Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Death and Rebirth ❯ Death and Rebirth 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Death and Rebirth

Chapter thirteen:

Juban Central Hospital:

Hotaru was really worried. Up to a few minutes ago, she had sensed something wrong was happening to Carlos. Now she felt nothing, as if someone had yanked a plug in her head. She had tried to sneak away but Reiko was unusually attentive today. All she could do was wait and hope.


Karasu no shi was just a couple of feet away from decapitating Sailor Moon! Lucky for her, a row of roses appeared between the two, stopping the warrior.

"You're under a trance Karasu!" Tuxedo Kamen yelled as his cane intercepted the black katana, "Snap out of it!" The undead teen said nothing, with a blank stare, he began the duel.

Chris watched the encounter from a safe distance; he pressed an area just behind his right ear. "Are you sure about this Kara?" That transmission device Hawkins had installed felt weird. "We were ordered to take the kid back to the compound immediately."

"I know," Kara answered into her communicator, "But Allen wasn't counting on the senshi. And besides, rubbing them out of the picture will certainly help us."

"I guess," the cyborg agreed, "but I would've enjoyed some quality time with those scouts." Kara face-faulted.

Sailor Moon watched anxiously as her prince fought. True, she hadn't seen Karasu in action much, but she could tell that the trance had diminished his fighting skills somewhat. "Mercury, can you figure out a way to release Karasu from whatever's holding him?"

"I'm afraid not," Mercury responded, "That woman damaged my visor severely. I'd have to turn back and henshin again in order for it to work properly." The princess sighed in defeat. She had considered using the ginzuishou, but had no idea whether it would destroy the boy or not. Then she realized there was one senshi who could probably do something. She activated her communicator to find out that said senshi was already on her way. Sailor Moon didn't waste time wondering over the coincidence, she was too glad to.

Sailor Jupiter tried to jump-kick Karasu but was grabbed by her ankle and thrown away. The warrior had lost part of his skill but not his strength, plus, Blaze's scorching had taken a lot out of her. She helped Tuxedo Kamen back to his feet, who had crashed beside her a moment ago.

"I just hope he's unable to use that technique of his, otherwise we'd be in real trouble." The prince glanced at the drone frappe around and silently agreed. Karasu took a swing with his weapon, this time Kamen intercepted and countered with a kick.

"What we should be worried about is what these people are planning to do with Karasu." He looked yonder at Chris and figured out he was the answer to this dilemma. Kara had conveniently kept herself out of sight. "This is going to require teamwork. Jupiter, hold Karasu down after I anchor him!" The thunder senshi didn't quite understand but nodded. Tuxedo Kamen made a high jump towards the warrior, his cane extended and went through the undead teen, pinning him to the ground; not a sound came from his dark lips. The prince landed and charged towards the cyborg, blinding him with rose petals and finally tackling him down.

"Release Karasu, know!" he commanded.

"I don't take those kind of orders, pretty boy," Chris replied as he picked himself up, "Besides, it's the boss who mixes up all that voodoo shit," he extended his claws, "but you'll have no chance of meeting him!" and attacked. Kamen sidestepped and raised his arm, then brought down his elbow upon the cyborg's skull. The result backfired; he didn't consider the metal plate. "Ha, you'd think you'd knock me unconscious? Guess again." He grabbed Kamen from behind and sent a small but painful electric surge through his body. "I know the meatball-head is your favorite, pretty boy," Chris mocked, "but don't worry. The gang and I will take very good care of her after you're-GAHH!"

"Caw!" "Caw!" The twins pecked into the back of Chris' neck then flew off before he could counter. The prince felt his grip loosen and got away quickly.

"Damn it!" he cursed as he swatted at air, "I don't care what the boss said, I'm going to grab that kid and-" a wave of negative energy surged through the area, and this time he could feel it through all his circuits. He turned to look at the source and, for the first time in many days, shivered.

Kara surveyed all of the action from up above. Sailor Moon and Mercury hadn't gotten to their feet for some reason, maybe this armor was stronger than she expected; Blaze was still frozen, the worthless moron; and Karasu no shi was giving Sailor Jupiter and Tuxedo Kamen a hard time. She watched in amazement as Karasu was skewered, and the fact that he didn't even peep chilled her. Jupiter ran over to keep him still but didn't have much luck, oh well. The mocha-skinned woman placed her attention on Tuxedo Kamen and Chris. The former tried to knock the latter out but ended up injuring his arm. Kara pouted, it was really a shame for such a handsome man to die, especially at the hands of that pig. Then she felt something in her hand start to vibrate; she took a look at the crystal and discovered that it was shimmering wildly. She turned her eyes back towards Karasu and saw another senshi.

As soon as Tuxedo Kamen landed, Sailor Jupiter sprinted towards the impaled Karasu, planning to keep him still until everything was resolved. However, having a cane through him didn't seem to affect the warrior at all. He backhanded Jupiter away then broke the cane with a karate chop. The thunder senshi stumbled back but didn't fall. She came forward once more, only to see a gun barrel aiming between her eyes. She heard it cock, chikuso.

"Rin, pyou, tou, sha, kai, jin, retsu, sai, zen. Akuryou taisan!" Sailor Mars chanted as she placed the seal. Venus grabbed her brunette friend and pulled her away as the bullet zinged past them!

"Go on, get out of here while you've got the chance!" Mars shouted.

"We're not letting you face him alone!" the blonde replied.

"Don't worry the seal should-" a guttural grumble silenced her. The trio looked up and began to back away as the undead warrior reached up with difficulty and tore the paper seal from his face. The fire senshi was stunned for a second, then quickly went into a battle stance, the others followed suit. But instead of resuming his attack, Karasu just stood there shaking from fury.

"I…I…" Karasu tried to speak. Countless thoughts and memories swirled uncontrolled in his head. Seeing that the seal was off, Kara tried to regain control.

"Karasu, destroy the senshi!" The warrior roared in response; he felt as if his head was about to explode. The command tore through his skull like a white-hot iron. It hurt, but he tried to get his head in order. It wasn't working; the chaos was too great to be harnessed. Until he came up to one particular thought.


The jewel that Kara was holding shattered and an explosion surrounded Karasu no shi. The senshi trio was blasted away and had their fall broken by Sailor Moon and Mercury who had approached to help. Everyone present, heroes and villains witnessed as waves of dark energy could be seen forming a vortex around the undead warrior. When it was over, Karasu was breathing heavily and everyone was stunned.

The first to react was Kara, she dove and fired four times; two hit Karasu on the chest, one shattered the ice in which Blaze was trapped and the final one got Tuxedo Kamen's arm. She zoomed by the redhead picking him up, while Sailor Moon ran over to aid her husband and Chris made his getaway.

"Mamo-chan! Are you all right? Please say you are, please!" the princess begged through tears.

"I'm fine Usako, it's just a flesh wound," Kamen replied as he changed into Chiba Mamoru. "What about Karasu? He took it worse than me."

"I'd say he's fine," Makoto deadpanned, "He's already gone."

"Well anyway," Usagi said, "At least we've learned that it's him these people are after. They failed now and we have to make sure they do so again next time." She turned towards the shrine maiden, "Rei-chan, think you can talk some sense into him? Next time we meet him that is."

"I don't know Usagi," Rei answered, "I don't think it was the seal what caused that. But I'll talk to Setsuna-san and give it a shot." She turned to Minako, "Wanna come along Mina-chan?"

"Huh? I thought we-" Minako then noticed her friend's glimpse, she followed her line of vision, "Hai, I'll come with you. I'm sure Setsuna-san will come up with a good plan."


"No offense Ami-chan."

"None taken. And as for you," the azure-haired girl said to Mamoru, "We better treat that wound before it does turn into something serious."

"As you command Dr. Mizuno," he joked. A quick planning, short good-byes and each group went their way.


In the meantime, Allen Poe was getting ready for another encounter with Setsuna Meioh. The multi-million dollar corporation was quite important to his schemes, and obtaining good contacts such as the young astronomer, was very important. Although his interest in Setsuna was quite a particular one.

"Meioh-san has arrived sir," the usher announced.

"Send her in," Poe ordered as he checked some last details in his appearance.

"Konnichi wa Poe-san," Setsuna greeted with a bow, "I'm glad to make your acquaintance once more."

"Likewise, I've heard that you and your colleagues are already making great advancements in your field of investigation."

"Hai, we even held a small celebration. Which you were invited to I believe."

"Yes, unfortunately my duties overweighed my desire to attend. And speaking of festivities," Poe picked up an envelope from a nearby desk, "this is for you." The emerald haired woman took it warily and opened it. It was and invitation to 'Darks Feather's' anniversary in three days. "I already invited you over the phone, this written version will confirm it to the ushers. You can bring along anyone you wish, friends or family." With a grin he added: "Up to ten, it may seem otherwise but I'm not made out of money."

Setsuna raised an eyebrow, the number of people seemed too much of a coincidence, but she dismissed that. "Domo arigato Poe-san. But you could have just mailed it instead of going through the trouble of handing it personally," she glanced out through the glass pane, "especially at a sumo match."

Indeed, both were inside the VIP box of an arena. By the somewhat dark ambiance, the former gate-guardian could deduce Allen Poe owned it.

"It is a martial art I've become quite fond of," he explained as he offered a seat, "Let me explain the reason. Each round lasts nearly half an hour, ceremony, rice tossing and all that. The real action, takes only a few seconds and that's when the winner is chosen," he neared the window, "History has proven it, no matter how long an event takes or how much planning you put into a scheme, it is the final moment that determines victory." Both of them watched the match take place. The judge gave the signal and the two wrestlers tackled each other. The encounter was quite exciting, but just as Poe had said, very short. "What will happen in the end? That is the question that goes through the combatants' minds, through anyone's mind. I have worked hard to get where I am now Miss Meioh and I can assure you, in the end I will not lose." Setsuna couldn't help the chill down her spine at the tone his voice was acquiring, nor jump a little when a creepy tune came out of his belt. "My cel-phone," he explained, "yes? ... What? How?" Allen growled and clenched his chest, "No, go to the compound and I'll meet you there!" Suddenly he went into a coughing fit.

"Poe-san, are you all right?" Setsuna rushed over to help but was shoved away violently. It took a while until Poe regained composure.

"Something important has come up. I'm sorry but I must leave right away."

"Hai. Is there any way I can help?" the emerald-haired woman offered.

"No, thank you. This isn't the first time I've had to deal with a crisis." The door opened. "The usher will escort you outside. Good day Miss Meioh." Setsuna bowed and left. Poe slammed his fist onto the table and took a few deep breaths. The final moments are what matter; the problem is you never know which moment is final.


In an alley not far from the battlefield, Carlos Navarro was recovering from whatever he just went through. Kashaku and Artemis were with him. The bird kept a sharp lookout for the twins' return. Both animals talked amongst themselves, since their human companion was in a very nasty mood.

"Do you think he'll be all right?" Artemis asked a bit more nervous than worried.

"It is hard to tell, sir Artemis," the guardian responded, "Many warriors have been dominated in such fashion in the past, and very few have managed to regain self-control. And we must keep in mind that he is a warrior unlike many others."

"Tell me about it. If he managed to keep Tuxedo Kamen and Sailor Jupiter at bay under a trance, I don't want to imagine what he fights like normally."

"Neither do I. By the way sir Artemis, I happened to sense something queer about the area where the encounter took place. As if the dimensional threads had been…ripped."

"Hai, and there is a reason for it," the cat explained, "That place was where Mugen Gauken school used to stand. It was the sight of the sailor senshi, more precisely, Sailor Saturn's fight against Pharaoh 90."

"You mean that is where he was defeated?" the bird asked in amazement, "And by lady Saturn?" That sort of news was known among many people in the universe. Only the whereabouts and person responsible for Pharaoh's demise had remained a mystery.

"She was the best one for the job at the time." Artemis gave a sniff, "Well, it seems Mina-chan has finally decided to arrive."

"Caw." "Caw."

Carlos looked up at the twins, and then at Rei and Minako as they approached. "Copycats."

"And we're glad to see you too," the shrine maiden quipped, "Seriously, how do you feel?"

"Like new-year's hangover," the boy replied groggily, "What the hell did that armored bitch use on me?"

"Magic obviously," Artemis said, "You're lucky I'm such a good tracker, otherwise you would've ended up a puppet."

"Sí, gracias. So what now?" he asked to no one in particular.

"Now," Minako answered, "We hide you away for a few days."

"Qué?" Carlos replied in an insulted tone, "I am Karasu no shi, and I don't cower or hide from anyone just like that. Especially not from a couple of pendejos like Chris and Blaze."

"Hear her out warrior," Kashaku warned, "Remember how I suspected a mage's hand at work? Well, now it's confirmed, and none of us knows how to handle something like that."

"Okay, okay," Carlos said annoyed, "I guess Señorita Hino could come with us to the nest and stick around some of her paper thingies."

"They're mystic seals!" Rei corrected in an annoyed tone.

"And heading back to your place isn't such a good idea," the blonde added, "Look, they've sent armed commandos first, and now they called you up with a spell. Staying at that creepy place of yours is an open invitation for more trouble."

"I would hope so, I want to get this vengeance thing over with as soon as possible," the boy sighed defeated, "But you're right. What do you suggest Señorita Aino?"

"That you stay at Rei-chan's."

"Qué?" "Caw?"

"Nani? Why me of all people?"

"There are several reasons Rei-chan," the blonde explained with a cheerful wink, "It has to be with someone who knows Carlos-kun's identity, it's way too soon for him to stay with Hotaru-chan-"

"Hey!" Carlos protested, but the self-named cupid went on.

"Your wards should keep him safe from any more magic and being at your place is very relaxing. Carlos-kun could use that."

"I agree on that lady Venus. What do you say lady Mars?"

"I'm not sure," Rei replied as she bit a fingernail, "There won't be any trouble keeping you a secret from the others, not with your abilities, and there is plenty of room at the temple."

"Don't worry about accommodations, I don't sleep," the boy said with an assuring tone, "and I don't need to eat either so don't worry about food either."

"And there's another pro!" Minako beamed, "You don't even have to worry about money."

"I may be careful about economy," Rei huffed, "But I'd also like to be considered a good hostess!" The blonde giggled mischievously while the undead teen and the animals chuckled, all of which didn't help the maiden's humor. "Che, I guess he is invited to stay. What do you say, Carlos-san?"

"I don't really agree to this, but if Hotaru were here I'm sure she'd convince me to do so." He gave a firm nod, "It's a deal."

"Great!" Minako exclaimed, "You two go to the temple and I'll inform Setsuna-san and Hotaru-chan."

"Mina-chan, if you don't mind I'd like to go with them," Artemis requested, he really enjoyed his conversations with the guardian. "How are your wings Kashaku-san?"

"A little better, thank you sir Artemis. But not enough to fly I'm afraid."

"Then I'll carry you," Rei said as she picked him up. I just hope Phobos-chan and Deimos-chan don't feel jealous. "Are you ready to go Carlos-san?" But he was already gone.

"He never seems to grow tired of that," Minako observed. "If you're listening Carlos-kun," she said out loud, "while you're staying at Rei's, make sure you knock before entering a room." She ran off before Rei could retort.

"What did lady Venus mean by that warning?"

"Never mind."


Whirlpool compound:

Allen Poe was out of his business attire and once again wearing a cloak and hair undone. Kara, Chris and Blaze stood before his desk awaiting the worst. Their leader waited a while before finally speaking.

"Tell me, in as few words as possible, how did the Karasu manage to break free."

"It's my fault Allen," Kara began, "The sailor senshi were there and I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to test Karasu in-"

"HOW DID HE BREAK FREE?" Poe exploded.

"Sailor Mars used a seal," the dark-haired woman answered with her voice shrunk. Poe sank into his chair.

"I did take Sailor Mars' abilities into consideration, she shouldn't have been able to vanish my spell."

Blaze sneezed, "Maybe the sailor chicks are stronger than you thought boss." Both lovers shot icy stares at the redhead. "Shutting up." Another sneeze.

"I'm tired," Poe announced after a short moment, "leave."

"What, you're not going to give us failures a lesson?" Chris asked with snide.

"Not even melting your implants into needles, heating them white-hot and shoving them into your eyes would make me feel better. Leave."

The cyborg may have been a bastard, but he wasn't stupid. He left while he still had the chance, his two companions following closely. Just as she was about to go through the door, Kara came to a halt,

"Allen, I just thought of something that might make you feel better."

"Look for someone out on the street Kara, I'm really not in the mood."

"For once, that's not what I'm thinking," the woman huffed. "I heard Karasu shout out something as the jewel blew up. 'I promised her', he said." Allen raised an eyebrow. "It's not much, but it might be something," she said as she finally left the room.

Allen Poe took a deep breath and recited a mantra. He had to get to the Karasu somehow; he'd come too far! Then he remembered something from Chris' and Blaze's field-test and added it to what his lover had just said. Allen jumped up and pressed the button on the intercom. "Hawkins, get my contacts at the police. We've got some investigation to do." He dropped back into the chair cackling, "Karasu no shi, I do believe you've made yourself a terrible weakness."


Shigeru rechecked the budget he'd just planned. There was very little chance of Seiryu getting back on its feet, so he and Makoto had decided to quit altogether. And in his book, this meant times of strife. Sure his job at that restaurant was steady and he could easily get another job as a teacher soon, plus his Mako-chan had a large savings account. But it always helped to be wary. He heard the door open and saw his fiancée enter.

"Did you have any luck using Ami-san's program?" he asked.

"Not the kind of luck we were expecting," the brunette answered, "we ran into Karasu no shi and his opponents." She went on to relate the entire incident. Once she was done, Shigeru's face buried into his hands.

"Mako-chan, sometimes I don't know whether it would be better to wonder where you disappear to, or to worry what you could be facing as a senshi."

"And I'm glad that you decided to stay after all that was revealed. I couldn't stand the idea of you leaving me." They shared a long, loving kiss. When they broke it off, the brunette glimpsed at the papers on the coffee table. "Andre-chan, you're not still worried about money are you?"

"It doesn't hurt to do so. Besides, we want to save enough to get that flower shop of yours."

"Our flower shop," Makoto corrected.

"Yours," Shigeru insisted, "you know that I can even make weeds whither." The tall brunette shook her head. The phone rang and she went over to pick up. While he waited, Shigeru picked up a piece of paper; this one had nothing to do with money though.

"That was Setsuna-san, she's just gotten the written invitation for the 'Dark Feather' celebration and she's letting everyone know. Better get your best tie ready."

"Actually," Shigeru said in an apologizing tone, "I was meaning to tell you something. The restaurant I work at got commissioned to prepare the food at that event."

"Nani?" Makoto whined, "You mean we'll have to work while everyone else has fun?"

"Ie, you're safe. The head-chef didn't let me bring you along to the job, so you can have all the fun you want with Usagi-tachi."

"It's not going to be fun if you're not there," the brunette complained as she latched herself onto him. "I guess Setsuna-san will only bring along nine people instead of ten." Her eyes suddenly lit up, "Unless we can get Hotaru-chan a date! Andre-chan, you still have those papers regarding her sempai, ne?"

"Hai," he showed her the paper he'd picked up a moment ago, "but it won't do any good. I've searched high and low, and I just can't seem to locate his parents or even his address. I tell you Mako-chan, it's like the bambino just came out of nowhere." Shigeru looked at his love straight in the eye. "Are you sure those two should get involved with one another?" Makoto rested her head upon his chest before answering.

"A few years ago I would've been as sure as a child could be. Now that I've met you I know I'm truly sure. They're meant for each other, just like Usagi and Mamoru, Michiru and Haruka," she pecked him on the nose, "you and me."

"I guess I should take your word for it." Shigeru rubbed Makoto's back for a while, just enjoying her company. "I just realized, this is the first afternoon off we have together and we don't have any plans."

"Hai. What do you want to do?" She looked up and saw a familiar gleam in his eyes. "Hmm, sound good to me," she cooed.


Outer's Manor, after sunset:

Haruka was sitting on the couch staring at nothing, on her hand she held a drink that had hardly been touched. Her eyes revealed worry and her head was boggled, this is how Michiru found her.

"Do you want to talk about what's bothering you?" the aqua-haired senshi asked her love. She sat down beside her.

"I'm afraid to do so," Haruka answered quietly after a while, "Afraid that you'll get angry at me again."

"I'll admit I was mistaken to treat you that way," Michiru replied, "but angry or not, I care for you. Now tell me what's wrong."

"All right, it's about Hime-chan and Navarro being together."

"Oh that," Michiru said recalling the way they found those two this morning, "We can't really scold Hime-chan for acting that way. Not with the example we give her."

"It's not that. It's what Navarro told me earlier." Michiru sat up to listen. "He told me that I couldn't always be there to protect her. And her encounter with Karasu proved his words." She dropped her head into her hands and let the glass fall on the floor. "Some sailor senshi I am."

"We are not perfect," Michiru told her love, "No matter how hard we try, there will be times when we fail." She lifted the sand-blonde's face, "But Hime-chan succeeded. She made Karasu no shi witness his own madness and saved him from it."

"And it nearly cost her life!" Haruka exclaimed, "How can I be calm knowing that? Not to mention that hentai gaijin, who always seems to make his way close to her. And the worst part is that she naïvely let's him have his way-" she was silenced by a finger on her lips.

"Hotaru-chan is a smart girl and she's a lot stronger than we give her credit for. If she feels so at ease with Carlos-san, we should trust her." Her expression turned serious, "And regarding Karasu, it will be very hard considering what he did, but I will still take my chances and trust him." Michiru went quiet and awaited an answer.

"Why can't I think the same way as you two?" Haruka sighed, "Look, I'll do my best to control myself next time I see him, for Hime-chan's and your sake, deal?"

"Deal," the violinist replied cheerfully, "And if its not too much trouble, try to accept the idea of Carlos-san becoming her friend."

"All right, all right," Haruka replied grumpily, "Just don't ask me to like it." Michiru giggled and laid her head on Haruka's shoulder.

"Well, I'm glad to see you two making up with each other," Setsuna said as she entered, "But why that face Haruka-san?"

"Hime-chan and Carlos-san," Michiru told her. The mocha-skinned woman nodded. "Well, better start making dinner. Maybe I'll make Hime-chan's favorite and take some to the hospital tomorrow." She went into the kitchen.

"And I have some paperwork to do," Setsuna lied. The truth was: Minako, who said she had new information concerning Carlos Navarro, had paged her. Setsuna was going to call the blonde from upstairs.

"Matte Setsuna-san," Haruka called out as she got up from the couch, "Do you know what a mah-leen-cheh is?" She wanted to know exactly how bad she'd been insulted.

"Malinche was an Aztec princess during the time of Mexico's conquest at the hands of Hernan Cortez," the emerald-haired senshi answered, recalling events she had witnessed, "She was a key element for his victory, and eventually became his wife. Today, Mexicans use her name as an adjective for people who prefer foreign things to what's national. Why do you ask?"

"No reason, it's just a word I heard somewhere." Setsuna nodded and made her way upstairs. Haruka stood there thinking. Malinche, a princess who betrayed her people after being dazzled by a man who offered her greater power. That story sounded familiar to her, painfully familiar. Carlos Navarro should've considered himself lucky that the racer was feeling too depressed to put the pieces together.


Hikawa shrine:

The report the newscast was showing at the moment was not a pretty sight.

"Terror strikes Juban once more. Two teenage girls were found dead this afternoon in their own apartment. The police have no leads onto who or how many people committed this atrocity. Our sources reveal that a stabbing weapon killed the victims and that they also showed third degree burns-" Rei managed to catch the teacup just before it hit the screen.

"I don't watch television much, Carlos-san. But I would appreciate if you didn't smash it to pieces."

"Perdón." Carlos stood there breathing heavily and trying to vent away his anger. He went to the nearest wall and slammed his hands onto it. "Chris and Blaze killed those girls, and it happened last night. I could have stopped them, but no, I was much too busy thinking about my own problems to do something. I was too busy hurting Hotaru!" He took a few more deep breaths in order to calm down. Minako had been right, the atmosphere in this place was helping him a lot. Rei wanted to say something to help him, but no appropriate words came to mind. Lucky for them both, the undead teen looked up and saw something that would take his mind off the matter. "School photo?"

"Hai," the priestess said as she approached, "T. A. Academy for girls."

"You're a Shinto priestess and you attended a catholic school?" Carlos asked as he noticed a pair of nuns, "How did you come up with that combination?"

"My father did actually, he chose that school for me. It did seem awkward at first, but learning about the beliefs of other cultures helped me to better understand my own." Carlos said nothing; he gave a low grumble and went outside to sit on the corridor. Sensing that something was obviously wrong, the raven-haired girl sat down beside him. "Earlier you said that you were an atheist," she reminded him, "Is that true?"

"," Carlos deadpanned, "Up to now, I've seen no evidence of anyone up there watching over and taking care of us. And if there is, he's doing a pretty lousy job if you ask me."

"Well, we don't see divine intervention daily," Rei responded, "but there are a lot people already taking care of humanity. Police, firefighters, doctors, teachers," she turned to the boy, "even people like you and me."

"But why me?" Carlos asked angrily, "Where is it written that my family was the one that had to be murdered and I had to become Karasu no shi?" he banged his fist on a column, "Of all the people in the world, why did it have to be me?" He was very surprised and upset to hear a chortle come from Rei. "What the hell is so funny?"

"Gomen nasai Carlos-san, but I couldn't help finding such coincidence to be funny." The black-haired boy raised an eyebrow and the girl explained. "Four years ago, I was sitting on that same spot and asking myself the same question," she looked up to the stars, "Why me of all people? Why do I get to be stuck working with a brainless odango-head? Why do I have to take part in a war I've never heard of? As time went by I realized that we cannot be given a choice, otherwise there would be no heroes." Seeing that Carlos was getting more puzzled, she continued, "If someone had told you what you would become, describing all the pros and cons. Would you have accepted?"

Carlos thought carefully before answering. "Considering the added strength and near invulnerability, I would've said yes. Although the idea of being a living dead would surely have made me think twice."

"And your answer would've been no, ne?" Rei guessed, "All power comes with a great price, that's why we aren't allowed to choose. If we knew what we had to sacrifice, we would have never become what we are now, and this planet would have become a barren wasteland a long time ago."

Carlos kept quiet for a moment, he got up and walked over to the center of the garden. "What you're saying is, it doesn't matter who becomes a crow or a senshi. What matters is, there has to be one." Rei nodded. "But that doesn't explain why it had to be me!" He turned his back towards her and began a kata.

Rei shook her head sadly, there was still too much anger and confusion in him. Part of her understood this, she could still remember what she felt like shortly after becoming Sailor Mars, and she was even younger. She watched as Carlos threw punches and kicks into the air with fierceness. "Are you going to stay out here a while?" no response, "Okay, just try not to make too much noise while everyone else sleeps. And don't even think about sneaking away, I don't want to face an upset Hotaru-chan," she warned with a wink which the undead boy didn't notice. "Good night Carlos-san," the priestess sighed.

"And he met his end within the flames, the same way as he had condemned so many others with no more excuse than his superstition and ignorance. As the warrior watched the murdering priest burn, she recalled happier moments with her husband and children. Moments that would have continued if it hadn't been for him. She returned to the netherworld with her vengeance satisfied, but saddened because she realized because what she did would not return that hapiness," Kashaku finished the tale, one of a female crow that had existed in the middle ages. All four animals were up in a tree, the twins in their sprite form. Artemis gulped when the story ended.

"That was, uh, quite a tale Kashaku-san," the white cat commented.

"It is one of the most requested by listeners back at Coronis," the guardian narrowed his eyes, "as well as one of the most cheerful ones."

"Then I'm turning in," Phobos said, "Otherwise you'll tell another and I'll have nightmares for weeks. Are you coming Deimos-chan?"

"I'll stay here a little longer," the blue sprite replied, "There's something I want to ask guardian Kashaku. Good night onee-chan."

"Err, hai, good night." Phobos changed and flew off, but only up to a branch a short distance away.

"What did you mean to ask of me, lady Deimos?"

"It's nothing really, just a little favor," she shifted her position a little closer to her guest. "I've been meaning to ask you Guardian Kashaku. Could you teach my sister and I how to use telepathy again?"

"Teach? Is that the reason you keep changing your forms in order to communicate?" He looked down to see his ward and Rei Hino talk.

"They forgot how to talk with their mind after being reborn in this time," Artemis said without thinking. Deimos giggled and blushed; Phobos dug her talons into the branch wishing it was Artemis' back.

"Besides," Deimos added, "as sprites we have to remain hidden, which is quite uncomfortable. And changing forms so often can get tiring."

"I don't know how good a teacher I am lady Deimos, but I'll try my best. And speaking of tired," the guardian yawned, "I know the evening in young and that I might disappoint you, but I better turn in."

"We all should," Artemis agreed, "I wouldn't know how to explain it to Luna-chan if I became too tired tomorrow."

"I guess," the blue sprite sighed. She noticed Kashaku was simply taking a more comfortable position while still perched. "Are you going to sleep out in the open guardian Kashaku?"

"I always do," the bird replied.

"Our birdhouse is over there," Deimos offered, "Princess Mars built it for us, I know you'll like it."

"Ah," Kashaku glanced at the small looking structure and imagined the reduced space inside, "it, umm, looks as if it would be a bit cramped in there."

"Don't worry, I'm sure onee-chan won't mind it getting a little crowded. It will even feel cozier that way." The sprite blushed brightly when she realized what she had implied; Phobos face-faulted and fell off her branch. Artemis tried his best not to snicker.

"I think it would be better if I slept outside. I do prefer it this way," Kashaku said as politely as he could.

"Umm, hai, as you wish Guardian Kashaku," Deimos replied as she turned into a crow. Before flying away, she paused a bit and wondered why Kashaku gave out a breath of relief.

"Better be careful Kashaku-san," Artemis warned, "If I know Rei-chan well, you could upset her a lot. Kashaku-san?" Kashaku was looking down upon his ward, who was now in the yard exercising.

"I'm sorry sir Artemis. You were saying?"

"You're worried about Carlos-san, ne?"

"Yes," Kashaku answered, "I can feel his anger and confusion, but I can also feel that he hadn't given up, and it is my duty keep it that way," he shook his head, "But I ask myself. Will I be able to do it?"

"Of course you will," Artemis assured him, "Luna-chan read something to me once, that because they can fly, birds have always been a symbol of hope. Carlos-san is not going to lose his, I know this because none of us is going to let him." Kashaku raised his head and stared at Artemis, he saw determination in his blue eyes, but also a valuable offer.

"Thank you, sir Artemis," he said simply. The white cat just nodded and climbed down. Kashaku looked down upon his ward once more. "Despite all the mistakes we have committed in the past, things will be better for the warrior tomorrow," he swore to the stars with fierce determination, "I will make sure of that."


Quoth the raven:

Although many people see Malinche as a traitor, this is not entirely true. She was given off as a slave to Cortez, and had no choice in the matter, although she did learn to love him and he became loyal to her.

She convinced Cortez of using negotiation instead of violence, thus saving many lives. And she helped introduce Christianity into Mexico, ending the custom of human sacrifices.

I encourage you to learn more about the history of prehispanic Mexico, as well as from your own country.