy parted the portal, revealing a dark room.
They both looked at each other and to the gateway. Clios moved her staff to one hand.
"There is no turning back now."
Earth nodded and together they stepped through the portal, letting it close behind them.

"So, you've decided to come join me." Dark Angel's voice surrounded the two Senshi.
"No, we've come to kick your ass!" Earth said, brandishing her sword.
"Well, you're welcome to…if you can find me…" He laughed, a cruel sound that sent chills down Earth and Clios's spines.
"We can do this, Clios," Earth whispered. "The Talismans will guide us." Her gauntleted hand tightened around the Space Sword. Clios smiled back at Earth, and they nodded and began their decent into Dark Angel's lair.

"They're here! I can sense it!" Demitri said, his face lighting up. Cheers arose from the group of prisoners, knowing that if Ellie and Pheobe had gotten this far, they might just have a chance at beating him.
"I wonder if we can send them our energies while we're in this prison…they're going to need all the help they can get," Sailor Jupiter said.
"Let's try it," Eternal Sailor Moon said. She and the others closed their eyes.
"Jupiter Crystal Power!"
"Mars Crystal Power!"
"Venus Crystal Power!"
"Mercury Crystal Power!"
"Uranus Planet Power!"
"Neptune Planet Power!"
"Pluto Planet Power!"
"Saturn Planet Power!"
"Moon Crystal Power!"
Tuxedo Kamen and Demitri closed their eyes and tried to focus their power. It was easy for Tuxedo Kamen, since he was already transformed. He began to glow with a golden aura. Meanwhile, since Demitri's gauntlets were on Ellie's hands, it was harder for him to draw in the energies and send them to Ellie. Sweat broke out on his forehead and his face had a pained expression on it. He then screamed, releasing a torrent of black lightning to join the other energies.

"So you've made it this far…you might be tougher than I originally expected." Dark Angel sneered at the two faces looking up at him, weapons poised and ready to attack.
"You're going to pay for capturing our friends…" Sailor Clios said, hate brooding in her eyes.
"Will I?" Dark Angel laughed. Dark Angel laughed. "You fools, did you really expect to defeat me so easily? I have been for over a thousand years!"
Earth looked at Dark Angel. "What? That cannot be."
Dark Angel grinned smugly as she floated before Earth and Clios. You really think it was just chance you have that armor? That staff? No child, there is much more to it."
Clios held her staff firmly, "and I suppose you will tell us."
Dark Angel nodded, peering at Clios. "Did you discover that on your own? Or did you have help from that empathic ability of yours?"
He nodded, floating higher as images of long past began to appear. "Over a thousand years ago, the planets were at war. Each wanting domination over the system of planets, wishing to be named ruler. The people were angry for this mighty power struggle was tearing their worlds apart. It was only the Senshi, the guardians of the planets who found peace together. However, none would listen. Each planet created a more powerful weapon, all bent on destruction of each other."
"But that cannot be, the Silver Millennium is claimed to be a peaceful time." Cried Earth.
Dark Angel peered at Earth. "Did they ever tell you what happened before the dawn of the silver millennium? Before your parents?"
He continued. "The hatred, the lust for power grew stronger, the evil of the universe drawing closer, lured by the extreme darkness until the hate threatened to destroy all the planets. Oh yes, it grew beyond the limits of those who nurtured it, manifesting itself into a dark evil creature, filled with anger and hatred. The dark creature began his attacks, destroying towns, leaving ruin wherever it went, it's lust for power greater then anyone could fathom. At last the Senshi began to unite to put an end to this evil being, they combined their power with an incredible feat of strength to stop the darkness The darkness fought back strongly and left those senshi drained of most of their energy. Sadly they could not destroy the darkness, for it had grown too powerful to be destroyed. They imprisoned it in the shadows guarded by wards. But not even such extreme measures would hold that dark being forever. They knew that one day this darkness would escape one day and wreak havoc on the system again. In a desperate attempt to keep the peace they had fought so hard for they created your power, the power you possess in your souls, specifically for the purpose of stopping the evil if it should ever escape."
"And what does this have to do with you?" Asked Clios.
Dark Angel laughed, his wings spread as he looked down at the two. "I Am That Darkness."

"Is it working yet?" Eternal Sailor Moon said, still radiating with a pinkish glow.
"I don't know," Sailor Mars said, her reddish aura wavering a bit.
"Demitri's not looking so good," Smoke said from his prison ball. And Demitri wasn't looking very good at all. His face had become pale from the strain of attempting to harness the dark energies without his gauntlets.
"They have to be able to beat him….those two are the only two that can do it," Luna said.
"Concentrate harder… we can send them our energies, despite these prisons." Tuxedo Kamen smiled slightly.

"Earth! Watch out!" Clios cried as Dark Angel lunged at her from behind. She whirled around and began to move too late. She was knocked down, and cried out as she hit the ground, the full force of his weight on her body hurting her.
"Get off of me!" she cried, grabbing her sword as best she could. He tried to snatch it away from her, but he didn't succeed. She attempted to kick him off so she could attack, but it didn't work.
"Clios Rainbow Reflection!" A bright colorful blast forced Dark Angel off of Earth. She pulled herself to her feet.
"You bitch!" he yelled.
"Want more?" Clios said with a smirk.
"No, I'd rather have you and your little friend to add to my collection."
"Gaia Sword Blaster!" Earth yelled as she ran at Dark Angel. He smiled and put his hand out, reflecting the immense blast back at the two. They rocketed back to the wall and crashed into it, Earth crying out in pain as she hit.
"If you won't come willingly, then I'll just have to brainwash you into joining me," he said, his eyes glowing an odd shade of blue. Earth and Clios shaded their eyes, trying to avoid his eyes.
Suddenly, the room was flooded with a bright light, blinding everyone. As the light washed over them, Earth and Clios felt revitalized. Dark Angel, on the other hand, screamed in pain. As the light died down, Earth saw telltale dark lightning surrounding her gauntlets.
"Demitri…" she said. She stood up, anger and hatred filling her face, love for Demitri and the other Senshi filling her heart.
"How dare they… How dare they help you, even though in those impenetrable prisons…" Dark Angel pulled himself to his feet. He looked up and found himself face to face with the Space Sword.
"Come one inch closer and we'll fry you."
"Wanna bet?"
"Hee hee….you know not what a Senshi can do."
Dark Angel took one step closer, testing the limits.
"Gaia Sword Blaster!" Earth screamed, both hands on the sword as it emitted a golden light.
"Clios Rainbow Reflection!" Clios yelled, and the combined attacks hit him full force.

"They're almost there! I can feel it!" Mars stood up in her prison, excited and happy. As she said that, the prison balls began to de-materialize, leaving the Senshi, in full size, free from their previous torture.
"Let's find them," Eternal Sailor Moon said, and the group of them rushed out of the room.

"I….can't….keep ….this…up….much longer…" Earth groaned, putting all she was worth into the blast from the sword. Next to her, Clios was sweating and lightly trembling. Earth nearly jumped as she felt a pair of hands slide over hers. A pair of hands slid over Clios's, and the two of them flooded their talismans with power as Dark Angel screamed his last.
"NOOOOOO!!! You can't do this-" And he was gone.

Earth and Clios looked at each other and smiled.
"We did it."
"You sure did," Eternal Sailor Moon said from behind Clios. The two of them whirled around to see the Sailor Senshi, the guardian cats, Tuxedo Kamen, and Demitri standing there behind them.
"Demitri!!!" Earth cried, and threw herself into his arms.
"You were brave, Ell….thank you for saving me and everyone else."
"You're welcome…" Earth said as tears streamed down her face. She then looked at Clios, and she threw her arms around her, both of them crying.
"We did it, Earth, we did it," Clios said.
"Uh, Ellie, one question," Demitri said. Earth turned her head.
"What, love?"
"Can I have my gauntlets back?"

Pheobe and Ellie held the talismens out to Michiru and Haruka. Pheobe smiled "You need these more."
They nodded, accepting the return of the talismans. "So it's finally over." Said Minako.
The others nodded, Ami looked at Usagi. "Does this mean your going to study now?"
Usagi looked at the others. "Now..lets just take this one step at a time."
Demtri sighed. "Well now I can go home and take a nice long nap."
Ellie clung to his arm. "Now...lets not rush it all. I mean, the park seems nice today."
Demitri looked at Ellie. "What the hell are you trying to hide from me?"
"Uh well...that is to say..It's a little out of order right now.."
Pheobe nodded. "Yes...Dark Angel was fighting very fiercly."
"But we fought him back."
Demitri looked at the two. ".....what's the damage?"
Ellie smiled slightly. "Well, you know how you always wanted a balcony?"
"I never..." His face paled as he began to dash for his apartment. Curiously the others followed, hearing the loudest example of profanity Demitri had expressed. "MY APPARTMENT!"
Pheobe grinned, her smile brightening as she looked into the distance. "Damien!"
She ran to meet a tall man with sandy brown hair jumping into his arms as they empraced. She smiled as she approached the others then grinned at Ellie. "Ellie, this is my boyfriend Damien....I suppose your brother."
"Damien blinked. "Brother?...I have a.."
Pheobe smiled, placing her fingers to his lips and kissing him. Damien looked at Mamoru for help. Mamoru just nodded, grinning. Damien shrugged placing his hand on Ellie's shoulder, his arm around Pheobe's waist.
"It appears we have some catching up to do."
Ellie nodded, smiling.