Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Darkness ❯ Chapter 14
Arthur: Sorry for the wait, but I just started school. Plus I was being lazy, so enjoy the chapter! ^_~
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this fic!!
The two girls limped their way out of the alley way and onto the street. They walked home not caring about the looks people gave them or their whispers. Soon the two girls were on the front stoop of their home.
Serena's legs became weak causing her to collaspe to her knees, bringing Rei down with her. Serena leaned her head on Rei's shoulder as Rei knocked on the door. The door swung opened to be met with the horror stricken expression of Hotaru.
"Help!", whispered Rei as she held onto Serena tightly. The two girls held pain filled expressions as they leaned on each other for support.
"Oh my gosh, Serena Rei what happened?", exclaimed Hotaru as she ran up to the duo. The young girl leaned down to their eye level. Rini came up behind Hotaru and yelped in surprise.
"What happened?", yelled the pink haired girl. She looked over the wounds before she bent down like Hotaru had.
"Come on Rini, help me bring them inside.", replied Hotaru. Rini nodded her head and moved towards Serena as Hotaru went to Rei.
Rini lifted one of Serena's arms and drapped it around her shoulders. She put her arm around Serena's waist and slowly lifted the girl. Rini looked towards Hotaru and Rei and saw that Hotaru was doing the same.
They group of four walked slowly inside the house. Hotaru and Rini practically carrying the two hurt vampires as they walked into the living room.
When they entered they saw Setsuna talking quietly to her daughter Amy. Setsuna looked up and her eyes widened in shock. Amy looked at her mother in confusion before she looked into the direction in which her mother was staring intently at.
Amy looked over and soon her face resembled her mother's with an shocked expression. Setsuna shot off the couch she was sitting on and rushed over to the two broken vamps.
"Oh my God! W-w-what happened!", exclaimed Setsuna looking over the horrable and painful looking wounds. Setsuna reached out a hand and lightly touch one of Serena's cuts that were along her chest. Serena winced as she bit her bottom lip as not to cry out in pain.
There was a loud shriek which made everyone turn towards the doorway. Michelle stood in the doorway with a hand covering her mouth and tears welling up in her eyes. Amara stood next to her with wide eyes.
The two women walked over to the group not believing what they were looking at.
"What the hell happened?", growled Amara as she looked over the two children. The more wounds she saw the more her anger began to build.
"We were attacked by two slayers.", whispered Serena as she leaned her head on Rini's shoulder for support.
"Why didn't you come home like you promised!", replied Michelle as she openly let her tears fall.
"We tried but they cornered us.", replied Serena.
"Then if they had you cornered, how did you escape?", asked Amara. Amara went to Serena as Michelle went to Rei. The two women picked up the girls and held the into their arms.
"Serena killed them.", answered Rei. Michelle and Amara looked at each other with knowing expressions, which caused Setsuna and her daughters to be confused.
Amara looked at Serena and saw that the girl had her head burried in the crook of her neck. The young girl was shaking from the tears racking her body.
Amara looked worriendly towards her daughter as Serena lifted her head to look at her. Serena had tears rolling down her face. She sniffled a couple of times before she spoke.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.", whispered Serena as she yet again burried her face in Amara's neck. Serena cried and Amara held the girl as tight as the girl could handle.
"No Serena, you shouldn't be sorry. It okay.", replied Amara as she rocked the girl in her arms and lightly stroked the girls back to console her.
Amara felt Serena's body stop shaking. She lifted the girl's head to look at her face. Amara slightly smiled as she saw that Serena was fast asleep.
"She must of past out from the pain and blood loss.", remarked Amara as she looked over towards Michelle and Rei. Rei too had pasted out.
"Come on, let's bring them to the medical room ASAP.", remarked Setsuna. Amara and Michelle nodded their heads and followed after Setsuna. Rini, Hotaru and Ami looked at each other before they looked after Serena and Rei worriedly.
Rini and Hotaru ran upstairs to change their know blood stained clothes. Ami stayed in the living room staring at a book she was reading earlier. But, if you looked closely you could see that her eyes were looking at the book but they held an far off expression.
There were soft clatter of shoes as three women walked down the dark halls of Setsuna's home. Michelle looked down at Rei's face and slightly caressed the unconcious girl's cheek. She didn't mind that blood wiped onto her hand, all she cared about was that her two little girls are injured and by those damned slayers.
Amara looked at Michelle and saw the the different emotion's that played her apon her features. Amara looked down at Serena who she had grown close to over the years. Amara slightly kissed Serena on the cheek and held the limp girl closely to her chest. She would get revenge on them slayers for hurting her girls.
'Nobody messes with her children except for her.', thought Amara as she continued her way down the dark and eerily quite halls.
Setsuna watched from the corner of her eyes as she looked at the two women. She sighed slightly to herself as she continued her way to the medical room.
Apon reaching it, Setsuna opened up the large woodened doors and held it wide for Amara and Michelle. Amara and Michelle slightly bowed their heads in thanks and than hurriedly walked inside the rather large room.
The two women looked around the room that they haven't seen before. It was a large white room with several beds with white sheetings. Their were some tables that had medicals tools on them and other important things.
"Please put them over their.", replied Setsuna as she pointed towards the beds in the back of the room. Amara and Michelle complied to the request and brought the girls to the beds. They placed them down gently as Setsuna walked over towards them.
"Maybe you should leave while I'll clean them up, okay?", replied Setsuna. Amara nodded as she pulled the distressed looking Michelle out of the room.
Setsuna sighed as she looked over the wounds. 'How could someone do that to children.', thought Setsuna as she went got to business.
After Amara and Michelle came out of the room, Michelle spun aroound and grabbed hold of Amara. The smaller woman's body racked with sobs as she sunk to her knees still holding onto Amara.
Amara bent down quickly and held onto her lover. She rubbed Michelle's back and let the woman cry for all she was worth.
What felt like an eternity which may have been an half-hour, Setsuna walked out of the room. She had sweat beaded across her forhead as she looked towards Amara and Michelle. Setsuna cleared her throat which gained the two women's attention.
"So how are they?", asked Michelle.
"They're fine. Some broken bones, deep cut wounds.", replied Setsuna. Michelle sighed happily at the fact that something didn't go wrong.
"Well thay can go up to their bedroom. Ami is going to move in with Molly as Melvin will have his own room.", replied Setsuna as she let Amara and Michelle enter the medical room.
Amara and Michelle rushed over towards the two sleeping girls who were all bandaged up and were lying naked underneathe the thin sheets.
Setsuna left the room to go talk to Ami, Molly and Melvin about the rooming arrangements.
"Come on, let's take them upstairs.", said Amara as she lifted Rei off the bed with the sheets intacted. Michelle nodded in agreement as she lifted Serena in her arms in the same manner.
The two woman brought the girls out of the medical room, up the stairs and into their bedrooms. Amara and Michelle placed the girls on two seperate beds as they went to get Pj's for the girls. When they came back they dressed the girls and were about to leave when they heard them whimper.
The two women came back into the room and saw that Rei and Serena were shifting restlessly on their beds. Form the looks of it, they looked as if they were trying to find each other. Amara looked at Michelle which Michelle too returned the look.
Amara walked over to where Serena slept and picked up the girl. She walked over to where Rei slept and placed the girl gently on the bed next to Rei.
As if they were magnents, the two girls clung to each other tightly. Rei was laying on the pillows with Serena half way on top of her her. They both had had their arms wrapped around each other tightly as they slept.
Michelle smiled at the quite scene as Amara grinned boyishly. The two women walked out the room and closed the door quietly behind them.
Arthur: Thanks for the reviews!! Anyway I hoped you liked and Puh-puh- puh leaze revview me or e-mail me at