Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Eternal Serenity Series ❯ Shattered Dreams ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"Eternal Serenity: Shattered Dreams"
by Lisette
Please send all comments/criticisms to:

Disclaimers: The characters within all belong to Naoko Takeuchi, DIC, Toei Animation and whoever else has rights to them. I own nothing but the story idea found within.

Author's Babble: Please feel free to check out any of my other fics at Also, any comments/criticisms would be greatly appreciated at the e-mail address listed above. Also, a HUGE thank to you to the Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon website. One huge segment of this fic could not have been written if it wasn't for their descriptions of the episodes that I don't have access to.

Rated: PG-13

"Eternal Serenity: Shattered Dreams"

As her friends gathered around, Serena knew that it was time to tell them of Alden's plan. Sighing, Serena allowed her eyes to wander around Darien's quiet living room, the dying rays of the bright sun the only illumination in the dark room. They had allowed her to try and sleep it off for a scant two hours before her friends came pounding on Darien's door, Reenie and their feline guardians in tow as they demanded to know what had happened. And now, with Reenie on her lap on the couch with Darien sitting close beside her, they wanted to know what had caused her to become an emotional wreck.

"Well Meatball Head, what happened?" Raye demanded as Mina elbowed her sharply in the side.

"If he hurt you, I'll..."

"No Lita, Alden would never hurt me!" Serena quickly interrupted, tears coming to her eyes.

"Serena, where'd you go?" Reenie asked quietly as she tugged on the older girl's pink shirt.

"We... we went to Beryl's hideout in the North Pole," Serena admitted timidly as Darien's arm tightened automatically around her slim waist, memories of what happened there still too painfully recent.

"WHAT?!?" was the general consensus as everyone stared at Serena in shock and horror. Now it was no wonder that their leader had been in the state that she was. They had all died there, Serena witness to it all, and in the end had been forced to face her worst nightmare alone, they in attendance only in spirit.

"Why in the name of the Moon would Lucent take you there? What happened to him?" Luna screeched as she quickly rubbed against her ward's leg, angry with Lucent for his insensitivity even as she realized that the man wouldn't know of what happened there.

Sighing irritably, Serena quickly waved away their concern. "Beryl imprisoned him in a crystal casing... he only got out a couple months ago," Serena said stubbornly in his defense.

Annoyed, Raye quickly crossed her arms over her chest. "Well if Lucent is such a great guy then why were you bawling and he stealing energy?" she bit out harshly, taking out her anger in her usual way. Instantly, though, she regretted her words as tears came to Serena's eyes once again.

"Alden found a spell in Beryl's things..." Serena began as she slowly outlined Alden's plan, keeping her voice noncommittal and her words unbiased. Right away she understood the importance of hearing everyone's own opinion of this, without her influence, as she added everything from Alden's insistence that it would be two days worth of fatigue in exchange for their kingdom and the life of Queen Serenity to her fears of using the silver crystal for that purpose.

When Serena had finished, the group slowly sat back and pondered her words. "Wow, that's heavy," Mina murmured as she absently stroked Artemis' white fur.

Wiping away her tears, Serena quickly nodded her head. "Alden said that we're to meet him in one week at the lake in the park with our decision... what do you guys think?"

Instantly the room fell silent as the group weighed the options. Finally, Raye broke the silence as she shook her head curtly. "No. Absolutely not," she declared, her eyes flashing. "That would be wrong."

"But Raye, it wouldn't hurt them," Mina broke in uncertainly. "I mean... wouldn't it be more wrong of us not to do it?"

"Mina's got a point," Lita agreed quietly as she twisted her hands in her lap. "The moon and everyone living there would be back... maybe even our families. We failed them before.. isn't this a chance to make up for that?"

Biting back her tears, Serena quickly nodded her head. Turning, she saw that Darien was silent, lost in thought as Luna and Artemis quietly discussed the idea in a corner. And then there was Amy, quiet up to this point as she obviously debated something. Her blue eyes were filled with sadness and she kept opening her mouth, as if to say something, before quickly shaking her head and returning to her thinking. "What is it, Amy?" Serena asked, her voice gentle as she smiled at her quiet friend.

"A little girl died yesterday in the attack!" Amy quickly blurted out before she changed her mind, grateful for the chance to get it out.


Shaking away her sorrow, Amy focused on the facts that her mother had given her just a short while ago. "The little girl's energy had been drained like the rest, but somehow she stumbled away and collapsed in the middle of a street... she was hit by a car," she murmured as a shocked hush fell over the room.

"No," Raye finally murmured, breaking the silence as she stared into Serena's bright eyes. "While the energy drain itself doesn't hurt people, it's what happens immediately following that does," she stated firmly. "If this is what happened in one little piece of the world, imagine the consequences when the whole world is affected!"

"The pilots of airplanes..." Lita murmured hoarsely as her hand clenched tightly into a fist, thinking of her own parents.

"People driving cars..." Darien added hollowly, his parents occupying his thoughts as well.

"The doctors and their patients," Amy whispered, thinking of the critically injured people around the world who would be left unattended.

"All the families cooking..." Reenie started quietly.

"...and the fires when its left unattended," Serena finished as she hugged the little girl gently.

"All the people shopping..." Mina murmured as she nodded her head slowly.

"SHOPPING?! MINA!!" the group cried out in amazement.

"Well, think of all the shopping deals that would be missed while they're out cold," Mina shrugged as the group groaned collectively at her way of thinking. "Hehe... just kidding?" she asked meekly.

Glaring at his ward, Artemis quickly shook his head. "What Mina was trying to say was... sorry gang, but we can't do it," he stated firmly, looking from girl to girl. "Whether it be from anyone driving anything or whatever, millions of people could die."

Sighing, the group slowly nodded their heads in agreement, knowing that it never could be done no matter how badly they wanted it. Shaking her head, Luna slowly lay down on the softly carpeted floor. "But it would have been so nice to have Queen Serenity back," she murmured wistfully, not noticing as Serena turned her head away, hiding her face as hot tears burned in her eyes, the new moon shining softly down upon her.


"Even though I would want nothing more than to bring you back to me, Mother, that's why I can't," Serena explained softly as she stared up at the bright moon, tears trailing down her soft cheeks. "I miss you and love you so very much, but we can't sacrifice so many innocent lives... even to save yours..."

It had been six days since Alden had told of his plan, a week since Reenie had reappeared in their lives, and tomorrow was the day -- the day that Serena would have to convince Alden that his plan was wrong and seal her mother's fate for eternity. "I'm so sorry, Mother," Serena gasped as the tears poured down her cheeks, blurring her view of the bright moon.

"Serena, what's wrong?"

Gasping, Serena quickly turned around in surprise, scrubbing her tears away as she saw her mom standing in the darkened doorway behind her, her robe tied loosely around her thin frame. "Oh, nothing Mom," she quickly lied as she turned away from her open window and scooted back until she was once more lying beside Reenie.

Shaking her head, Mrs. Tsukino shuffled quietly into the room and gently sat beside her daughter. "I'm just surprised that your crying hasn't woken your cousin yet.. or your cat," she whispered with a small laugh as she pointed to the black cat that was being strangled in between Reenie's small arms, fast asleep in the clutches of death.

Smiling, Serena quickly shook her head. "I love you, Mom," she whispered as she sat up and hugged the older woman tightly before kissing her lightly on the cheek.

"What was that for?" Ilene asked in surprise as her daughter settled once more on her bed, gently fingering her cheek.

"Sometimes I don't think that kids tell their parents how much they love them quite enough," Serena whispered in reply as her eyes sparkled with unshed tears.

"But we always know," Ilene replied, a motherly smile on her face as she adjusted her daughter's blankets and reached down, kissing her gently on her smooth forehead. "Now get some sleep," she ordered as she slowly slipped from the room.

"Thank you, Mom," Serena whispered softly, a small tear trailing down her cheek as she snuggled into her blankets, drawing Reenie's small body into her arms. "I love you both..."

"Serena, come on!" Reenie's voice called out, echoing in the empty house. "The others will be waiting!!"

"Coming Reenie," Serena mumbled absently as she stared at the telephone, deciding what to do. Sunset was coming fast and Serena knew that they needed to get to the park... but she also knew that perhaps something else was needed first. The friends had spent the day trying to relax and not think about the fact that millions of lives rested in the balance while Luna and Artemis spent the day at the lake, just waiting around in case anything happened.... and now the time was near. Reenie and Serena had to hurry to the park to meet with the others.. but Serena had a bad feeling.

By unspoken agreement the girls had decided not to call in the outer scouts, remembering that at this point Reenie was still unaware of their presence, thinking that their might wouldn't be needed. At the time, Serena had agreed... now she wasn't so sure.


"I'm COMING!!" Serena yelled back as she quickly picked up the handset of the phone and dialed a number that she knew by heart.


"Haruka?" she asked quickly as she made sure that no one was nearby. "It's Serena."

"Hi Ser--"

"I need you, Michiru, and Setsuna to meet me and the scouts at the lake in the park in a few minutes," she quickly interrupted, glancing around nervously.

"Trouble?" the voice asked quickly.

"There might be, but listen, you must come as Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto and cannot use your real names," Serena quickly instructed.

"What? Why not?"

"No time. Reenie's going to be there but don't acknowledge her -- act like you don't even know her."


"You'll understand when you see her. Bye!" Serena interrupted, slamming down the phone after the last word and bolting from the house. As she ran down the front step she quickly grabbed Reenie's hand and began dragging her behind.

Panting and out of breath, Serena and Reenie slowly jogged up to their friends, just inside the entrance to the part of the lake that was their destination.

"Cutting it a little short, aren't we Meatball Head?" Raye called out angrily, her hands planted on her hips.

"I... had.. something I... had to do!" Serena gasped as she sagged against Darien, grateful for his strong arms.

"No time for chitchat, girls transform!" Luna ordered as she and Artemis joined the little circle. Nodding, the girls quickly did as ordered as they raised their transformation pens, crystal, and rose into the air, feeling that familiar rush of adrenaline.

"Moon cosmic power!"
"Mars crystal power!"
"Mercury crystal power!"
"Jupiter crystal power!"
"Venus crystal power!"

As the power cascaded over them and then slowly disappeared, the sailor scouts and Tuxedo Mask stood in their places. Instantly Reenie darted between Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask, taking a warm gloved hand in each of hers.

And then the stillness of the park was broken once again as two new scouts jumped down from their perch in the trees. "Sailor Moon, scouts," they acknowledged, the dying sun glinting off of the shiny blonde and blue-green head.

"Sailor Uranus, Neptune," Sailor Moon murmured as she nodded at the older scouts. "Thank you for coming so quickly," she added, aware of the surprised eyes of the Inner Scouts upon her.

"We could hardly pass up your intriguing request," Sailor Neptune replied as she brushed a wave of blue-green hair over her shoulder, her eyes coolly sweeping over the small pink-haired girl, undoubtedly Reenie at a younger age.

Nodding, Sailor Moon slowly glanced around the quiet park, long since abandoned by the citizens of Tokyo after the strange attacks that had occurred during the last week and quickly turned back to the outer scouts. "Where's Sailor Pluto?" she asked, her voice growing tight.

"Puu?" Reenie asked in surprise as she squeezed her future parents' gloved hands. "Puu's here?"

Ignoring the child, Sailor Uranus quickly shrugged her shoulders, tossing her short blond hair out of her eyes. "We couldn't find her."

"I see," Sailor Moon said quietly as she pulled away from Reenie and Tuxedo Mask, the cold knot in her stomach slowly tightening. "In that case... Crisis make-up!" she called out as the flash of lights covered her slim form, transforming her instantly into the next stage up: Super Sailor Moon.

Surprised, Luna slowly shook her head as Super Sailor Moon lowered her arms and looked down at her guardian. "Was that really necessary?" Luna asked quietly, her dark eyes filled with worry.

"I sure hope not, Luna," Sailor Moon murmured as a flash of light appeared behind her. Turning quickly, her bright eyes focused on her old friend as a small smile came to her lips.

"Serena, you're in a more powerful form now," he murmured, smiling warmly at the young woman that he loved as his own.

"Yes Alden, I'm known as Super Sailor Moon now," she acknowledged as she moved away from the others and stood before the tall man, her back to her friends.

Nodding, Alden slowly looked away from her bright blue eyes and focused on the others. As if on some cue, the rest had spread out in a straight line a few feet behind Serena... Super Sailor Moon, giving them a respectable distance. Behind her and to her right stood Prince Endymion, now Tuxedo Mask, Luna, Sailor Mars, Sailor Venus, and... Sailor Neptune? Blinking his eyes, Alden quickly shook his head. Turning, he saw that a short, pink-haired girl stood behind and to Super Sailor Moon's left, directly to the left of Tuxedo Mask, with Artemis, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Mercury, and... Sailor Uranus standing beside her.


U Me J A R T L Ma V N

"The outer scouts..."

"Are alive and with us, for the most part," Sailor Moon replied with a small smile as she took Alden's hand in her own.

Sighing, Alden slowly looked up and at the dying light of the sun, anxiously awaiting the moon's rays to appear as a peaceful smile appeared on his face. "Soon... soon the moon will be ours once again and Queen Serenity will be reunited with her daughter," he said, smiling down at the beautiful warrior, mistaking her more powerful form for an acceptance to his plan.

"No she won't," Sailor Moon whispered sadly as tears burned in her eyes. "Queen Serenity, my mother, died long ago and will never come back."

"But... but I told you that together we could bring her back!" Alden protested, hating to see the young woman cry as he drew her close into a fatherly embrace.

"Alden, a little girl died the other day as a direct result of the draining," she whispered, her cheek resting against the soft white material of his uniform. "An innocent little girl..."

"What?" Alden asked in shock as he pulled away, his hands tightly gripping her bare shoulders as his gray eyes frantically searched hers for deceit. But even as he began, Alden knew that her large blue eyes would never lie. "But how is that possible? It should have weakened her, not..."

"Yes, it weakened her enough that she stumbled into a road and was hit by a car," Sailor Moon explained sadly. "Alden, we can't do this to the world! People will fall asleep behind the wheels of their cars... there will be car accidents, plane crashes, drownings, people falling down stairs, people in need of medical attention and left unattended," she cried out, tears burning her eyes. "There will be countless injuries and millions could die!" Serena argued as she pleaded with her eyes. "Alden, I would want nothing more than to have our kingdom back -- to have my mother back," she sobbed, the tears coursing down her cheeks as everyone fully realized just how hard this decision had been for her, "but it can't be done at the cost of so many lives.. my mother, Queen Serenity would never forgive us when she learned that her life had cost the lives of so many others - I'd never forgive myself," she admitted as she squeezed his hand, his face an unreadable mask. "Please don't let her sacrifice from so long ago be in vain," she pleaded, her voice the only sound to be heard in the quiet park. "Don't you see how happy we are here? We're all alive and have wonderful lives here on Earth. The scouts are still here and we still fight to protect the innocents! You could be a part of that life with us! Alden, you could be a part of our lives again," she whispered with a small, hopeful smile. "My love for Darien lives on, shining brighter than any star, and some day we're going to be married and have a child... I want you to be there with my parents to welcome her into this world! You.. you've always been like a father to me... I want you to be a grandfather to her," Sailor Moon pleaded, her eyes like liquid pools of love as Alden slowly closed his eyes and sighed deeply.

His little princess had poured her heart out to him, speaking her every thought, dream, hope and desire aloud to the world. And now she awaited his decision. The incantation that would bring about her deepest desires had already been spoken. The only thing that was needed now was for someone to act as the catalyst, to instigate the draining of the world that would power the ancient magic. While he knew that his Serenity now would never use the crystal, he could still end this, if he so chose, an act that would kill him before the energy had even begun to drain. His Serenity had taken the decision away from her and placed it in his lap -- it was now his decision. Opening his eyes, Alden felt tears burn him as he pulled the child into his arms and squeezed her tightly. He would do anything for her - anything. "You need your mother, and your child will need her grandmother more than either of you will ever need me," he whispered quickly, his lips brushing against the golden tiara that hid her crescent mark before he shoved her away from him with all of his might.

As Super Sailor Moon flew back, landing roughly on the hard grass, Tuxedo Mask, Reenie, and the two guardians quickly swarmed around her. "Alden, NO!!" she screamed as she tried to struggle forward, only to be held back by Tuxedo Mask. "NO!!" she screamed again as he raised his hands above his head and began the drain, even as the scouts quickly called out their strongest attacks in an act of desperation.

"Uranus world shaking rumble!"
"Mercury aqua rhapsody shine!"
"Jupiter oak evolution!"
"Mars flame sniper!"
"Venus love chain encircle!"
"Neptune deep submerge attack!"

But even as Super Sailor Moon cried out in horror, the attacks seemed to get absorbed harmlessly into a field that surrounded Lucent. "Alden!" she screamed as the man tumbled weakly to his knees, his eyes becoming glassy even as dark clouds swarmed over the Earth, blocking out both the sun's warming rays and the moon's bright light and shrouding the planet in darkness. "ALDEN!!" she screamed as she quickly grasped her crystal in both hands. "Moon eternal make up!" she cried out as the bright light of the crystal pierced the gloom, tossing Tuxedo Mask, Reenie, and the cats aside and freeing Eternal Sailor Moon. Instantly she was on her feet and pushing through whatever field restrained the others, cradling Alden's head in her lap.

As darkness began to steal over his vision, Alden looked up into the eyes of an angel. Reaching up, he weakly brushed her tears away. "I'm sorry, my little princess... but I did this for you..."

"I know," Eternal Sailor Moon whispered as she bent over and kissed his forehead gently.

"I love you..."

"And I you, Alden... rest well with my mother," she whispered as the light left his eyes and as he slipped into darkness -- into death. As the tears slipped down her pale cheeks, Eternal Sailor Moon watched as her friends stepped forward and formed a half circle around her and Alden.

"It's started," Sailor Mercury murmured as she scanned the dark skies with her visor.

"What's started?" Sailor Neptune quickly asked as she tore her eyes away from the dead man that their leader was lovingly laying on the ground, her heart going out to the girl.

"Wasn't that Lucent?" Sailor Uranus added, her dark and cold eyes narrowed as she searched the drawn faces of the other scouts. "What's going on?"

"No time," Tuxedo Mask responded just as quickly as Reenie slipped her small hand into his, her eyes worriedly probing his.

"What are we going to do?" Sailor Jupiter cut in, feeling the need to do something!

"What can we do?" Sailor Mars snapped in response.

"Millions will die..." Sailor Venus whispered, her eyes growing large.

Suddenly, Eternal Sailor Moon looked up from Alden's still face as she slowly climbed to her feet before her friends. "The silver crystal can stop this," she murmured as she looked down at the small compact that she held in her hand, none having seen her take it out.

Instantly Sailor Mercury began doing calculations as the scouts paled, all knowing how dangerous the idea was. Sighing, Mercury quickly shook her head. "It would take too much energy -- you would die," she whispered, discarding that idea as she began racking her brain for another.

"But you said that if she didn't do it then millions would die," Uranus interrupted quietly as she shot Tuxedo Mask a sidelong glance, watching as his face grew pale as he glanced down at the younger Reenie.

"I'll help you, Mommy," Reenie whispered quietly as she felt her Daddy tighten his grip on her hand. "I used the crystal to help you fight the Wise Man," she said, her voice growing stronger as she looked into Sailor Moon's bright blue eyes.... Eternal Sailor Moon now. "I can help you power the crystal," she offered with a bright smile, finally understanding why Puu had wanted her to go back, how she could help.

At Reenie's offer, Sailor Moon felt a well of cold fear fill her body. Forcing her eyes away from the little girl's earnest red eyes, she slowly looked at her wise friend, remembering her words too well even as Mercury mouthed: Too much. "So," Sailor Moon murmured as she looked at her friends with sad, sad eyes. "I have three options... I can either do nothing and let millions die, or use the crystal and die as a result, or let Reenie help give energy to the crystal which will mean her death..."

As a bleak silence fell over the group, Venus quickly shook her head, her blonde hair swirling around her. "These options suck!" she muttered angrily as she kicked at the ground.

"Sailor Moon... Mommy... if you die now then I'll never be born.. I'd die anyway," Reenie spoke up quietly, tears in her large eyes as she left the semi-circle and stood before her future mother, pointedly ignoring Lucent's body as she took her gloved hand and squeezed it tightly. "Let me help you so that I can have a chance at life," she pleaded solemnly, watching as Sailor Moon's eyes filled with tears.

"These options REALLY suck!!!" Sailor Venus interrupted, her own eyes filling with tears.

Choking back a sob, Sailor Moon quickly shook her head as the tears poured down her cheeks. She couldn't let millions of people die, but if she used the crystal alone then Reenie would never be born--she'd be killing her daughter... but if Reenie helped then she would die now! But she couldn't let all of those people die, even if it meant Reenie and her mother's life. But there had to be some other option she was missing!! Letting millions die wasn't even a possibility, but the other two options spelled Reenie's death anyway that you looked at it... but Reenie had to survive this to age and start visiting them two years ago. Groaning, she quickly shook her head and looked away from Reenie's pleading eyes and into Darien's, not surprised to see them filled with tears--after all, it was their future that she was forced to decide. There had to be another... I love you so much Serena... just like my mother... I have always wished that things could have been different and that you could have been her... In an instant she felt everything become clear as her tears dried and her expression became serene. "Reenie will be born and I will die," she stated firmly as she lost herself in Darien's blue eyes, her Tuxedo Mask. Turning away, she regarded each of her friends in turn. "I never could have made a different choice -- if Neo-Queen Serenity really is me and she was faced with this decision, then her choice would be no different," she murmured as she slowly turned her eyes back to Reenie. "But that's the thing -- she was NEVER faced with this decision," she murmured as she slowly raised her hand and encased the little girl in a crystal with her powers, safe from harm.

Instantly, Reenie began pounding her tiny fists on the smooth crystal wall, her cries lost to the world.

Smiling through a fresh wave of tears, Eternal Sailor Moon... Serena, placed a slender, gloved hand on the faceted surface. "I wish that I could have been her as well... and I suppose that in a way I am," she murmured as she turned away and back towards the others.

If the situation hadn't been so grave, Serena would have laughed at the looks on the faces of her friends, frozen in place by confusion and surprise. Smiling softly she turned and regarded each in turn. "Sailor Neptune... Michiru..."

Shaking her head slowly, Serena looked back and forth between Michiru and Haruka. "It might be ok for the people who are stepping on others. But what about those who are getting stepped on? Don't you have to think about those who are being sacrificed? I can't watch others being unhappy, even if I'm saved. Even if I can't do it myself, if people work together, there must be a way to do things without sacrificing anybody."

Surprised at the girls words, Michiru slowly nodded her head. "Serena, you're such a nice girl." -- Sailor Moon S, Episode #102, "Ubawareta pure na kokoro. Usagi zettai zetsumei."

"... Sailor Venus... Mina..."

Shaking her head in disbelief, Serena slowly looked in amazement at the blonde who stood before her, the scouts finally all together. "I'm so happy. The Sailor V that I've been dreaming about is here in front of me."

Grinning, Sailor Venus quickly shook her head. "The one and only!" -- Sailor Moon, Episode #34, "Hikari kagayaku ginzuishou! Tsukino princess toujou"

"... Sailor Mars... Raye..."

Sighing, Raye looked morosely over the beautiful fountain. "Serena, what's your dream for the future?"

Sitting beside her friend, Serena slowly shook her head. "I haven't really thought about it," she admitted quietly as she stared at her friend in confusion. It wasn't everyday that she shared a conversation such as this one with her fiery friend.

"I want to be a singer or a song writer, a model, a wonderful priestess, and then..." she trailed off as her cheeks stained pink.

"And then?"

Quickly, Raye hit Serena on the back. "Well, the wife of someone I love! Serena, you're going to marry Darien some day, right?"

Now it was Serena's turn to blush. "That's embarrassing!" she laughed nervously.

"With your kind of test scores, it's embarrassing for Darien, too!" she laughed, her smile quickly fading as she saw Serena's hurt expression. "Well, studying isn't everything. Stay cheerful Serena; that's the most important thing." -- Sailor Moon S, Episode #90, "Chikyuu houkai no yokan? Nazono shinsenshi shutsugen"

"... Luna..."

Holding back her tears, Luna quickly left the house and walked down the stairs. Suddenly, she stopped to find Serena waiting for her. "Serena," she whispered weakly.

"Luna," Serena managed to whisper back, "is he the man you.."

Holding back another sob, Luna slowly nodded her head. "Kakeru is a fool! He shouldn't hide his illness from Himeko... he loves her so much," Luna said as tears burned her eyes. "Serena, to tell you the truth, this even more foolish cat thought maybe there was something between us. But there could never be..." she trailed off as Serena became teary-eyed as well. And then, Luna couldn't hold her tears at bay as she quickly began to cry. "I wish I were human. If I were, I would be able to be with him and I'd be able to tell him my feelings so at least I wouldn't suffer like this!"

Choking back her own sob, Serena quickly bent down and hugged her as they cried together. -- Sailor Moon S, The Movie

"... Tuxedo Mask... my Darien and prince..."

"I love you, Serena Tsukino... my meatball head," he murmured, his eyes never leaving hers.

"And I you, Darien Chiba... my muffin," she responded as she lazily wrapped her slender arms around his neck.

"No matter what happens here our love will never change," Darien vowed... -- "Eternal Serenity: Forgotten Memories"

"... Artemis..."

Turning, Luna slowly walked away when a familiar white cat stopped before her. Looking up guiltily into Artemis's bright eyes, she quickly looked down once again.

"Welcome back, Luna!" he said cheerfully, the warmth radiating from his voice.

Surprised, Luna glanced up once again as she blushed slightly. "Artemis.. why are you..."

"I've always been by your side!" he answered quickly, a small smile on his furry lips.

Shaking her head, Luna quickly began to cry. "Artemis!" she said as she ran up to him.

Smiling softly, Serena watched all of this from behind, a pleased smile on her lips as someone put a soft hand on her shoulder. Turning, she looked up into Darien's loving eyes. "Darien," she whispered, looking up at him briefly before they both turned to watch, holding hands as Luna and Artemis snuggled together, together at last. -- Sailor Moon S, The Movie

"... Sailor Jupiter... Lita..."

Trying to keep from drooling all over herself, Serena stared eagerly at the new girl's lunch. "Wow, that looks delicious!"

Surprised, Lita slowly looked the girl over. "Aren't you afraid of me?" she asked in confusion, trying to hide her hurt.

Now it was Serena's turn to be surprised as she slowly looked at the new girl. "Huh, why?"

Smiling, Lita quickly offered the girl some of her food and then watched in amazement as the small girl finished the food in a hurry.

"Hey, thanks!" Serena laughed, happy to find someone so willing to share such great food. -- Sailor Moon, Episode #25, "Koisuru kairiki shoujo, Jupiter-chan"

"... Sailor Mercury... Amy..."

Struggling, Sailor Moon quickly got back up as her eyes filled with tears. "I don't believe that you'll hurt us. I believe in you," she murmured as Mercury prepared to attack.

But then Sailor Moon's words rang through her mind and she quickly turned on the droid. "It's you who I must destroy!" she cried out as she powered up. "Shine aqua illusion!" she yelled out as the droid staggered under the attack. "My friends mean to much to me for your tricks to work!" she yelled, causing a proud smile to lift Sailor Moon's features as she finished the droid off. -- Sailor Moon R, Episode #27, "Ami-chan he no koi!? Mirai yochi no shounen"

"... Sailor Uranus... Haruka..."

"Uranus world shaking rumble!" Sailor Uranus called out as Sailor Moon jumped out of the way, landing behind the scout. Turning, Uranus quickly began punching and kicking at her, but she missed on all sides. And then, as Sailor Neptune came up and grabbed Sailor Moon from behind, Uranus quickly started running at her when the silver crystal activated, knocking Neptune back and crashing the outer scouts into one another.

Smiling softly, the two scouts kneeled before Sailor Moon. "I'm happy to see that you're finally showing your true power," Neptune murmured quietly.

"Yes, we've found the true Messiah and have saved the world," Sailor Uranus added as she smiled at the scout. -- Sailor Moon S, Episode #126, "Atarashiki Inochi! Unmei no Hoshiboshi Wakare no Toki"

"... I love you all so much," Sailor Moon murmured as her tears blinded her. "I'm sorry Mother," she whispered as the crystal appeared between her hands. "Cosmic moon power!!" she cried out, triggering a series of events as she was changed into Princess Serenity in a flash of blinding light, floating high above Reenie's crystal prison as Tuxedo Mask was transformed into Prince Endymion in turn, floating up until he was standing directly behind his love, his head at the perfect height above hers as his arms stretched out on either side of her, helping to hold the crystal as he willingly gave his energy to her--the perfect fit for one another, like two pieces of a puzzle coming together to form a whole.

"Come on!! If she's going to do this then we have to help her all that we can!" Sailor Mars cried out urgently, snapping them out of their shocked stupor as the scouts quickly closed the circle around Reenie's prison, their eyes locked on the couple floating high above.


"Mars planet power!
"Jupiter planet power!"
"Mercury planet power!"
"Uranus planet power!"
"Neptune planet power!"
"Venus planet power!"

As their energy poured forth, the colors quickly combined and coalesced into one as they flew into the princess's form, feeding the powerful crystal. But soon, the scouts could give no more as exhaustion kicked in and as they staggered to their knees, falling one by one.. first Mercury, and then Venus, and then Mars, followed by Jupiter, and then Neptune, followed closely by Uranus. Soon after, Prince Endymion could give no more either as he fell silent and clutched at his love, feeling the crystal's strength run dry even as Serenity began to pour her own strength into the crystal, working to stop the powerful spell that had been cast, working to undo the evil that had been done in the name of love. But soon, too soon it seemed, Princess Serenity's own strength began to ebb as she and her prince began to slowly lower to the ground. But unlike the others, she couldn't stop giving as the crystal drained her and as the glow surrounding her began to fade.

And then, as the darkness surrounding the Earth began to lift, leaving the puzzled populous behind, Serenity and Endymion settled on the soft grass, the young princess's soft head cradled in his lap even as Reenie's crystal prison melted away. "Serena!" Darien whispered quickly, ignoring their forgotten names of the past.

Sighing, Serena weakly opened her eyes, fluttering them against the bright moonlight. "Darien, my love..." she whispered, feeling Death's cold hand draw her near as she weakly tried to lift her hand to brush it against his soft cheek, unable to even do that as it fell away.

Blinking back his tears, Darien quickly snatched her soft hand in his and brought it to his lips, kissing it tenderly.

Smiling weakly, Serena felt her heart break at the thought of leaving him as she knew she must. "... never forget your promise to me... never stop looking for me..." she murmured as she fought against the darkness -- forever fighting. "... when our locket, the symbol of our love, stops playing... only then will all hope be lost... find me again in life and not in death......." she whispered as her eyes pleaded with Darien, filled with so much love and warmth.

"I'll find you again," Darien vowed as Serena's eyes slid shut for the last time, her body going limp in his strong arms. "Serena," he whispered, a solitary tear trailing down his cheek. "Nnnnnnoooooooooo!!" he suddenly roared as he tipped his head back and screamed at the dark night sky. And up above, the moon shone gently down, caressing her silent child with her loving light as she welcomed her into her arms once again, shining for all of eternity.

The End... for now