Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Ghost Rider Rei ❯ The Ghost Rider lives on! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Part 2

2 days had passed and no one had come to claim the strange motorcycle, not even the police. Rei had checked on the bike every morning and every evening since. In that short time she had asked the race car champion Haruka about passing a motorbike test, the racer was surprised but simply helped her with the details.

Today she decided to show the bike to the other girls.
"Wow Rei-chan it's beautiful!" Minako exclaimed, eyeing the sleek machine appraisingly. Rei leaned against the bike with a huge grin on her face, surprising, as such material goods never used to mean anything to her.
"It looks brand new! Whoever left it must be crazy!" said Makoto, also looking over the bike until she noticed something.

"What's that weird symbol thingy on the gas cap?" she inquired pointing. Rei looked and saw for the first time since she found it that there was some sort of emblem burned into the gas cap, she must have missed it because it was so dark in the shed even in the morning.
"So you're just going to keep it? Just like that?" Ami asked, changing the subject. Rei simply shrugged.
"Why shouldn't I, fingers keepers and all that. Right Usagi-chan?" she said directing her attention to the blond.

But the Moon Princess had not heard her, she kept her gaze on the black bike, a pensive look dawned her face. She looked disturbed somehow.
"Usagi-chan? Are you okay?" Rei asked, touching her arm lightly. Usagi just wrapped her arms around herself as if she was cold and grimaced slightly.
"It's creepy" she muttered, rubbing her arm slightly. The girls looked on worried but had no time to inquire about their princess's worry as they were interrupted.

"Ah I see it's already arrived!" an old, raspy voice said behind them. Rei froze in horror when she realized it was her Grandpa, who must likely snuck up on them thanks to years of martial arts training. She had kept the bike a secret from him, knowing full well how he would react. She nervously turned to face the music but was surprised to see that the old little man was smiling, holding some papers in his hand.

"I just got these papers from your father, nice to know he still remembers you even though the idea of a motorcycle for a gift is quite inappropriate. Still its' the thought that counts" he rambled on, waving the papers about with Rei's fathers signature stamp. Rei just stared, absorbing the information and thinking rapidly at the same time. Her father sent it to her? But why? Why a bike and why now? It was all rather confusing.
"It's all paid form and insured. All the documents are here stating you as the owner..once you passed a test of course..and buy a helmet!! I don't need you spilling your brains on the stairs. He also sent you this" he finished, giving his granddaughter a brown envelope before walking off, mumbling something about biker gangs or something like that.

After a few moments of stunned silence Rei ripped open the envelope and pulled out the letter. All it said was-
Forgive me for sealing your fate with my death. This path will lead you to fire and brimstone'

Rei reread the letter over and over again, trying to make sense of the words. She once again felt the feeling of someone walking over her grave.

That night she lay awake, staring up at the ceiling. That letter had chilled her to the bone, just thinking about it scared her. Suddenly sleeping in the dark became frightening again. Her father was dead, that letter was like his will in a way. She never did tell the others girls the contents of the letter. She turned her head and stared out of the small window, a clear view of the trees and of course the shed with her fathers last gift to her. Questions plagued her minds but she had no answers.

Meanwhile in the dark alleyways of Tokyo, a mugger was attacking a young woman. She desperately tried to save her bag and its contents but the mugger struck her with the butt of the gun he pulled out. The force of the blow cut her lip and blood fell onto the ground.

Rei's eyes widened as light poured out of the shed widow, so bright it was like sunlight. She stared in shock, before hastily getting up and quietly running outside with the key. She ran out into the cold night and fumbled with the padlock. She finally unlocked the shed and swung open the door and was bathed in a warm yellow light. The gas tap was the cause of the unnatural glow. She stared at the emblem, fascinated, yet deathly afraid.

Her trembling hand started to move, as if being controlled by her sheer curiosity. She fought to stop her self but her hand made contact with the gas tap. Her body was quickly engulfed by mystical fumes...which ignited into Hellfire, burning away her flesh and transforming her into..

Hino Rei was replaced by a figure in black and red leather. Red, high heeled boots, tight black leather pants and a black with red trim biker jacket. Hands adorned with spikes and chain gauntlets. A linked chain wrapped around the spiked shoulder. A flaming skull for a head. This was the personification of dark justice. The strange motorcycle was transformed also. It was a beast of a machine, with a flame motif bright against the shining black. The windshield replaced with a dragonhead that dominated the front. Hellfire wheels smoking.

The Ghost Rider mounted the motorcycle and revved it up, to the sound of a well-tuned engine. The bike took off away from the shrine, leaving a trail of fire behind. Alone on the dark streets, the Ghost Rider speeded down the roads, towards the scent of innocent blood.
"My long sleep has been interrupted by the spilling of innocent blood. My mission starts anew" her unearthly voice whispered, as if spoken from another world. She rode on.

The mugged woman lay still on the ground, in a dark pool of her own blood. She wasn't the first and as long as the mugger was free she wouldn't be the last. He started to run down the alleyway to escape but the roar of machinery stopped him in his tracks before the flaming skull of the Ghost Rider lighted up the dank alley!
"I am Ghost Rider, Spirit of Vengeance!" she cried as she skidded the bike to block the killers way.

The frightened killer blindly shot the entire contents of his gun at the demon biker, his bullets merely passing through the leather and bouncing of the bike with no effect. The Ghost Rider is not capable of experiencing fear, nor mercy as she reach for the chain.
With superhuman speed and strength she crack the chain at the terrified man, smashing his guns to pieces and breaking his jaw so he couldn't even scream his agony. The Ghost Rider wasted no time in wrapping the chain around his neck and pulling him close so he stared into dark, hollow sockets. He trembled and sweated like the pig he was as brimstone assaulted his nostrils.
"You end young lives so you may gain material wealth? You shall feel her pain and the pain of your other my Penance Stare" she promised and once hollow eyes were now sparkling with a yellow light that pierced the killers mind and he felt the mental anguish of all his victims over the years. Their suffering burned into his mind for the rest of his days. As the Ghost Rider mounted her bike and drove away, leaving him staring blankly on his back at the night sky, he wished she had killed him, so he could escape this suffering.

The Spirit of Vengeance left a fiery trail that stopped just short of the Temple as the demonic cycle parked in some nearby woods. The Ghost Rider stepped off and stared at her hands.
"I shall deal justice by my my hand?" as she spoke the words the leather gloves melted along with the rest of the Ghost Rider as Hino Rei stared baffled at her surroundings. Her mind blank and the chilling winds biting at her bare legs. Without a second thought she ran as fast as she could to the Temple and didn't stop until she reached her bed. She didn't sleep a wink.

The next morning Usagi padded down the stairs as she too could sleep, for some reason. She slipped onto the sofa and turned on the TV, searching for the cartoons until she froze at the news channel. Her eyes widened as she turned the volume up to listen to the reporter.
"In the early hours of this morning, a murdered woman and her mugger, known to the police were found in this alley. The murder weapon was found smashed next to the mugger who was described to be in a state of madness according to police. He was taken away by armed police and I could hear the words 'Ghost Rider'. Police at this time have refused to discuss on this but eye witnesses claimed they saw a 'biker with a flaming skull' riding along the main roads late last night"
Usagi pushed the mute button and simply stared at the TV.

Meanwhile in America a man walked out to his motorcycle and put out his cigar, blowing out the smoke slowly. Johnny Blaze started up his bike and headed towards the airport on his way to find...and kill Zarathos.