Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Eternal Serenity Series ❯ Remembrance ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"Eternal Serenity: Remembrance"
by Lisette
Please send all comments/criticisms to:

Disclaimers: The characters within all belong to Naoko Takeuchi, DIC, Toei Animation and whoever else has rights to them. I own nothing but the story idea found within.

Author's Babble: Please feel free to check out any of my other fics at Also, any comments/criticisms would be greatly appreciated at the e-mail address listed above.

Rated: PG-13

"Eternal Serenity: Remembrance"

Sighing at the beautiful sight, Serena slowly lifted one hand and reached out, as though she could touch the fiery orb that was slowly rising over the horizon. Smiling, she turned away from the beautiful sunrise and smiled lovingly down at the little girl and black cat that snored quietly beside her on her small bed. "It's so beautiful," she murmured as she slowly turned back to her open window and admired how the light ate away the darkness. She couldn't even remember the last time that she had been up this early to catch a sunrise.

This morning she had no real choice in the matter. Her sleep had been troubled at best, her thoughts whirling so madly around her that letting them all go had been difficult. Reenie was back in her life again and with her appearance brought a multitude of feelings that she couldn't quite decipher. The girl was younger once again and unable to transform, meaning that she was as defenseless as ever... but not quite. When they had fought against the Wise Man, Reenie, through an act of desperation, had learned how to access the deep well of power that marked her as a descendant of the moon -- a very dangerous piece of knowledge.

Later, after hearing what had happened, Luna had told Serena that her future self, Neo-Queen Serenity, had been able to join with Serena because of the crystallized state that she had been in -- an act that had saved both Serena and Reenie's lives. Even though Neo-Queen Serenity had really been running the show, Serena had been a part of it all. She had felt her future self's desire to protect Reenie and had helped her to limit Reenie so that the young princess had only given what the crystal had to give and had never tapped into her own power. By herself, Serena knew that she never would have been able to protect her future daughter... and according to Amy that would have meant Reenie's death.

I love you so much Serena... just like my mother... I have always wished that things could have been different and that you could have been her...

Blinking back tears, Serena quickly started from her thoughts and looked out into the bright sunshine that draped the quiet morning. Shaking her head, she quickly turned away and smiled down at the sleeping little girl. "I'll never let anything happen to you. I promise," Serena vowed as she slid under her light covers once more, wary of the summer heat as she wrapped her arms loosely around the small form. "I'll protect everyone," she murmured as sleep claimed her once again, bringing dreams of a close family friend that she couldn't quite remember.

Tokyo Park

"Are you SURE that Luna is okay with you missing the scout meeting today?" Darien asked once again as they lazily strolled through the quiet park, hand in hand with Reenie skipping in between them.

"Of COURSE I'm sure," Serena quickly responded -- a little TOO quickly. "If I would have told her that I was spending the afternoon with you and Reenie instead of going to the meeting then I'm sure that she would have been okay with it," she amended under her breath as she flashed her boyfriend a brilliant smile.

Shrugging his shoulders, Darien gently swung his hand with Serena, sending Reenie flying into the air before swinging back between them. "It's just that it's so unlike her to let you out of a scout meeting..."

"Yeah, usually she's always trying so hard to get you to show up at the meetings," Reenie added as she was swung out again, causing her to squeal in delight.

"Hey, we're all having a great time, aren't we?" Serena grumbled, unable to keep the frown on her face for too long. "Just like a real family," she murmured wistfully as a large smile played across her delicate features. Laughing softly, Serena watched as the bright sun sparkled down upon Reenie's pink hair, her small smile a permanent fixture on her little face. Turning, she then watched as Darien darted forward, tickling the little girl as his eyes sparkled with love and happiness, his hands arms easily capturing Reenie in his arms. My family Serena thought to herself as she stopped and watched the two in amusement. This is my family.

"Hey Serena!" Reenie suddenly cried as she darted forward and grabbed the older girl's hand, staring up into her bright blue eyes eagerly. "Darien said that he'd buy us some ice cream! What kind do you want?" she asked as she drew Serena over to a crowded ice cream stand, people standing all around as Darien waited patiently.

"Oooh, ice cream!!" Serena squealed as her mouth instantly began to water.

But before anything more could be said, a loud and booming voice broke through the cheerful noises. "Your energy is being gathered for the good of the moon -- my apologies."

Startled, Serena, Darien, and Reenie quickly turned and looked up in shock, seeing the same man in a white uniform and white, spiked hair. With wide eyes, Serena watched as the man raised a hand and began to drain everyone's energy. Crying out, she knew that there was no time to transform and instead lifted her communicator to her lips, pushing the 'all call' button even as she slipped to her knees. "Tokyo park," she whispered as the device slipped from her fingers and cracked against the hard pavement, her body quickly following as she slipped into unconsciousness.

Gasping at the wave of powerful energy, the man found his senses reeling as he staggered under the shock. The crowd of humans that he was draining couldn't have consisted of more than twenty or thirty men, women, and children, yet the energy that he was receiving was so powerful that it felt as though he was receiving energy from all of Tokyo and New York City combined.

As his nerve endings tingled under the rush, he felt that much closer to achieving his dreams. But then his concentration was shattered as a familiar voice rang through the park.. finally.

"Jupiter oak evolution!" Sailor Jupiter called out, her aim exact as the green energy cut close to his hands, instantly stopping the attack. As the rest of the scouts gathered around her, Jupiter watched as the man gently landed on the ground, standing between them and his victims.

"He's formed a shield between us and him," Sailor Mercury muttered as she typed away at her mini-computer, using her visor to scan the distance between them.

"Correct as always, Princess Mercury," the man said quietly as a large smile appeared on his face, his words causing Sailor Mercury to look up in surprise. "Princess Mercury, Princess Mars, Princess Jupiter, Princess Venus," he called out, barely able to contain his joy. "I can't even begin to describe how happy I am that you four survived the apocalypse..." he trailed off as he began walking forward.

"Hold it right there!" Sailor Venus called out, confusion and indecision clouding her bright blue eyes even as golden energy danced on her fingertips.

"But.." he began in hurt confusion as another familiar voice interrupted him.

"Lucent!" Luna cried out in amazement, easily recognizing the man as she scampered beside her scouts.

"Luna! Artemis! You're both alive!" Lucent cried out in amazement, forgetting Venus's words as he took another step forward.

"Stop where you are!" Sailor Mars quickly ordered even as she probed at the man with her senses. The man, Lucent, radiated a deep sadness in overwhelming waves. Over that seemed to lie a thick blanket of shame and guilt that was covered in turn by a bright happiness... yet no evil. The man wasn't evil yet he had done an evil thing... and WHERE WAS THE MEATBALL HEAD THAT HAD DITCHED THE MEETING AND CALLED THEM THERE?!? But in an instant Sailor Mars forgot her anger as Lucent shifted to the side, revealing the answer to her question in a wave of horrid light.

Stunned by the heated cry of Sailor Mars, Lucent stared at her in confusion and watched as the young woman's eyes slid past him and then widened in horror. "Now what?" Lucent murmured in disgust as he quickly turned, knowing that his back would be protected by his shield. Instantly, his dark eyes lit upon a sobbing child with pink hair that slowly crawled out from beneath one of his victims, a tall young man with black hair. Sighing, he felt his guilt nearly double as he realized that the young man had obviously thrown himself on top of the little girl in a desperate attempt to shield her.. an attempt that had paid off. And now the terrified child knelt between the dark-haired man and a slender young woman with two tails of long blonde hair, the two obviously meaning a great deal to her. "I'm so sorry," Lucent whispered even as the blonde's eyes began to miraculously flutter open.

"Reenie?" Serena whispered as she forced her eyes to open, awakened by the little girl's crying. Instantly everything came rushing back to her as she saw Darien unconscious beside her, Reenie by their sides. Remembering her promise from early that morning, Serena slowly stumbled weakly to her feet, standing between the enemy and those that she loved. "I won't let anything happen to you," she vowed through gritted teeth, her eyes narrowed against her weakness.

Shaking his head against the foolishly brave human, Lucent raised his hand, almost against his will, and pointed it at the young woman, all the while wondering how she had the foolish strength to stand against him. And then, as he began to draw energy from the blonde four things seemed to happen at once:

Instantly Lucent staggered under the immense wave of power that he drained from the young woman, finally understanding that she was the source of the great power as he stopped in confusion. This couldn't be any ordinary human...

Yet even as he did this the other sailor senshi and their guardians' voices rang out from behind him. "SERENA!!" they all cried out before calling out their attacks:

"Mars flame sniper!"
"Venus love chain encircle!"
"Jupiter oak evolution!"
"Mercury aqua rhapsody shine!"

And even as their combined attack was absorbed harmlessly by the shield, Reenie sobbed over Darien's still body. "Mommy"! she wailed as she watched as Serena slowly dropped to her knees once again, falling forward until her weak arms supported her weight, her twin plumes of hair hanging beside her downcast head.

As a bright flash of light consumed her tiny form, Serena felt the doors to her memories come crashing open, drowning her in the distant past...

* * * * *

"Mother?" the little Princess Serenity asked as she crawled onto the Queen's lap, careful of her pretty dress.

"Yes, Serena?" Queen Serenity asked, brushing a stray purple strand of hair from her face as she hugged her small daughter to her.

"Why do you call Lucent, Alden?" she asked as she slowly played with some of her blonde hair.

Smiling, Queen Serenity laughed at her beloved daughter's curious expression. "Always the same, Serena, curious as a kitten!" she laughed. Shaking her head, she quickly pondered the little princess's question. "Alden means 'old friend,' which is what he is to our family," she explained, her voice gentle.

Grinning up at her mother, Princess Serenity quickly nodded her head. "Then I shall call him Alden as well!" she declared with a bright smile as she impulsively gave her mother a light kiss.

"Call who Alden?" a loud male voice called out from behind her.

Laughing, Princess Serenity quickly clapped her hands in delight as she jumped from her mother's lap and scurried across the large room, throwing herself into a tall man's waiting arms. "Alden!" she cried out as she wrapped her small arms around his neck, giggling as he ducked his head and brushed her cheek against his spiked white hair.

"My little princess," Alden responded in turn, his stormy gray eyes sparkling with the love that he held for the little girl that he loved like a daughter.

* * * * *

"Alden, why must you go?" Princess Serenity whispered sadly as she held her love, Prince Endymion's hand tightly in her own.

"Because your mother and I want peace between this Queen Beryl and the moon," Alden responded patiently as he opened his arms to the young woman.

Holding back her tears, the princess quickly hurried forward and buried herself in the advisor's embrace. Even though her mother and the others tried to shelter her, she knew that a trip to Earth, Endymion's planet, was a dangerous undertaking.... especially for someone from the moon. "Please be careful," she whispered sadly through her tears.

Smiling gently, Alden hugged her tighter in response before pushing her gently back to the prince, the young man quickly taking her into his strong arms. The two made a good match and he knew that his little princess, so grown up now, would be safe with him. "I will... and I'll even try to make it back in time for your ball next week!" he promised. "Queen Serenity, Luna, Artemis, girls, Prince Endymion.. my little princess," he called out, acknowledging those who had come to see him off, "until we meet again..."

* * * * *

As the tears slowly dripped down her pale face, Serena weakly lifted her head and met Lucent's gray eyes. "Alden?" she whispered, the name coming out more as a choked sob, her eyes bright with hope.

Gasping at the familiar voice that he hadn't recognized before and at the use of a name that he hadn't been called in a long, long time, Alden slowly moved forward until he was standing stiffly before the young woman. Not quite believing it, he gently reached forward and touched the girl in the center of her smooth, unmarked forehead.

Instantly the veil that prevented people from recognizing Serena from her other identities lifted as her moon sigil glowed brightly in the place his finger had touched, her form shifting until she was kneeling as Princess Serenity in her royal gown, only a few years older than he remembered as her golden hair swirled around her in their twin tales that marked her as the royalty of the moon.

As hot tears stung Alden's eyes, he quickly dropped to his knees and crushed the young woman to him. "My little princess," he murmured as they both disappeared in a flash of light.

"SERENA!!" the scouts screamed as they ran forward, no longer restrained by the shield.

"MOMMY!!!" Reenie wailed as a moonbeam erupted from her glowing crescent mark.

"Everyone calm down!" Luna quickly called out as she joined the scouts in the place that Serena and Lucent had just occupied.

"Venus, take care of Reenie," Artemis added as he moved beside Luna, indicating the crying child. "And Mercury, check on Darien and the others."

"What about Serena?" Sailor Mars asked quickly, her eyes flashing in anger.

"Old friend or not, if he touches one hair on her head..." Jupiter threatened, pounding her fist for emphasis.

"Everyone calm down and don't worry," Luna ordered again as she slowly paced through the fallen victims. "The princess will be alright."

Starting at Luna's words, Sailor Venus angrily shook her head as she lifted Reenie into her arms. "Serena," she began, emphasizing their friend's name, "is gone! How do you know that she's gonna be alright?!"

Sighing, Luna quickly dropped her head under the scouts' collective glare. "Because Lucent loves Princess Serenity like a daughter and she as a father..."

"WHAT?!" was the Scouts' collective response.

"Luna, don't you think you could have told us this earlier -- like before he disappeared with Serena!!" Venus cried out as she tried to calm the little girl down.

"I mean, 'loyal to the moon and close to the royal family' don't really mean the same thing as a surrogate father!" Mars hissed as she glared at the cat.

Sighing, Luna merely shook her head as she turned to Sailor Mercury. "How are Darien and the others?" she asked as Artemis rubbed against her flank.

"From what I can tell, because of Darien's link to the Earth as Prince of the Earth, he should be fully recovered within two hours..." Mercury trailed off as she slowly stood.

"And the others?" Sailor Jupiter asked quietly as she nodded at the fallen victims.

"Two to three days," Mercury murmured as sirens could be heard in the distance.

By unspoken agreement the scouts quickly got moving. Sailor Venus, with Reenie held firmly in hand, quickly took to the trees and rooftops, headed back towards Raye's temple. Following her lead, Sailor Mercury quickly scooped up Artemis and Luna as Sailor Mars and Jupiter took Darien under each arm and jumped to safety just as the first police cruiser arrived.

As the light slowly faded away, Alden climbed to his feet, helping Princess Serenity up as her eyes roamed their surroundings. "What are we doing here?" she asked, her voice shaky as she stepped closer to the man that had disappeared from her life so long ago.

"This is where I've been staying for the last few months," Alden replied as he wrapped a reassuring arm around the young woman's pale shoulders.

"But this was Beryl's base in the arctic," Serenity whispered as a wave of horrid memories assaulted her mind as tears came to her eyes. She would never forget this cavernous pit for as long as she lived... it was the place where her Prince Endymion, her Darien, had died saving her.

"How did you know that? Your mother would have never..." he trailed off as he turned the princess until he was staring into the familiar blue eyes that were filled with a deep and abiding sadness and wisdom that Queen Serenity had worked so hard to shelter her from.

As if reading his mind, Serenity smiled sadly at him as she gently squeezed his hand. "It's been a long, long time since I've lived the sheltered life that my mother wanted for me," she whispered as she reached up to touch her crystal, detransforming in a flash of light. "And call me Serena... it's who I am now," she added with a small smile as he brushed his fingers across her smooth and unmarked forehead.

"But your crescent mark," he murmured, frowning thoughtfully as she quickly reached up and grasped his large hands in her small.

"The people do not need a Moon Princess here... they need Sailor Moon to fight for them," she said, smiling brightly as a look of surprise covered his features.

"You mean you were..." he trailed off as Serena nodded her head happily. Smiling, Alden slowly shook his head in wonder. "A sailor senshi of the moon..." he murmured as a thought suddenly occurred to him. "And the young man from yesterday? In the mask?"

"That was Tuxedo Mask, now called Darien... my Prince Endymion," Serena murmured as her expression turned dreamy.

Chuckling softly, Alden quickly drew the young woman into his arms. "I'm happy to hear that you still have your prince by your side," he murmured as he squeezed her gently. "And I'm so proud of you, my little princess," he murmured, realizing that his hopes of the princess being trained in her powers had been achieved.

"Alden, my name's Serena," she giggled happily, content to be safe in the advisor's arms.

"No Serena, you will always be my little princess," he murmured as she pulled away.

"Not so little anymore," she responded in turn as she spun gracefully before him, an act that wouldn't have been possible three years ago when she was still trying to adjust to her long legs and arms, still prone to her infamous klutz attacks, showing off her short white shorts and soft pink tank top.

Nodding his head, Alden smiled at her proud words. "It does seem that my little princess has done some growing up while I've been away," he admitted, noting her leaner form and proud stance that bespoke of her mother more than ever.

At his words, a small frown flitted across her features. "Alden, what happened to you?" she asked, her voice soft as she once more took his hand in hers. "Mother wouldn't tell me what had happened, but I could tell that something had gone wrong... you weren't back for the ball.. for that night... please tell me the truth," she pleaded, not wanting to be sheltered any longer.

Sighing, Alden was tempted to cushion the truth for her as Queen Serenity always wanted, but one look into her sad blue eyes convinced him that she had already seen and heard far worse to hurt her further. "My consortium and I were admitted attendance to see Queen Beryl, but we were naive to think that she would ever accept our offers of peace..."

"She was pure evil," Serena added, her eyes vacant at remembered memories.

Looking strangely at the young woman, he slowly nodded his head. "Yes, and she destroyed my people before my very eyes," Alden murmured, grief shining in his gray eyes. "And then she told me that her forces would destroy the moon and the other planets in one week's time before encasing me in crystal, imprisoned here in this wasteland..." he trailed off as a look of horror covered Serena's lovely features.

"I'm so sorry, Alden," she whispered, tears dripping down her face at the thought of all those years of dreamless sleep that he had been imprisoned here, that she could have set him free and didn't even know it... she had unknowingly left him here alone... left to sleep in darkness. "How... how did you become free? When?"

"About two months ago a group of humans must have stumbled upon me and shattered my crystal prison," Alden explained, not bothering to add that in the massive release of energy all of the humans had been killed. "But enough about me," he quickly interrupted as he began to pace back and forth. "If you, Prince Endymion, Luna, Artemis, and the sailor senshi all live, then are there others? Did Queen Serenity..."

"No," Serena interrupted sadly, knowing what he was going to ask. "While the rest of the people of the Moon may live here on Earth, Mother died in the battle..."

"What happened? What have I missed?" Alden asked slowly, tears stinging his eyes as his little princess confirmed his fears. Upon reawakening his first thought was of the Moon and all those that he loved that he had left there... and he quickly learned through the humans that there was nothing on the moon -- no sign of life... just nothing. He knew then that Beryl had succeeded in her plot and that... and that his Queen and his little princess were dead.

Sighing, Serena closed her eyes as she thought back to her fragmented memories of the past. "A week after you left, on the night of the ball, Queen Beryl and her forces attacked. The scouts and our defenses were nothing compared to her power and we were all killed, the kingdom destroyed, the Silver Millennium ended, and all dead save for my mother, Queen Serenity, and Artemis and Luna. She then used the Imperium Silver Crystal to trap the Negaverse and our spirits within and sent us one thousand years into the future to be reborn."

"You were reborn?" Alden asked, his eyes widening in surprise.

"Yes, as Serena Tsukino. Luna found me three years ago, our memories of the moon sealed away by my mother..."

"So that's why the senshi acted as they did? They didn't remember me?" Alden asked slowly, their odd behavior finally making sense.

Nodding her head, Serena quickly continued. "She taught me to become Sailor Moon and to fight against Queen Beryl, who had been released with our spirits."

"You fought against Queen Beryl?" Alden asked in disbelief.

"As Sailor Moon and with Tuxedo Mask and the sailor scouts we fought," Serena amended with a sad smile. "We won against her in a battle that cost us our lives, but the crystal granted my wish and we lived again. Together we fight to protect this world from evil..." she trailed off as she noticed Alden's strange look. "Alden, what's wrong?"

"Then you have the Imperium Silver Crystal... and you can use it?" he asked quickly, his eyes shining with hope as he quickly squeezed her hands.

"Well... sort of," Serena murmured uncertainly as she looked down. Yes, she had the silver crystal but to use it was a dangerous proposition, something that she did only in the gravest of matters. After all, when fighting as Sailor Moon she used her own vast well of strength, a well that had a sort of built-in safety device that allowed her to give all she could until exhaustion forced her to stop, same as the others. But with the crystal... it overrode that survival instinct. When the crystal had no more to give then it drew upon her until it needed no more or until she was dead. She had a better chance when the scouts gave her their power, but once exhaustion kicked in for the others, then she was on her own once again. It was as though there was some genetic defect that allowed the crystal to keep on draining on those in the moon family, a defect that was passed on through the female line -- which was why it was so dangerous for Reenie to give her power to her when she was using the crystal. It would just recognize her as one who could use its power and drain on Reenie directly as it did with Serena... and with Reenie being so much smaller... it wouldn't take long for the girl's death.... If only Serena could learn how to limit Reenie's input as Neo-Queen Serenity so obviously had.


Broken out of her reverie, Serena slowly shook her head and looked up at Alden with pained and confused eyes. "Alden, why were you draining energy from the people?" she asked, trying not to sound as betrayed as she felt. "That was the trick of Beryl...."

"The only good thing that I learned from her..."

"Good?!" Serena gasped in disbelief, shaking her head quickly. "Alden, what you're doing is wrong!"

Wincing at her words, Alden slowly nodded his head. "I know Serena, but it's the means to a better end."

"A better end? What better end could possibly justify stealing the energy from a park full of innocent children and their families?" Serena screeched as she stomped her foot for emphasis.

Sighing, Alden slowly shook his head. "The first time was just a test to see if I could do it," he murmured quietly, "and while I didn't recognize you or Prince Endymion, I recognized the sailor senshi..." he trailed off as a look of wonder covered his features. "Although it still amazes me that out of all of the parks in the world to test this on, I'd just happen to pick the park in the city that you are all at!"

Smiling wryly, Serena quickly shook her head. "Yeah, all nega-creeps seem to have that prob-- oops!!" she squealed as she quickly slapped her hand against her mouth. "Hehe... no offense," she muttered as she smiled apologetically at her friend.

Laughing, Alden quickly shook his head. "I suppose that I deserved that..."

"You did," Serena added stubbornly, a small glimmer of laughter peeking out from beneath her frown.

Smiling, Alden gently squeezed her small shoulder as he continued. "This second time was the only way that I could think of to get the senshi's attention so that we could talk..."

"But what were you 'practicing' for in the first place?" Serena asked, trying to understand what would make such a good person do such a bad thing.

"Because I know of a way to resurrect the Silver Millennium!" Alden answered proudly, enjoying his little princess's surprise.

"WHAT?!" Serena screeched as Alden quickly grabbed her shoulders and bore his steel gray eyes into her blue.

"I found a book in Beryl's little 'library' that gives a spell that is capable of bringing the moon back to life! Of rebuilding our kingdom.... of resurrecting those lost in the battle!!" he hissed, his eyes glittering with the prospect.

"My... my mother?" Serena asked weakly, her eyes filling with tears.

Nodding, Alden quickly crushed Serena to him, holding her in a smothering embrace as she sobbed into his chest. "Yes, my little princess. I can bring your mother back to life, our Queen Serenity."

"But... how?" Serena whispered as she pulled her tear stained face away and searched his eyes earnestly, looking desperately for the catch that she knew must exist.

"I merely speak the incantation aloud and then instigate the gathering of energy from everyone on Earth in one swoop, allowing them to power the spell..."

"But... but that's wrong," Serena murmured as she pulled away, wiping at her tears.

"It's the means to a better end," Alden repeated. "Is anyone really hurt by the energy drains?" he asked.

"Well... they're so weak and have to go to the hospital," Serena murmured, her voice growing uncertain.

"But is anyone really hurt?" Alden asked again, a knowing smile on his lips. "Aren't they all as good as new within a couple of days, their energy returned?" he persisted.

Closing her eyes, Serena nodded weakly as a single tear slid down her pale cheek. "But Alden, it's wrong to take their energy!" she protested, her delicate sense of right and wrong unable to cope with the thought.

"Serena," Alden murmured patiently as he stepped forward and forced her chin up until he was staring into her bright blue eyes, "wouldn't it be worth it to have the people of Earth be fatigued for a few days if we could rebuild our kingdom? Think about it... your mother's life for a few days rest for the humans!"

Whimpering, Serena slowly turned her head to the side. "But.. but your body wouldn't be able to handle that much energy!" she weakly protested.

"My death would be a worthy sacrifice for the lives of my people," Alden stated calmly, meeting Serena's wide blue eyes. "For my queen... but don't you see?" he quickly asked, his excitement growing. "My death's not even needed anymore! I can teach you how to draw on everyone's energy and with the crystal's help you'll be able to do this..."

"You want me to use the silver crystal to steal energy?" Serena gasped, aghast at the very thought of it.

"You wouldn't be harmed," Alden quickly assured as the young woman began to slowly shake her head.

"I can't use the silver crystal for that!" she protested as she tried to back away.

Sighing, Alden slowly shook his head. "Serena, I am sending you back to the park now," he murmured as he pulled the young woman close and hugged her tight, knowing that now all she needed was time to herself to sort through what had been said.. and time to talk it over with her friends. "I'll give you one week to think about what I've said. One week from today I will meet you and the others by the lake in the park at sunset," he whispered, his lips by her ear.

"But Alden..."

"Think about it, my little princess," Alden interrupted as the girl began to shimmer. "Two days of fatigue in exchange for your mother's life and your kingdom... it's your decision," he murmured as she disappeared in a flash of light, leaving him alone in the cold caverns once again.

As the familiar landscape of the park appeared around her, Serena slowly slid to her knees, hot tears pouring down her face. "Don't make me decide this... please don't leave this to me!" Serena sobbed as she curled into a tight little ball, oblivious to the world around her. "Mother..."

Muttering angrily, Raye continued to pace furiously back and forth in her small room, her eyes darting back and forth between Darien, lying unconscious on her bed, Reenie, petting Artemis from the safety of Mina's lap, and the clock that rested beside the others. "I don't like this. She's been gone for over an hour!" the scout of Mars grumbled, wearing her floor boards thin.

"They do have a lot to catch up on," Luna pointed out as she nervously cleaned her paws, as anxious as the others but trying to hide it.

"Well why does Serena remember Lucent when we don't?" Lita asked, amusing herself by glancing idly through another magazine, not really seeing the glossy pictures or pointless articles.

Sighing, Luna dropped her head in defeat. "For the hundredth time, Lita, I don't know!" she growled. "Why don't you girls pester Artemis with these questions?!"

"Because Artemis never knows what he's talking about!" Mina laughed as she gently swatted the white feline.

"Hey, I resemble that remark!" Artemis growled in response as he smacked the blonde with his tail.

Giggling softly, Amy quickly shook her head. "Artemis, I think that you meant 'resent' not 'resemble'!"

"Oh great!" Reenie groaned dramatically as she lifted a small hand to her forehead, her sadness and worry temporarily forgotten. "Mina's way with words is catching!!"

"Hey, I--"

"Serena!" Darien called out suddenly, surprising them all as he quickly sat up from the bed, his black hair tousled as his dark eyes danced around the room, searching frantically for a face that wasn't there. "Serena needs me!" he cried out as another wave of intense emotions carried through their link, causing him to transform into Tuxedo Mask without thought and dart from the room.

And then, mere moments after he had felt Serena's need, Tuxedo Mask was in the park and crouching beside Serena. "Shh Serena, I'm here," he murmured as he quickly drew his love into his arms, sheltering her from the world as he rocked her back and forth as her sobs slowly stilled until only her soft breathing could be heard.

"She cried herself to sleep?" Sailor Venus asked slowly, meeting Tuxedo Mask's surprised blue eyes.

"You followed me?" Tuxedo Mask asked as he slowly climbed to his feet, Serena cradled in his arms as he saw some of the senshi gathered around him.

"Not that you made it easy for us," Jupiter wheezed as she tried to catch her breath.


"Mercury and Artemis took Reenie back to Serena's house," Sailor Mars cut in, watching in confusion as Tuxedo Mask slowly began walking away, Serena still held lovingly in his arms. "Hey, where are you going?"

"I'm taking Serena back to my place," Tuxedo Mask called over his shoulder as he disappeared into the hot sunshine. "She needs some place quiet to rest..."

Sighing, Luna slowly dropped her head and stared morosely at the ground. "And her house isn't quiet?" she meowed, the closest thing to a grumble that she could manage at the moment.

"Poor Serena," Venus murmured as she scooped the sulking cat into her arms. "She really looked as though she was put through the wringer."

"Yeah, I haven't seen her this bad since Darien broke up with her a couple years back!" Jupiter added as the three scouts began heading back to the temple, feline in hand as they detransformed.

Shaking her head, Raye trailed behind her friends, her dark eyes flashing with a fiery anger. "Not MY idea of a father figure," she grumbled quietly as she and the others left the park once again, quiet and empty under the hot afternoon sun.

Ever so gently, Darien lowered Serena onto his soft couch, her slim frame all but hidden amongst his shadowed apartment. Sighing, he slowly knelt beside her and gently stroked her soft cheek. "Serena, I don't know what happened to you today," he murmured lovingly, "but you're safe now and I'll never let anything bad happen to you. I love you."

The End